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Digital Branding

Best Software for Streamlined Marketing and Improved Customer Experience

Many factors help determine a company’s brand. However, two stand out: marketing and customer service. The way a business presents itself to consumers when trying to sell a product or service, combined with how that business treats its customers, is a potent mix that highlights its intentions and characteristics.

In order to establish a marketing apparatus and customer service system, modern businesses need software. But not just any kind of software. The following are five different platforms every business needs to have the best marketing and provide the best service to their customers:


The business world is getting transformed by customer data analytics. In order to amass that data and make sense of it, companies use something known as a customer data platform (CDP.) A CDP is preexisting software designed to help marketers and service personnel improve their operations on a customer-to-customer basis. Harnessing the power of predictive analytics and automation, a CDP assists companies in developing individualized approaches to outreach, assistance, and follow-ups.


It’s easy to confuse a customer data platform with a customer relationship management tool (CRM), so let’s outline the differences. While both types of technology collect and analyze customer data, the type of data is different. A CRM is a single-source database designed to keep track of customer interactions and automate the sales process. The key distinction is a CRM contains information already known to a company, whereas CDP is a collection of data gathered from outside sources, including CRM.


A data management platform is designed to organize and execute digital advertising on external marketing platforms. It’s an essential piece of kit for companies with active campaigns on social media, popular websites, and search engine services. Unlike the information accumulated with CDP and CRM, the customer data that goes into DMP is anonymous, making it helpful in detecting consumer trends and habits without getting clouded by individual traits and patterns.


A master data management platform is an essential tool for IT departments working within massive multichannel companies. With MDM, businesses gather multiple customer identities and synthesize them into a consolidated “golden identity.” The data generated by MDM then gets incorporated into a company’s customer data platform.


Today’s customers are reached through a multitude of channels and clouds. These include email, text message, social media, and niche. A multichannel marketing hub keeps track of all these outreach efforts. Without MMH, successfully designing and managing marketing campaigns across multiple channels becomes increasingly tricky.

A collaboration of the software mentioned above is key to business success. By amassing a comprehensive suite of marketing and customer experience software, companies are better prepared to handle the complex world of digital sales and e-commerce. At the same time, these platforms prevent businesses from losing sight of the personal connections that remain so crucial for developing long-lasting customer-business relationships.

It’s also essential for readers to know the list above is not comprehensive. Data lakes, digital personalization engines (DPE), and data event distribution platforms (DED) are other standard components of modern marketing and customer service management. Business leaders are encouraged to reach out to consultants and advisory groups to determine the right combination of software to serve their specific needs.

Branding is everything today. But what goes into defining a company’s brand? The two most impressionable factors are marketing and service. One showcases what a business claims to be. The other reveals how they are in the real world. Put them together, and customers can develop an accurate assessment. With this in mind, it’s critical for companies big and small to utilize software to manage these elements as best as possible.

Personal Branding

Trouble Marketing CBD Chocolates? Don’t Worry We Have Got You Covered.

The demand for health-related products and services has burgeoning now more than ever because of the Covid-19 pandemic. People are a lot more conscious about their health and well-being and are willing to explore and invest in/buy healthcare utilities. Not just this, we have also witnessed the integration of digital media and technology into all areas of business, changing the way they strategize, operate, and deliver their products and services to consumers.

Another trendy news is that CBD has taken over the market with brands offering a great variety of products. Call it a new fad or the need of the hour but, this hemp extraction is the latest uproar. Today the market is flooded with all kinds of CBD-infused products, and everyone wants to add the best CBD Gummies to their carts. Another such unique product is CBD-infused chocolate. This beneficial and delicious edible has become CBD lovers’ new big thing.

With such growing demand, it becomes imperative to keep up with the competition. If you are looking for marketing strategies to promote/advertise your CBD brand, congratulations! You are on the right page.

Why Is Marketing Important?

Let’s make it clear, ‘You cannot sell anything if you can’t tell anything’ – Beth Comstock.

A research carried out by Data Bridge Market Research (DBMR) reveals that the CBD edibles market is forecasted to expand at a CAGR of 25% between 2020 – 2027. It is a fact that the demand for Sunday Scaries CBD products is reaching new heights with each passing year. New brands are rapidly entering the market with fresh and innovative ideas with a zeal to win the loyalty of consumers.

