Tag: Law firm branding

Legal Branding

How to List Products on Amazon Without a GTIN or UPC?

A Global Trade Identification Number is required for any products sold on Amazon (GTIN). You must apply for a GTIN Exemption if your product does not have one. But don’t worry; it’s not as challenging as it appears. If your product does not have a UPC, EAN, ISBN, or UPC code, you must apply for a GTIN exemption under a specified product category. Let’s have a look at what a GTIN Exemption is. Also, visit olifantdigital.com to get more information or professional Amazon help.

What is GTIN?

A Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN), commonly known as Product ID, is a unique number assigned to each product sold on Amazon, as previously stated. This can be found as a barcode label on a product’s packaging. The GTIN, or Global Trade Item Number, is a unique string of numbers that identifies particular products beneath the barcode but is not the barcode itself.


Types of GTINs 

UPC: A Universal Product Code, also known as GTIN-12, is a unique 12-digit numerical product identifier under a barcode that is most commonly used in the United States and Canada. These can be found on almost all tangible things in retailers. As a result, it is the most widely used barcode type on the planet.

EAN: A European Article Number (EAN) is a unique identifier for products sold in the European marketplace. The EAN, commonly known as GTIN-13, is a barcodeThe EAN, also known as GTIN-13, is a 13-digit numerical product identifier that appears under a barcode.

JAN: A Japanese Article Number is similar to an EAN in that it is only used for products sold in Japan’s marketplace.

ISBN: ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number, and it is a unique identifier for books. There are 10 or 13 digits in an International Standard Book Number. The number was chosen by the date of publication.

GTIN-14: It relates to the container codes.


UPCs and Barcodes

While UPCs are the most prevalent sort of GTIN used for Amazon.com sales, they are not required for every product sold. However, it is contingent on elements such as the brand and category in which you wish to sell. If you sell a private-label or handmade product, you may be qualified for a GTIN exemption. This exception would mean that the product would not require a UPC for listing on amazon.

All listed products must have a GS1 (Global Standards 1) registered barcode if they do not have a GTIN exemption. GS1 is a non-profit organization that creates and maintains international business communication standards. The only legitimate way to purchase a UPC for use on Amazon is through GS1. When using FBA, your product packaging must have an associated UPC number, an Amazon barcode, or an FNSKU (Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit). This FNSKU is an Amazon-specific code that keeps track of your inventory. You can also check the amazon PPC guide to have complete insight into the significant information.


GTIN Exemption

There is already a list of brands that require a GTIN to be listed on Amazon.com. GTIN exemptions are not available for these brands since they utilize a GS1 authorized barcode on their products. If a product does not have a GTIN and fits within one of these brands, it will be “suppressed.” You can apply for a GTIN exemption if you meet the following criteria:

  • You want to sell products for which the brand, maker, or publisher does not issue a GTIN.
  • You are the maker, brand, or publisher of a product that you want to sell but don’t have barcodes for.
  • You wish to sell product parts that don’t have a GTIN, such as automobile parts or product accessories.
  • You want to sell a bundled pack that contains multiple products.


Requesting a GTIN Exemption

To be eligible for an exemption, you must meet certain criteria. It’s a lot easier to register a GS1 account and receive barcodes here than it is to claim you need a GTIN exemption. Obtaining GTINs is the simplest solution in the long run. Check to see if your product is listed in Amazon’s massive catalog to discover whether you qualify for a GTIN exemption. Even if the same product is sold by numerous sellers or companies, it’s common for everything to be linked to a single listing. The barcode is what makes this relationship possible. Your products don’t appear in Amazon’s catalog and/or you don’t have barcodes, thus you’re exempt.

If an existing product matches yours, your offer can be added on the detail page of that product without the need for a GTIN. The product should appear in the manage inventory area on the “Seller Dashboard” within a few minutes. If your product doesn’t match, you’ll need to apply for a GTIN exemption before it can be added. You’ll need the following if you’re a brand owner, manufacturer, or publisher: The product’s name and 2-9 photos of the product against a white backdrop, taken from two different angles, including the product’s box.



