Tag: branding

Legal Branding

6 Tips For Creating A Beautiful, Classy, and Productive Home Office

Americans enjoy working from home. You may have been working virtually and seeing that this could be an ongoing trend in the future.

If you’re working remotely and loving it, you want to create a beautiful, classy, and productive home workspace. There are many ways to achieve this – even if you are renting, living with roommates, or in a small space.

Let’s look at some of the major moves to create a beautiful space.

  1. Mount The TV on The Wall

Start here, as this is the fastest way to upgrade your space. Take the TV off the table or cabinet and onto the wall. If you’re used to having a television dominate your room, you’ll be delighted to see the transformation.

A TV wall mount makes the room instantly look upscale and modern. It eliminates clutter. It eliminates the need for a television table or cupboard. All this extra space instantly gives your room a classy finish.

  1. Remove Clutter

With the television mounted on the wall, you’ve got a lot less clutter. Many people find that the space around a television can be a magnet for random stuff. With this clear, you have a lot more room to play with.

While you’re removing clutter, look around. Notice other places where you can reclaim space. Perhaps you don’t need all those piles of newspapers and magazines. Check through your books to make sure they are relevant and interesting. Sort any piles of clothes, equipment, or mementos. 

Take a walk through your living room, dining area, and bedroom. Once you start decluttering, you’ll get into it as a healthy habit.

  1. Reclaim Space

Look for space that is ripe for transformation. Maybe there’s a closet that you never use. Perhaps a corner of the room that was lost under a pile of clothes, books, or unused sports equipment. 

As you reclaim the space, you’ll get fresh ideas for how to set up your home office.

  1. Think Like an Architect

Imagine your space in terms of a natural flow. Look for a cozy corner to set up your office desk, chair, and light. Organize so you have easy access to outlets and natural airflow. 

As you practice thinking like an architect, consider how you’ll use the space. Look for space where you can focus without being interrupted. If you have the possibility, organize your home office with a door. If you don’t have a door, add a curtain or moveable frame. Even a visual room divider can create a psychological and physical boundary.

If you live in a house, it is a great idea to at least occasionally go outside and work on the terrace or in the yard. To make your stay more comfortable, add Curb Appeal to Your Home and Front Yard.

  1. Experiment and Refine

Once you set up your TV, declutter, reclaim space, and notice ideal settings – be ready to play. You may find that the morning light is best on one side of the room. If you’re aiming to be up at the crack of dawn, this can influence where you position your office setup.

Alternatively, if you are working at home with roommates or family members, pay attention to the habits and needs of other people. You may want to look for the area where you can get privacy as a top priority. In other words, avoid setting up your workspace in a hallway, kitchen, or dining room. These are areas where you are sure to be interrupted regularly.

  1. Personalize Your Space

A workspace is best when it feels right to you. What personal touches will help you feel at ease and in a work mindset? As a professional, you know the value of branding in all aspects of your business. 

Creating a personal brand for your office helps you get in the mindset for creative work. Would you like to have plants and flowers in view? Would you feel inspired by quotes, photographs, and drawings? 

Balance your space with items from nature. This could be a beautiful photograph, piece of cloth, or basket of natural fibers. By paying attention to personalizing your workspace, you’ll notice a subtle change. It can become a place where you feel at ease, efficient, and able to focus.

Sum Up

There are many advantages to working from home. You don’t have to get stressed in a long commute. You can quickly go to work, and escape from it. You can work when and how you like. In many ways, working remotely has transformed how we live and work. This is likely to continue in the future.

With your beautiful, classy, and productive home office, you’re ready to do your most creative work.

Infographic provided by Container Alliance, a top company to get containers for sale
Legal Branding

Keep These Essentials in Your Briefcase at All Times

What do you keep in your briefcase? Does it change from day to day? Does it depend on what’s on your schedule? Do you make changes when you’re traveling?

There is no shortage of briefcase essentials, but remember this: no two people are the same.

For instance, if you’re a traveling salesperson, you won’t have the same items in your briefcase as someone who works from home a few days per week.

There’s no right or wrong answer as to what you should keep in your briefcase. It depends largely on your job, personal requirements, and professional requirements.

With all of that in mind, let’s check out some of the essentials you should consider adding to your briefcase in the near future:

  1. Pain medication

This isn’t to say that you’ll use pain medication every day of the week. In fact, you may never use it. That being said, you want to make sure that you have it available if the situation calls for it.

For example, if you find yourself traveling for the day and begin to suffer from lower back pain, it’s nice to know that you have the medication you need to find relief. 

  1. Topical CBD oil

The popularity of CBD products is on the rise. If you’ve yet to learn more about topical CBD oil, now’s the time to do so.

Sticking with the example above, rubbing CBD oil onto your lower back can help reduce or eliminate your pain. 

A bottle of topical CBD oil will not take up a lot of space in your briefcase. You’ll feel better about yourself when you always have this nearby. 

  1. Pen and paper

Even though you rely heavily on your smartphone, it never hurts to have a pen and paper nearby. 

