Using plastic is ultimately the best for your business. It offers many benefits backed by studies and research. It simply boils down to proper use and aggressive placements of recycling policies. Read on to learn the many benefits of using plastic packaging. This post will help you make the right decision of using plastic packaging in a sustainable and environment-friendly way.
1. Plastic packaging is safe.
Plastic is still primarily used today because it is the safest packaging option available for businesses. Its unique chemical make-up allows for seamless packing of goods without the need to worry about dangerous shards and toxins. You can be sure that all your packed items remain fresh and pristine if you opt for plastic packaging. You can expect that your goods and items will arrive safely to your customers.
2. Plastic packaging is durable.
Plastic packing does not easily break. It has long polymer chains that are hard to break and damage. Packed items that need to be protected and kept safe remain in pristine condition when protected by durable plastic. Shipping companies still choose plastic as their main form of packaging as it allows for smooth transport with no problem whatsoever when it comes to durability and reliability.
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3. Plastic packaging is hygienic.
Every food, pharmaceutical, and medical company still use plastic for their packaging because it is 100% hygienic. Plastic can secure that all items remain 100% safe and free from human intervention. Plastic packaging fully complies with European Union requirements on safety. Life-saving devices that need to remain clean and safe at all times before human contact is always placed in plastic packaging. In the manufacturing of creating plastic, companies will use antimicrobial masterbatch to control the build-up of bacteria on the surface of plastic products, resolving in a safer product.
Plastic jars with lids available throughout Australia are used by many businesses because they are ultra-hygienic and environment-friendly.
4. Plastic packaging is secure.
Plastic packaging is highly secure. With its unique design and transparency, customers can easily see if goods are still safe and in superior condition. Plastic packaging can have child-resistant closures and a tamper-evident design. If your goods are packed in plastic, you can be sure that it remains fresh and air-tight. You can also be secure that no other substances and additives can mix with your goods if you pack them with plastic. Plastic is water-resistant so your items can easily remain dry at all times.
5. Plastic packaging is customizable.
Plastic packaging is easily customizable. You’d have an easier time marketing your goods and services if you use plastic packaging. There are no limits when it comes to the design and color that you can place on plastic. You can go minimal or ultra grand on your design.
6. Plastic packaging is lightweight.
You will save on shipping costs if you use plastic packaging. You’d be able to ship more if you use plastic packaging because no additional weight will significantly be added. This is not the case with other packaging options that can be so heavy that shipping becomes extra costly. Your consumers will also have an easier time handling your goods if they are packed in plastic. Your goods will be very easy to lift and transfer from one place to another.
7. Plastic packaging is energy-efficient.
This is the case because less fuel is needed to transport lighter objects. Plastic is light-weight so you’d use less fuel in transporting it. You can always be proud that your business practice is always environment-friendly. A yogurt placed in glass weighs 85 grams. Such is too much if compared to yogurt placed in plastic that only weighs 5.5 grams. With plastic packaging, you’d get to ship more goods and save more on shipping costs.
8. Plastic packaging combats food waste.
Did you know that almost 50% food waste comes from households? This is something that can be easily prevented by using plastic packaging. Plastic makes it easy for everyone to combat food waste because everything is kept fresh for longer periods. You can be sure that less food is wasted because plastic packaging ensures that all stored goods are safe from contaminants. Plastic ensures that stored food remains safe for consumption for extended periods.
9. Plastic packaging allows for wise use of resources.
You can proudly claim that your business is environmentally-friendly if you use plastic packaging. Today’s plastic packaging is all engineered to be recyclable and reusable. If humans didn’t start using plastic before, there’s no imagining what resources we’d have used to pack goods and items in a safe and hygienic manner. Plastic is ultimately the most resource-friendly material in the market.
10. Plastic packaging has very low environmental impacts.
Plastic is not the problem. Oil and gas usage are. Plastics only account for 1.5% of oil and gas use. It is nothing compared to the massive amount of negative environmental impacts that the oil and gas industry contributes. With the plastic industry leading the way in pioneering for innovations and advanced recycling protocols, it can be safely said that it is here to stay.
11. Plastic packaging is highly recyclable.
Plastic is the easiest packaging material to recycle. Consumers can be taught to reuse and recycle any kind of plastic packaging. The world is now entering a new frontier where everything needs to be recyclable and environment-friendly. This is the case because the earth’s existence depends on it. Using plastic is the way to go if your business will adopt sustainable packaging solutions that zone in on reusing and recycling all kinds of packaging. Your consumers will love you for it.