The feeling of going to work and knowing your meeting all of your quotas and even helping your co-workers occasionally without receiving any recognition is a dreadful feeling. While one may appreciate his job and even look forward to going to work each morning, we all deserve a pat on the back when a job is well done.
What Work Ethics Deserve Recognition?
In this time and age, it is true that companies have many employees showing up on time; however, the amount of productivity from particular employees is insufficient. Some of the work ethics that are deserving of an award include co-workers willingness to help one another.
While it is at times mandatory for employees to assist co-workers at the beginning with either learning something new or helping a new co-worker, it certainly isn’t that employee’s responsibility to continue helping that same co-worker continuously.
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If the employee is able to complete his own work on time and is a helpful person in such a way, he deserves to be acknowledged. Employees that are able to constantly meet the demands of a highly stressful work environment with zero errors should be rewarded by management. For this reason, many companies use to reward great work ethics.
Lazy Employees
As of 2019, employees that want to cut corners and not work is on the rise. In fact, employees that practice a great work ethic with a positive mindset find themselves overwhelmed from an overload of work dumped off on them from an unethical supervisor that doesn’t want to see them elevate within the company.
This has been proven true in many cases and this is mostly due to the fact that some employers choose to hire based off of who they know versus who is qualified to do the work. When employers hire in such a way, unethical employers or supervisors will make the workload for who they know much less. And this is how qualified great workers stay underpaid and under appreciated.
How Does Recognition Boost One’s Self Esteem?
Recognizing one’s productivity is a powerful way to motivate your employees to perform even better. A good supervisor doesn’t feel inferior to a great work ethic. It is also true that supervisors should be rewarded when necessary also. When recognition is active within a work environment, it creates a friendly work environment for everyone because everyone is aware that if they perform up to par or over exceed company expectations they could be next.
When an individual is rewarded for great work performance, it actually affects one’s personal life as well. It is possible that one may become kinder to his spouse considering the universe is responding back to him in such a way. Recognition brings happiness especially if one receives a pay increase.
What Should Be The Reward?
Employees that go above and beyond to see a company succeed should be rewarded in many ways. Certificates are an amazing way to show appreciation. Employers could also find out which restaurants or coffee shops a worker likes to go to and buy that worker a gift card.
The most popular types of gift cards include Starbucks, Wal-Mart, Red Lobster, and Target. Depending on how long an employee or supervisor has been with a company, there is bound to be many positives in their employee record. If checking their report shows all positives, he or she should be rewarded with a pay increase. A pay increase is the ultimate way to say thank you to a hard worker.
They Won’t Forget
The great part about being in the position to help someone get the recognition they deserve is the fact that he or she will never forget your thoughtfulness. And let’s not forget that recognition doesn’t always have to come from the supervisor.
Co-workers that appreciate the help from one another should be considerate as well. It’s easy to go to work and create hostility. They say life is what you make it and that may be true in many cases. But it is also true that your working environment is also what you make it. Can you think of anyone who could use your recognition?