Maybe you want to jot down notes while you’re flying. Or perhaps you need a piece of paper because your phone has died.

You don’t need to overdo it. In most cases, a single pen and a few sheets of paper are more than enough. 

  1. Reading material

There will be times when you have nothing to do but read. And when those times arise, it’s nice to know that you have plenty of reading material in your briefcase.

This can be anything from an ebook that you printed out to an industry trade magazine.

There’s no shortage of reading material out there. Add to your collection regularly and rotate through it as necessary. 

  1. Healthy snacks

There’s a difference between snacks and healthy snacks. The word healthy is key here, as eating poorly can impact your ability to maintain your energy, think clearly, and make it through your day.

For instance, it’s better to eat a banana than a chocolate bar. 

Tip: load up your briefcase with healthy snacks that have a long shelf life. This way, you don’t have to change these out on a daily basis. 

Frequently asked questions

As noted above, you can keep whatever you want in your briefcase. There are no rules that you need to follow. 

As you attempt to put together a briefcase that gives you peace of mind, here are some of the most common questions to address:

  • How much space do you have in your briefcase?
  • Is there anything you can remove to make more space for the essentials?
  • Is it time to upgrade your briefcase? 
  • How often should you review the contents of your briefcase?
  • Do you need to change the contents of your briefcase based on your schedule for the day?

Don’t shy away from these questions or any others that come to light. 

Final thoughts on packing your briefcase

It doesn’t matter if you already have a briefcase or you’re comparing some of the better models on the market, there will come a day when you need to decide which essentials to include in it.

Once you have all the essentials in your briefcase, it’s time to put your packing to the test. As days turn to weeks, ask yourself if there’s anything you need to change.

What do you keep in your briefcase? When was the last time you thought about this?

Digital Branding

6 Best White Hat Link Building Techniques In 2019

Link building is considered as one of the key elements of search engine optimization (SEO). But, many webmasters haven’t yet understood the concept well and go on to make mistakes which hurt the SEO.

Acquisition of White Hat links to your website can significantly boost your search engine ranking, but Google has been changing the link building algorithm over the years. Irrelevant comments on random blog posts to build links, no longer work for SEO.

What is Link Building and White Hat SEO?                            

When you get hyperlinks to your website from other websites, it is called link building. What this means is that you are telling Google that your site is relevant and trustworthy, and other sites are directing their users to you. This not only brings visitors from other websites but also boosts your ranking.

There are plenty of techniques for websites to rank higher, but not all of them work. Some are helpful, while some can even negatively impact the SEO. The SEO techniques that work positively and are done using proper methods are called White Hat SEO techniques.

Link building is done using both proper and improper methods. Proper methods can include guest blogs, while improper ones can include commenting on random posts with the link of your site. The proper method of link building is called White Hat link building.

Source – Pexels

White Hat Link Building techniques:                        

1. Guest blogging

One of the most efficient methods of link building is writing guest blogs for other websites. There are several websites and blogs that allow submission of guest articles. Leverage this opportunity for SEO improvement of your site.

The guest blogging is not only good for SEO but also helps you build relationships with other website owners. If you end up building good networking, chances are that they will allow more submissions from you.

Make a list of the websites that allow guest posts. Explore those websites and ensure that your guest post should be relevant to the niche of their site, otherwise it wouldn’t be accepted. Now contact the site runners and tell them about your experience with their site and your interest in submitting a post.

While writing a guest post, don’t be too promotional about your site. A couple of links in Author Bio and introduction will do. When they publish your work, share it with your customers and social media community. When the guest post publishers will find that your post is also helping them widely, then they would like to publish more of your work.

2. Ask your network for backlinks

As a website owner, you might be having a lot of friends and relatives who have their own websites or blogs. You can connect with them and ask for adding a link to your site in their next blog post.

If you have partners in your business, then leverage the partnership for link building. You can request a link back or do a deal of including a link to websites of each other in the next article. Further, keep on building your network and use it for your advantage.

3. Directory submission

There are plenty of good web directories available on the internet where you can list your website or blog. While listing your site on a directory, you should take care of a number of things, like choosing the right category for creating backlinks, checking the domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA) of the directory site, and whether the directory is reliable.

If the DA and PA of the directory site is not of high quality, or if it contains spam links, then it would be better to stay away from such options. The low-quality directories wouldn’t help your site to boost SEO. Research properly before submission so that you can avoid any negative impact on your SEO.

4. Convert your brand mentions into backlinks

This is another easy method for white hat backlinking. There might be several blogs and websites which have mentioned your brand name in reviews, recommendations, or testimonials without hyperlinking your site. What you need to do is find those mentions using Social Listening tools.

Once you have found all the mentions, build a strategy to reach those mentions via social media channels or contact forms and request a backlink to the mentions. Since there is no harm to those sites in hyperlinking your site to your brand name, they will very likely to do the needful for you.

5. List your business in local directories

If you are a small business, then a business listing can significantly help you. For example, you can easily list your business on Google for free. Other than Google, there are several more local directories, like Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, TripAdvisor, etc.