  1. The brand name supplied on the application must match the brand name on the goods and/or packaging exactly.
  2. Images of the item and packaging must be taken in the actual world. When photographing the product, they must show it being held in hand or placed on a table.
  3. The product branding must be affixed to the container or the product itself in a permanent manner.
  4. There should be no certified GS1 barcode anywhere on the goods and/or packaging, as this would eliminate the need for GTIN Exemption.
  5. You can always re-apply if you mistakenly used the wrong brand name or category when applying for the GTIN exemption.
  6. Listing under a new brand or in a new category necessitates the submission of a new application each time. . In a single application, you can request GTIN exemption for up to 10 different brand names/category combinations.


Resellers’ Requirements

If you’re reselling products, you’ll need a letter from the brand’s owner written in the local language of the market and contains the following information: Name and contact information of the addresser or writer of the letter

  • Your address, phone number, and email or website address
  • Reasonable reasons why the product requires a GTIN exemption After that, go to Seller Central and click the following link — Request a GTIN exemption.
  • Select “Select” and search for a category that applies to your goods.
  • Then, “verify your eligibility.” If it comes back as “ineligible,” a GTIN will be required.
  • “Check for eligibility” is the next step. If it comes back as “ineligible,” a GTIN will be required. If not, click “Continue.”
  • Amazon may take at least 48 hours to react. You may check the status of this in Amazon Seller Central’s ‘Case Log’ area.
Legal Branding

Exactly How to Create Custom Badges Online

Are you planning to host a school event or business meeting?  You can create custom badges for your school with a school photo, for your business with your company logo and tagline, and personal photos for social events.  With https://www.makebadges.com.au/, you can create badges with just a click of a button. You can follow these steps to make custom badges online.

Step 1: Choose a Badge Design Template

The first thing is to go to “badge design defaults” and choose the shape you want to use. It is necessary to select a shape that resembles your logo. Additionally, find a design template that speaks about the theme and mood of the occasion.

Step 2: Add Text

Add text to describe the theme of the context behind the badge. Be it for membership, award-winning, academic achievement, or employee appreciation.

Step 3: Choose your Font

Badges are displayed in various sizes, so you should pick an easy-to-read, clear font to pass the message quickly. Select a font that properly represents the occasion. It may be for completing a training course, membership, or any other event.

Step 4: Match Logo and Color

To keep the logo attractive and straightforward, you need to add your logo and color themes that match your brand. Go to the “Elements” tab to color to reflect your brand image. Besides, you can use the color wheel tool to re-color an icon to bring the right hue. You can also use a specific hexode to get your brand colors that are right for the badge.

Step 5: Upload your Photos and Background

If you want the badge to have a photo, you can easily add it to your card design—no need to taking photos and resizing them to paste on the badge. You only need to upload an image from any JPG, SVG, or PNG file from your computer. You only need to drag and drop the image to where you want it to be on the badge.

With the help of the upload feature, you can add your background to your design. It will make your badge reflect your brand.

Step 6: Download and Print

Once you are done with customizing, download, and save your badge as a PDF, JPG, and PNG, you can also make high-quality prints with Canva Print. It allows you to open and edit the project in the future when you need to.

Tips for Choosing Custom Badges Online

Here are some tips that you should consider when selecting a custom badge online:

  • Size

One crucial factor to consider when choosing a custom badge is size. You should decide the badge to consider depending on the information it should contain. Ensure the badge size is not that tiny to be recognized and too big to look absurd.

  • Appropriate Font Size

Most people tend to create custom badges with small font sizes. This tends to prevent people from talking and hindering efficient networking. Ensure you get a custom badge with a font size that meets your needs. It should also hold lengthy names.

