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Digital Branding

5 Essential Tips for a Successful Content Marketing Strategy

For sure, content marketing is here to stay. And why not? It’s a great way to attract and engage new customers, so the businesses use this strategy to its fullest. 90% of the businesses already use content marketing as their main strategy to promote the brand. But what’s more important is that people want brands to create content. Reportedly, 84% of people expect brands to come up with new content on a regular basis. But here’s what stats also have to say: Image credit: Cision It’s obvious that marketers value content and see it as the primary way to improve marketing impact. Moreover, internet users are interested in content more than in traditional ads, but they value only helpful and informative content. Nevertheless, for 63% of marketers, it’s a challenge to generate traffic and leads, meaning that their content fails to perform well. How can you avoid that? Here are 5 essential tips for a successful content marketing strategy.

1. Know Your Audience Well

For a content marketing strategy, there’s nothing more important than having your audience personas figured out (besides creating high-quality content, of course). Some brands make a huge mistake by trying to target everyone in order to increase sales. But what they don’t understand is that it seriously harms the quality of the content itself. To identify audience personas, you can follow this pattern:

  • What is their occupation or what field they work in?
  • What’s the demographics? (age, gender, location, etc.)
  • What are their goals and challenges?
  • What are their expectations?

By answering these questions you’ll be able to identify exactly who you want to target with your content. A perfect example is Nike’s Instagram content, where they target people of disabilities empowering them to pursue their dreams: Image credit: Nike

2. Focus on Personalizing

Personalization is the key trend in content marketing. 31% of consumers want their experiences with brands to be more personalized, while the rest want the personalization to blend with high-quality content. You can implement personalization in many different ways, starting from the content for emails, like here: or make their shopping experiences more personalized. Consumers like personalized interactive content, where they have a chance to get active and participate in helping you develop your brand. So, personalized content like surveys and quizzes is also a good way to engage more customers.

3. Benefit from Storytelling

Storytelling has recently become the most followed trend in content marketing. Consumers support this trend, as they have become tired of traditional forms of advertising and prefer a more subtle, behind-the-scenes promotion. Nike has made content that is based on storytelling something regular on their Instagram page. Here’s the example of how they used the story of LeBron James to promote their brand: Image credit: Nike There are many other examples of Nike telling the story of famous athletes Simone Biles, Kyrie Irving, and Serena Williams to show their followers that you can achieve your dreams, even if you were born to a poor family. These posts have over 8 million likes each, which shows that storytelling format can be incredibly engaging.

4. Invest in Video Content

The world of marketing is slowly starting to invest more and more into video content. Stats show that people spend 2.6 more times on pages that have video content on them and 89% of consumers claim that watching a video has influenced their purchasing decisions. Creating videos is a great way to diversify your content strategy. Especially when there are so many different options for posting videos, from stories on Instagram to creating content for YouTube. However, essay writers warn brands that the process of creating a video must include writing a script. Otherwise, you’ll have a video that doesn’t have any purpose.

5. Does Your Content Have a Mobile Version?

It’s absolutely vital that you create content, which will fit both the desktop version and the mobile version of your website. It is reported that 48% of customers started searching for the product they bought on mobile first, not to mention that 90% of consumers more than 4 hours a day using their phones. The stats also show that consumers will leave the website, where content does not upload fast, within 3 to 5 seconds. So, it’s worth investing in the mobile version of your content as well, not only to keep existing customers but to attract new ones as well.

Planning and implementing a content marketing strategy can be quite time-consuming. Hence, smart marketers curate content relevant to their niche and share it with their audience. This helps them save time, build trust and be authentic. Free content curation and discovery tools like ShareIt help you find the right content without much effort.

The Bottom Line Content marketing is worth investing money, but make sure that you invest all your time and creativity into developing a content marketing strategy. Hopefully, these tips will get you inspired to create a content marketing strategy that will bring your business to success!

Digital Branding

Importance of Rank Tracking – How to Choose the Right Rank Tracking Tool?

While focusing full-fledged on SEO and marketing for the website, you would be concerned about how the site is ranking on the various keywords you are optimizing on. Earlier it was really easy to know keywords ranking through various rank tracker tools. But these days things are not that simple and easy. Many factors intervene rank tracking such that not all tools work great.

You have to be selective with your rank tracking tools for these reasons. Even before that, you must know why many rank tracking tools do not work after some time and why your website also may get penalized for using them. Then only, you would understand how to pick a good rank tracking tool to track the site rank on various keywords.

It was simple to track ranks in earlier days of SEO

Rank tracking was simple in the early days of online marketing and SEO. That’s because Google was still in the developing phase, and no other search engine in use also were that advanced in programming, to bar the tracking software and systems. Also in the earlier days of SEO, ranks were visible through plugins and tools and are the number one in search results mattered a lot, and highly. But things are different now. Now SEO experts and even the layman knows that it’s not the number one position of the SERP that matter the highest, although it matters considerably.

Rather it’s the amount of organic traffic you are getting, and then the conversion rate of that traffic, which mainly matters. And that is why, along with the search results page and rank, the other metrics like conversion rate, organic search traffic, etc. are considered to realize the status of the site against the target keyword.

Rank tracking is still important but gone tricky

Rank tracking still is important. A good rank ensures great visibility. And great visibility ensures organic traffic. When you get organic traffic, you get good conversion rates and leads both. Hence you get leads, and you can use them in whatever way you like to increase business and revenue. Hence, a good ranking is a great stepping stone to success in online marketing and e-commerce. But there again, knowing where you rank exactly based on the particular keyword has become much trickier. A normal rank tracker who used to work well in earlier days do not work now, and there are plenty of reasons for them, the main reason being the advancement in Google’s platform and search algorithms. Google do not like rank tracking software and tools. Hence it has made its system such that rank tracking gets limited.

Why Google hates rank trackers?

Google hates rank tracking software for some solid reasons. Google is a search engine that gives results free of cost for common users. But Google has to generate income. And it draws all its revenues from sponsored ads and featured listings etc. That is why it does not like entertaining software, which would not click on its ads on a results page. The result is displayed for queries made by rank tracking software is wastage in the eyes of the search engine operators. That is why Google does not like rank tracking tools which utilize the page data and does not give anything in return to Google.

Google APIs

Google has designed APIs for rank tracker management. APIs are Application Programming Interfaces. Using these Google has effectively brought a bar or limitation in rank tracking. Only the developers can use the APIs to scrape rank data against keywords without getting through the general google interface, and that too for free. And there is a limitation to how many ranks data can be obtained. After this limit is over, or after a number of queries, Google does not offer any more data in the day. This limit makes rank tracking a headache using Google APIs. The way developers and rank tracking use to bypass this limitation are scraping of the rank data directly from the Google’s search results pages.