The aim of these local directories is to help local users find the relevant places they are looking for. For example, if someone in your area is searching for places nearby, then you can appear in search results. Since the listing will have your website link, it can work for you.

Source – Pexels

6. Maintain your own blog

Don’t ever underestimate the power of a blog. The reason most of the websites have a blog is that it drives traffic to the site and helps in white hat link building. Maintain a blog and publish posts regularly, which should be relevant to the services or products you provide.

Try to cover everything related to your solutions to make your blog more appealing to visitors. Since the blog posts will be having backlinks to your products and services, it will bring visitors to your site and improve SEO.

Use images and visuals so that the content doesn’t become boring for visitors. Allow users to comment and share the posts on social media platforms right from the same page.


Wrapping up

If you apply the above-mentioned techniques to your website, it will surely work for you. But you have to remember that link building is not going to happen overnight. It will take time as you reach other websites, directories and your network.

Also, never go for black hat backlinking techniques, because Google can penalize your site for it.

Know of more white hat link building techniques? Feel free to share via the comments section below.

Author Bio:

Mark Coleman is a passionate writer, currently working as an Editor at MarkupTrend. Markup Trend offers free resources for developers, designers, and webmasters and is updated daily. Mark is available for hire for product and business promotions.

Digital BrandingSaaS Branding

A STEP-BY-STEP Guide to creating a SWOT Analysis for your brand strategy

When you set out to build your brand strategy – it’s always best to be number 1 in a new market – then number 2 or number 3 in an already crowded market. But, how do you build a great foundation for your venture?

The answer? A SWOT Analysis.


A SWOT analysis of your brand strategy would give you an idea about the strengths (S), weaknesses (W), Opportunities (O), and threats (T) of your brand’s ability to dominate the market.


Let’s take real-life scenarios. A good friend of the writer named Sameer was starting a business where he would buy journals from India and sell it to the United States through an e-commerce store.

After a lot of research, he found a journal he liked and took his first step towards his goal. Upon the advice of the writer, he followed this step-by-step SWOT analysis for his product.

1 – Evaluate the Strength of your Idea

Sameer first did a quick Google research for the following keywords.

1 – Journals USA Buy

2 – Journals California Buy

3 – Self-improvement Journals USA Buy

4 – Gratitude Journals California Buy

He found some common denominators in the competitor’s websites.

Firstly, he found that there was virtually no copy under any of the products.

Secondly, he found that each of these websites had multiple journals for sale.

So, he found where his strengths lay;

  • He would sell just one journal on his website.
  • He would focus on a benefit-driven copy for his website.

2 – Swallow your Pride and Admit your Weakness

Next, Sameer needed to closely look at his weaknesses.

His biggest weakness was his marketing budget. If he were to take the Ad words route based on the projections, it would cost him close to $25 dollars to acquire a sale.

With a marketing budget of $500, he couldn’t risk running out of capital. So, he decided to explore alternate forms of advertising instead of Ad words.


3 – Look for Opportunities in Lesser Crowded Areas

Sameer had been hearing a lot about Instagram shoutouts.

Upon some quick research on Instagram hashtags, he found that the yoga handle has closed to 2 million posts.

Now, coincidentally Sameer practiced Yoga as well. So he decided to put his $500 dollars into marketing his business through shoutouts.

He found the best handles related to yoga and spirituality wrote a quick starter e-book on yoga which he used as a low tripwire offer of about $7 and then created an upsell page with the journal with a tagline “Journal like a Yogi”.


4 – Search for threats that can effectively shut you down

Sameer’s biggest threat now was the long lead time that comes with going through the funnel approach.

Upon his first couple of shoutout tests, he found that he got a 2% conversion on each shoutout expenditure.

So, at about $50 per shoutout – he would get close to 5 sales of his e-book. But no one was buying his journal.

He was $200 short and had just about $300 left before he ran out of his capital.

After looking at the analytics on his Upsell page – he found that a majority of the users bounced off within the first 10 seconds.

After a lot of dwelling, he decided to test a down sell page.

So after a user purchased his e-book he would then send them to the Upsell page for his journal.

Once a user clicks away from the page – he sent them to a down sell page where he gave the customer $20 off their first purchase.

After sending about 5000 people to his website – he saw that his tripwire e-book sales remained the same but this time he managed to sell one journal which helped break even on his shoutout expenditure.

This was a promising enough start for Sameer to continue on with this venture.



A SWOT analysis is just a tool you use to fine tune your business strategy. Do not make the mistake of spiraling down the analysis rabbit hole. An action is the greatest key to finding out if your theories are based on sound results or not.

Result driven advertising should help you here. Closely monitor what effect each one of your USP’s or offers has on your customer. Evaluate your cost per lead and lead time and then go about fine tuning it until you can fully automate the process.

Once you have found a good marketing strategy you need to scale up your operations and the best way for you to do that is to use a CRM software for marketing.

Kapture CRM is a cloud-based marketing SaaS provider that helps you automate a lot of the key tasks in your business.