In such a market condition, both the existing and the new brands must strive to establish their goodwill and build a strong relationship with the customers by reaching out to them and telling them about the brand’s purpose. For this, brands need to start right and take the lead to foster growth and customer loyalty by rebranding. Here are some reasons highlighting the need for marketing in such unprecedented times:

1. Smart marketing can help you to stand out

2. Building healthy relationship/connect with the consumers is fundamental

3. Maintaining a positive brand image 

4. Creating brand differentiation is paramount

5. Consumers crave a sense of belonging

6. Keeping up with new advancements

7. To earn an edge over the competitors

8. Understand the needs and requirements of the consumers

9. Helps to drive/boost sales

10. To make informed decisions by determining the survival span of the business

Marketing CBD Chocolates

Cannabidiol is not just another member of the cannabis family. It is a medicinal substance that has the potential for treating a variety of ailments and diseases. Its aid ranges from concerns like anxiety, stress, body ache to the rarest of conditions. CBD can cure and comfort a plethora of issues.

CBD is one of the fastest-growing consumer trends, and CBD-infused chocolates are the new favorites of the cannabidiol community. If you own or are a part of a brand that sells CBD chocolates or any such edibles, here is a list of what you should be focusing on while strategizing a marketing plan for your product:

1. Build your social media community

Since social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are widely, frequently, and heavily used by everyone, start building a community on social media by spreading awareness about your brand’s mission, purpose, values, and promise.

2. Try out influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has become quite popular today. This kind of marketing helps in reaching out or capturing an organic audience. It also pushes brands to overcome advertising restrictions on strict social media platforms.

3. Invest in paid online advertising

A little paid promotion killed no one. It will instead boost your online visibility. You have to buy time and space for your ads from paid search platforms to publish on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

4. Send marketing emails to customers

Email marketing is an excellent way to stay in touch with your customers and keep them informed and in sync with your new advancements and offers.

5. Publish creative video advertisements

There is no doubting the fact that audio-visual is the most effective and impactful form of communication. Get your creative juices flowing and plan on creating good quality video advertisements. Team up with a professional creative advertising agency if required. Since you are promoting health-related services or products, focus more on informing and educating your target audience.

6. Regularly update your website

Make sure your website is always up-to-date. Publish product-centric blogs on your website regularly. Ensure that your website’s UI is user-friendly and organized. Do not forget to publish relevant images/graphics and statistical graphs (if any) to support the information that you are disseminating through your website.

7. Prepare engaging & informative digital campaigns

Brainstorm and prepare thoughtful and interactive digital campaigns for your social media community and target audience. Good research work, planning, and strategizing will go a long way. Collaborating with experienced healthcare professionals will build trust for your brand, which can further boost your credibility.

8. Switch to location-based SEO

If you are an organization with a local branch, investing in setting up a local listing on search engines will be your best decision. Provide all the necessary details, for example, your organization’s name, address, working hours, contact number, and link to your website backed up with some images to help your customers find you easily.

9. Reach out, connect and gather feedback via online platforms

Interactive disposition adds to the goodwill and credibility of a brand.

10.  Do not underestimate the power of going online in 2021. Learn from already established and successful brands and most importantly, Sell the problem you solve, not the product.” – Matt Mazzie


Since the CBD market is expanding and infinite brands are a part of the race, there exist marketers/brands who mislead the consumers by putting up false information about their products. Either they put way less quantity of CBD in their products than they claim to, or they mingle a high dose of content-rich in THC (which can cause intoxication) instead of pure CBD. Cheating the consumers, especially when the impurity of the product can be harmful to their health and well-being, is probably the worst sin a brand can commit. Be a responsible organization and make sure you don’t hoodwink the consumers into purchasing from you.

Digital Branding

eCommerce Conversion Hacks That’ll Double Your Conversion Rates

eCommerce conversion rates range from 1% to 2%. Yes, you read it right.

Let’s say if 50 customers visit your website everyday, you can only expect to get only 1 customer. That’s a pretty good conversion rate.

There are many eCommerce stores that are unable to make the average rate. If you’re one of those who is facing trouble with your eCommerce conversion rates, don’t worry. With the urgency to deliver online orders, ecommerce fulfillment software runs efficiently!

Today in this article, we’ll be discussing the simple hacks that could skyrocket your eCommerce conversions. Afterall, eCommerce conversion rate optimization is the ultimate key to success.

Driving traffic is not sufficient if you’re unable to convert it into sales.

So without further ado, let’s get started.

eCommerce conversion hacks to double your conversion rate

Add a pop-up to attract visitors

According to Sumo’s studies, the average conversion rate for pop-ups is up to 3%. But only if you do it in the right way because with pop-ups you can even optimize your conversion up to 9.28%. This one significant change can literally turn your store into a money generating machine.

