When you are getting things printed, whether it is pictures, brochures, business cards or anything else, you want it to be as high in quality as possible. When you order these things online, it may be hard for you to determine the quality of the product you are ordering if you do not know the proper printing material that you should choose. This could lead you to become disappointed with the end results if they are not what you were expecting.
This is why we have put together a list of the different types of printing and what they are used for. Make sure to keep reading if you would like to find out more.
Printing Companies
There are many different companies like aura-print.com that can offer you services for printing. These companies can print anything you need for your business, which means you can get everything you need both print and design-wise for your company. For this reason, these companies should not be neglected and their services utilised as much as possible. If you’re having trouble finding one, then take a look at the website theprintauthority.com where you can find great printing services that will benefit you and your company in a number of ways.
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Then there are companies that provide equipment and accessories needed for a printing company to work, such as Bonfilt, who’ve been supporting businesses doing screen printing, printing on plastic products, and printing on glass.
Green Printing
Green Printing has been popular since it was first introduced; this is because it is a process that makes the printing a lot environmentally friendlier than what the usual printing process involves. This process involves printing fewer amounts, changing the types of paper used and changing the ink or using recycled products.
Spot Printing
Spot Printing uses specific ink such as PMS inks in different colors including fluorescent and metallic inks. Using this type of ink is the best for matching for each job. Spot Printing is useful for preventing forgeries of important documents such as passports and bonds as well as money.
Offset Printing
Offset Printing is the process which involves using a printing press, wet ink, and printing plates. Offset Printing usually takes longer as there is more involved work when it comes to set up and because the product has to be dry before finishing can take place. This type of printing is known for producing the highest quality available and is known as the most beneficial choice when producing large numbers of prints.
Digital Printing
Digital printing is taken from electronic files that can be printed as photos or canvases as well as fabrics and even synthetic materials. This type of printing doesn’t require printing plates as it is printed straight onto the media substrate. This printing is a lot more popular as it is cheaper to use, takes less time and can be printed at any time you need it.
In Conclusion
Now you know the different types of printing and what each of them is used, you can make sure that you are choosing the right type of printing for your next project. Make sure to think carefully about the ink used and the type of paper for the best possible results.