Results for: business website

Digital Branding

Top Reasons Why SEO is Important for Businesses

Search engine optimization, aka SEO, is a critical digital marketing service. You might not already know the service or lack in-depth knowledge, preventing you from understanding the full benefits of SEO. In truth, in the digital-focused area, SEO is the pinnacle of digital marketing and can be the difference between growing your business and losing revenue.

Activate Digital is a specialist SEO agency in Liverpool with years of experience helping various clients boost their visibility on search engines like Google and Bing. As experts in this area of digital marketing, they’ve provided some input on what SEO is and why businesses should utilize it.

What is SEO?

A summary of SEO is that it helps position your website in front of potential customers. When a person is looking for something, what do they usually do? In most cases, they turn to search engines like Google and Bing. Search engines are powerful tools storing billions of data to help users find solutions to their queries. For instance, a tourist entering a new city may look to Google to discover things to do in that city. Therefore, it’s in a company’s best interests to make its brand present when potential customers seek what they offer. This is where search engine optimization comes in.

Search engine platforms use several factors to determine their search results and where websites should appear. Ultimately, they want to display the most relevant and trustworthy results for the user’s query. Most people click one of the first five results, so it’s vital to get your website as high as possible. Factors that can influence a website’s position include on-page optimization, creating high-quality blog posts, and building authoritative backlinks, to name just a few. SEO is when businesses use these ranking factors to optimize their website accordingly. Firstly, SEO involves keyword research, discovering relevant queries that potential customers may search for. With a list of keywords, you can then plan a strategy for how to optimize your website for each query.

Why Businesses Need SEO

Essentially, SEO is a cost-effective way to attract new customers to your brand. SEO is organic growth, so you don’t need to pay huge advertising fees to reach your audience. Organic search is a huge source of a website’s traffic, and in many cases, it will be the primary source. Google is the largest platform with a market share of 92% and only Bing is the closest rival at 2%. Google also happens to be the most visited website on the internet, so it’s clear Google is a powerful way to reach customers.

SEO is all about increasing your visibility to a local and international audience. Organic search creates highly relevant traffic as people who click through to the website will be interested in what you’re promoting. In comparison, traditional advertising can be expensive just to reach a broad audience that may not be keen on your products or services. With organic search, you know people are looking for a solution you offer at this very moment in time. When someone visits your website, you can use engaging and appealing designs to help them convert. Other digital marketing tactics, such as re-marketing, can be useful to guide them through the customer journey.

SEO is not just about taking actions to influence how Google judges your website and where it should be positioned on its platform. SEO will help you develop a marketing strategy that places your customers at the forefront. Google itself advises businesses to build websites for users, not search engines. With SEO, you will develop a customer-friendly mindset that means clean and effective user experiences, fast-performing websites, and platforms built to improve conversions. Similar to this, SEO will help you identify who your customers are, what they want, and how you can help them.

Competition can be an exciting and powerful motivation for businesses. The SEO market is very competitive as the core aim is to beat similar websites. SEO helps you push your business further by presenting an opportunity to find out where your competitors are lacking and ways you can overtake them for certain search queries. You don’t need a budget of thousands of pounds to win. When you overtake a competitor, it can be highly rewarding.

Ultimately, SEO is a cost-effective and necessary way to attract new customers for your business. This is an evolving and ever-changing service that will develop your mindset to create user-friendly experiences and build trust with your potential customers. SEO will keep you on your toes and help you contentiously discover new opportunities for growth, including finding new keyword opportunities and refining the customer journey.

Factors in SEO
Digital Branding

Top 10 SEO Companies for Small Businesses 

To survive in this competitive ecosystem, small businesses need to make themselves visible online. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most effective ways to ensure that your target market can find you when they’re looking for your products or services. The challenge, however, is finding the right SEO company that can deliver results without breaking the bank. In this article, we will have a look at 10 of the best SEO companies for small businesses. 

1. WebFX 

WebFX is a full-service digital marketing agency that offers SEO services specifically designed for small businesses. Their team of over 150 experts will work with you to create a custom SEO plan that meets your specific needs and budget. In addition to SEO, they also offer a suite of other digital marketing services such as social media marketing, PPC, web design, and more. Moreover, WebFX also offers priority customer support so that you can get the help you need when you need it. 

2. Ignite Visibility 

Ignite Visibility is one of the leading SEO companies in the world. They offer a comprehensive suite of SEO services that are designed to help small businesses reach the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs). In addition to SEO, they also offer PPC, social media marketing, web design, and more. Ignite Visibility is a great choice if you’re looking for an all-in-one digital marketing solution. 