Kapture CRM customizes its offerings according to the needs of your industry. The cloud-based platform can be used over a mobile application as well that is integrated over both iOS and Android platforms as well. Currently, Kapture powers 500+ brands in 12 countries.


Digital Branding

30+ Best Marketing And Tech Blogs To Follow In 2022

The universe of tech blogs is vast!

One of the reasons for it is an inescapable fact: people interested in technology spend hours and hours time with computers, so there’s no surprise why a Web-based medium is so wildly popular.

Just notice how many more tech blogs there are than, say, blogs about home remodeling or sailing! And, surprise, surprise there are even more tech blogs than blogs dedicated to cute kittens.

So, in the ocean of opportunities, the question becomes more difficult than ever: Which of all of these tech blogs are worth your time?

To help answer that, the following list surveys the very best

Best Tech Blogs To Read


1) MegaUpdate24

MegaUpdate is run by Luthar – a software engineer passionate about all things blogging and technology. With his blog he is helping tech enthusiasts learn more about programming and how to work and earn online.

2) Contentmart

A global content marketplace, has come up with the most innovative concept of bringing in both content buyers and content creators together from all around the world, on to their platform and leveraging them to benefit from each other. It connects thousands of clients & writers globally over the platform and have progressed since its inception in the year 2015. With thousands of projects completed to date; they offer comprehensive multilingual content writing services, including business writing, web page content, articles, blogs, press releases, travelogues, case studies, whitepapers, and academic writing across print, electronic, and digital media platforms.

3) WPBlogging360

WPBlogging360 is about how to blog on WordPress and make consistent money. You can get various tips and tutorials related to WordPress, Blogging, SEO and Affiliate Marketing here.

4) The Inzite Advice Marketplace Blog

Find inspiration from our experts, coaches and advisors, or find out more about our SaaS business solutions

5) Geeky Stuffs (ShaanHaider.com)

A tech blog by Shaan Haider that covers the latest tech news, detailed hands-on review of latest smartphones and gadgets, smartphone applications, software, useful tips and tricks along with in-depth editorial articles.

6) Tech Arrival
Tech arrival is a mainly a technology blog. Tech Arrival was started back on October 9, 2013. Their aim is to provide high quality and innovative stuff in the field of Information Technology.
This website serves Android Rooting, Recovery & ROMs Tutorials, How-to Tutorials, Tech Products/Softwares reviews & comparisons, Blogging Tutorials, SEO Tips and much more.

7) Start A Mom Blog

StartaMomBlog.com was launched on January 18th and grew to an authority site about blogging since then. Follow it for some great info on how to skyrocket your out-of-office job!

8) Mondovo

The Mondovo Blog is more than just ‘tips’ and ‘how-to’s’. They share the strategies they’ve tried – those that worked and why and those that failed and what we learned from them. It’s a place where you’ll find articles on the latest ideas in SEO, Social Media Marketing, Link Building and Content Marketing and what you can do with your own efforts to make them better.
HerPaperRoute is a resource for new, aspiring and blossoming bloggers to create a profitable blog and business. Learn how to create, run, market and monetize your blog with easy-to-follow guides, tools, apps, and strategies taught by professional Blog Strategist Chelsea Clarke.
With 5 minutes marketing lessons podcast & bi-weekly blog, they talk about lead generation and online marketing strategies for service providers. You will learn things like analytics, SEO, conversion rate optimization tricks as well as actionable strategies. This blog caters to local service providers like Dentists, Accountants, Lawyers etc.
Dereco is keen on helping network marketers unlock the code to their online success with his actionable tips provided regularly.
12) Brian Manon
Brian Manon is a marketing consultant and blogger whose articles aim to help people with digital marketing, SEO, blogging, and entrepreneurship. Feel free to follow Brian on Twitter or at BrianManon.com
Barakat Minhaj is a passionate blogger and internet marketer. He runs this blog to share his knowledge with others. The main topics are Blogging, Internet marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Making money online. The main purpose of this blog is to guide newbie bloggers to learn how to build an online career by doing blogging the right way.
AcquireConvert is the go to place to learn marketing and growth for Shopify. SEO, Instagram, CRO and more. If you’re an ecommerce entrepreneur or marketer AcquireConvert can hook you up with free content and paid courses to grow your Shopify store.

15) RisePro

RisePro is the place to go to learn Instagram marketing for ecommerce. Get more followers, traffic & sales with in-depth guides and online courses.

16) Kays Harbor
Experts in sharing multiple perspectives and educating about the latest in web and mobile technology with insights in industries like healthcare and ecommerce.

17) Octoparse Blog

It is the official blog of a top free web scraping tool-Octoparse, dedicated to the information on web scraping. The blog covers amazing articles related to web scraping tools, tutorials, data analysis and the latest news in the industry. Being a perfect foundation to learn data science, it is good for beginners learning tips and tricks of web scraping.

18) MoveToSaaS

Read the MoveToSaaS blog if you want to move to become a successful Software-as-a-Service provider.  Learn to be more attractive for investors, remain competitive, meet your customer expectations and  decrease your cost base.

