Getting to the first page of Google is half the battle. The other half is staying there, which can be incredibly difficult when you try to tackle the issue alone. But, when you have help and support from your customers, it becomes a bit easier. Staying in your customer’s minds and on their radar, long after they leave your site is priceless. With so many companies competing for attention, finding and keeping it can make or break your company’s profit margins. Trusty content that pulses with authority is exactly the way to achieve such a goal, but how can you get to that point? With several helpful tips&tricks we’ve curated below, you will be set on the right track for success!
1. Ask questions and provide answers
What’s the best way to get people hooked on what you are about to say? Offer a solution to their problems. Asking the right questions and giving the best possible answer gets people interested in what you have to say. Because you are saying what they want to hear, they will tune in whenever you are on and listen. Such interactions boost lead generation as all of these people have a friend who they will invite along to the show.
Now you may be thinking, what are THE best questions to ask? Well, the answer lies in doing delightful research. You are in tune with your audience and your chosen field of study, so that makes you the right person to answer the question. Start with some general and seemingly obvious problems you are facing in your industry. Then turn those problems into questions and provide answers in form of your experience. And if that doesn’t work, then you can supplement it with our next suggestion.
2. Proof of concept
Saying you can do something is all great, but people today want proof of concept that your method works. Nobody believed that flying to the Moon was possible until humanity did it for the first time, and the same applies to any advice in the industry. Trust is built with evidence and hard data that can back up any claim you make. The best way to start is by using your data, from those successful business moves. You can use any presentation method you wish and tell a story.
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From how you prepared before beginning, how the problem occurred and how you fixed it, there is data in every step, and people are hungry for solutions. Other options include doing a bit more research and linking your story to someone else in the industry, who might have the same or similar situation. When methods become universally applicable, then your story gets more credibility, and all your claims now have weight. With weight provided by proof of concept, your tales stay embedded in your customer’s minds, and other winds can’t blow them away.
3. Consistency
Consistency always trumps chance. Diligent workers exhume confidence as we see them at their workstations day in, and day out. Making consistent content is equally important as making content in the first place. The quest in becoming trustworthy and respected is a marathon, one that it will take you years to reach. With every post, article, comment, and blog, you create more leverage toward your advantage. Consider the following scenario.
Whom would you rather trust? Someone who did a job 1-2 times, or a person who did it more than a hundred? Who would do a better job at the end between two? The same principle applies to the importance of consistent writing. Once you get into a rhythm, your customers will get accustomed to and follow. Two articles per week are ideal for a good start, and all that’s left is to research what the ideal days are, so you are more in tune with your audience’s schedule. Or you can use the downtime and fill it up with articles, creating consistent engagement.
4. Professional help
Getting a head start in an industry with plenty of experienced and established brands can be somewhat difficult. Each day you spend by not starting or moving towards your goal, you are creating a bigger gap between you and everyone else. Established names have entire dedicated marketing and SEO departments behind them, which can be near impossible for regular or smaller businesses to compete with.
Luckily for you and everyone else, the modern way of doing business is to outsource any hardships you may face. In the same way, big corporations have dedicated departments, so too you can follow their lead and outsource your SEO and article need to professionals in the field, like SEO Sydney Experts, and others that are readily available for help. Starting your department is expensive, takes a lot of trial and error, and, most importantly, time. For everyone, time and money are sorely lacking in modern business, so reaching out for professional help gets you on the fast track to success.
5. Influencers

A schematic representation of influencer work in a nutshell
Short of hiring an entire dedicated staff for your cause, you can also cherry-pick the ideal individuals for your quest toward a greater market share. Influencers are established individuals in their respective fields that have cultivated a vide, loyal and interactive audience around them. Usually, an influencer has charisma, presentation skills, and a loyal following behind their actions and practices. Influencers’ names can easily be associated with any brand they choose to endorse or get sponsored by.
When considering going with any influencers, due diligence and research are required. While it’s amazing when you get instant exposure to an incredible audience, a bad choice of influencers can backfire on your company. Influencers’ audience associates their deeds, name, and reputation with the brands they represent. So, they see a brand, your brand, and not the influencer. This means that any negative actions or moves the influencer can or makes backfire and reflect on your company.
Which leads to the polar opposite of the results you were aiming for. The prevent this, take your time to do research about the right influencers and take your time to know them, before you sight any papers.
6. Cooperation
One innovative way of reducing competition is banding up and providing a unified front thru cooperation. One company is strong, two are stronger, and so on. When two or even more companies join hands regarding the same goal, it sends out a message to your future customers. Several companies wouldn’t band together if they don’t collectively believe in what they are doing, and people can feel those vibes. When you partner up, you also have access to more resources to produce better results that will resonate with customers as they see several bands together, which brings certainty.
When you wish to differentiate your company in such a partnership, and for all actors to get their fair share, try to set boundaries before you even begin. Each company can be dedicated to a certain step when creating content or interacting with customers, and all get their fair share. A homogenized entity can appear before customers, but what’s important is what happens behind the curtains. And everything has to operate silky smooth, so your joint appearance does not come off as forced, artificial or negative. Setting clear goals for your joining endeavor and boundaries that all involved can respect, sets the board for future successes.
7. Compare
How can people believe that your solution is better than all the rest? Comparison is one more proof of concept and method to cement your brand awareness and quality of content. The past is gone, but it leaves behind valuable lessons and info. You can always dig back and find previous situations, that don’t even have to be yours and compare your results.
A side-by-side comparison can clearly show that your method is better and an upgrade when compared to the rest. You can try a more extravagant approach where you can compare yourself with a different company, but that can bring negative attention and send out mixed signals. Here it’s important to know what kind of brand you wish to establish and what type of trust you trying to build. One way to show humility is to compare your past results with current ones in areas of improvement.
Humility, resolve to better yourself, and honesty goes a long way in making people trust you. When you put all your actions out in the open and clearly show that you have nothing to hide, while showing growth, progress, and results, customers will value your words and actions!
The best moment to start building bridges with your audience is right now! People flock to certainty, authority, and charisma. Such qualities are guiding grace that promises to absolve them of their difficulties and offer solutions to burning problems. Our modern world is filled with challenges and problems which we can’t all solve equally or at the same pace. When you present yourself as a person who can help, trust grows from those seeds, and from that point, you only need to cultivate the field. In no time at all, you will reap the rewards of your effort. We wish you all the best.