  • Great Background

Using the wrong background makes the badge ineffective as it makes the text unreadable. Avoid backgrounds with multiple colors or patterns because they cause distractions. Also, choose contrasting colors that bring out the intended purpose.


Badges make people stand out from a crowd and mark achievements. With makebadges.com.au/, you can create fantastic badges to share and download in minutes.

Legal Branding

Lead Nurturing Campaigns: Tactics and Best Practices

Image Source: Unsplash

Any experienced salesperson will tell you that getting a ‘no’ from a prospect seldom actually means ‘no’. In fact, a ‘no’ can mean a lot of things:

  • Not right now
  • I’m not ready to commit
  • I’m not willing to put time into this at the moment
  • I’m not able make a purchase this quarter
  • I’m not convinced of the value of this product/service
  • Etc.

Statistics show that a salesperson who gives up with a prospect after that first ‘no’ is missing out on a huge potential opportunity:

  • The average customer says no an average of four times before saying yes
  • It takes an average of 8 cold call attempts to reach a prospect
  • 80% of closed sales require 5 follow-up calls

With this knowledge available, why is it then that a surprising 44% of salespeople stop contacting a prospect if there’s no response to their first follow-up?

It really boils down to emotion. Many are trying to avoid being bothersome or overbearing. Many others are afraid of multiple rejections or angering a customer.

However, the reality is that if you truly believe you have a great product or service that will benefit your customer, you are doing them a favor by trying to stay on their radar! The key to being persistent (without being annoying) is to continuously add value to the conversation during each interaction with your prospect.

In this blog, we’ll discuss how to add that value, and a few other tips that can help you stay efficient and effective with lead nurturing campaigns.

4 Ways To Add Value To Your Follow Ups

Listen First

The first conversation you have with a prospect is no doubt the most important. Be sure to listen more than you speak. If you can learn enough about the prospect in your first call, you’ll have a much easier time delivering value to them in your subsequent follow ups.

In that first conversation, try to find out:

  • What their main pain points are
  • Who their competitors are
  • What keeps them up at night when it comes to their work or business
  • What are they looking for in a solution

These important questions will help you to gain a solid grasp of what your prospect needs— and knowing this will help you incredibly in the following steps.

Become The Go-To Expert For Your Prospect

When speaking with a prospect about your business and what you offer, it’s important that you are seen as the subject matter expert. You want the prospect to feel that you are the immediate go-to if and when they need to pick a solution.

Part of positioning yourself in this way is to give your prospects specific and actionable tips for their business that are within your general field of expertise.

For example, let’s say you were representing a company who supplies machine parts to automakers. The automaker you are prospecting mentioned off-handedly that he is having an issue with one of his machines (one that your company doesn’t sell parts to). So, after your call, you do some research on the machine. You find some self-fixes the automaker can do, and you also give him the number for a trusted maintenance company that you know.

Then, you include the information you found in a follow up email to your prospect— just as a PS.

Building this kind of trust with prospects has a huge effect on how they see you and how they digest your follow-ups. If you’re offering them valuable, actionable advice in each touchpoint they are far more likely to not only open your emails but respond!

Share A Helpful Resource (With No Strings Attached)

If you’ve sent a few follow-ups with no response, it can be easy to lose heart. But don’t! You just have to think of another way to reach out to your prospect and add value.

One way to do this is to include another helpful resource in your email. For example, did you just come across a recent study or eBook that your prospect might find interesting? Does it cover something relevant to your prospect’s business or industry? Include it as the introduction to your follow up email.

As with the tip above, adding value to your prospect’s day makes your email more of a relationship-builder and less of an annoyance.

Ask Your Prospect What Their Preferred Method of Communication Is — And Stick to It

We get it. Sometimes it’s just easier to send an email than to make a call. However, the way you follow up needs to be the way your prospect prefers it, not you. You may believe that busy B2B executives would prefer email. But actually, one recent study showed that 57% of C-level buyers prefer that salespeople call them instead.