19) Catch Updates
CatchUpdates is a 4+ years old blog developed to help fellow bloggers, webmasters, and tech geeks in terms of latest SEO technologies, Blogging Tips, WordPress Tutorials/Tricks and Making Money Online. Its primary focus is to enable bloggers to help them in setting their blogs, getting search engine traffic, earning a good amount of money from their blogs and motivating newbies and much more.

20) IMFROSTY.com

IMFROSTY.com is a Technology and HowTo Blog. It is a group of authors that reviews different tech projects like websites, software, apps, gadgets etc. They also provide different tutorials to their readers.

21) Owox

The team behind OWOX BI — business intelligence software and analytics services for multi-channel businesses — use their blog to offer tips and advice for analysts, marketing experts and decision makers.The blog covers a variety of best practices for better-informed decision making, from collecting and combining data to extracting the insights.

22)  Cktechconnect

Cktechconnect provides a variety of articles to help professionals and companies get their online marketing and social media sites, started, noticed and growing.

23) Funnel

Funnel blog is a blog about advertising and analytics for the serious online marketers. In Funnel blog we publish useful, high quality and actionable content. Subscribe to get the latest content first.

24) Techmafia.org

Techmafia.org is not just another Tech Blog. It is a place where in you can find all the necessary information regarding technical subjects like new Gadgets, Software, Games, etc, all major software updates.

25) Social Boost

SocialBoost Grows People’s social influence with content marketing and growth hacking strategies.
We Increase your Reach, Visibility and Engagement and make sure you share content relevant to your business.
SocialBoost keeps you on top of your social network, and nurtures your successful business growth

26) Kurt Tasche

If you are thinking about starting a blog, start with having a theme for what you will be writing about. If people like what they see, they will more than likely keep coming back to see what is new. Whether you want to create a humor blog or one related to film, anyone can create a unique and interesting blog.

27) Lake View Studios Web Design

Lake View Studios Web Design is a great blog on web design and internet marketing. On their blog you’ll find a ton of useful tips about marketing and promotion.

28) Triberr

Triberr is a marketing automation suite that helps bloggers and small business amplify their influence, build online communities, and promote content all in one place. We’re the one stop marketing system that works for every content creator.

29) Map IT Malta

MAP IT is a company (and a blog) founded by Mark Abela and Anton Pisani. They offer the perfect blend of new-age talent and experience.

30) Email Shoot

If you were trying to find an email service provider that will offer the best email marketing services for your need, you don’t have to look no further. Looking into email marketing tools has never been easier! Their blog features some great tips and tricks that every marketer can use.

31) AlgoCheck

Many marketers struggle finding the best email verification solution, and the guys at Algocheck outdid themselves!

32) Lipsig Lawyers

The Lipsig Lawyers blog covers a wide range of topics, including legal news, construction industry updates, interesting developments in technology, and news local to the New York area.
For SaaS Founders to learn how to launch their product the sustainable way with a solid foundation for Customer Success and Customer Development.
WP blog is the perfect place to go if you want to become a WordPress master. They offer comprehensive step by step guides, as well as all the tutorials, news, updates and themes you will ever need.
35) Remove Bounce
If you are looking to find a great email verification service, make sure to check these guys out. You can test your file with your email list for compatibility by uploading it here and see if it’s acceptable or not for releasing your campaign.
Blue Phoenix is an Insurance Marketing Agency & Boston Digital Marketing Agency committed to customer growth. Their marketing gurus are experienced in strategic marketing analysis and campaign management and deliver marketing strategies that are tailored to your business, your industry, and your growth targets.

If you need to make money online, Zvezda Geek will make it easy and simple. They bring real information about things that help you in your journey on the spider network. And their slogan? “The credibility of information is our profession.”

38) Yodiz

Yodiz is a centralized repository to manage all project requirements and user stories with easy ways to rank stories and focus on most important items. It provides mined and polished data graphs at both company and project level. Equipped with well-designed dashboards to see the progress in a single glance, gives key numbers upfront and opportunity to drill down for details.

Orbit Health provides valuable health information, tools for managing your health, and support to those who seek information. You can trust that our content is timely and credible.

40) Octopus Seo Hong Kong
Hong Kong is very a different game when it comes to online searcher intent.

For the most part, locals in Hong Kong still use Yahoo. Of course, Google now is number one but up until a few years ago the most popular search engine in Hong Kong was Yahoo and even today it still commands about 25% market share.

Locals in Hong Kong are bilingual. Cantonese and English are both official languages. Furthermore, traditional Chinese characters are used in Hong Kong instead of simplified Chinese like in mainland China.

In addition, they prefer to buy in a store. Going to the mall is a favorite pastime in Hong Kong and due to the dense population, many people prefer the convenience of stepping out of their home to shop instead of ordering online and waiting.
Learn all about it in the blog!

