Whether they realize it or not, everyone has a personal brand. 

Your personal brand is all of who you are in public. If you get dressed to the nines to go grocery shopping, you’ve got a fancy brand. If you never swear, you might have a wholesome brand. 

Your personal brand isn’t necessarily who you are as a person. It’s more about how the world sees you. Yet if you want to be authentic, those two things should be aligned.

So your personal brand might feel boring to you. Because, well, it’s just you. 

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But there are ways to revolutionize your personal brand to set yourself up for success. 

In this post I’m going to share five tips to supercharge your brand to help you stand out in your industry. 

1. Be the YOUest You

You’ve probably heard that Dr. Seuss quote that goes, “there is no one alive who is youer than you.” And that’s true. 

Too many people try to make their mark by acting like someone else. They try to mimic another personal brand that works. But the problem is that most people see right through that.

People love to see other people just being authentically themselves. And do you know why? Because it’s incredibly brave. Most people are scared to be themselves, which is why they love to see others doing it. It gives other people permission to do the same. 

2. Get Yourself Out There

To have a personal brand online, you’re going to need to get yourself out there on social media. You don’t necessarily need to spend all day on social channels, but you should invest your time in one or two social sites or apps that speak to you.

If you have very limited time to communicate who you are, you may have the most success on YouTube. This way, people around the world can get a feel for your personality and what you stand for immediately. And you can position yourself as an expert in your field rather quickly.

3. Use Consistent Messaging

You don’t need to come up with a catchphrase (unless you really want to), but you should be consistent in how you address people in your audience. Figure out what’s unique about your audience and come up with a nickname or a way to address them. 

Don’t make the mistake of calling them fans or anything that makes you seem like a raging narcissist. But instead try to find something that addresses their interests. If you’re stuck, check out this list of strangely unique job titles for some inspiration. Use this and other consistent messaging across all channels to reinforce your branding.

Whether a message is written or spoken, everyone should be able to tell it came from you. This means that you should be careful about outsourcing unless you have stringent brand guidelines. 

4. Create “A Look” 

In line with consistent messaging, you’re also going to want to create consistent imaging. This means using the same color palette for graphics, and it may also mean adding the same filter to every photo. Decide what works best for your brand and stick with it. It’s okay to switch things up here and there, but consistency is key in personal branding.

5. Refine Your Offer

In order to keep people interested, you’re going to have to provide value. So it’s up to you to decide what value you’re going to provide.

What can you offer that would be of greatest interest to people? And even if you’re giving away information for free, you’re going to want to find a way to monetize your personal brand. Create a brand plan before you start trying to monetize. This will help keep your message and purpose on track.

So, are you ready to revolutionize your personal brand?

Posted by Steven

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