You never know what the easiest way to reach someone will be, so the best way to find out is simply to ask! Odds are the prospect will appreciate that you are trying to make things more convenient for them.

3 Lead Nurturing Best Practices to Start Using Today

Use Automation

Today’s marketing automation tools have made automating sales follow-ups incredibly easy. Tools like Salesforce remind salespeople when it’s time to follow up, include notes from previous touchpoints and prospect details all in one simple platform. You can automate your follow ups using templates and set them at timed intervals. This is a great way to ensure that you are being persistent and that nothing falls through the cracks.

Keep in Touch

Things in business change daily. Positions change, people leave companies and join others, and roles shift. However, you shouldn’t waste the time and effort you’ve put into a prospect just because they leave their current company. Continue building your relationships with occasional follow-ups. Who knows when those might lead to a referral down the road!

Outsource Your Lead Generation

If trying to source new leads is eating into the time you have to perform consistent follow-ups, it’s time to look into outsourcing. Great B2B lead generation services can help you find, qualify, and schedule meetings with great leads so you can focus your energy where it’s best served— closing deals and following up with your prospects.

White Dolomite and kitchen
Legal Branding

5 Lucrative Ways Photographers Can Promote and Sell their Works

Marketing and advertising are a bit challenging for the photography profession. You probably mastered your skill right and practiced it. However, you cannot make enough money without a selling platform. As a photographer, you may wonder, “how do I sell my work?”. You probably came across several ways online but never get the suitable one for you. The secret is not in many options, but the best working option.

In this guide, there are five most popular lucrative ways you should consider. As you read further, you will discover strategies to put them to use and profit with.

1. Sell your Work Online.

If you want to attract target customers, here is a strategy you should consider. 

An average person goes online every day. Either people accidentally or intentionally come across your work, there is a bigger chance of selling than keeping them in stores.

You can choose a less expensive method by using an online seller platform. All you need is to give a commission from the profit, and you are good to go.

2. Creating a Getty and Flickr Images

These platforms help build upcoming and professional photographers by showcasing their works to the public.

After creating an account on Flickr, you can let people pay for your work before using them by licensing with Getty Images. 

Whenever a person requests for your work, Getty images would contact you for permission and pricing. Hence, ensure you upload your best photos on Flickr.

3. Share your Stories

People believe stories more than facts or statistics. Many people assume that every picture has a story behind it. This is especially true for travel photographers. If you love to travel, it becomes a plus for you. You can sell while having fun at the same time. A convincing and relatable story would attract just the right audience.

4. Create a Photo Book

Photo books allow you to customize your products and people with your photos will be able to decorate the walls. You can add a text or quote of your choice. It is also a good deal for clients that want to save family and friends memories in a book. This may sound traditional, but creativity wins people’s hearts.

5. Try Other Photography Niches.

If you are stuck with a particular photography type, it is high time you moved on. You can explore the trending and most selling photography options.

  • Getting involved in wedding photography to promote yourself.
  • Club photography can spice your selling point. Also, you are likely to meet potential customers at this place.
  • Try real estate photography and get yourself rich gigs. Housing and estate are the fastest selling industries in the world today.
  • Collaborate with a real estate agent or interior designer and get your works out there.


Your personality determines the best-selling point for you as a photographer. For instance, serving under another photographer, allows you to build your portfolio. Also, being a good photography teacher can fetch you some money. Gather interested students, and use the referral approach to attract customers and sell your works.

Insurance agreement
Legal Branding

Five Ways to Finance your Rebrand

If you’ve been thinking about rebranding your business, there has never been a better time. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an indiscernible impact on the economy. Both individual businesses and specific fields at-large are having to pivot and change their trajectory.

Rebranding isn’t always cheap, however. Changing the name of your business, the graphic design associated with it, and all the associated products can be incredibly expensive. Still if it is time to rebrand your company, it is worth the cost. Below are five ways to finance the rebranding of your business.