The downsides of scraping rank data from Google SERP

There is a big downside of scraping rank data from Google. When you are scraping you get either tracked or barred. When multiple requests come from a rank tracker in Google search, then Google starts displaying a CAPTCHA to find out if the request is being made by a human or a computer program. Normally tracker tools would not pass the CAPTCHA test, and hence gets barred. Some tools can pass the CAPTCHA. In that case, their IP address gets tracked by Google. And when the multiple queries come from that IP address, then Google blocks that IP and the tool can no longer use that IP to scrape rank data through plain SERPs.

You can bypass APIs and get your advanced rank tracker system

There are rank tracker systems and tools, which can bypass the APIs, and also the IP blocks and CAPTCHAs of google. There are advanced rank tracking systems, which can still tell you keyword based ranks. The types of rank trackers available are:

  • Browser-based tracking plugins
  • Desktop App based rank trackers
  • SaaS Apps which are website based services

These three types of rank trackers can help you out without getting your IP blocked or website banned.

Important features that should be present in a good rank tracking tool

There are some features that a good advanced rank tracker tool must have. Check for them before starting to use one, or get advised by expert rank trackers like Fyrebird Philly:

  • As because Google shows personalized search results based on how you are using the results the tracking tool must have features to bypass this personalization.
  • Ranks differ as per geographic location. And the tool must be able to show you rank results based on location.


You can get a vivid idea of how your marketing and SEO team is performing, based on the rank report you get. Only your tool for tracking must give you legit results that you may rely on. Hence this must be chosen carefully.

Legal Branding

Basics Of Banking Allows To Create Lot More Through Loans Than Deposits

You may be surprised to know that loans can create a lot more funds for any economy than deposits. You may tend to think how a loan can create deposits when money lending is actually giving away money from the depositor’s accounts in the banks. Well, there is a lot of economics behind it. It is true that giving away new loans create a new liability for the banks but at the same time, it also creates new assets in a roundabout way for the banking systems. It is complicated and needs a deep insight into it to know about science and economics.

The fact is that when a bank makes a loan to a borrowing customer it simultaneously creates a new credit and a new liability for both the borrower as well as the bank. In this process, the borrower is usually credited with a deposit in the account. This, in turn, incurs the borrower with a liability for the amount borrowed from the bank.

The bank on the other hand now has a new asset which is equal to the amount of the loan given out to the borrower. This asset is equal to the liability of the deposit account.

Capital and reserve requirements

There are four separate entries made for such lending that signify an increase in the corresponding categories. These entries say that the assets and liabilities of the bank, as well as that of the borrower, have grown.

  • At this point, simultaneously two more different types of liabilities are created as well. There is a reserve requirement created as well as a capital requirement. However, these requirements are strikingly different from any standard financial liabilities because these are all regulatory liabilities.
  • The reserve requirement is created when the bank creates a deposit which is, in turn, an indicator of the bank’s liability and on the other hand a capital requirement is created when the loan is issued which is actually the asset of the bank. This is because the bank expects that it will get back the amount lent along with something extra in the form of interest.

To put it in simple terms, loans heal to create capital requirements but deposits create reserve requirements for the banks.

The lending principle

If you want to have a fair idea about the lending principle, you can visit the official websites of banks and other financial organizations such as or any other. Ideally, the working principles of banks are regulated by the government and are slightly different from the working principle of private money lenders or any non-banking financial companies. As per the rule, banks need to retain some amount of its deposits as a reserve and the percentage is regulated and revised by the government from time to time depending on the present economic scenario. There are a lot of technical requirements by the regulatory authority to calculate this reserve requirement percentage.

To keep the calculations simple, assume that the reserve requirement is 10 percent, which is much higher than the actual percentage. This means that the bank invites a reserve obligation of $10 for every $100 deposit that it takes on. Moreover, as loans create more deposits, it means that a loan of $100 will create a required reserve liability of $10.

The capital ratio

In order to find out how well a bank is capitalized, the government has formulated Tier One and Tier Two Capital ratio. This combined ratio also has complicated angles to measure the eventual capital requirements.

However, to keep the calculations simple and make it easy for you to understand, if the above rate and examples are followed, then the bank loan of $100 will once again give rise to a governing capital liability of $10 for both Tier One and Two Capital.

  • Taking all these things into consideration, you can now clearly understand that a $100 loan has created a $100 deposit which is actually a $100 asset for the bank in the form of a loan.
  • , On the other hand, it has also created a liability of $120 that includes the deposit as well as the requirements for reserves and capital.

The process explained

For a common person with limited knowledge of economics and finance, it might seem to be a bad deal for the bank. On the contrary and after a deeper look into the matter you will find that it is not so bad a deal after all.

  • Suppose that a bank starts off from the scratch and lends $100 to a borrower by crediting the deposit account of the borrower with $100.
  • The next step of the bank is to figure out immediately the effective ways to meet the two new liabilities hence created namely the capital requirement and reserve requirement.
  • The bank may have to sell shares to raise the required $10 capital or it may even retain earnings or raise equity-like debts.
  • However, the best way for the bank is to charge the borrower an origination fee of 10% to create earnings immediately.

The last option is practiced by different banks to help them settle their desired capital requirements with this $10 fee that can be kept as their retained earnings.

An extraordinary way to create deposits

Ideally, a person asking for $100 loan may be offered $90 or even $80 by the money lender depending on their business policy. It means that they instantaneously create a deposit of $10 or $20 as the case may be when they create a loan account of the borrower. It, therefore, corroborates the fact that loans create deposits.

This is actually extraordinary to meet the capital requirement by discounting and creating a deposit from its own loan. This is the own money creation power of the banks and the money lenders. The eventual effect of it is that it reduces the liability of the bank but does not reduce its asset.

Author Bio

Daniel Ng is a freelance writer who has been writing for various blogs. He has previously covered an extensive range of topics in her posts, including business debt consolidation, Finance, E-commerce, and start-ups.

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Importance of Protecting Your Brand

As a business owner, nothing is as important as protecting your identity. In a world where competition can be fierce, you can’t afford to let your guard down. Businesses spend a lot of time and money on developing their brand that they’re willing to fight tooth and nail when they see their branding being used without their consent.

Like any business asset, your brand is something that needs protecting, too. Here are the reasons why it’s important for you to protect your brand:

Increases Your Value

A brand that’s treated with importance will reflect in its value. If you fail to protect your brand, it loses its value, and any entrepreneur knows that a brand with a low value is perceived to be cheap and unreliable. For example, when another business uses your brand identity such as your logo on a subpar product, customers will eventually associate that product to you. If you didn’t secure your brand such as trademarking your logo, you could potentially lose your business because you don’t have any legal standing over that logo.

