Tag: data

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5 Benefits of Data Processing in Real Estate Recruitment

Many companies still use traditional recruitment methods like internal hiring and employee referrals because they’re simple and familiar. While these are undoubtedly effective, they might not be enough for acquiring top talents in a highly competitive industry like real estate. That’s why it’s a good idea for your brokerage to explore new techniques in talent recruitment, such as using a data-driven approach.

In particular, data processing tools such as the one in brokerkit.com can help maximize agent recruitment efforts through a wealth of key information. These tools can also process data to identify candidates from a large talent pool. With real estate agents that possess the right skills, experience, and mindset, organizations can more easily achieve their business goals.

If you’re still undecided whether or not data processing can help you recruit talented real estate professionals more efficiently, check out the benefits listed below.

Make Objective Recruitment Choices

Many recruiters often find themselves in the challenging situation of choosing just one among many exceptionally qualified candidates. In this kind of scenario, it’s quite common for some emotion or bias to affect one’s decision and make a final choice based on it.

Although many experienced recruiters may have trusted their intuition before and yielded good results, it might be more difficult for newer recruiters. This is when employing data processing and analysis comes in handy. Data-driven hiring can help you come up with a more objective choice by showing variables you might not have seen through traditional recruitment. For example, the data you collect may reveal information in one of your candidate’s work histories that may make them better qualified for the position. It’s also possible that the candidate has something in common with one of your top agents that may make them more effective.

With data processing, you get to have a more holistic view of each potential recruit so you can formulate a more informed decision.

Boost Quality of Hires

Aside from making more objective hiring choices, using data and recruitment analytics can help improve the quality of your hires. For example, the results of a skills test and general mental ability assessments can supplement resumes and interviews. In turn, these can help determine a candidate’s future job performance. 

Additionally, you can use data to identify the recruitment channels that yield quality candidates. You can gather data like top-performing agents, turnover rate, and productivity levels, among others. Then, you can compare the information between the different hiring sources such as job boards and social media channels. This helps you determine which channels generate top talents so you can reallocate your resources accordingly for cost-effectiveness.

Improve Hiring Forecast

When you spend more time processing and analyzing your recruitment data, you can also pinpoint patterns and trends that can affect future recruitment situations.

For example, by taking a closer look at your company’s recruitment and hiring patterns, you can forecast potential vacancies and the time to fill those positions. You can track the annual turnover rate and common times of the year when people leave the company. You can also monitor how long it takes to hire for certain roles, how many potential candidates to look for, and the time each candidate spends in each stage of the hiring process. At the same time, this kind of data-driven recruitment approach allows you to identify challenges or bottlenecks that could be slowing down the recruitment process and address them quickly.

Reduce Hiring Costs

Aside from facilitating a faster and better recruitment process, using data in recruiting real estate agents can also lower your hiring expenses. That’s because you get to eliminate long traditional processes, which commonly require plenty of resources. For example, you can use the data to identify the platforms on which you typically spend a lot of time and money advertising job postings. If they offer little to no positive results, you can minimize spending or cut this from your recruitment program. Then, you can transfer your recruitment team’s efforts to more successful endeavors.

Enhance Candidate Experience

Using data to improve your brokerage’s recruitment process bring the additional benefit of improving your candidate’s recruitment experience. Some candidates might tend to drop off at certain points of their recruitment journey because they’re annoying, redundant, or too intensive to complete. As a result, you can lose top talents. A candidate’s unpleasant recruitment experience can also negatively affect your brand as an employer. This could discourage other real estate professionals from even considering joining your company. 

When you apply data processing in your recruitment strategy, you can identify these problematic points and remove the roadblocks that might be stopping top talents from pushing through with their application. As a result, you can refine your candidate experience into a desirable one that many qualified individuals would willing to go through.

While many traditional recruitment strategies are simpler, they might not be the best methods to help you recruit top talents into your brokerage. Consider the benefits mentioned above to better appreciate how data processing and data-driven recruitment can help improve your recruitment process. When you decide to implement data processing into your real estate recruitment plan, feel free to experiment with it and integrate it with your other effective tactics. This way, you can come up with a robust strategy that will help you recruit the industry’s top talents. 

Real estate
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How is Data Compiled in the Real Estate Industry?

Like many other industries in the modern world of business, data is a crucial aspect of the real estate industry. Data is compiled in several ways and used for numerous reasons. Today, we’ll take a closer look at data in real estate and how it’s compiled. Keep reading to learn more about data in the real estate industry.

Data Profiling

The data profiling definition is the process of analyzing data to identify patterns and trends. This can be used to understand how a particular system works or to identify potential security threats. Data profiling can also be used to determine which customers are most likely to buy a product or to find new leads for a business. When it comes to real estate, data profiling is one of the main ways information is compiled to study the market and better understand trends.

What Data Should Realtors Profile?

When it comes to real estate agencies like OylerHines.com, data can be collected in a few different ways. The most common type of data is sales data. Sales data includes information about recent home sales in a particular area. This data can be used to identify trends in the market, such as the average selling price of a home or the amount of time a property spends on the market. With this data, a realtor that focuses on customer service like Oyler Hines can help their clients to the best of their abilities.

Another type of data that can be useful for realtors is demographic data. This data includes information about the population of a particular area, such as their age, income, and ethnicity. This data can be used to help realtors identify potential customers and better understand what type of homes are in demand in a particular area.

Finally, real estate agents can also compile data on the prices of properties in a particular area. This data can be used by reputable realtors like Oyler Hines to help home buyers and sellers understand what they can expect to pay for a home in a certain area. It can also help realtors identify areas where the market is heating up or cooling down.

The Benefits of Data Profiling for Realtors


A data word is written on a tablet screen

Data profiling can be an extremely useful tool for realtors. By analyzing data, agents can identify trends and patterns in the market, as well as target specific buyers and sellers. Profiling also allows agents to better understand their clients, which can lead to more successful transactions.

There are several benefits of data profiling for agents. First, profiling can help agents identify new leads. By examining data, agents can see which areas or neighborhoods are growing or declining in popularity, and they can target advertising to specific buyers or sellers. Additionally, profiling can help agents understand their client’s needs and preferences. By understanding a client’s buying or selling history, an agent can better anticipate their needs and provide them with better service.

Data profiling can also help agents predict market trends. By profiling data, agents can see which neighborhoods are becoming more popular and which ones are losing value. This information can help agents price their listings correctly and avoid making costly mistakes. Moreover, data profiling can help agents develop marketing plans that are most likely to be successful. By understanding what types of properties are in demand, agents can create marketing materials that will appeal to their target audience.

Overall, data profiling can be a valuable tool for real estate agents. By understanding the data, agents can identify new leads, understand their client’s needs, and predict market trends. This information can help agents be more successful in their careers and provide better service to their clients.

Compiling Data

As you can see, one of the best ways for realtors to compile data is through data profiling. This method of data compilation provides realtors with many benefits that can make their businesses a success.