3. EZ Rankings

Stay connected iwth social media

EZ Rankings is a results-driven digital marketing agency that specializes in SEO. Over the years, they have helped numerous small businesses improve their online visibility and reach their target market. Their team of experts will work closely with you to identify your business’s unique needs and come up with an effective SEO strategy that delivers results. They offer custom SEO packages that help you stay within your budget while still getting the most out of their services. If you are looking for an affordable and reliable SEO company, EZ Rankings is definitely worth checking out. 

4. Coalition Technologies 

The coalition is a global team of over 150 experts that has worked with clients such as Motorola, Manchester City Football Club, and the University of California. One of their unique selling points is their focus on long-term results, rather than short-term gains. This means that they will not take shortcuts that could jeopardize your website’s future success. Their popular services include SEO, web design, and social media marketing. If you’re a mid-sized business, Coalition should be at the top of your list. Their team will help you with everything from technical SEO to link building and content marketing. 

5. Thrive Internet Marketing Agency 

If you’re looking for an SEO partner that can help you achieve top rankings and increased traffic, look no further than Thrive Internet Marketing Agency. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, this company has a team of digital marketing experts that are more than capable of helping small businesses grow their online presence. Services offered by Thrive include search engine optimization, pay-per-click (PPC) management, social media marketing, and reputation management. In addition, they also offer web design and development services. They can help you quickly build a high-quality website that is optimized for search engines and easy to navigate. 

6. Victorious 

With a focus on small and medium-sized businesses, Victorious is one of the leading SEO agencies in the game. Their team of experts is dedicated to helping brands grow their organic search visibility and drive more qualified traffic to their website. One of the things that set Victorious apart from other agencies is their use of data and analytics to drive their campaigns. This ensures that they are always on the pulse of the latest algorithm changes and can adjust their strategies accordingly.

7. Captivate Designs 

Captivate Designs is an SEO company that specializes in small businesses. They have a team of experts that will help you with everything from keyword research to link building. Their services are affordable and they offer a money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with their results. Moreover, if you are looking for a long-term SEO partner, Captivate Designs is the perfect option. They offer affordable monthly SEO packages that will help you achieve and maintain your desired ranking. 

8. DAR (Digital Agency Reseller) 

They are among the leading SEO resellers in the USA and work with over 500 digital agencies. They help small businesses with their search engine optimization needs by providing them access to a team of SEO experts. This is a great option if you’re working with a limited budget as you only need to pay for the services that you use. If you don’t need the complete SEO services offered in a package, you can pick a few à la carte services. This is a very practical and affordable solution for small businesses. They use data-driven methods to come up with the best possible strategies for their clients. So, whether you’re a startup or a small business owner, you can customize your SEO plan with DAR.

Let your personality shine through on social medial9. Market Keep 

Market Keep is a results-driven SEO agency that specializes in small businesses. Their team of experts will help you create and implement an effective SEO strategy tailored to your unique needs, ensuring that your website ranks high on search engines and drives organic traffic. In addition, they also offer other digital marketing services such as social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing. Moreover, if you need dedicated assistance, you can opt for their VIP service which provides you with a personal account manager.

10. SEO India Online 

SEO India Online has been in business for over 10 years. The company offers a wide range of SEO services including on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and link building. SEO India Online also provides social media marketing, reputation management, and web design services. 

Wrapping up! 

There you have it! These are 10 of the best SEO companies for small businesses. By working with any of these agencies, you’ll be sure to improve the visibility and traffic that you need to take your business to the next level. You can get in touch with these companies and request a proposal so that you can compare their services and find the perfect fit for your business. 


Legal Branding

6 Reasons Brand Image is Important for Your Business

Forbes indicates that business branding is more important than you might think. Business branding is more than your company logos, name, and colors. It includes everything that gives identity to your business, making it distinct from competitors. Your business brand image brings out what your enterprise stands for. In today’s business environment, a positive brand image is a more crucial component of business than ever. Proper branding based on the technology will give your company an edge in the competitive business environment.

Below are reasons why the brand image is important for your business.

1. Improves Recognition of Your Business

Among the reasons to create a brand image for your business is to make it recognized. Therefore, if your business branding is positive and strong, customers will notice it more. Solid branding makes your business remain in peoples’ minds longer.

So, your business should possess visual elements like a distinct logo to make it unforgettable to your customers. You can also use customized embossed stationery to make an enduring impression on your customers. You can use it on; thank you notes for special occasions like when appreciating your loyal customers. Embossing is a stylish way to present your business name or logo, leaving a lasting impression.

2. Helps to Create Trust

A reputable brand image will generate a lot of trust among your clients. A trusted brand will create a good perception amongst customers and the public in general. Consequently, your brand will earn a positive reputation making your brand to be robust.

Nevertheless, your branding should not only strike a healthy level of trust between your company and its stakeholders but also maintain it. You can attain this if you can set realistic promises that strategically position your brand in the market and then deliver on the promises.