Take a look at a few tips that you need to keep in mind while adding pop-ups on your eCommerce store:

  • Offer free gifts through contests.
  • Delay your pop-ups for at least 30 seconds so your visitors don’t get annoyed.
  • The pop-ups must be easy to close
  • Set up cookies on your site so the pop-up only appears once.

The impact of pop-ups is so massive that you can literally optimize your conversion rate greatly without using any other hack.

Keep the form simple and short

Filling out forms online is a pretty hectic task and when there are too many fields, it becomes even more stressful.

If there are extra unnecessary fields in your forms then you’re killing your conversions. That’s why it’s essential to add only important fields. If customers will submit incomplete forms, it will be difficult for your sales team to follow up on them properly.

As when the important fields will be left empty all your efforts will go in vain. So make sure to add minimum fields in your forms to optimize your conversion rate.

Add reviews, testimonials, and logos

Believe us, no one wants to be the first person to purchase a product/service. So it’s highly essential that you put your customers’ mind at ease by adding reviews and testimonials from existing customers.

We suggest you add testimonials and reviews on your homepage and product pages to increase the credibility of your brand.

If necessary, import customer feedback from other platforms. There are automation tools to simplify the process. Check a detailed comparison of Opinew vs Fera to find out what such plugins have to offer feature-wise.

You can also add logos of companies with whom you have done business earlier to optimize your conversion rate.

During an interview Angie Schottmuller, the growth marketing expert said,

“If quality social proof buffers notable uncertainty, get ready for some remarkable conversion impact — in some cases up to 400% improvement.”

Remove distractions

Nothing could be more frustrating than visiting the site that draws you in several directions.

Your landing page should really be simple, straightforward, and easy to use. If it isn’t absolutely necessary, leave it out. Keep it simple and provide a better ecommerce experience to your customers.

Implement the following (and not so much) wherever possible:

  • Subheadings and the headline
  • Advantages and functions
  • Testimonials and/or customer feedback
  • Visual mixed with detail that demonstrates what you’re selling

Moreover, you can incorporate a headless storefront on your eCommerce website which allows you to deliver unparalleled user experiences resulting in more conversions.

Other factors to remember include videos, social proof, and a live chat (more on these below), but the basic takeaway stays the same: remove all distractions.

The initial step must be simple

There is a psychological theory that states that humans like to complete tasks that they begin.

So, when you’re offering something initially, the first step should be exceptionally easy and straightforward.

Instead of requiring the completion of an entire form. To begin, just ask for their email addresses. That’s the first step and from there you can ask for further details if they don’t fill out the forms for you, don’t worry. You still have their email address.

The smoother you find the first move, the more likely it is that your guests can take initiative and follow through to the end.

Add live chat feature to your store

Many visitors are considering purchasing your product but are uncertain.They have a nagging uncertainty or question that prevents them from taking the final move.

Live chat tools are ideal for assisting these people.Live chat applications, including pop-ups, are simple to integrate into every website and provide an instant boost to the conversion rates.

Offer them something else

Don’t get so caught up in the content, design,  and other aspects of your landing page that you forget the value of selecting the best bid.

This has a significant effect on conversion rate because the bid must be attractive to your target market.

If your conversion rate is poor, experiment with various offerings before you find one that resonates with your target audience.

It might not be the first bid or even third bid that strikes a chord with the target audience. However, if you keep experimenting and tracking the progress, you will finally find a winner.

Give money-back guarantee

We realise, as advertisers and business owners, that customers fear risk. They don’t want to invest their investment until they’re pretty certain they’ll receive what they have actually paid for.

A money-back policy will help to alleviate concerns and overcome objections.

Don’t be concerned with missing all of the sales due to returns.Because money-back guarantees are more than a fast way to boost the conversion rate. They even foster loyalty and make the customer feel more comfortable.

Key takeaways

Conversion rate optimization is not as simple as it looks like. It’s a pretty challenging process and you need to get done a lot of things right. You need to come up with an effective plan to build a profitable eCommerce store and improve conversion rates.

The hacks we have discussed above will help you to double your eCommerce conversion rates effectively. We hope you’ll find this guide helpful.


Legal Branding

The 5 Benefits of Insurance for Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, you have a lot on your plate when it comes to responsibilities. From choosing your brand name to gaining your first clients, the slow uphill battle can feel a little overwhelming, causing you to forget a few things along the way. One of the responsibilities you definitely shouldn’t forget is getting insurance, as it provides an array of benefits even to the smallest businesses – here are five of them. 

