Are you planning to host a school event or business meeting? You can create custom badges for your school with a school photo, for your business with your company logo and tagline, and personal photos for social events. With, you can create badges with just a click of a button. You can follow these steps to make custom badges online.
Step 1: Choose a Badge Design Template
The first thing is to go to “badge design defaults” and choose the shape you want to use. It is necessary to select a shape that resembles your logo. Additionally, find a design template that speaks about the theme and mood of the occasion.
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Step 2: Add Text
Add text to describe the theme of the context behind the badge. Be it for membership, award-winning, academic achievement, or employee appreciation.
Step 3: Choose your Font
Badges are displayed in various sizes, so you should pick an easy-to-read, clear font to pass the message quickly. Select a font that properly represents the occasion. It may be for completing a training course, membership, or any other event.
Step 4: Match Logo and Color
To keep the logo attractive and straightforward, you need to add your logo and color themes that match your brand. Go to the “Elements” tab to color to reflect your brand image. Besides, you can use the color wheel tool to re-color an icon to bring the right hue. You can also use a specific hexode to get your brand colors that are right for the badge.
Step 5: Upload your Photos and Background
If you want the badge to have a photo, you can easily add it to your card design—no need to taking photos and resizing them to paste on the badge. You only need to upload an image from any JPG, SVG, or PNG file from your computer. You only need to drag and drop the image to where you want it to be on the badge.
With the help of the upload feature, you can add your background to your design. It will make your badge reflect your brand.
Step 6: Download and Print
Once you are done with customizing, download, and save your badge as a PDF, JPG, and PNG, you can also make high-quality prints with Canva Print. It allows you to open and edit the project in the future when you need to.
Tips for Choosing Custom Badges Online
Here are some tips that you should consider when selecting a custom badge online:
- Size
One crucial factor to consider when choosing a custom badge is size. You should decide the badge to consider depending on the information it should contain. Ensure the badge size is not that tiny to be recognized and too big to look absurd.
- Appropriate Font Size
Most people tend to create custom badges with small font sizes. This tends to prevent people from talking and hindering efficient networking. Ensure you get a custom badge with a font size that meets your needs. It should also hold lengthy names.
- Great Background
Using the wrong background makes the badge ineffective as it makes the text unreadable. Avoid backgrounds with multiple colors or patterns because they cause distractions. Also, choose contrasting colors that bring out the intended purpose.
Badges make people stand out from a crowd and mark achievements. With, you can create fantastic badges to share and download in minutes.