Once the promise is delivered, trust automatically builds in your clients’ thoughts. Indeed, trust will distinguish your brand and give your company a competitive advantage in the crowded market.

3. Motivates Your Employees

Every employee takes pride in working for a company with a strong brand name. The satisfaction that comes with working in such a company is a strong motivating factor. Nothing is as fulfilling for an employee as working for a reputable brand. It gives job satisfaction and makes working for such a company both pleasant and fulfilling.

More importantly, your employees are part of the stakeholders of your brand image. They form the first line of communication for your brand hence the first ambassadors. If your employees associate well with your brand, they will disseminate it to customers and other strategic partners. Remember! Your employees interact more frequently with company partners.

4. Branding Brings New Customers

One of the benefits of a good brand is to increase referral business. When your company has a strong brand image, it creates a positive impression on clients. Customers like a familiar and dependable company based on the brand’s trust. Consequently, they will likely engage in business because of your company’s good name.

All that counts is establishing a good perception of your brand in the market. What follows is the influx of new customers. So, a positive reputation will drive a chain of new clients to your brand leading to more purchases.

5. Branding Boosts Business Value


Branding is crucial if you are focused on generating future business ventures. If your brand is solid, it can boost your business value by giving your company extra leverage over competitors. Eventually, your company becomes an attractive investment vehicle since it is well grounded in the market.

When your brand earns a good reputation, its rise in value will be consummated. So, a robust standing is equivalent to a strong brand, in turn, rendering into great value. Apart from being an asset, a business brand holds fiscal value. Hence, it increases the general worth of your company.

6. Supports Your Advertising Efforts

Advertising is one of the most vital elements of your brand image. You should stage a comprehensive promotion of your brand if you are to expand. If you want to create a good brand image, you must focus. Subsequently, you will be able to create a lasting positive impression of your company in clients’ minds.

Concluding Remarks

The concept of branding is an ever-evolving subject. It encompasses several areas of expertise, such as marketing, business management, and psychology. While the brand image is not the same as marketing, the two are subordinate to one another.

If the idea of building a brand name from scratch sounds daunting to you and would prefer to start a business with an already established & trusted brand name for a low fee you should consider opening a franchise business. You can find the best franchises available in the United Kingdom at a website called


Guest post contributed by Tracie Johnson

Ecommerce depends on great SEO
Digital Branding

Essential Tips for Hiring the Right SEO Professional for Your Website

SEO is all about boosting your website’s organic search and improving its inbound marketing. Search Engine Optimisation, when done correctly, can help increase your visibility and provide a higher ranking in search results when your audience searches using keywords related to your services.

Many brands are unaware of how their website ranks can be improved; hiring a professional SEO service can be beneficial. However, choosing the right one matters. So if you are unsure how to hire the right professional, here are tips that will point you in the right direction.

Ask questions

Behind-the-scene aspects of SEO

While searching for the right professional, you should ask several questions to understand their work process and whether or not they are on the same page as you. So before getting on the first page, being on the same page matters. Here are some questions that will give you some idea.

-when will the process start showing results?

-what fees will you charge?

-what happens if I decide to cancel in between?

-what kind of assistance would be required from our side?

-Do you offer multiple budget options?

Asking questions also helps know whether the professional indulges in unethical practices such as “black hatting “. If they indulge in such practices, it’s advisable to move on to other professionals as this can cause heavy penalties for your brand. 

Maximize your product pages

Check their performance

Request them to show their previous work, case studies, and result reports to ensure their performance. This will also show you evidence of whether or not the person is compatible to handle your website’s SEO process. Here are a few things you should check.

-how much organic search traffic they have generated for their clients

-how much revenue have they generated?

-how do they handle the process of finding keywords?

-What were their high-performing blogs?

-top-performing landing pages

-Blog views and sessions

-keyword traffic value

Are they individuals or work in teams?

Lookout whether the SEO professional works individually or is associated with an agency. Working in a team means they would have skilled members who would look after different aspects of SEO. A team should comprise of; 

  • SEO content strategist
  • SEO copywriter
  • SEO link builder
  • On-page SEO expert

If you prefer working with individuals, make sure they are competent enough to handle all aspects.

Set your budget

SEO services can vary when it comes to cost. That is why setting a budget will help you find the right professional. A business requires different SEO needs at different stages; go for someone who fits the bill and has all kinds of tools and resources that can help deliver the results. 

Be realistic about setting a budget and what expert can deliver it to you on that scale. Ask how they would prefer payment. Are there any terms or plans which can be arranged?

Communicate your expectations

LInk building works for SEO

Before you decide on the expert handling your SEO process, make sure you have openly discussed your expectations and goals. Everyone boosts their efficiency; however, no one can guarantee results as SEO relies on various external factors. 