1: To Land Contracts

Landing contracts is an essential part of business for many entrepreneurs. If you’re a personal trainer, for example, you will want to work with as many clients as possible, and to do this, you must show that you are professional and trustworthy. That is where insurance comes in. By showing potential clients your proof of insurance, they will feel much more secure working with you, as it shows that you can cover unforeseen expenses. 

Fortunately, you don’t need to print out a new certificate each time you want to show proof of insurance, as you can get certificate of insurance in moments online. By using a COI, your client won’t have to wait. 

2: To Attract Employees 

Attracting employees is essential for any business wishing to grow. There are many ways to appeal to more candidates, with one of the most important being having the right insurance to cover costs. It’s an incentive that matters to employees, as they want to know that accidental injury costs will be covered.

While you might still attract candidates without the right insurance, you are less likely to keep them around, and employee retention is crucial for any business. The answer, then, is simple – find business insurance that covers you, your company, and your employees. 

3: To Avoid Getting Sued 

No business wants to be on the wrong end of a lawsuit, but it often happens, and in this situation, it’s better to be prepared. This is crucial for entrepreneurs, as they are less likely to be able to afford the lawsuit, especially in the early days. Most entrepreneurs can’t afford to pay off lawsuits the same way big companies can! Whatever the case is, by being insured, you protect your business from losing lots of money or even going under.  

4: To Cover Property Damage 

Property damage is common in all types of businesses, so it’s better to prepare for this unfortunate situation. By having the right business insurance, you ensure that damage done to a property you’re working in is covered, making sure you don’t have to dig into your profits. 

5: For a Better Brand Image 

As an entrepreneur, one of your missions is to create a positive brand image. An eye-catching logo, engaging social media posts, and a professional-looking website are obvious choices when it comes to improving this, but being insured can help, too. It shows clients and customers that you are a reputable and professional brand, increasing your chances of getting people to work with your business. 

Legal Branding

Building your Brands Foundation

Branding has always been vital for businesses of all sizes and scales. Even as marketing budgets have taken a hit during the pandemic year, branding continues to be a significant investment for new and existing companies. After all, you have to make sure that the audience can see your brand, listen to its voice, and set it apart from the others in the industry. To make the initiative a success, you need a strategy that works today and only gets better in the future. Here are some ways you can build your brand’s foundation.

Consolidate on your mission                          

Building the foundation of your brand requires focus on the core mission and values of your company. You may want to prioritize revenue generation instead of staying true to the objective that got you started. But consolidating your mission should be your top priority, and you need to stay a step ahead of the customer expectations while defining your mission. Your aim should be to serve the customers, even if your brand has to move away from the money-making mindset in the short term.

Step into the customers’ shoes

The best way to keep your brand visible is by stepping into the customers’ shoes and understanding their needs. Pick their pain points and find ways to address them with your offerings. Center your marketing around the audience rather than on your business. Once you show people they matter to your business, you will not need to do much in the name of branding.

Communicate critical information

A brand must stay in touch with the audience at all times and communicate critical information. Customers love brands that go the extra mile with transparency. It is vital to showcase the information on your website so that consumers know what to expect. You can collaborate with a brand design agency to work constantly on your marketing messages and customer communication. Staying in touch brings transparency in interactions, which is the mainstay of branding foundation.

Show empathy and compassion

People look for compassion and empathy even as they set out to buy products and services. Brands can do their bit by showing they care during tumultuous times like these. Offering empathetic content is a good start as it makes your business more human and relatable. You can go the extra mile by providing value-added services such as free goods and no-cost delivery. They will stick to your brand even when things turn better.

Build consumer and employee trust

Trust is perhaps the most significant element of a brand’s relationship with customers and employees. Making safety the top priority in consumer-facing operations will fortify their trust in your brand. Employees will also see your brand as a credible employer if you show that their well-being matters. If you want a solid foundation, take a holistic approach that covers both customers and employees

Branding creates the big picture of your business, which makes it a critical investment. Just a little fine-tuning can go a long way in strengthening its foundation, so pick these measures and get started.

Legal Branding

How colour can impact your brand’s perception

Colour has always been an important marketing tool. It’s an overlooked differentiator that brands can use to attract potential customers. Lots of brands are inextricable from the colour used in their branding: can you imagine Coca-Cola without the red?

Different colours have been shown to impact consumers differently – with our own unique history of experiences, biases and cultural leanings muddying the effect.

Either way, colour can play a pivotal role in influencing the way we think about a brand – in both positive and negative ways.