Find New Investors

The first thing you need to decide is whether or not you are going to partially or fully rebrand your business. A partial rebrand is popular for companies who want to keep some of their clientele and attract new customers or clients. You can find new investors before a partial rebrand, but it might be easier to get people interested in investing by conducting a total rebrand. While it depends on what the goal of your rebrand and new version of the business are, if you are fully pivoting new funders could be interested in the new direction. It’s only natural that different people are interested in different things.

Cut Down Overhead

Another way to fund whatever kid of rebrand you have in mind is to cut down the overhead. There are a variety of ways to do this, one being to minimize your staff. You can move to new offices or inventory warehouses. Change how much of a product you are manufacturing or a service you’re providing. Move your business rebrand and marketing online. With many ways to decrease your overhead, there are probably ways to fund the rebrand that you hope will make you and your company more money and provide the ability to expand.

Take Out a Loan

Of course you could take out a loan. Loans come in a wide array of forms. Everything from low-interest business loans to one hour payday loans can be used to fund a business, but the larger the loan and higher the interest rate will modulate the risk.

Any business-owner should take into account risk and if you keep your risks low you will be able to keep going forward despite any failures. However, big risks may lead to big rewards. Loans are effective, but it’s vital to know what you are getting into before you agree to particular loan agreements.

Ask for Support

Is your business small? Are you beloved by a local community? Do you have a team that is passionate about your work and rebrand? Well then you might think about asking these people for support. Keeping your audience in mind will reap benefits. If you’re worried about the cost of rebrand, speak out about it. Be clear what’s at stake. When people truly care about what you are doing and are loyal to the management, they will likely provide their support in any means they can. Support doesn’t just come in the form of money. Think about what needs to be done and ask talented people if they can contribute to the process.


Which parts of the rebrand can you do yourself without hiring someone to do it? What don’t you need to buy? What can you make? You’ll be surprised how much you can save by doing-it-yourself. Put your team to use in new ways. Ask around about what they can offer the rebrand possible. Who knows what your staff is capable of? You might even find someone who can take hold of the graphics, art, and visual rebrand or someone who can reorganize your business and promote it to investors and new customer demographics.

Rebranding isn’t easy, but it just may be the best thing you can do for your business. If you’re finding yourself in a position to make a pivot, expand, and invest in the company, the process could be the difference between toiling in obscurity and taking the business to a whole new level.

The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t over but there is a light at the end of this long tunnel. The economy will fully reopen, making now a great time to get your rebrand done and be ready for when people have more money to spend on your product, service, or investing in the new version of your company. 

Legal Branding

Digital Product Development from a Marketing Perspective

Successful companies tend to departmentalize their operations to maximize productivity and improve management efficiency. With that said, businesses can’t function if their departments can’t find ways to work together. It’s especially true when it comes to the marketing and product development divisions of an enterprise.

While it’s true that marketing and product development should function separately for the majority of the time, the two departments cross paths at critical moments. Both sections will fall short without collaboration, causing the entire operation to struggle. 

With this in mind, marketing professionals need to understand their role in the digital product design and development process. Likewise, developers, designers, and product managers need to embrace the insights and expertise provided by their sales-minded colleagues.

Customer feedback

The most helpful information a marketing team can provide product development staff is an insight into the customer’s mind. A company’s marketing department will have the data and experience to fill in the gaps about customer wants and needs. Development teams that lack these crucial resources are at a significant disadvantage. Meanwhile, marketing personnel that can’t relay their findings are failing to reach their full potential.

Competitor analysis

Marketing professionals tend to be well-versed in what the competition is offering. That information can prove vital to the development of a popular product. While many digital product developers are understandably cautious about getting too wrapped up in what competitors are doing, that doesn’t mean that information isn’t useful. It establishes a baseline, encourages creativity, and drives ingenuity. It can also teach lessons on what not to do going forward.