Things to consider

Another thing to consider before hiring an SEO expert is whether or not their approach best matches your needs. Here are some questions you can ask for understanding their approach 

How will they measure the success of your SEO campaign?

How often will they communicate about processes or any changes they make?

How will they track any progress, updates, and reports?

A professional providing SEO services in Birmingham will keep you in the loop and provide regular check-in calls. 


Investing in SEO experts is essential for any business that needs to increase its online reachability. These tips will help you save your time, money, and headache to find a perfect one. Collaborating with SEO experts helps in improving marketing strategies and your business reachability. 

Digital Branding

Best Business Blogs 2022

Your business is going to grow. You want innovative and new ideas to read from somewhere. In your industry, you want to become a leader. The blogs below are a good way to collect tips and information to get you to the next level. Here’s a list of our best business blogs to follow in 2021:


LifeUpswing is a personal finance blog that teaches you how to grow wealth and manage it efficiently, effectively, and ultimately, passively!

2)HRchat Podcast

The HRchat Podcast is a series of interviews with high-profile influencers, leaders, analysts, and those in the HR trenches. The show covers the big issues relating to HR, Leadership, Talent, Diversity and Inclusion, Recruitment, Employee Engagement, Performance, and Company Culture.

The show has 200,000+ downloads and is frequently listed as one of the most popular global podcasts for professionals in Human Resources, Talent, and Leadership (do a Google search for “best HR podcasts” or “popular HR podcasts” to see for yourself and check out testimonials from past guests). Learn more at


Techbmc is aimed at sharing vital information that can help you in your Career, Job Opportunities, Business Growth, etc.
The website also helps online users with the Best Products and Service Reviews coupled with Trending Technologies, Games & Solutions for the most challenging problems encountered while using most tech products.

4) Business Partner Magazine

The Business Partner Magazine blog is a popular resource for small business owners. Articles provide practical information and guidance for both new aspiring business owners and those that have been in business for some time.

The content gives insights into the mindset and experience of successful business owners helping small business owners to build thriving and profitable businesses.


Operating in 26 markets, is a global comparison service that simplifies your choices when you need to borrow or save money. We compare personal finance solutions such as loans, saving accounts, credit cards, and more.

6) MeMoreMoney

MeMoreMoney is the place for people looking to make their money work hard. We believe that everyone deserves a lifestyle where they can have fun and live comfortably! We offer simple easy changes that most people can implement to give them more money.

7) Beagle

Beagle helps people find and consolidate their old 401(k)s (believe it or not, $100 Billion 401k were forgotten in the US). Beagle also unlocks your old 401(k)s and IRA so you can access them early to pay off your debt.


360Connect is an online marketplace connecting buyers with suppliers. We match buyers with suppliers who can provide quotes for their specific business needs. We strive to provide an extraordinary buying experience that encourages smart purchases. 360Connect provides customers with up to 5 reputable suppliers directly without any obligation to buy. To support our clients’ businesses and ensure we have the products and services needed, we work with suppliers from over 30 industries. This includes building & construction, security, office food & beverage, office products, and outsourced services. In other words, we are a one-stop shop for buyers in need of products or services.

9)My Money Chronicles

My Money Chronicles is a website founded by Jason Butler. He discusses side hustles, personal finance & travel. He’s also in the process of eliminating $72,000 worth of debt. Each month, he shares an update.

10) MartechCube

MartechCube is a leading digital publication and a go-to resource for professionals and enterprises for all things related to Marketing technology, Customer Intelligence, and Sales Intelligence. We recognized the need to address technology-related challenges specific to CMO and the marketing department. The crux of MTC’s mission statement is to be the single source destination for marketers in the digital age. We are a publication dedicated solely to the Marketing Technology arena and the individuals who buy, influence, and consume MarTech worldwide.


ProjectionHub has helped more than 50,000 founders and entrepreneurs to create financial projections so they can raise investments, apply for loans, and plan for expansions/growth. From budget-friendly DIY financial projection tools to high-touch custom consulting with a CPA expert, ProjectionHub has the financial forecasting solutions your business needs.

12)The Free Thought Project

The Free Thought Project is a place for people to come together, who don’t necessarily agree on all topics, but who want to see a brighter, freer, and more sustainable future for humanity.

13)Deliberate Directions

Deliberate Directions provides business and executive coaching, virtual boards of advisors, business planning workshops, a business valuation service, the Deliberate Leaders podcast, and more to help leaders reach their full potential. A leading service in the Northwest, Deliberate Directions has been featured in The Huffington Post, Clutch, and Success Magazine.