We’ve tried to illustrate the subtle role colour plays in shaping our perception of brands by diving into the associations many of us have with the colours red and green. The strongest, most consistent brands have a firm grasp of their brand identity and use colour accordingly.


Red has been shown, time and time again, to elicit a strong response from the observer. It is almost always associated with excitement, action and passion. Some examples of organisations that use red prominently in their branding are Coca Cola, ESPN and Levi’s.

The sports network’s choice of red is easy to understand: sports impact the observer in much the same way as the colour red.

Red is also often linked with appetite, which makes it unsurprising that it’s such a mainstay of Coca Cola’s aesthetic.  For that reason, it’s also popular within the fast food industry.

Because it elicits such strong responses – both positive and negative – organisations are advised to consider their use of the colour carefully. 

That is because, for many consumers, red is associated with a sense of danger, pain and aggression. In the right context, this can be a powerful motivator. The UFC, for example, features red in its branding. 

However, if you opt for a red-dominated logo without fully understanding all of the myriad implications, there can be unwanted consequences: creating unintended links in the mind of the consumer.


As humans, we have a relationship with the colour green that has been ingrained in us for thousands of years. There is a very real link between green, health and happiness, which is why it is invariably used by pharmaceutical companies and organisations with an environmental or health conscious bent.

Forward-thinking, eco-friendly brands have long relied on green to energise their visual presentation. When you think of green in marketing materials what do you think of?

Fresh, organic produce from the likes of Asda, Waitrose and Whole Foods. And the green in all of their logos gently nudges the consumer into making that association.

Even if your brand doesn’t neatly fit into one of the niches you would typically associate with the colour green – like the health, food or fitness industries – you can lean on the colour green to create some positive associations in the mind of the consumer.

Land Rover, while not exactly a champion of the environmental cause, nevertheless utilises green to generate an association with the environment.

The idea being that Land Rover vehicles are at home in even the most rugged surroundings.

Lighter shades of green are synonymous with serenity, safety and calmness. Opting for a darker shade of green conjures an image of luxury and exclusivity. Harrods is an example of these deeper shades being used to great effect.

Ensuring that your choice of colour marries up with your brand’s ideals is so important. The wrong choice runs the risk of alienating the share of the market that you are hoping to capture.

Digital Branding

6 Crucial Security Features to Look for When Choosing a Web Host Provider

During the first half of 2020, 36 billion sensitive data were exposed due to data breaches.

Such online attacks can damage your business’ reputation. Plus, you can lose your customer’s trust, which can hurt your sales.

This explains why online security is crucial now more than ever. And one way to secure your website is finding the right web host.

Role of Web Host Services in Online Security

As mentioned earlier, it is evident that you should take your website’s security seriously. And this is where your web host can help.

A decent web host provider will have regular backups, ensure firewall protection, and other methods to protect the servers. Add to that the security plugins and SSL certifications you install to protect the online data you collect from your website visitors.

That said, here are six features you should look for when choosing a website host provider:

1. Operating System

Most web hosts offer Linux and Windows-based hosting. Each has its pros and cons, but whatever you choose will depend on your website’s technical needs.

But to give you an idea, Linux-based web hosts receive fewer cyber attacks as it is less commercialized. On the other hand, Windows-based web hosts provide limited access protocols to prevent unauthorized access.

2. Manual Reboots

Manual reboots work the same as rebooting a desktop computer. Only your web host is rebooting the servers.

This feature is ideal if you are running on a Virtual Private Server (VPS). It also works best with regular website data backups.

Nonetheless, being able to reboot your website manually allows you to get through a website issue.

3. DDoS Prevention

DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service. And a DDoS attack is an attempt to overwhelm your server with an influx of traffic.

What happens is that your server crashes, preventing you from driving traffic to your website.

No website traffic can impact your conversions and sales for the day. It can also hurt your search engine ranking, as it will render your site not usable.

A promising sign that a web host takes DDoS mitigation seriously is if they work with a Content Distribution Network (CDN). CDN enables you to load up your website fast and can absorb DDoS attacks.

4. Malware Scanning

The key to a safe browsing experience is keeping your files safe. No wonder web hosts these days provide automated antivirus and malware scanning.

But more than the scanning procedure, it would be ideal if you can access the malware. Another helpful feature is a support team that can help you take action if your website is infected.

5. Server Security Layer

In case you are wondering what the lock icon in your browser’s address bar means, think of it as added protection.

Whether you own an e-commerce website or not, your website must have an SSL certificate.