Here’s how you can protect your brand and its value:

  • Trademarking – One of the best ways to protect your intellectual property assets is by trademarking them. You can trademark your logo, slogan, designs, and even words associated with your brand as this will give you legal backing. It will also enable you to use the trademark symbol “®” in your assets.
  • File a patent for your products – If you’re in the US, you can file for a trademark with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The application will take a few months and will be examined by a lawyer for compliance. Before submitting your documents, be sure to check the USPTO database if you have similarities with other applicants. Different countries have different copyright laws; register where your company is located. If you’re operating internationally, prioritize which territory you want to register in.
  • Include an intellectual property clause on your website agreement – This clause is essential if your business operates mainly on the web or if you have a mobile application. A provision on your Terms and Condition Agreement (T&C) protects your brand from users who are looking to copy your brand or use your content elsewhere. Always remember to add a copyright notice and use the copyright symbol too.

Increases Brand Awareness

With millions of companies vying for consumers’ attention, your brand needs to stand out. Advertisements are everywhere from search engines and social media and even while playing games. Consumers are bombarded with promotions on a daily basis, which is why it’s crucial for your business to stand out. However, when you don’t take care of your brand, how can you expect other people to care about it?

Here is how you increase brand awareness while still protecting your brand:

  1. When partnering with influencers or other businesses, make sure they have a stellar reputation. Someone with a bad reputation will tarnish your brand, and it may be difficult for you to recover.
  2. Be vigilant on where your branding materials are being used by using intellectual property management software.
  3. If you can afford it, hire intellectual property lawyers who can effectively draft contracts and policies for you.
  4. Know when to walk away when an existing partner no longer shares the same brand principles as yours as this can lower awareness in the long run.
  5. Be sure to put your branding in every piece of content or product you produce.

Sets You Apart

More than having increased brand recognition, protecting your brand can help set you apart from competitors. Moreover, it will help consumers attach a specific feeling or experience with your brand. In essence, your brand is the personality of your business.

Take, for example, luxury brands. These brands intentionally make their slogans and promotional materials seem exclusive because that’s how they want people to see them. They are always careful with how they present their brand and they offer a distinct experience. The mere possession of these luxury brands can let people know the product owner’s social status. This is the reason why the knockoff business is a billion-dollar industry.

If you protect your brand, people will intentionally associate a certain level of distinction with your business. Although, in some cases, the association can be unintentional, such as the case of online customer reviews on blogs and other websites. However, if you’re always on top of your branding and you treat your brand as a valuable asset, you can remedy any negative association with it.


Your brand is your image to your customers, and establishing a recognizable brand is a road that’s long and full of challenges. The best way to ensure your business succeeds is by protecting your brand from infringement and thieves looking to capitalize on your reputation. Legal battles should always be your last option as these things can drag on for years. Being proactive in protecting your brand and understanding its importance to your business is the best way to secure your success.

Digital Branding

Know The Ways of Measuring The Success of Optimization Strategies

In the field of SEO or search engine optimization knowing accurate measurement practices is critical for achieving success. Experts who are fluent with search engine operations are aware of certain mandatory tasks like deriving ranking potion by tracking data, links and referral sites. This form of information tracking helps the experts to manipulate the strategy employed for SEO and also for finding out ways to succeed in this ever-changing field.

The recommended list of metrics which are used for tracking purposes

It is a fact that one website differs from another in terms of not only business but also has a set of unique metrics that govern the website. However, there is a general list that applies to all websites that are operating in the online field. Optimization for search engines requires individuals to know and evaluate some specific metrics which are discussed below in detail.

  • The status of visits by referring

There are many sources on the online filed which provide a website with traffic. As a website owner or business owner it is important to keep track of the amount of traffic which is gained from the following sources:

  • Through direct routing: The visitors who arrive at the website by direct keyword search with no spaces are known as direct visitors. Website clicks that are gained through bookmarks or email links also form the cluster of direct visitors.


  • Traffic through referrals: Links in the web or in coded emails that includes promotional and/or brand advertising links are known as referrals. When website traffic is achieved through such sources, then it called referral traffic.


  • Traffic obtained through web search: When search engines direct visitors to a website, then it is termed as search traffic.

When the above-mentioned sources of traffic acquisition are evaluated, then a business owner will be able to gain knowledge regarding the exact number of visitors that the website is gaining. Usually, such evaluations are carried out on a monthly basis. The acquired data will help in the identification of problems or weaknesses. The data that is gained should be suitably used for brushing up or changing the marketing tactics for acquiring a better result.

  • The share of each search engine in the organic traffic of a website:

Seo Services are specifically designed for making the website searchable so that all search engines show the website whenever relevant phrases are entered by an internet user. There are more than one search engines which are in use. An internet user can use any search engine for acquiring results. As a website owner and also as an SEO expert it is important to review the traffic that is gained from each search engine individually. There are some important reasons for analyzing this data because it will help to understand the following things:

  • A clear comparison can be drawn between the performances of the website in each search engine concerning the estimated share in the market.


  • The sudden decrease in traffic with respect to a particular search engine traffic will essentially help in analyzing the underlying problems resulting in the low count of visitors through that search engine. If the scenario is such that all engines show a similar decrease in terms of organic traffic, then the problem can be related to accessibility.


  • SEO is not a set of actions that will be suitable for all search engines. Some search engines might respond well to target reaping or inclusion of keywords while other search engines might give more value to links for anchor text. When one single search engine shows a significant drop in traffic, then SEO might have to be reconfigured to address the sudden devaluation.

Therefore knowing about search engine traffic separately for each engine will help in deterring the best strategy for improving traffic through one or all search engines.

  • Phrases and terms that generate traffic

The keyword is very important, and an individual should be aware of the words and phrases that specifically generate traffic. There are rising trends in the arena of keywords, and it is important to note the keywords that are in demand, the performance of certain key terms should be analyzed, and if there are terms that are bringing in significant traffic, then those should be optimized. Drop in the volume of key term search can also be a seasonal issue and in this regard, a person should note the terms that are working for a particular time during the year.

  • Pages are getting visits through search engines

Websites can have multiple pages, and it is important to note that if all the pages are receiving at least some traffic from search engines. Measuring the number of visits will help in the overall analysis of SEO.

Therefore for getting maximum traffic by employing SEO stagiest, it is important to scan the metrics that deal with website traffic thoroughly.

Digital Branding

Can SEO Beat Other Digital Marketing Strategy in 2019?

Search Engine Optimization is the well-known digital marketing practice that is used by a number of businesses to gain traffic on the targeted website. It is easy to find that you can choose any of the agencies to gain all the benefits but still, SEO is almost equal to social media marketing, and anyone can gain the advantages. But, can SEO beat other digital marketing practices in 2019? Well, it depends.

Considering all the stats from past years and all the benefits in this year, you can say that SEO can easily take over all other platforms. The strategies are changing because the Google algorithm is hard to track because it is based on various factors. Despite all the facts, the below mentioned are the top five factors that can help you understand why it is highly reliable and better to prefer as compared to other ones.