14) Pawns. app is a global desktop and mobile app that allows everyone to share their unused bandwidth and make a 100% passive income. People from anywhere in the world can join us and turn their internet connection into cash, Bitcoin, or gift cards! Our members can also use the Surveys feature to earn money just by sharing their opinions. This feature is available on Android, with new locations added on a regular basis. These surveys usually take only minutes to complete and help our partners develop better products and services. They cover all sorts of topics, from fashion and cosmetics to politics, tech, and the car industry.


MrHow is a how-to website founded by Solomen, a young man who loves to write about Tech, WordPress, and a lot more. Our mission is to make technology understandable for regular users and help them solve common tech problems. With over 500 articles and counting, MrHow has quickly become the go-to source for how-to information on the web.

16) OnlinebizBooster

OnlinebizBooster is a digital marketing website and blog. It provides in-depth guides that teach online biz owners ways to grow, manage and scale their businesses. If you want to learn modern marketing strategies, head over to his website – OnlinebizBooster.

17) City Personnel 

City Personnel is a locally owned boutique staffing agency in Providence, RI. It is their policy that every assignment is an opportunity, every employer is a priority, and every candidate is an asset. They strive to create long-term relationships with client companies and job seekers to make sure they make each party find their perfect match.

With close to two decades of experience working in the Southern New England area, City Personnel fully understands the local job market in Rhode Island, which helps us find the best fit for both the client company and the job seeker.


Let me explain about, we are a self-serve platform, meaning we have direct demand: networks, direct advertisers, and media buyers which sign up top-up and start buying via direct linking only CPC basis with profitable opportunities at almost all verticals. We developed a self-service add push platform with auto rules which basically you can create campaigns and optimize them based on your needs and CPA goals. In case you want to launch your campaigns to success you can use Pushgroun +, premium traffic to achieve your goals.

Optimize with off-page SEO
Digital Branding

How SEO Copywriting Services Help Your Business Grow 

SEO copywriting services are not just for digital marketers. They can be used by anyone who needs to improve their online presence.

The benefits of using SEO copywriting services include increased visibility and traffic, better search engine rankings, and more conversions.

SEO copywriters use keywords that are relevant to the business or brand in order to increase visibility and traffic on search engines. They also use compelling headlines which have a clear call-to-action for visitors looking for information about the product or service being offered.

Optimize with off-page SEO

SEO Copywriting Services and How They are Reducing Costs for Businesses

SEO copywriting services are a good way to get your message out to the world. They help you reach potential customers with your message and provide a competitive edge in the market.

More importantly, according to Hubspot, leads that you get from organic search have a significantly higher close rate – 14.6%, while outbound leads have a close rate of 1.7%. 

The cost of these services is also significantly lower than hiring a full-time writer, which is especially important for small businesses that cannot afford to hire expensive writers.

SEO copywriting services are becoming more popular as they help companies to reduce costs and increase visibility.

The benefits of using SEO copywriting services include:

  • Reduced cost for getting new leads and clients
  • Increased visibility on search engines
  • Improved website rankings
  • Increased brand awareness

No wonder why more and more businesses want to turn to professional SEO copywriters. 

Content is king in websites

How to Find the Best SEO Copywriters for Your Business

The most important factor when hiring an SEO copywriter is to know what you want in your content. You should be clear about the tone, style, and keywords that you want to rank for.

There are many SEO copywriters out there but only a few of them are worth hiring. The best way to find the right one is by looking at their portfolio and checking their previous work.

Of course, there are different ways how you can find skilled and talented SEO copywriters. 

For example, if you have a lot of time and want to save money, you can go to sites like UpWork or Linkedin and start searching for writers on your own. However, the cons of this approach is that it’s time-consuming and involves a lot of hassle. You are likely to hire both bad and good writers and go through the selection process on your own. 

Alternatively, you can hire a professional content marketing agency that will do the heavy lifting for you. 

For example, keyword research is super important when it comes to SEO copywriting. And the benefit of working with an agency is that it can identify what keywords your business needs to be visible in the search engine results pages, find SEO writers for your project, take care of the selection process of writers, create assignments for them and manage them for you.  

In this case, you don’t have to bother your head with how to do keyword research or how to explain to writers how to use those keywords in your content. There is no need to spend time and focus on managing writers. 

Chasing freelancers can be a really tedious thing. On the other hand, you need to be ready to pay higher rates for these benefits. 

Press releases through social media

Start Using an SEO Copywriter Today to Supercharge Your Business Growth

SEO copywriters can help you reach more potential customers and grow your business. They can help with the content marketing strategy and provide valuable insights into how to improve your website’s visibility with search engines.

SEO copywriters are a smart investment for any business. 


Ivan Boiko, CMO at ContentAdore. I love to write and speak, but I also love to listen. Every day we listen to the needs of agencies, brands, and companies. We help them create better content for their audience in 30+ languages, attract more customers, and grow their businesses faster. If you’re interested in working with us, we’d love to hear from you!