For one, it gives you a chance to rank well on search engines. That because search engines like Google prefer secured websites.

Second, SSL uses encryption to protect online data. That way, no cybercriminals can tamper on your customers’ banking details.

Some web hosts provide SSL for free, some add it to your web hosting cost, and some encourage you to acquire an SSL certificate from a third-party. Regardless, recommends that you ensure the type of SSL certificates you can use and whether secure FTP (SFTP) is supported.

6. Regular Backups

Here’s the thing: A web host stores your files in a remote location. These “files” include the images and content you upload on your website.

As such, your web host must conduct regular backup. That way, you can retrieve your files when needed.

Another thing to keep in mind that not all backup systems are the same. Hence, you should check whether a web host provides the following:

  • Automated backup
  • Number of backup instances stored
  • Retrieval process
  • Data backup location
  • Additional cost

Keep in mind that your website files are essential. Hence, the backup system that your web host can provide is vital.

While there are plenty of things you should pay attention to when running a website, you can do something to secure it. The secret is learning whatever security features your web host can offer. There is no one perfect hosting provider. Hence, we recommend that you maximize whatever safety features you can get.

Digital Branding

5 Must-Listen Digital Marketing Podcasts

Are you looking for strategies to boost your marketing and expand your business by listening to the best marketing podcasts? Podcasts have been a common source of enjoyment for many people. Digital marketing and leverage of marketing are now critical functions for the growth of a brand or a business, prompting marketers to evolve their marketing strategies to keep up with the pattern. According to Oberlo’s research, more than half of US users aged 12 listen to podcasts, and the growth of the podcast has been steady since 2013. 

But, if current trends remain consistent, the number will only rise. Despite how simple and inexpensive it is to listen to them, the other half should keep up with some of the most well-known podcasts as well. A podcast is that channel, as it provides an enjoyable, simple, and easy way to stay up to date on the latest digital marketing trends without drawing attention away from your other activities. Podcasts on digital marketing are effective in teaching new skills and getting feedback about your marketing effort.

With whatever level of marketing experience you have, you will find something helpful in the podcasts mentioned here.

The #AskGaryVee Podcast Show

The Ask Gary Vee Show podcast is a magnetization of the same-named famous YouTube series. The Ask Gary Vee podcast, hosted by now-famous online personality Gary Vaynerchuk, addresses new trends and online marketing. Gary Vee, a successful entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling writer, and life coach, is recognized by youtube and digital media to grow. 

He also addresses the mantra behind his podcast’s success, becoming an excellent digital marketer, and his path from the podcast to YouTube. His podcast episodes are power-packed with personality, wisdom, and valuable advice. It helps you stay on top of the latest trends and improve your digital marketing skills. Besides, if you have any questions, you are welcome to do so. If there are any questions, you can ask them or send them to GaryVee with the hashtag #AskGaryVee, and he could respond to them in a podcast series.

Gary Vee’s podcast is available on SoundCloud, iTunes, YouTube, and his website.

Duct Tape Marketing

The influential small business marketing guide has transformed into a consultant and an online destination for all things related to it. John Jantsch started Duct Tape Marketing. He has been interviewing opinion leaders, analysts, and writers for his Duct Tape Marketing podcast for over a decade.  It gives exposure to the market’s most influential people.

In his podcast collection, called “One of the Best Podcasts for Business-Savvy Fans” by FastCompany, he has a lot to offer to those searching to grow their marketing business. Suppose you want to learn digital marketing fundamentals, mainly organic online marketing, word-of-mouth market research, and content strategy. In that case, you should start listening to this podcast right away. The topics addressed in each episode vary from marketing and advertising and copywriting to online community building, usability testing, and online marketing growth. Be sure you check in as soon as possible if you want to keep one step ahead of the competition and get a steady dose of digital marketing advice.

The Mad Marketing Podcast

Google has reduced the number of organic blue leads seen due to a quest from 10 to 8.5 on average. Mad Marketing, hosted by Marcus Sheridan, founder of River Pools and Spas and a HubSpot affiliate, provides a wealth of digital marketing guidance, specifically in SEO and content market research. The idea is that SEO is rapidly evolving. Search engines like Google are actively improving their algorithms to have a more consistent, efficient, and individual interface for users. Oh before we forget, If you want to remove your name in Google. It is possible.

Suppose you are not familiar with your panda penguin. In that case, however, The Mad Marketing podcast is a valuable series – and it’s even enjoyable.