1. Potential

The potential is still high for SEO, and it can increase the traffic by many times with the single use. There are billions of searches done in every day on Google and another search engine. Google holds the highest number of users, and it has a number of ways to boost the website. If you are targeting any specific keyword with higher search and proper strategy, then you can gain all the traffic on your website.

In case, you are targeting a highly competitive keyword then you may not rank, but you can focus on lower targeted keyword. It will be providing a little traffic, and it will help you out in various manners. You have to stay selective, and then you will be getting all the benefits. Keep it in mind that you choose the best service providers to obtain all the benefits. The potential can’t decrease that’s why it is better.

2. Comparatively Cheaper

As you look at all other types of marketing where Social Media Marketing is quite reliable to gain brand awareness, and it is preferred by a number of business. But, if you look at the overall benefits as per money spent, then you can look for SEO. It is the cheaper option as compared to the other ones that’s why it is always a better choice. You can try it out now and gain a range of benefits with ease.

It is always necessary that you choose the comparatively better option that is going to save your money. With the choice of poor service providers, you may not get the same benefits. That’s why it is always necessary that you choose a reliable service provider. In case, you are new to SEO then you have so many things to learn. The most efficient service providers can fulfil the need that’s why you can try it out with ease.

3. Easy Choice

SEO is the easy option, and you can easily find a number of service providers who can fulfil the need with ease. Keep it in mind that the choice is hard at the beginning, but you will find plenty of service providers in the town. The very first factor is to look at service providers that are expert in this profession and offering a range of services. Among all the service providers, quality is the first factor to consider.

Even, you can consider experience which will be the first choice that’s why you can look at it. Choosing such service providers can be hard, but you will be able to get unbelievable benefits. These may be hard to find, but you should try it out and go well. As you choose social media, you have to choose graphics or content creator, and then you have to choose all the promotional tools. It will work perfectly that’s why you can look for it.

4. Google Look for Homepage

It is easy to find that Google is always going to crawl for the home page and you should focus on some of the best keyword mappings. The sitemap is also important that’s why you should look forward to that. If your homepage is perfectly optimised then gaining all the benefit is easy. There are many ways to optimise a page, and each method will be helping out gaining all the advantages. The traffic will be increasing on your website, and it will work perfectly in most of the cases.

In case, someone is using any other search engine then you can still rely on it. The chances are higher that you will be optimising the website mainly for Google and then for Yahoo as well as Bing. In addition to this, you can consider other pages. These will increase your traffic that’s why you can try it out easily. These are some necessary factors to take into consideration, and you can rely on it.

Some Problems

There are few problems which can make SEO as less preferable. The very first reason behind this factor is the number of websites trying to rank for a particular keyword. Getting your website on the first page can consume time that’s why you can look forward to it. These are some of the problems that require eradication that’s why choosing the best service provider is necessary.

With the help of SEO business Melbourne, you will be eradicating all the issues. That’s why you should look forward to it. Another bigger problem is to find a service provider because there are many fraudster companies and you should look forward to the best one to avoid trouble. These are some necessary factors to look at.

The Final Verdict

So, it is easy to claim that choosing an SEO service provider can help in 2019 and it will be the most competitive and comprehensive solution for your website need. You choose a number of companies to eradicate all the issues. Hope, this guide will help you out and gain all the benefits. Make sure that you do the proper research so that you can find the best service provider.


5 Core Digital Marketing Principles For Cannabis Entrepreneurs

The legitimate cannabis industry is going through a period of explosive growth. Legal US cannabis sales in 2016 (the last year for complete data) totaled an impressive $6.9 billion. This is according to ArcView Market Research. Projections for the future are even stronger; annual sales by 2021 may be higher than $21.6 billion.

If you’re one of the many entrepreneurs looking to carve out a piece of that pie for yourself, you need wisdom and insight as well as dedication. For the overwhelming majority of businesses in the cannabis industry, a digital marketing plan is an absolute essential. Below you’ll find five strategic principles that your company can employ.

1) Social Media

Few products sell themselves in the modern marketplace without a carefully-curated social media presence. Social media is particularly important in the cannabis industry. These platforms give you a precious opportunity to interact directly with your consumers and earn your business a relevant place in their lives.

Popular social media platforms for cannabis marketing include Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, but these are by no means your only options. Whether you simply breeze through liking your customers’ posts or engage in in-depth conversations with them, your social media activity nurtures ongoing relationships.

Social media is more than just a communications tool, though. Pay attention to what this activity teaches you about your customers. You can gain access to new customers and chart out new strategies for enticing them by looking at how they behave on social media.

Integrate your cannabis website closely with your chosen social media platforms. Include all the relevant buttons for easy sharing and communication. Remember that every opportunity to interact with your online audience is also an opportunity to win new customers.

2) Powerful Content

It takes good content to market your cannabis business. Whether you’re posting on your website or sharing on social media channels, quality content is the coin you spend to earn potential customers’ attention. Bear in mind that the content you present is, essentially, the voice of your company. Don’t settle for bland filler designed mainly for SEO benefits. Make an extra effort to make your content useful and entertaining to your customers. And it goes without saying that you want your content to be unique!

3) Search Engine Optimization

Although there’s tremendous money to be made in the cannabis industry, you’re not the first – or even the thousandth – entrepreneur to dive in. A crucial part of your marketing job is distinguishing yourself from the competition. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is an important way to do that.

Over 80 percent of modern consumers rely on online research to choose between competing businesses. The whole point of the SEO game is to place your business’s website higher on the search engine results page than your competitors. Delivering a quality product and useful content are important, but you give yourself a tremendous boost if you are the easiest business for potential customers to find.

Smart optimization doesn’t just improve your business’s visibility. It’s also tailored to the search engine usage of specific sorts of customers. In this way, SEO work makes you more visible to a more valuable audience.

4) Gathering Influencers

Influence marketing is a huge asset in the cannabis industry. Garnering the support of key influencers exposes your products and services to a highly receptive audience.

Influencers bring big benefits to the marketing table. Good ones come with a built-in audience over which they exert a significant influence. Good influencers also generate their own content, which has the potential to spread on its own. Influence marketing thus combines the easy share-ability of viral marketing with a much more targeted effect.

5) Cultivate A Long-Term Audience

While growth and profit are essential for keeping your cannabis business healthy, you actually can’t go far if you focus exclusively on those goals. If you’re ruthless about chasing short-term profit, long-term stability will pass you by.

The best way to plan for longevity is to make an effort to educate your customers. When you focus on delivering information and enhancing your customers’ cannabis knowledge, what you’re actually doing is turning them into advocates for your business. A customer who trusts you and values what you have to say becomes a powerful ambassador for your brand.

Giving your customer interactions an educational focus also pays off because it positions you as an expert in the cannabis industry. This encourages potential customers to take you more seriously and may even elevate you to a more trustworthy position compared to your competitors.