Digital Branding

Top Social Media Strategies to Drive Frozen Food Business

There were a time when independent food businesses were dependent mostly upon walk-in customers, word of mouth, print media evaluations before the new era of smartphones and social media started. In the digital age, everything is changed. The customers, on the other hand, are increasingly getting information, determining how to spend their time, and making purchases online.

A low-quality vendor with a high budget may still succeed simply because he or she can afford the rent across from the bus stop. But the case is totally opposite for a smaller one. Especially for a more ambitious artisanal bakery operating out of a home kitchen, as he or she might now compete.

Everyone has a chance at a slice of the pie with the correct new media marketing and branding strategy. Here are some of the best online techniques to consider for the better growth of your frozen food business:

1. Younger People Should Be Targeted

You are not alone if you still have the tape of your mother or father reminding you to eat your vegetables as a child. This reminder is also lodged in the minds of the younger generation of Millennials and Gen Z. When it comes to fresh and frozen vegetable consumption, it is the younger age that is driving the surge. As a result, when it comes to your frozen food business, this is the ideal market.

The truth is that the younger generation is far more health-conscious than their older counterparts. As a result, individuals are more inclined to choose frozen fruits or veggies over other options. This is because they know they are healthier.

2. Make Your Company Green

People are more concerned than ever before about where they spend their money. They want to know that their money is going to be well spent. If you show that your frozen food company cares about the environment, you’ll be able to gain traction in almost every market area. 

For instance, you might want to supply environmentally friendly custom frozen food packaging. You want to make it known that your food was sourced responsibly. You want to make sure your customers know you’re working hard to be carbon-neutral.

3. Show Off Your Creativity & Variety

Finally, you must demonstrate sincerity, variety, and creativity. Customers want to know exactly what ingredients are used in their cuisine. Make every attempt to keep your ingredient list as short as possible. Provide organic alternatives. Single-serve portions should be made. 

Try to come up with ways to serve cuisines that are influenced by many civilizations. You have various options to promote the Innovative frozen food items that you supply. From demos to signs, and from social media to email marketing, there is so much to avail. 

Next, strive to get feedback from your clients through your marketing channels. You will inspire loyalty among your consumer base if you demonstrate that you care about what they have to say.

4. Distribute Dynamic Content

The purpose of content marketing is to build authority through information sharing. Google will rank you higher for related keywords if you post more helpful material regarding the food sub-niche. Your regular readers will love to share your dynamic and original material with others. They will also return for more if it actually gives value to your intended audience by addressing their interests.

Get started on your blog straight away so that your pages can begin to get indexed. This can take some time. Start by sharing some of your favorite cooking tidbits – they’re generally amusing.

5. Participate in Niche Food Photography Communities

Pinterest is only the beginning when it comes to exposing small frozen food brands via photo-sharing groups. Foodily, Instagram, Purple, Kitchen Artistry, dishPal, and food-oriented groups on Flickr are just a few of the super-targeted communities where opportunities abound. It is a nice selection to get you started.

Despite the fact that some of these platforms have a small audience, the people who use them have already decided that they are interested in what you have to offer. 

6. Online Ordering Should Be Enabled

You may already be using your website as an eCommerce property, depending on the type of food you sell. This is a necessity if your consumables are packaged and can be sent easily. Online ordering has the power to increase sales to some great level, no matter if the food item must be delivered within a specific time frame. Although this is not the case when you are dealing with frozen food items. 

Electronic payment alternatives and digital self-service ordering are greatly desired by both restaurateurs and food consumers. Experts claim that anything that can be bought by ordering online has a higher chance of boosting sales. Whether it is an edible product or a hot selling high speed robot arm, the right online information and ordering remove many hurdles. 

7. Optimize Your Website on Mobile Devices

Hungry people sitting at home have two options. The first one is getting to know where to find good food. And the second option is attacking the empty fridge again and again. But when individuals are out and about, especially in an unfamiliar location, they will rely on their smartphones for directions. 

Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly so that these potential customers do not depart with a bad taste in their mouths.

8. Optimize Your Website For Local Search

Google receives roughly two billion local intent queries per month from desktop computers in the United States alone. For example, if someone is interested in trade show rentals in Las Vegas, the person will simply type in Google search and hundreds of websites will appear. The same rule applies to your frozen food business.

More than half of all smartphone searches contain location-related terms. These stats make sense when you realize that the internet is a terrific resource for busy people looking for things to do on short notice. Geo-targeted campaign settings from Google and Facebook’s pay-per-click ad networks can help if organic local search results in your area are too competitive.

In Close

Today’s competition in the food industry is more fierce than it has ever been. It could be difficult for you to make your frozen food business stand out. You will not only protect your market share but also expand among the current demographic of shoppers if you employ these marketing methods.

