When thinking about all the environmental disasters and catastrophes going on in the world, most people blame the oil and gas industry, thinking these people are responsible for everything. While this assumption is, of course, completely untrue, people in this industry are still trying to improve their image and get rid of all that bad press. One of the ways to do that is by improving their sustainability and making their companies green and eco-friendly. Doing that might not be the easiest thing in the world, but it’s doable, and if you’re involved in this industry as well, here are a few ways you can make the entire oil and gas industry more sustainable than it’s ever been.
Recycling unused oil
This is another amazing way to take your sustainability in the oil industry to the next level, and it’s probably among the most useful ones too. Instead of dumping used and unused oil and endangering the environment, you should recycle it and give it a new purpose. You don’t have to do it yourself either, PROS Environmental team has been of great help throughout the years. Turning oil into diesel fuel, for instance, isn’t just a great way to reduce your waste but also get some new energy you can actually use.
This way, you’ll get the best of both worlds and create a circle of sustainability you can continue developing in the years to come as well. This means your sustainability factor is going to rise until it reaches the point you’re satisfied with. Finally, this is also a great idea to share with other industry leaders, inspiring them to become more sustainable themselves.
Relying on drones
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Whether it’s monitoring your offsite facilities or tracking your onsite development, using drones is definitely one of the best ways to boost your sustainability. These amazing vehicles are useful in a number of ways and come with a few benefits – easier data gathering, better communication, improved safety, and faster data flow, among other things – which is why you need to consider using them as well.
The real reason why drones are so sustainable is their benefit to cost ratio. Investing money in them is something you’ll do just once, but you can continue using them in the years to come without having to spend too much money maintaining and servicing your drones. And the more you use them the more sustainable they’ll become, so don’t be afraid to invest in several drones as soon as you can.
Using new equipment
Following the latest technological advancements in the oil and gas industry means following the latest equipment on the market. These things are changing rapidly, and you’d be surprised to learn how many new devices and tools are being developed as we speak. For example, Electric Pressure Washers in South Texas are being used to clean equipment without using chemicals or wasting too much water. So, if you want to be even more sustainable and eco-friendly, finding the most sustainable equipment is a must.
Some of the most popular and useful new oilfield equipment include various rupture disc valves, drilling tools, surface pumps, and gate valves. These are all the things that can make a huge difference in your everyday production and take your company to the next level when it comes to both your sustainability and your effectiveness.
Investing in green energy
We all know that traditional energy sources are bad for the environment and as far from being sustainable as possible. That’s why avoiding them at all costs is something you need to start doing right now and look into alternative energy sources instead. Luckily, there are lots of alternatives you can look into, so finding new sources of energy shouldn’t be too hard – what’s more, a few oil companies are already doing that for some time!
For instance, looking into solar energy, wind power, hydrogen, and a few other green energy sources might turn out to be more effective than you can imagine. When compared to traditional sources, all these ideas are quite affordable, practical, and, most importantly, completely renewable. This means you can continue using them over and over again, thus making your company increasingly sustainable every single year.
It goes without saying that these aren’t the only ways for the oil and gas industry to become more sustainable. Some of the other ideas include managing risks more effectively, avoiding small mistakes that can become fatal, using recycled water instead of fresh water, and preventing methane leaks as much as possible.