Built-in allure

What company doesn’t want to sell a product that drives consumers wild? While not every business will develop the next iPhone or other revolutionary product, they can take steps to make their products as enticing and exciting as possible. More times than not that involves collaboration with marketing professionals with insight into what customers want.

Life cycle refinement

Quality products are designed with their entire life cycle in mind. Given the inevitability of obsolescence, it’s easy to see how marketing plays a vital role in mapping out the life of a digital product. When the marketing and product development teams work together, the product life cycle can be refined to transition to new generations. That way, customers aren’t blindsided by the need to upgrade. They’ve been briefed courtesy of the marketing department. Meanwhile, the product development team can incorporate marketing insights into their life cycle planning.

Elevated excitement

Designers and developers need a hype man in their corner. Otherwise, some of the most incredible innovations and improvements can be lost on the consumer. By getting the marketing team involved with product development, companies can develop more exciting ad campaigns. Companies should also consider the benefits of having marketing personnel participate in the product testing phase. That way, the marketing strategy stems from user experience rather than customer expectations.

Broader horizons

Products are geared towards the target customer. But what if the target market could expand to include a wider swath of consumers? The sales increase would justify the necessary tweaks during the product development process. However, the potential for market expansion is something developers will likely need marketing pros to explain. In doing so, they help shape future products and grow company revenue at the same time.

It’s clear that large companies perform best when tasks and responsibilities are divided amongst several departments. However, these various sections need to come together from time to time. That’s because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

With this in mind, product developers and marketing experts must understand the importance of working together. When it comes to launching successful products, you can’t have one without the other.

Legal Branding

How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Your Own Success

You worked hard for your success, and the change is rather sudden. As exciting as this time is, you mustn’t become a victim of this success, and the following tips will help you avoid that.

Invest in Wealth Management

As a business rises in success, expenses start to increase as well. You need to keep that in mind. Just because more money is coming in doesn’t mean you can spend it. Don’t inflate your overhead because you might have to reassess your expenses. Some business owners start to invest more money because they see success. You don’t want to do this without thinking things through. In short, business owners sometimes lose focus on wealth management, which hurts them in the long run. You want to look for firms specializing in wealth management in San Diego and other cities with a high concentration of entrepreneurs. That way you find an expert with the right experience to guide you through financial success.

Outsourcing is Vital

For a long time, you had to handle everything in-house, which makes sense. You didn’t have the revenue to spend money on outsourcing, but now you do. Move things around so that you can outsource some tasks for your business. This includes things like IT services, accounting, and anything else you know takes time away from you or others in your business. Your employees’ time is precious, and you need to make sure their time is used wisely. Keep in mind that outsourcing is a temporary fix. You may need to hire people later on when you’ve got a hold of your new success.

Time Management Focus

It’s essential to put a new focus on time management for your team. You’ve taken a significant step in that direction by outsourcing some work that isn’t too important to your business, but you need to invest in time management. If your team is no longer working on accounting, they need to understand their new duties. Train your employees to focus on what matters, and let them know what you expect from them every day. You’ve got more tasks, customers, and they’re all expecting a lot from your business. If you can’t figure out how to offer the same level of products, services, and attention to all of your customers, you’ll start losing them, and that’s not what you want.

Keep Eyes on the Prize

Success could also make it easier to get your eyes off the prize. Your business has a goal, and you can’t forget that. Most successful companies focus on what they can offer customers. The value you create is the reason you’re successful right now. Others see this value and continue to come back because of it. The problem is that success could cause you to lose sight of that and make you focus on the money. You have to continually find ways to make your offerings more valuable and let the cash come on its own. If you don’t do this, what you’re offering might become less valuable, which leads to failure.