The cannabis industry is a fast-growing and fast-changing business landscape. That doesn’t shake our conviction that a strong digital marketing plan is a huge asset to any cannabis business. The basic principles we’ve shared here are just the tip of the iceberg.

Have any of these principles helped you in marketing your cannabis business? Are we overlooking a strategy you consider vitally important? Do you want to learn more about one of our principles in particular? Let us know!

Digital Branding

The Definitive List Of The Best Blogs To Follow In 2019

No matter what stage of life you’re at, good blogs are the ones that are always going to inspire you to do and try something new. Whether you’re a student, have a full-time job, or a freelancer, some blogs out there are just too inspirational. You feel the itch and your imagination goes to the sky. And, all of a sudden, here you are, with this idea in your head and you have to try it out. Since we are listening to your needs and share passions for all these inspirational blogs, we’ve made the list of incredible blogs to follow, for the year 2019! So sit down, enjoy your cup of coffee and let’s dive in!

1) Roadmap Planner

The Roadmap is essentially reliable guidance on how to steadily keep your strategic course and never deviate from it. It gives you a structural visualization of the starting point, your objectives, and steps that should be carried out to successfully reach goals.

2) Webnexs

Webnexs is a technology-based solution provider, specializing in UI/UX designs, development, marketing, Mobile applications, and web scripts. They are into IOT, AI, M2M, POS and other script developments. They target themselves as a technology company which has been providing solutions to the problems their customers face by capitalizing the technologies. We also provide e-commerce development on Magento and other robust e-commerce platforms. Our team of certified developers shares best practices, technical tricks, tutorials, tips and resources for building a thriving business.

3) Conferize

At Backstage Conferize, they like events because meeting new people, creating things together and inspiring each other is what moves the world forward. Anyone with a good idea should have an easy way to turn it into an event.

That’s why they share some inspiration and no-nonsense how-tos with everyone who wants to gather a crowd, to make it count and keep it real.


Their mission is to help service companies improve efficiency, increase revenue, and better serve your clients. It all started with founding and running service companies of their own and searching for an online platform to help run their businesses. They founded Vonigo with a simple mission. To help service business owners build efficient and profitable companies.

5) Raj Softech Solutions

Raj Softech Solutions was founded in the year 2014 by a young and aspirant entrepreneur. This company was started with the vision to “Emphasize and Empower the Digital Assets of every individual’s and companies“. Raj Softech Solutions is one of the renowned service providers with a view of delivering quality IT services to all levels of businesses and individuals. They offer services including Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services, Social Media Optimization (SMO) Services, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Services, Content Marketing, and Writing Services.

6) HFB Advertising

HFB Advertising’s blog is about advertising design services and strategies that help businesses reach their goals. They help small businesses and corporations with full service, custom, affordable advertising design services that include logo design, web design, graphic design, online advertising, direct marketing, digital marketing, SEO, printing, marketing materials and more.

7) Orana Creative

Orana Velarde, the founder of Orana Creative, is visual Strategist and Designer. After a few years of being asked for help in visual content creation, Orana decided it was time to offer her services to bloggers that needed that creative help that she could offer. Tapping into her design and art upbringing, taking professional online courses and having her mom as professional graphic design mentor, she founded Orana Creative.

8) Wonder Krish

Wonder Krish was launched on 25 December 2017 by Mr. Almesh Hajong, Media Manager by profession and a passionate blogger by hobby.

Due to its unique and quality contents, within a very short span of time Wonder Krish has become one of the top blogs for providing tips & tricks for BlogSpot and WordPress users, providing tips on digital marketing, SEO, and guides small business owners for improving their business using digital and online technologies.

9) Savvycom

Savvycom is in the business of digital innovation and building world-beating apps are their business. Their ultimate mission is to optimize business performance for clients through scalable and robust solutions. Savvycom, founded by a team of four passionate software engineers, is Vietnam’s leading software development company. During nearly 10 years of development, Savvycom has been constantly striving to complete the mission of delivering powerful products whether they’re a mobile application or web-based application development, enterprise management solutions or Cloud & DevOps services.

10) Astute Copy Blogging

Astute Copy Blogging is dedicated to helping bloggers blog better and make money blogging. At Astute Copy Blogging, we show you how to get more readers, become an authority in your niche, make a living from passive income, and get the attention you deserve. Astute Copy Blogging is led by Pedro Okoro, a professional Blogger, List-grow Strategist and recovering Attorney.

11) Grade ONEderful

Grade ONEderful is a blog for primary teachers. I share tons of free resources and printables for K-3 teachers, including book reviews and related activities, games, art ideas, and even blogger tutorials!

12) Commercial Construction & Renovation

Commercial Construction & Renovation’ is a bi-monthly publication that covers the design, construction and facilities operations of the major commercial construction segments, including retail, hospitality, restaurant, education, healthcare and more.

13) is one of the most popular websites in the world. We also include New Data Of Technology and some other important information on the site.

14) Serpstat

Serpstat is the all-in-one SEO platform. On our blog dedicated to Digital Marketing, we cover topics about SEO, PPC, Marketing, and Analytics. Here you can find useful tips and tricks, how-to and up-to-date news.

15) James Hubbard’s SEO Blog

James Hubbard is a technical SEO specialist with many years’ experience working client-side and agency-side in digital marketing. James recently returned to freelancing and has just launched a new blog focused on providing useful content around the SEO audit process. His long list of audit tools has been referenced across the web and we hear that he is planning a new long-form guide to the audit checklist process.

16) nuBranch Media

nuBranch Media is a digital marketing agency with a focus on helping small business owners improve their digital footprint. Our blog covers a wide spectrum of topics relating to web design, SEO and pay per click advertising.

17) Susan Greene Copywriter

Susan Greene specializes in writing copy, and she is a freelance copywriter and marketing consultant for over 20 years. Based in Orlando, Florida, but works with companies all over the U.S. and the world in all types of industries.  She is a straight shooter who can quickly zero in on your needs and provide affordable winning solutions. She has the proven experience to write compelling copy for any application: websites, brochures, sales letters and more.  If it needs words, you need a professional copywriter.

18) Robust Tech House

RobustTechHouse, a company by MMPS Technologies Pte Ltd, is a development house based in Singapore and Vietnam, providing web, mobile app, chatbot, and blockchain development. We provide services across the entire development process from UI/UX design, integration, coding to deployment. With our in-depth experience and domain expertise, we can add substantial value and offer solutions to clients ranging from start-ups to large scale companies.

19) The Prepper Journal

The Prepper Journal is a daily survival blog devoted to a wide variety of preparedness, survival, self-reliance and personal defense topics for readers who want to protect themselves and their family from seen and unseen disasters in our future. The Prepper Journal was started in January of 2013, with the goal of helping people become more prepared for life’s curve-balls.

