While the internet has greatly changed job searching, it has not changed the basic guidelines for being hired. In this article, we are going to look at these basic guidelines to help you increase your chances of landing work.

1. Determine What You Are Looking For

When searching for a job, you need to know what you want to do, where you want to do it and who you would like to work for. To do this, you may have to do research, ask yourself a lot of questions or ask a mentor or career coach to help you. Targeting your job search will help you save your precious time.

2. Avoid Limiting Your Job Searches to Online Applications

I understand that online job applications will make you feel like you are doing something. However, the problem with online job applications is that they are not time and energy saving. It is a good idea to spend most of your day on real-world job searching efforts such as cold calling and networking.

3. Tailor your Resume to The Job Description

It is so easy to tailor your resume to the job description. All you have to do is to understand the words and phrases in the description and use them in your resume read how to write a great CV. When listing your accomplishments, only include those relevant to the job you are applying for. Look into enhanced successful resume examples to stand out.

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4. Take Job Searching Seriously

Do as much as you can when looking for a job. Use all your skills, set daily goals and be disciplined. Stay positive since looking for a job can be an overwhelming task. It may even be a good idea to join a job search support group.

5. Find Out as Much as You Can About Your Potential Employer

Some of the most important things to find out about a company you would like to work for include: the company’s mission, history, and products or services the company offers. Do an online search of the people you are likely to speak with. You may be surprised to find that they have a hobby or background like yours. Think of questions that you may be asked and practice how you will answer them. This is true, especially for hard questions.

Pro tip: Some interviewers ask job applicants what they have done to prepare. Have a ready answer to such a question.

6. Write A Thank You Note After Every Interview

This final tip is an oldie but goodie. The good thing is that it is so easy to do it. I even wonder why many people don’t do it. One of the best ways to present yourself as a unique job applicant is to follow up with your interviewer after the interview (Referring to something specific your discussed will earn you extra points)

Infographic provided by Swoon Staffing

Posted by Steven

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