Cautious of Personal Financial Problems

That wealth management company you’re looking for to help your business should help you, too. Success can make a business owner spend more money than needed because he or she sees a little success. You have to remember that this bit of success is fragile. If you make the wrong moves, everything can come crashing down. You need to protect yourself now. The urge to celebrate in style, buy a new car, upgrade to a bigger house, and other emotional purchases gives you greater financial obligations. That success you’re seeing will become smaller if your expenses rise suddenly. Stay focused on finding balance before you do anything significant in your life.

There you have it. You have some things that could make you become a victim of your success. Hopefully, you stay clear of any mistakes and stay focused because your business needs that.

Digital marketing agency at work
Legal Branding

Why Your Company Needs To Be More Flexible Moving Forward

What was once considered strange with remote and virtual work has become the norm, and that trend may not change any time soon. 

The disruption from the traditional work model of 9-5 schedules, with everyone on-site and accessible, has forced many businesses to re-examine and rethink their office processes. While most companies were forced to adopt some form of remote work, the goal is to reopen slowly and bring staff back, in at least some form. 

Remote work proved itself advantageous over the years, plus that it’s been widespread. However, while most remote workers report higher levels of job satisfaction, there are also some challenges associated with being remote. 

Workers report feeling happier working remotely but more inclined to work longer and take fewer breaks due to working from home, which can cause stress and burnout among remote workers. 

One such challenge reported is the lack of interpersonal communications and problem solving taken for granted before the pandemic. That situation has put businesses and team managers into a bind trying to find a workaround solution to conflict resolution, problem-solving, and motivation. 

These problems and the increase in overall job satisfaction aren’t isolated to office work either. Technology, logistics, restaurants, and retail all have been disrupted as well. 

The pandemic has created various issues for the traditional model, but some sectors have an unprecedented opportunity to pivot and flourish during the transition back to a more “regular” society. 

Industries that specialize in Software as a Service (SaaS) or other digital products are well situated to build on their client base. Artificial Intelligence is another industry that has a great opportunity. 

Fulfillment Centers As The Ideal Model

Another area that business may flourish is by focusing more on remote work and less in-person structures. However, as discussed earlier, remote work isn’t a panacea. 

It should be approached with a very logical process of troubleshooting and team building, and improving team communications. Still, the opportunity exists for a company to be more flexible as things return to more “normal.”

One in-person advantage is with the use of fulfillment centers rather than traditional warehousing. With a warehouse, you have overhead and expenses ranging from property leasing, insurance, labor, and physical inventory. That doesn’t take into the equation other factors such as packing and shipping costs. 

With utilizing a fulfillment center, your business is looking for flexibility in providing your products to your customers at a cheap cost and timely delivery. 

A fulfillment center is a low-cost option to house, pack, and ship your products without adding massive expenses. In today’s instant culture, getting your product to a customer fast is the name of the game. So speed is of the essence.

With traditional warehouse models, you have to house, pack, and ship your product. Depending on the location of your warehouse, that process and distance may slow down the timeline for your product to arrive to your customer. 

Fulfillment centers are located throughout the United States, and the closer proximity to a buying customer will allow a faster delivery time for your product to arrive. 

Amazon is one of the largest and most apparent fulfillment centers, but did you know companies such as Coca-Cola operate almost entirely through fulfillment centers? 

For Coca-Cola, syrup and water are the basis of their product. These ingredients are easily operated through fulfillment centers. Coke’s move over the years to fulfillment centers in lieu of warehouses used by Coke has made them much leaner in their overhead and much more profitable. 

The businesses that can pivot and change their procedures are most likely to come out of the pandemic disruption the healthiest. 

One of the better solutions for retail or any other business that relies on physical products is to consider cutting costs on traditional warehousing and explore the advantages of fulfillment centers. 

Taking a flexible approach to providing the best customer service at the cheapest and fastest return times is crucial for businesses as they emerge from the pandemic disruption. 