Marcus also tells a few engaging personal experiences from his work and several stories about what not to do with online marketing in his podcast. Almost all of these podcasts are unique yet equally amazing in their way. So, put on your headphones and plan to be educated if you’re serious about a future of digital marketing.

Marcus’ podcast is available on SoundCloud and iTunes.

This Old Marketing 

This Old Marketing podcast, featuring Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose, is designed to raise awareness of content marketing benefits. Every episode begins with a monologue followed by a series of informative parts, each performed with zeal and integrity. The premiere episode has 185,000 viewers and is growing. Expect clever humor, invaluable perspectives, exciting details, and a newfound appreciation for the power of good narrative in today’s fast-paced, digitally connected world. 

Each episode of This Old Marketing includes discussing recent content marketing news and rants from Joe and Robert about current business events. This charismatic duo has excellent compatibility with their fans, treating them as partners rather than mere listeners.

Marketing School

Marketing School is a fantastic podcast to check out if you want to learn about marketing in a short amount of time. Many Digital marketing strategists host the program that provides quick tips to help you take your company to the next level. As most digital marketing podcasts last 20 to 60 minutes, Marketing School takes just three minutes to discuss a critical marketing problem. 

The duo’s brief format also means that they can provide you with implementable lessons and valuable marketing insight every day. Duo’s awareness is extraordinary (with nearly 1500 episodes to date). Copywriting, SEO, metrics, conversion enhancement, paid search, content marketing, email marketing, and many more get discussed. It is a podcast you can tune to if you don’t have time to listen to long podcasts.


While there is an almost infinite number of digital marketing podcasts available today, these top five are a perfect way to start. These are among the best marketing podcasts to help you and your business. These podcasts are fun to listen to and jam-packed with information from industry professionals with years of experience. They also bring a unique approach to the table, discussing their strategies for achieving and improving business in the market growth. The best thing about podcasts is that they can be a great way to stay up with the latest because you can listen to them almost anywhere and anytime.

Digital Branding

5 Best Digital Ideas To Increase Your Brand Presence

Businesses need to be conspicuous for them to grow and thrive. This means that they must invest in brand awareness and recognition. As such, one needs to initiate necessary steps to achieve such a goal. Fortunately, some simple tricks and tips can help any business grow to a level where they increase their brand awareness with ease.

Consider the five suggestions below as a great starting point.

Consider Website Optimization

A primary reason you should prioritize hiring one of the best salesforce consulting companies is to help you with web management. It is not enough to have a company website. Any company working online should have a well-optimized website. Invest in the right SEO strategies such as keyword use, lead creation, and link building. Note that most people today begin their search for products and services online.

All you need to do is start. Ensure that the process is simple and not fancy. Your website should simply show your work in the most straightforward way possible. Ensure it is easy to load and navigate. These can be easily achieved by optimization. Make the website visually appealing and useful for those searching online. If funds allow, consider making a mobile app, especially if your services match the mobile platform use.

Start a Business Blog

Focus on getting people to know more about your business. Ensuring that there is enough credible information about the business out there can easily achieve this. Starting a blog is one of the safest and surest ways to inform your potential and repeat clients about your products and services. You can document all your progress in your blogs as long as your post’s content is useful to the reader.

Having a dedicated blog that addresses most, if not all, the issues customers may have, helps businesses attract new customers and maintain the earlier ones. However, before posting any content on the blog, it must be perfectly-written without numerous errors.

You also need to update the content on your website regularly, more so if things change. Whenever readers realize that you post outdated content, they are likely to trust you less. Let people know when to expect your new content. This will help you achieve excellent traffic and boost your SEO ranking. In case your goal is the growth and expansion of your brand’s presence, you must positively use your blog.

Focus on Social Media Presence

While social media is great for business growth and brand awareness, you need to be careful when choosing the right channels. Your excellent research skills should be used at this point. Find out the best social media channels that will help your media presence.

Do not ignore social media because this is an opportunity to grow your brand and bring in more potential customers. It is easier for more people to find out about you on your social media pages than they will on your website. Once you decide which social media channel is excellent for you, create useful content for the page. Keep it busy and continue to engage your viewers.

Most importantly, ensure that you are relevant. Everything you post, from the videos, pictures, and blog posts, should match your brand’s identity. Besides that, have your employees join in this journey. Please encourage them to continually share the content on their personal social media spaces to expand the brand’s reach. Focus on extending your reach and building trust, as this goes a long way in bringing the right people your way.

