2021 is here to end, and it’s clear that video marketing is going to stay for many more years to come. Videos are not only easy to create but also capture audience attention more effectively than plain text. Moreover, it is also seen that videos are shared more than any other content type. This is the reason why every marketer is putting explainer animated video into the picture.
So, if you haven’t created any video yet for your business, then it’s time to get going. Also, if you are already using it but didn’t get the expected result, you need to kick it up. For video marketing, monetized YouTube channels are so helpful to grab the audience’s attention. Are you also thinking the same? If so, then in this blog, you will see some cutting-edge techniques that will help you to give a boost to your video marketing campaign.
Tips for creating a successful video marketing campaign
Let’s begin…
1. Keep it short and crisp
Today only those videos are successful if they are both short and sweet. If your video is as long as a long 30 minutes episode, then there are 90% chances that you won’t be able to get the expected result. Nowadays, no one has much time to spend on useless tasks. That’s why, if you don’t offer them content as per their expectations, then you won’t be able to engage viewers right away.
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Generally, successful video content is about to be completed within 1-2 minutes. So, if you are planning to create a video, make sure you consider its length. Also, if you already have long videos on your bucket list, then try to make them shorter and optimized so that they can be promoted on different social platforms.
Add high-traffic and relevant keywords in the title
Say if you are from a marketing background or creating videos, then you might be familiar with the term SEO. Focusing on SEO while creating a video is another approach to getting excellent results. To get your videos ranked higher on the first page of search engines, you need to ensure that the keywords for which you want are added in the title.
Just as a blog post, your video title is also essential for ranking on Google. So, whenever you create a title for your video, make sure you keep it under 66 characters, which includes your target keyword. Also, you need to check that the title is engaging and drive qualified leads.
Try to use category tags
Another tip that will help you to make your video campaign successful is the appropriate category tag. Many people think that category tags do not affect the searches, but they do. Whenever you choose your video tags, they should be the same as the keywords you target for your video.
Basically, there are two tags that you need to focus on, that is first tag and secondary tags. Try to keep your first tag as precise as possible. Also, the secondary tags are gradually broader than the other.
Using accurate keywords and phrases is a great way to increase the chances of searches. So, make sure the tags that you use for videos are directly related to the title and context.
Follow a proper posting schedule
Many organizations did not see good results because they were unable to connect with the audience regularly. Are you also making this mistake? If yes, then you need to ensure that each video that you create is posted in the right way.
By sharing regular content, people will get more attracted and linked with your brand. Thus, to ensure that each post has its own presence, you need to create a posting schedule as it will inspire the audience to come back and see more video content. This approach will be highly valuable if you are planning to launch your product or something exciting.
So, what are you waiting for? Start establishing your business by sharing constant, engaging, and informative video content.
Add customer-generated content
Have you ever noticed what that extra thing that is making the videos successful is? From my experience, I realized that customer-generated content is one factor that is common in all high-performing videos. By adding customers to the videos, you can easily engage them towards your site and inspire them to make purchases.
This tactic is highly effective because people love seeing themself in the content, and the probability of sharing the video also increases. The higher the number of shares, the more people will view the content, which will ultimately lead you towards your goal.
Include an appealing call to action
For making your video campaign successful, you need to ensure that each video you create includes a responsive, simple, and engaging call to action. Adding this step to your checklist will inspire people to visit your site or download some resources or even view your social feed.
Say, if you don’t want to add a particular content or an image, you can also instruct the viewers to take the desired action just by speaking.
Customers enjoy videos if they find something informative. Thus, start adding excellent calls to action and see a good spark in the conversion rate.
Evaluate video performance
Last but not least tip is evaluating the success of videos. Many of us keep on creating content but forget to analyze whether the audience actually likes the generated content or not. This is the reason why many brands are unable to see their video marketing unsuccessful. So, if you don’t want to be one of them, I would recommend you analyze the performance of videos.
To understand the performance, you can use Google Analytics to understand how your videos are performing. Say if any video content is not effective, then you can make the changes accordingly. Always remember, the more the analysis, the better the performance.
Videos are an effective marketing strategy and have the power to thrill conversions. Indeed every video is not powerful, but hopefully, the above tips will allow you to make it highly productive.
So, are you ready to make your marketing life much easier with awesome animated videos? Go ahead.
About the Author: Anna Wattson is a blogger and a digital marketing expert working with different brands and companies such as the Christian Internet Marketing Company, a Scented Candles brand, Church Marketing Agency, and many other companies. She’s devoted to helping small businesses bridge success gaps by providing in-depth, actionable advice on digital marketing, SEO, and small business growth. Follow her on Twitter at @annawattson24.