20) Rags To Niches is dedicated to helping others make and save money online. We review money making/saving Apps, survey panels and various make money online opportunities. We also have tutorial posts including SEO tips, affiliate marketing and blogging advice for beginners.


In November 2017, New Valence Robotics® (NVBOTS) was acquired by Cincinnati Incorporated (CI).  CI was founded in 1898 as the Cincinnati Shaper Company. The company is a global technology leader in manufacturing laser cutting systems, press brakes, shears, powdered metal presses, and additive manufacturing machines. The company is based out of a 500,000-square-foot plant on a 300-acre site in Harrison, OH.

22) FHMatch

FHMatch focuses on the importance of bringing consumers free access to professionals and removing the everyday frustration of locating qualified fitness, health and wellness professionals in their area. Giving consumers a voice to connect with professionals and providing a place for professionals to showcase their skills on a significant, credible and reliable platform.

23) Destination Luxury

Destination Luxury is an industry leader in the luxury sector, bringing the latest in hospitality, tech, design, lifestyle and more to a new audience of luxury fans hungry for the latest news and content in the art of living well. Our goal is to showcase the most sumptuous locales, capture the grandeur of good living, exclusive events, and the most evocative individuals, in alluring, poignant, and inspiring features.

24) Newszii

Newszii finds news that can tickle your funny bones! News that can stimulate your senses! They explore the Web to create and curate mind-blowing photos and stories for you! Read more quality and entertainment stories on their website.

25) Creative Mindscape

Creative Mindscape is a digital marketing strategy and full-service consultancy. Our blog covers all aspects of digital marketing as we believe that marketing to a tech-savvy audience today is a unique endeavor for every individual business. A set methodology or digital strategy doesn’t work as an off-the-shelf solution. So we provide insights via our blog that aim to help businesses of all shapes and sizes connect with genuine audiences who are actively looking for their help.

26) OnlineRockersHub

OnlineRockersHub is a blog by Nirmal Kumar, where he helps you by sharing Blogging Tips, Search Engine Optimization, WordPress Tutorials, Affiliate Marketing Tips, Google Adsense and Social Media Tips. Nirmal Kumar has been blogging since 2015 and has good knowledge and exposure to all these areas. So, watch out for these unique tips and guidelines at

27) Omghowto

Founded in 2015, OMGHOWTO is a technology site where we will bring a greater how-to site to the Internet with content that’s understandable for regular users. We also seek to present Fresh News, useful Tips&Tricks that modern technology users will appreciate.

28) The GreenRope

The GreenRope Business Blog focuses on sales, marketing, and customer service strategies and technology. You will find best practices for implementing and managing a CRM, tips for setting up successful marketing automation, how to use technology to align your departments and much more.

29) SEO Content Hero

At you can get high-quality website content at unbeatable pricing. The service is run by an efficient team of people who have a deep knowledge of SEO and Digital marketing.

30) 60 Second Marketer

The 60 Second Marketer is a marketing blog run by internationally recognized author, speaker, and CEO Jamie Turner. The website offers insider tips and techniques to readers from around the globe and includes posts from some of the world’s leading authorities on marketing, branding, social media, and digital media. The 60 Second Marketer has been visited by more than 2 million people from more than 160 countries and has been providing content to readers and viewers for over a decade.

31) Outgrow

Outgrow is an interactive marketing platform that lets marketers and digital agencies create quizzes, calculators, and assessments to boost their marketing efforts. Their tools help companies generate new leads, increase their social footprint and engage their customers. There have been numerous examples of Outgrow customers getting up to 50% conversions using calculators and quizzes! Companies such as TAG Livros, MuleSoft and Radius use Outgrow to generate viral traffic and increase high-quality leads and conversions.

32) AltusHost

AltusHost has been providing quality Web Hosting services since 2008. One of AltusHost’s main goals is to provide top-notch managed web hosting services by doing it with the best customer experience and reasonable pricing rates. AltusHost focuses mainly on uptime and client satisfaction, with the fastest servers on the market and an equally efficient Support team. A unique aspect of AltusHost can be seen in the high level of support that is guaranteed with all the plans we offer to clients worldwide.

33) Red Kite SEO

At Red Kite SEO, you will find helpful information in their blog for gaining better online visibility for local businesses. In Red Kite SEO’s blog, it gives insight and advice on GMB listings, local search engine optimization, and local marketing. Red Kite SEO is headed by Pete Hogg a digital marketing consultant who specializes in local SEO. You will find more details at

34) Rutter Networking Technologies

Rutter Networking Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of end-to-end technology solutions in the Northeast and a top Boston IT services company. We provide implementation, configuration, management, advanced support and sales for top technology manufacturers. Core solutions and services include Enterprise Security, Virtualization & Storage, Directory & Messaging, Networking Infrastructure, Monitoring & Management, and Extended Support Services.

35) Virtual Project Consulting

Virtual Project Consulting has been serving existing and aspiring project managers for the past 10 years through recommending project management resources relating to Events, PM training, PM software, PM products, and services.  On the Blog, you will find practical advice on project processes, tools, and tips based on best practices to deliver your business projects successfully. As a contribution to knowledge sharing, the Founder, Linky van der Merwe, collects and shares project success stories from experienced project practitioners in a way that is relevant project Lessons Learned for future use.

36) Ladder

Ladder’s blog is the treasure trove of directly actionable growth/marketing content. No fluff content – just expert insights, strategic theory, and tactical “how to’s”. It’s no surprise they’ve been featured on Forbes, Hubspot, Inc., Entrepreneur, Mashable and more. One of the reasons Ladder stands out is their level of transparency. They share real numbers, real strategy, and real experiments (in both their blog and their free public tactic database).

37) Templatic

Templatic is a company that specializes in creating business solutions in the form of WordPress themes. With 8 years under their belt, they’re one of the oldest companies in the business and have helped thousands in creating their dream website. Their goal is to make the process of creating a website easy, straightforward and affordable, and the same mindset is applied to their latest themes as well.

38) Dragon Social

Dragon Social is a Chinese Social Media Marketing agency in China, offering Weibo and WeChat marketing services. With a diverse international team, they help global businesses expand to China.

39) The Online Technology

The Online Technology is your TechNews website. We provide you with the latest news and analysis of emerging cryptocurrencies, technology trends, important software, hardware, and gadgets.

40) Cocoonfxmedia

SEO experts, Cocoonfxmedia Ltd based in Lichfield Staffordshire has developed search engine optimization processes with a proven methodology to help websites achieve the highest possible positions with all the top search engines: Google, Yahoo, Bing. By using a mixture of SEO practices.

41) Mechanics Hub

Mechanics Hub is North America’s largest specialty recruiter for diesel machinery professionals, related trade professionals and the companies that employ them. They focus solely on the recruitment of diesel machinery professionals including diesel mechanics, heavy equipment technicians, parts/service staff and shop managers, across multiple industries including transportation & logistics, construction, mining, forestry, agriculture, power generation and more.