Have a Few Guest Posts and Invest in Email Marketing

One of the fastest and easiest ways to build brand awareness is having a strong email presence. Email marketing works most of the time and is even more effective than social media because you deal and interact with people directly. When using email marketing as a strategy, make sure your approach is segmented to be more effective.

Create customized messages and send emails at the right time. You have to analyze data and know what works for you regularly. On the other hand, guest blogging also works in branding because of the targeted exposure, which helps your brand earn credibility. When done right, this can be a magnet that attracts customers to your website.

Once people love your content on the guest blogs, they are likely to go to the main website and read through your other content. This helps you build traffic and can contribute to the conversion rates and business increase.

Use Visuals to Engage Customers

A visual brand is immediately noticeable. Customers want compelling content that makes them love your brand. Take time to build content that attracts your customers. Use imagery and other visual aids that put your brand out there.

The aim is to tap into the consciousness of the reader or potential customer. Once they are hooked, they will search for your content on official channels and possibly convert into loyal customers. The bottom line is to ensure that the content you create is appealing and exciting for them to continue searching for you.

Final Thoughts

Brand awareness is easy. However, it needs one to use available resources. Choose wisely and follow a path that works for your business. Different strategies may work for other businesses, while some may need a combination of several strategies. So, choose wisely.


How to Build an Award-Winning Sales Team

There’s little doubt that most of us, at some point, have experienced that uncomfortable feeling of being “pressured” by an overly aggressive salesperson into buying a product or service.

Most often, we usually thank them and abruptly walk away, even though we may have initially been interested in the product or service being offered. All too often, it’s a simple matter of timing, allowing the customer to reach their own “comfort zone” by allowing them the time to assess the product or service.

Moreover, knowing when to engage the buyer and hopefully close the sale, and that’s where teaching the basic skills needed to sell becomes essential in keeping and maintaining a viable customer base within an ever-changing high-tech environment.

However, where do we begin in developing a sales team?    

Today the landscape has changed dramatically. Businesses more than ever need to rely on targeted sales training programs specifically designed to the company’s individual needs.

Nevertheless, you may choose to “go it alone,” perhaps thinking it’s no big deal in assembling a sales team, and perhaps that was true a decade or so ago. However, the marketplace has changed dramatically.

Within the retail industry alone, online sales this holiday season skyrocketed to over 50% in global online sales, to over $1.1 trillion dollars, with over 58% coming just a week before Christmas.  

Moreover, total U.S. online sales reached $236 billion, compared to $165 billion in 2019. This trend will no doubt continue well into the future.

The competition from online sales where customers simply log on to their favorite website and push a button presents a real challenge; the question is, how do we navigate forward when the salesperson is taken out of the equation?

“Going it alone” shouldn’t be an option, rather recruit a professional sales training firm, one that provides a total sales methodology, one that benefits every salesperson, no matter how experienced they are within your company.

Moreover, recruit a firm that utilizes core sales training techniques such as:

In-Person Workshops

This allows for invaluable person-to-person interaction between individuals, which in turn builds a dedicated sales force.  

Online Courses

This is an excellent way of sharing sales training techniques with others on the team and a great way of keeping track of their progress.

Internal Team Testing

This is another great way of calculating the strength and weakness of your sales force by reviewing past sales cycles.

Do your due diligence in choosing a sales training company. Also, make sure you do your due diligence before you contract a sales training company, check their success rate, their client base, and most importantly, can they meet your specific needs? 

Trial and Error

Moreover, the most important aspect of any sales training program is what occurs in the field. In that, most sales techniques are developed by trial and error. Feedback by the client thus becomes extremely important within the development of any sales force.

However, perhaps just as important in crafting a successful sales training program is how the buyer preserves the salesperson who is tasked with the “art-of-persuasion” in which he or she must put themselves in the buyer’s shoes. The salesperson should be able to understand and, more importantly, solve any problem that might arise.

A Well-Defined Script

Crafting a well-defined script is also an essential part of sales and should become second nature when speaking with a customer; it should sound natural, not rehearsed.

Most likely, if you’ve never spoken in public, this can be a daunting task. However, with practice, the fear factor will slowly diminish. That’s not to suggest that you won’t feel a bit uneasy during the first few encounters. However, as you become more comfortable with yourself along with the product or service you’re selling, you’ll develop a certain cadence to your presentation, you’ll be able to emphasize certain aspects of the product or service, perhaps highlighting a special feature.

If you’re selling in-person to a customer and not on the phone, it’s a good idea to practice your presentation standing in front of a mirror; remember, this is a performance. The more comfortable you are with yourself, the easier the sale.