41) Mobilunity

Mobilunity is a large up-to-date publication outlet dedicated to software development, web design and new trendy IT technologies. With 7+ years of experience in information technology, Mobilunity provides informative tutorials,guides,professional tips and other usefull stuff for the IT community and It business owners.


ILIKETODABBLE is a blog about frugal and thrifty living, creative ways to make extra money and save extra money, and blogging. Blogging has changed my life and I hope to help do the same for you!

43) Panda Group

They are e-commerce development agency operating since 2012. The team of
young, loaded with energy and interested about IT and e-commerce people.

Within their blog, you can find all useful information and news about
IT, e-commerce, online shops and technologies. They are also writing
about their newest developments and what they have done to improve their
services and customers life.

44) Business Cabal

BusinessCabal is a fast growing business and technology that provides innovative, comprehensive and interesting business stories, technology insights and valuable marketing solutions to our readers: business-minded people, tech enthusiasts, industry professionals, corporate executives, entrepreneurs and investors.

Formerly known as BusinessMatter, Business Cabal has grown and transformed into a large community of business and tech enthusiasts and experts in different fields, hence the name Business Cabal. We therefore, encourage and welcome new member to join our cabal and share their knowledge

45) Unreal Web Marketing

Advanced SEO, PPC, Conversion & Web Design Techniques by UnReal Web Marketing. This SEO agency based on Long Island New York, has over 20 years in the SEO arena and they have achieved over 80 Million Top Organic Rankings.

46) Enginess Insights

They help their clients realize the potential of digital technology. Enginess shape strategies for business processes and deliver solutions that enhance customer experience, improve efficiencies, generate new market opportunities, and redefine value creation for industries. Their purpose is to assist their clients in realizing the promise and potential of digital transformation for their enterprise.

47) Content Marketing Buzz

In Content Marketing Buzz they believe that the best way to deliver a great user experience is by deeply understanding what people want and love, how their want it in other to serve them better. They produce content that are most helpful, relevant and timely for their customers, marketers and bloggers in order to keep them happy and loyal.

48) A Servant’s Heart Web Design And Marketing

They’ve built websites and conducted successful online marketing, reputation management and search engine optimization campaigns for many other wonderful clients. A Servant’s Heart Web Design And Marketing are Home Care Industry veterans AND and experienced Internet Technology Professionals. You can read more quality info on their blog.

49) Markigence

Markigence, stemming from Marketing & Intelligence, is your digital marketing agency & marketing consultancy, focused on empowering brands, making them sustainable and driving them to become to customer-attractive. At the heart of our mission is to bank on new media such as social and search to offer new experiences and drive optimized RoIs for our clients.

50) Revolucion One

Perth Digital Marketing Agency that helps businesses generate more leads and sales. They provide great value on their blog giving hints, tips, and best practices when it comes to SEO, PPC, Web Design and Social Media.

51) BizIHub

BizIHub  is a brainchild of McBrandonBusiness Consulting and it is short for Business Ideas Hub. It is a platform where people around the world can access information, tips, training and services in Digital Marketing. Individuals and corporate organizations can also promote their ideas, products and services; increase traffic to their digital domains and improve business turnover on BizIHub .

52) WPReviewsPro

WPReviewsPro’s goal is to help companies find the best WordPress products for their online project. They spend countless hours researching, testing and using WordPress products in order to bring customers the best collection of WordPress resources. Whether you are looking for a theme, a plugin or a WordPress related service, you’ll find all of them reviewed here.

52) Richard Nata

Richard Nata is an author of 6 books on Amazon. He is a specialist on the number 1 of Google rankings and/or Yahoo with long-tail keywords. He is the author of “131 Best Ways to Skyrocket Your Website Traffic Fast.”
The best achievement of Richard Nata is his article get 24 number 1 and 53 page 1 on Google. If you want to find a backlink with good DA and PA, then you can publish your articles on his blog.

53) eMoneyIndeed

www.eMoneyIndeed.com is a multidimensional blog managed by Gaurav Jain. Here you can find expert views and articles related to personal finance, how to save and make money online, blogging, working at home, SEO, social media, affiliate marketing, startups and much more.

54) Sevilla Local Media

Sevilla Local Media, LLC is SEO company that operates on a customer for life philosophy, believing that regular communication between company and client – regularly improving performance – and attentive, sincere customer service – breeds loyalty and fosters a stronger, long lasting business relationship.

55) Coastal Content

Coastal Content prepares small businesses and startups for the global audience. By delivering carefully crafted web content and a full end-to-end service, they do the marketing so you don’t have to.

56) CustomLogoCases Blog

Custom Logo Cases is actually a business that makes custom cases and covers for phones, tablets, and notebooks, for both small and larger businesses all around the world. They also write an informative blog, on topics such as How to Manufacture in China, through to a guide on different printing types and much more. A great blog that is worth a read if you’re starting a business and want to do business with China.

57) TechOpti

TechOpti Is Your Tech, Beauty, Health, Fashion & Media Industry News Magazine. For enthusiasts, we share the latest entertainment informational content, straight from the entertainment industry.