42) Inkit

Inkit is the fastest, easiest way to connect with online customers in the offline world. Inkit plays well with the apps and CRM you use every day. With industry leaders like HubSpot, Braze and Iterable, you’ll have everything you need to succeed. Save time and effort by letting Inkit automate your direct mail campaigns, track their conversions, and bring offline customers back online.

43) Cincopa

Cincopa helps businesses, marketers and online publishers succeed with the power of video and media. Founded in 2006 with the mission of providing business with the advanced capabilities to Market, Teach and Engage through the use of video, images, and audio, company at their core lies the spirit of a startup. Over the years they have been successful in developing and providing the most advanced enterprise media hosting solutions for a variety of industries and verticals including Governmental organizations, Learning institutions and Media companies such as Pfizer, Euronews, Salvation Army, Dell, CNN, US State Dept and Worldpay.

44) Vajra Blog

We at Vajra Global pride at being one of the foremost thought leaders in the field of digital marketing. We cater to clients from all sectors by understanding their products and services and connecting with the right audience. We strive to build businesses with core inbound marketing methodologies. Effective Lead Generation, Creative Content Strategy, Exemplary Graphic Designing, Customized Website Designing and Development, Compelling Social Media Strategy and Marketing, Professional LinkedIn Marketing and Makeover services are a few of our strengths. Keeping the customer at the central focus, we build efficient strategies to deliver the best results for our clients. As a leading HubSpot and Google partner, we are all set to become one of the best Digital Marketing agencies in India and the world.

45) Blurytech

Blurytech is your new source for tech news, tips and tricks, and more! World of technology without borders.

46) Kurtz Digital Strategy

Communication in a Web-Saturated World is a blog for communicators, marketers, and others who want to learn about the opportunities presented by online technologies. Posts share trends and ideas to educate and inspire.

47) Carsirent

The best dreams happen when you are awake. CARSiRENT Blog provides the best tips for travel, road trips, car rental secrets, and tricks! It is a reference for all travelers who want to get the most out of their trips. Explore the world with CARSiRENT travel inspirations and hidden gems. a memory with every mile.

48) Practice of the practice

Joe Sanok launched Practice of the Practice in 012, to blog about what he was learning about business, marketing, and private practice. Since then, his income has gone up over 2,000%. In fact, every month he posts exactly what he made and how he made it. It’s important to him, because we don’t usually talk about money and how to make it in an ethical way. He wants to increase your influence and your income!

49) Digital Entrepreneur Biz

It is an online platform for tech lovers to find best information and trends regarding startups, marketing, entrpreneurship, technology and much more. 


Kexino is a small business marketing agency helping you deliver creative ways to market your business, a dynamic team of creatives comprised of marketing, branding, design, web development, video production, communications specialists and business development professionals. They provide creative and affordable marketing services to startups and small businesses looking for a partner for their digital media, design, lead generation, and communications requirements.

51) Tech4uonline

Tech4uonline is the technology, earn money online, tech reviews blog where you can learn smart ways to earn money online, SEO tips and latest updates from the tech world. We also provide a complete tutorial on how to start your blogging business and provide you all the essential tools required for the starting up your own business. One blog for your all tech needs to check out us and comment on your views.

52) TotalCloud

TotalCloud helps cloud engineers automate cloud management tasks without the need for coding or integrating other tools. The platform allows users to create interactive workflows – a logical flow of actions involving cloud management tasks and team collaboration. The company’s blog page is a treasure trove of numerous cloud computing tips and tricks, AWS services benefits, hilarious cloud comics, thought leadership articles, industry news, platform benefits, and much more.

53) THAT Blog

As a professional West Palm Beach digital marketing agency, their focus is all about YOU, not them. At THAT Agency, they understand that for their clients to meet and exceed their business goals, they need to reach their customers where they live, work, and play, and that means reaching customers in all environments and at any time. THAT Agency helps you synchronize all your digital marketing and advertising endeavors to maximize your visibility to potential customers and current clients.

54) Life Coach Hub

Life Coach Hub was started because they were inspired by the power life coaching has in helping people to take control over their lives, businesses, relationships, health, and careers. They have seen first hand the successes of life coaching helps people to achieve.

55) YuleTimes

My name is Stephen and I am the writer behind the YuleTimes blog. I write about the joys of parenting from a Dad’s perspective. I also write about relationships too.

56) Startupily

Startupily is a platform for entrepreneurs seeking useful content, resources, and tools to start and grow their business.

57) LTVplus Blog – Customer Success Tips for E-commerce

LTVplus blog is regularly updated with articles on best practices and actionable tips. They also write about tried and proven strategies for e-commerce customer success.

58) Adzerk

Adzerk’s blog is focused on how to build and scale ad servers and innovative ad platforms. Their articles provide in-depth overviews around ad tech infrastructures and how engineers and PMs can use tools to build fully-customized ad platforms.

59) G Web Pro Marketing Inc.

G Web Pro Marketing Inc. is a leading provider of online marketing solutions for all types of businesses. Their team of highly-skilled professionals use robust processes and proven strategies to promote a company’s online exposure and grow the business by turning a website into a 24/7 salesperson. Their most unique attribute and what they believe allows them to deliver maximum results, is their view on online advertising. Despite what accounting principles indicate, they believe online advertising is an investment and not an expense, as it generates income when properly implemented.

60) G3Group

At the G3 Group Agency, they all have a creative spark but they absolutely love technical challenges and take pride in making YOU the hero. They’re at their best when you regard them as an integral part of your team because they’re the silent partner who takes winning as seriously as you do. It makes them feel good to launch a new site and watch it succeed or help a customer win more market share and increase their ROI.

61) Sheri Kaye Hoffs Blog

Live and Breathe Your Vision with Sheri Kaye Hoff. Coaching for Business Growth, Leadership Skills, Mindset Mastery and Business Development. Are you a coach, consultant, consultant, professional, or heart-centered entrepreneur/small business owner? Discover a clear path to creating the business and/or lifestyle you want. Relax into increasing your income doing what you love. Create more happiness, freedom, and success every day.

62) Pipefy

Pipefy is the lean management platform. With their technology anyone can take control of their daily work and make a greater impact. Their solution allows you to streamline and automate any business process on your own – from employee onboarding to customer service to agile development. They believe that when do-ers have the tools they need to improve their work, without relying on anyone else, there’s no limit to what they can accomplish.

63) Darshan Saroya

A blog by WordPress Developer to WordPress. Also provide free WordPress themes and plugins.