For tech and SaaS companies, that flexibility is partly built-in already. Of course, not every business is as adaptive, but all should be considering thinking about their operations in an “outside the box” type of way to better position themselves for both the short-term and long-term. 

However, those companies that provide physical products need to rethink their business models and consider utilizing a fulfillment center as a profitable alternative to operating a physical warehouse. 

Legal Branding

6 Tips For Creating A Beautiful, Classy, and Productive Home Office

Americans enjoy working from home. You may have been working virtually and seeing that this could be an ongoing trend in the future.

If you’re working remotely and loving it, you want to create a beautiful, classy, and productive home workspace. There are many ways to achieve this – even if you are renting, living with roommates, or in a small space.

Let’s look at some of the major moves to create a beautiful space.

  1. Mount The TV on The Wall

Start here, as this is the fastest way to upgrade your space. Take the TV off the table or cabinet and onto the wall. If you’re used to having a television dominate your room, you’ll be delighted to see the transformation.

A TV wall mount makes the room instantly look upscale and modern. It eliminates clutter. It eliminates the need for a television table or cupboard. All this extra space instantly gives your room a classy finish.

  1. Remove Clutter

With the television mounted on the wall, you’ve got a lot less clutter. Many people find that the space around a television can be a magnet for random stuff. With this clear, you have a lot more room to play with.

While you’re removing clutter, look around. Notice other places where you can reclaim space. Perhaps you don’t need all those piles of newspapers and magazines. Check through your books to make sure they are relevant and interesting. Sort any piles of clothes, equipment, or mementos. 

Take a walk through your living room, dining area, and bedroom. Once you start decluttering, you’ll get into it as a healthy habit.

  1. Reclaim Space

Look for space that is ripe for transformation. Maybe there’s a closet that you never use. Perhaps a corner of the room that was lost under a pile of clothes, books, or unused sports equipment. 

As you reclaim the space, you’ll get fresh ideas for how to set up your home office.

  1. Think Like an Architect

Imagine your space in terms of a natural flow. Look for a cozy corner to set up your office desk, chair, and light. Organize so you have easy access to outlets and natural airflow. 

As you practice thinking like an architect, consider how you’ll use the space. Look for space where you can focus without being interrupted. If you have the possibility, organize your home office with a door. If you don’t have a door, add a curtain or moveable frame. Even a visual room divider can create a psychological and physical boundary.

If you live in a house, it is a great idea to at least occasionally go outside and work on the terrace or in the yard. To make your stay more comfortable, add Curb Appeal to Your Home and Front Yard.

  1. Experiment and Refine

Once you set up your TV, declutter, reclaim space, and notice ideal settings – be ready to play. You may find that the morning light is best on one side of the room. If you’re aiming to be up at the crack of dawn, this can influence where you position your office setup.

Alternatively, if you are working at home with roommates or family members, pay attention to the habits and needs of other people. You may want to look for the area where you can get privacy as a top priority. In other words, avoid setting up your workspace in a hallway, kitchen, or dining room. These are areas where you are sure to be interrupted regularly.

  1. Personalize Your Space

A workspace is best when it feels right to you. What personal touches will help you feel at ease and in a work mindset? As a professional, you know the value of branding in all aspects of your business. 

Creating a personal brand for your office helps you get in the mindset for creative work. Would you like to have plants and flowers in view? Would you feel inspired by quotes, photographs, and drawings? 

Balance your space with items from nature. This could be a beautiful photograph, piece of cloth, or basket of natural fibers. By paying attention to personalizing your workspace, you’ll notice a subtle change. It can become a place where you feel at ease, efficient, and able to focus.

Sum Up

There are many advantages to working from home. You don’t have to get stressed in a long commute. You can quickly go to work, and escape from it. You can work when and how you like. In many ways, working remotely has transformed how we live and work. This is likely to continue in the future.

With your beautiful, classy, and productive home office, you’re ready to do your most creative work.

Infographic provided by Container Alliance, a top company to get containers for sale