58) Lobster Digital Marketing

Lobsters are a digital marketing company in Cardiff specializing in website design, inbound marketing, social media management, email marketing, and more. Since 2004 Lobster has been providing businesses with a full and extensive range of online marketing services.

59) QNewsHub

QNewsHub is your one-stop destination for everything about business, science, technology, entertainment & reviews. We provide you with the latest breaking news and videos straight from the business, science, technology, and entertainment industry from around the world.

Digital Branding

30+ Best Marketing And Tech Blogs To Follow In 2017 – Part 3

The universe of tech blogs is vast!

One of the reasons for it is an inescapable fact: people interested in technology spend hours and hours time with computers, so there’s no surprise why a Web-based medium is so wildly popular.

Just notice how many more tech blogs there are than, say, blogs about home remodeling or sailing! And, surprise, surprise there are even more tech blogs than blogs dedicated to cute kittens.

So, in the ocean of opportunities, the question becomes more difficult than ever: Which of all of these tech blogs are worth your time?

To help answer that, the following list surveys the very best

Best Tech Blogs To Read

1) DataLink SEO

Datalink SEO blog is a great resource for those who are data-driven and want to learn more about digital marketing.

2) Near Me

Marketplace Platform is an up and coming blog aiming to be a thought leader in the digital marketplace industry. Collaborations with industry leaders and sharing experiences is what you’ll find.
MonkeyData blog is a place for SMBs inspiration. The blog covers current e-commerce topics with a focus on analytics, explain what matters and why, and give advice on how to turn weaknesses into strengths.
V8Media is a web development and online marketing agency with a human touch. Our team of web solutions experts and internet marketing specialists provide a balanced approach to your project, which always delivers the best possible results.

Trellis is a full service strategy, web design, software implementation, and marketing services company – thus their blog is a gold mine of handful information in the industry.

 6) Selro
The technology advancements are constantly growing in this modernized world class e-commerce market, simultaneously there have been many retail stores going live. In fact, the Multi-Channel Selling Platform is providing a great opportunity and ample of scope to online retailers or sellers. Listing Tool Management allows the retail store owners to list their products across different market places, social media channels and make them visible from one place thus there would be a drastic increase in sales outcome.

A blog/collective of resources, links, reviews, articles, and other Internet-based artifacts pertinent to web development, database development, and related technologies – with special focus on coding, devices, advanced networking, and the Internet of Things (IoT). (Published by Codango Labs).

8) Mindstick

Top news about newest technologies, innovative solutions and ways to make more out of your business. Mindstick is a great example of their experience and awesome software development they offer.

9) NewsOrator

A Online Blogging Hub, Sharing information about How to Start Blog and Make Money Online from Different Way. Also Get Best Reviews of Hosting Services, WordPress Plugins and Online Software as well as Get information content of SEO, Social Media Tips, Technology update and Interviews.

10) Cryptocurency Bank MLM (CCBM)

Fastest-growing, cryptocurrency network in the world backed by state-of-the-art hardware and software systems developed to provide speed, security, and reliability.

11) Ontraport

The ONTRAPORT blog is packed with in-depth, step-by-step information on topics including email marketing, landing pages, marketing campaigns, CRM and marketing automation all aimed to support entrepreneurs and small business marketers in growing their business.

12) Takis Athanassiou

Another amazing blog by Takis, European-based e-Business & e-Learning consultant. In his blog, he is sharing ideas, strategies and approaches for leadership, strategy, operations, marketing, social media, and productivity.

13) Wigzo

People at Wigzo respect individuality and aim to build a global network free from spam and so does their blog. The soul idea is to personalize every message that reaches the society.

14) Top Tech Analyst

Your daily dose of latest Tech news, views and reviews. Top Tech Analyst brings you latest tech news, views, reviews and updates on Technology trends from around the world.

15) TechiNews24
TechiNews24.com is a technology blogging platform. Here you can read reviews and news on the different types of laptops, mobiles, computers, gadgets and electronics items etc. To read the latest technology news Techinews24.com is the perfect for you.

16) Niche Site Project

Niche Site Project is all about SEO, productivity, project management, and niche sites. Read it for some awesome advice.

17 ) Kathryn Elizabeth Jones

A published writer since 1987, I have published various newspaper and magazine articles for teens and adults. She manages her blog where she writes about news in her industry. She also takes on clients who need help with publishing their books in terms of editing, cover design and more.

18) Tim Lorang Consulting

Inbound marketing, content creation, and social media outreach are practical, online strategies that are available to everyone, from businesses to solopreneurs. Tim’s blog is written from the perspective of someone who had to figure it out while he was building his business.

19) Vitis PR

PR blog with tips and tricks on how to gain exposure for your technology brand.

20) DigitalCrafts

Want to learn more about software and code in general? DigitalCrafts is the best-reviewed coding bootcamp in Georgia and Texas, and often publishes tutorials in addition to servicing their consumer and corporate training clients.

21) Grammar Chic

Founded in 2008, Grammar Chic, Inc. is a full-service content writing company that publishes The Red Ink, a blog focused on offering audiences easy-to-implement content writing and marketing tips, tactics, and techniques.