Local Branding

Top Local Search Ranking Signals Businesses Need to Know

Most customers prefer searching for nearby local businesses for products and services. This latest search trend has made local SEO more important than ever. 

No wonder businesses have started investing in local SEO.

How can SMBs achieve top local rankings in colossal competition?

The simple answer is Google’s Local Pack.

Google’s Local Pack highlights the top three search-related businesses, as shown in the shared screenshot. It helps customers find business details in one place, which boosts the chances of conversions.

Hence, we have shared top local ranking signals to help your business appear in Google’s Local Pack and hit top local SERPs.

1. Google My Business

Google My Business is a free-to-use platform that lets you connect with your potential customers across Google searches. Add your business details, upload photos, and write a description stating your products and services. Attract new prospects by explaining what makes your business unique.

2. Listings on Review Sites

Business listings on popular review sites help boost the local SERPs. Some of the top review sites include – 

If you haven’t claimed your business listings on these review sites, do it at the earliest.

3. NAP Citations

NAP (Name, Address, and Phone number) citations depict the websites and places where your business name, address, and phone number are listed.

Google uses NAP citations to check and confirm whether your business information is accurate. This attribute has made NAP citations one of the vital local SEO ranking signals.

4. High-Quality Google Reviews

High-quality Google reviews significantly improve the online visibility of local businesses.

Reviews with relevant keywords send Google signals stating the business is trustworthy. So, always request your customers to leave genuine feedback on your services on Google.

5. Responses to Reviews

Reviews with response counts also contribute to improved local SERPs. 

As an SMB owner, make sure you respond to every customer who’s taken time to write a review for your services. 

6. Business Website Optimization 

Optimize your website for local searches. Include meta titles, descriptions, keywords that help users explore your business and its location. 

For instance, instead of optimizing for ‘the best laptop repair services,’ optimize for ‘the best laptop repair services, Pune.’

7. Content with Local Keywords 

Make sure to write and publish quality content on your website that speaks about your local events, community, services, or anything relevant to your products and services. Use local keywords to help Google discover and rank your business fast. 

Wrapping Up

Local SEO can be a gamechanger for businesses, especially SMBs aiming to enhance their ROI.

If you are one of them, the list of specified top local search ranking signals will serve as a quick guide to increase your performance in local SERPs.  

You can also refer to the insightful infographic by Ronkot for all the latest updates on local SEO practices. It will help your business be a part of Google’s Local Pack and let your customers find you with ease. 

Local Branding

Top 5 Tips to Make Your Online Business More Profitable

A good idea and an online store are not enough to make money. Given how large the eCommerce industry is, it is natural to see various entrepreneurs and well-established businesses do their best to get a larger share of the market.

Even if you were to take a look at niches that might seem uncompetitive, the perspective changes once you do a quick search on Google and go through all the online stores that appear in the results.

From small stores to known brands, there are a plethora of different options, and consumers have plenty to choose from.

Of course, for someone who aspires to start an online store themselves, this competition indicates hardship, and overcoming other enterprises that had a head start could be so hard that you might lose motivation before accomplishing anything.

Having said that, others managed to start from scratch and create a source of income. And since there are plenty of examples of success, it means that you should be able to do it as well.

Once you have an idea and an online store up and running, you can move to what matters—advertising and driving traffic to the website that will hopefully convert. For that, you will need a strategy and some ideas.

Publish Customer Reviews

Drive social proof and convince shoppers that your goods or services are worth it by providing customer reviews.

In case you are selling your own product, you will need to encourage customers to leave reviews. 

And in case you are dropshipping, you can look to import reviews from other stores using import tools. Look at a detailed comparison of Opinew vs Fera and decide which of these two solid plugins suits you the best.

Now, as for those who do not dropshipping, getting customer reviews can become easier by:

  • Offering them incentives, such as free shipping or discounts on the next purchase after submitting a review
  • Sending follow-up emails asking for a review
  • Providing review templates and letting upload video recordings

Create FOMO

The fear of missing out is one of the oldest methods to drive more sales. People are programmed in a way that they do not want to miss out on good deals, and FOMO drives the impulse to purchase something before it disappears.

Imagine someone visiting a product’s page and seeing that there are only 5 items left in stock. In addition, there is a message saying that the last purchase was made 10 minutes ago and that there are 3 other people viewing the same product. 

It is most likely that this person will not take a risk and add the item to their shopping cart so that they can complete the transaction.

Running discounts for a limited time is another example of FOMO. Announce that there will be a sale on certain goods or services in the next 24 hours, and you are bound to notice a significant increase in website traffic.

Offer Flexible Shipping

Flexible shipping is another aspect of an online business that you can utilize to your advantage. Shoppers who see free shipping next to a product are more likely to buy it. There is a negative psychological effect when you have to consider shipping fees. After all, who wants to pay for shipping and a product at the same time?