22) Workiva

The Workiva blog covers company advancements, opinions on trends in technology and regulations, promotes upcoming user conferences, The Exchange Community, and more. Their Tech blog was created to share some of Workviva’s ideas, technologies, and concepts that they apply in their offices every day. It’s a place to start meaningful conversations, spur ideas for fellow engineers and developers across all industries, and discuss some of Workviva’s methodologies.

Make mobile moments magic: get mobile-first digital marketing strategies and insights from experts at the world’s leading mobile engagement solution.

24) Psyborg

psyborg® is a design studio passionate about using the latest tools to build brands and business. Founded by Daniel Borg, Daniel combines creativity and design thinking in an efficient and engaged client process. It’s a cool blend of engineering know-how and creative design. He positions this as part mind | part machine and he loves doing it so much that he regularly posts video’s and blogs about helping business thrive and grow through creativity and design thinking!

25) Gold Mind Digital
Do you want actionable integrated marketing strategies and tactics to grow your business? Drive results and reach your business goals with our blog!

26) Beeketing

Beeketing offers professional marketing solutions for businesses who need that extra push. Their eCommerce Blog packed with real and useful information about marketing for eCommerce, conversion rate optimization, best eCommerce apps reviews and more.

27) Checkealos

User Experience Blog to give you the necessary tools to define, plan, execute and measure the usability and user experience of any Ecommerce in the easiest way.

28) Chorally

Chorally blog covers company advancements, opinions on trends in social customer service, CRM chatbot, brand monitoring, promotes upcoming user conferences, and more. Their blog was created to share some of Chorally’s ideas, technologies, and concepts that they apply in their offices every day.

29) Floship

Top blog for eCommerce professionals and Crowdfunders (on Kickstarter and Indiegogo) at all skill levels and all learning styles. Learn how get your products in the hands of customers around the world by optimizing your crowdfunding and e-commerce shipping.
The dedicated team covers the technological advancements and news related to Prestashop, Magento, OpenCart, Shopify and other. With an emphasis on the easy accomplishment of customer engagement and conversion rate optimization, the blogs provide a roundup of all the eCommerce aspects with smart Kindly review and share your feedback.

Fora Financial is a working capital provider to small business owners nationwide. The Fora Financial blog covers topics pertaining to small businesses including finances, marketing, technology and much more.


32) Localytics

Localytics Mobile Engagement blog is your go-to resource for all things mobile app marketing. Stay up to date with the latest mobile news, trends, and best practices so that you can create meaningful relationships with your customers on the device they frequent most often.

33) RT Insights

RTInsights.com is an independent, expert-driven web resource focused on helping senior business and IT professionals accelerate their business with real-time insights. Our technology coverage includes Internet of Things (IoT), real-time analytics, big data, industry insights, and enabling technologies such as cloud, decision management, edge computing, streaming analytics, machine learning and any other critical technologies for operating your business in real-time.

34) Red C

As one of London’s leading app development agencies, Red C are experts at providing mobile solutions. Since 2007, they have built long-term relationships with a range of SME’s and corporates by helping to meet their business goals and refine their processes with detailed user research and design-led development. The Red C blog covers a range of insightful tech content from tips on the best practices to what we think of the latest industry news.

35) SecurionPay
SecurionPay Blog covers must-know payments and fintech news and provides a free knowledge base, known as the SecurionPay Academy, for all who want to learn how to accept seamless payments on their website and provide the best payment experience.

36) Boomtrain
Boomtrain blog is a one-stop destination for all things Digital Marketing and Artificial Intelligence. You can find tips and tricks to improve performance metrics across your marketing channels.<

37) Fincyte
Fincyte is a business blog focuses on latest small business trends, news and insights. It is a perfect platform for entrepreneurs and business professionals to read latest trends on finance, management, marketing and technology.

38) Rieback & David

Chriss David is the “David” half of the dynamic duo of Rieback & David.  She has worked in digital marketing and advertising as well as higher education for 20 years.
Chriss is passionate about making a difference in this world and professes to do this by helping everyone that crosses her path and blogs.  Founded by Michelle Rieback and Chriss David, Rieback & David blend right and left brain thinking and creativity becoming digital engineers. Their passion for helping businesses learn and grow is evident in the information they share and the work they produce.  Are you looking to learn about SEO, digital ads or why a website matters?  Think you can’t compete? Talk with Chriss about her David & Goliath theory and how even the smallest business can compete with the big guys in the digital world.

39) The Blogger City

The Blogger City is a place you can find the high-quality Content from various sectors and rich, interactive multimedia storytelling. And we offer to you a large content of articles, stories, interviews of famous personalities and inspirational stories from top leading media networks across the world. So, you can Read, watch, engage, participate with us. and on this journey with the blogger city, you can explore new territory, gather information and expand your mind.

40) Whatagraph

Killer blog content with tips, tricks, lists of proven tactics and quick ideas to help your marketing grow.