It is common to play with prices so that you do not lose profits even if the shipping is free. Compare having to pay 10 dollars for a product and 10 dollars for shipping and having to pay 20 dollars for a product. Naturally, the latter option looks more appealing.

Simplify the Checkout Process

Overcomplicated checkout processes are a hindrance, and they should not exist if you want to make more sales. 

One of the primary reasons behind abandoned shopping carts is the time it takes to go through the checkout.

For one, do not force registration when shoppers can complete the transaction as guests. Also, do not ask for random registration details when an email account and a password are often enough.

The less time people have to spend at the checkout, the more likely they are to complete a transaction.

As a side note, do not limit available payment options if possible. Flexibility is also key, and an online store stands to gain more if it provides multiple payment gateways to its customers.

Promote on Multiple Marketing Channels

The last bit of advice is pretty straightforward. Whether you are serious about making a lot of money or creating a side hustle, you should not expect to profit without promoting the store.

Social media, PPC marketing, emails, and cold outreach, influencer marketing, search engine optimization, guest blogging, and other methods have their pros and cons. Test different approaches and see which work and which do not.

Once you get a better idea, you can build your marketing strategy around a couple of methods and focus on those. 

Local Branding

How to Turn Your Hobby Into a Legit Business: 9 Steps to Follow

Many of the best and most lucrative businesses often come to life out of hobbies. If you have a hobby that you’re passionate about and frankly good at, you can consider turning it into something that will bring you a nice paycheck. However, you will need to complete a series of steps to reap a profit from your hobby. If you need some help with the process, here’s how you can get started: 

Check the market

First things first, you need to see whether there’s a market for your goods or services. Sure, your family might be in awe of your cooking, baking or jewelry-making skills, but would they be willing to pay money for it and how much? There were many cases where people loved their hobby, turned it into a business after family and friends said they should go pro, but it turned out, their products weren’t up to professional standards. Therefore, it’s important to do market research and discover whether people are willing to pay for your products or services. Everything you produce should be up to professional standards. 

Give it a try

It’s more than possible to earn money from your hobby without starting a proper business, which means you can try it out before investing more money and time into it. For instance, you can start a part-time business or run your small business around your day job. This will allow you to notice any issues and actually see if you’re willing and able to commit full-time.

Make a business plan

If you love your trial run and want to move forward, you must create a solid business plan that will include your current business situation and plans for the future. Many people choose to skip this step, thinking that they already know their hobby well enough, but if you want to take things to the next level, you always need good planning and assessment. 

Choose a smart domain

Today, it’s practically impossible to run a business without having a website where people can check out your products and learn about your services. It’s also important to choose a name for your domain that will make sense for your business, as well as attract attention and stay in people’s memory. A great way to stand out from the competition is to choose a .me domain and completely personalize your website name. With this domain, you have a world of possibilities to create something that will be easy to remember and awaken intrigue, which is exactly what your business needs. 

Work on branding

If you want recognition, you need good branding. You need a good business name and company logo that will tell the story of your business philosophy. Your logo also needs to look good on your materials like the website, business cards, and ads. It’s also important to strike the colors that resonate well with your target audience. It’s best to hire experts to come up with the logo, but you can also use programs online that can create one for you—you just have to pick a name and colors. 

Create an elevator pitch

If you want to grow your business and reach many people, you need to come up with a pitch that can share your business plan in only a few seconds. Here’s what a college tutor might say: “I’m a college tutor who helps students get into college. Usually, students need to conquer the ACTs, and I can help them do it. Thanks to my help, students can raise their scores by 14 points. Do you know someone who might require my services?” Come up with a pitch for your own business. 

Take care of the legalities

You need to determine your business structure (like a sole proprietorship or LLC) to formally create your business. In case you can prove that you have a business and not a hobby, the IRS will give you business tax deductions. 

Handle your finances

If you want to start any business, you need to report your income and start paying taxes. Create a separate business bank account and hire an accountant (or invest in accounting software) to keep track of your finances. If you notice you’re struggling at the beginning, you might need to reduce your spending to provide enough cash flow into your business. 

Invest in marketing

If you want to only sell to your immediate area, you might go without marketing, but if you want to make a living out of your business, you need to invest in marketing and reach a wider audience. Marketing should be a part of your daily business activities, so create a solid plan, identify your optimal customers, locate them and attract them to your business. 

If you want to make money doing something you love, turn your hobby into your business. Treat it like something serious, and money and customers will come, especially if you employ these aforementioned tips. Now that you’ve figured out how to turn your hobby into profitable business, it’s time to make sure you get your employees their payslips especially if they’re working extra hours via the paystub generator with overtime.