64) Brown Box Branding

Brown Box Branding has been creating and executing groundbreaking branding projects, digital marketing campaigns, media, websites, mobile apps, and other cool stuff for clients all over the country since 2013. From small local businesses and startups, to large international corporations, their team has done it all. Leveraging this vast experience, their blog aims to provide solid and timely advice to business leaders at all levels.

65) CanIRank

CanIRank is the first SEO tool built with artificial intelligence. Focusing on providing Opportunities over data, CanIRank is a unique marketing tool that helps businesses grow. With a heavy focus on data-driven content, CanIRank’s blog is an excellent resource for DIY marketers, SEO’s, businesses of all sizes, and anyone who’s interested is piqued. Definitely, one to follow this year.

66) Big Oak Inc

Big Oak Team Gives Expert Advice on SEO, SEM, PPC, Site Design and all things dealing with online marketing. Many posts include step-by-step instructions on topics such as increasing your blog traffic, how to find out your competitor’s marketing techniques, and helpful digital marketing information such as “What is a Local Citation and Why is it Important?” This blog isn’t fluff, it is strategic advice with practical steps on what you should do as a site owner or marketing director.

67) provides an easy and unobtrusive way to ask and remind customers to review your business on the sites that matter to you. We call it a “review funnel”.

68) API2Cart

API2Cart is a unified API to integrate eCommerce software with multiple shopping platforms like Magento, Shopify, eBay, etc. With API2Cart shopping platforms integration is easy. Integrate once, save 4-8 weeks and thousands of dollars on each integration and never worry about maintaining separate connections.

69) James Hubbard’s SEO Blog

James Hubbard is a technical SEO specialist with many years’ experience working client-side and agency-side in digital marketing. James recently returned to freelancing and has just launched a new blog focused on providing useful content around the SEO audit process. His long list of audit tools has been referenced across the web and we hear that he is planning a new long-form guide to the audit checklist process.

70) Owner Direct Vacation Rentals

Owner Direct Vacation Rentals Blog offers inspiring destinations, travel guides and travel tips for guests along with helpful vacation home owner advice on ways to improve listings and make the most of vacation home ownership. Follow us as we travel and explore the world. With some many great places to stay, visit to find that perfect place to holiday.

71) X-Cart eCommerce Blog

Launched back in April 2006 by the X-Cart team, this eCommerce blog is still a perfect place for all things related to selling online. Here you’ll find lots of information about eCommerce, sales & marketing, design & development, copywriting, SEO, and the X-Cart eCommerce shopping cart they develop with so much love and enthusiasm. Together with their partners and guest bloggers, X-Cart team are eager to share their extensive knowledge with their subscribers and help them establish online businesses.

72) WDC

Calgary, Alberta based search engine optimization company. Web Development Company, shows you how to dominate search rankings through smarter online marketing.

73) Rightly Digital

Rightly Digital is your on-stop place to get all your digital marketing questions answered. Whether it is Social Media Marketing, Content Writing, SEO, Paid Advertising or Email Marketing, there is something for everyone. If you’re interested in learning about online marketing, irrespective of your experience in the marketing industry, Rightly Digital will help you achieve all your advertising goals.

74) MotionFirst

The name of her blog is MotionFirst – and it is a business growth blog highlighting the sales, leadership development and business strategies you need to turn uncertainty into competitive advantage. They highlight and showcase skills, strategies and stories from companies making this economy start working for them.

75) WDC

Calgary, Alberta based, search engine optimization company and Web Development Company. Shows you how to dominate search rankings through smarter online marketing.

76) 10Web

10 years of working with WordPress empowered a team of developers and web designers to create 10Web — an all-in-one platform for building, hosting, and managing WordPress websites.
It’s their expertise that makes the 10Web blog stand out.
Here you can learn how to handle creating and running a WordPress website like a pro; front-end and back-end will no longer be a mystery to you.
Dozens of articles about digital marketing, website optimization, web design, and hosting will empower you to convert your website into a real business. And of course, the blog is a part of a fun and open WordPress community where beginners and pros share their experience, tips, advice, and opinions.

77) Mazepress

Mazepress is a blog and resource for anyone looking to start or grow a business online. The site features tutorials and guides on many facets of digital entrepreneurship from WordPress and eCommerce to Digital Marketing and SEO.

The website is run by David Alexander who is a digital nomad and has over a decade of experience building websites and online businesses and uses the platform to share his experience and knowledge. The blog also features contributing authors on social media and other aspects of marketing in the modern world.

78) Marketing Ninjas

Since 2006, inbound marketing has been the most effective method for building brand awareness and marketing your business online. Instead of the old, traditional marketing methods of buying ads or media and praying for show home visitors, they’ve developed a program that’s rooted in inbound marketing and focused on creating quality content that naturally draws home buyers in. When your content is aligned with where your prospect is in their home buying journey, and it answers the questions they have about buying a new home, you naturally attract prospective home buyers to your website that you can then convert and close.

79) Rich Nuggets

Just like the name, Rich Nuggets (Valuable Information) so is the Blog filled with priceless content. It focuses on important topics like; Motivation, Christian Gospel, Career Advice and other random Topics which are normally added to the blog section.

80) WSI Proven Results Blog

WSI Proven Results Blog is a complete digital marketing blog. They offer advice, tips, suggestions and “best practices” with regard to digital marketing for businesses. The WSI Proven Results Blog covers all areas of digital marketing including website design and development, SEO, SEM, social media, content marketing and more.

81) SMA Marketing blog

The SMA Marketing blog features hundreds of topics related to Inbound Marketing and SEO. Learn valuable tips, tricks, and advice for improving your social media, content, and brand strategy and how to perform better in search.

82) NameClerks

NameClerks is a website sharing knowledge on SEO, Business, Domain name & Web hosting. NameClerks also shares Domain & Hosting deals and coupons such as Godaddy coupons, NameSilo coupons, Vultr coupons, NameCheap coupons,…and many more.

83) Techtriyo is a site where your find content related to Tech, digital marketing, Android, apps, gadgets, tips and tricks related Tech, SEO and WordPress.

84) PPCexpo

PPC (Pay Per Click) is an internet advertising model used to drive paid traffic from search engines, Google Display Network or Social media platforms to the website in a paid source. An advertiser pays for an ad click to a publisher. PPC works on the ad rank calculations which is mainly derived from Quality of your Ad and the bid.

Your bid would directly impact ad rank but these factors could also help to get better position in the SERP (Search engine result pages)

1. A detailed keyword research
2. Quality Score
3. Keep a balance between reach and relevance
4. Better the CTR, Better would be your ad rank
5. Website speed and optimized landing pages

85) MSalesLeads

Google and first page of Google consultant, strategist, and speaker. Digital marketing consultant, strategist, and speaker.

86) Blogsxtra Web

Blogsxtra Web is a blog, talking about affiliate marketing, digital marketing, make money online topics and most of all blogging tutorials and tips for ranking high on the SERP. On Blogsxtra, Quality is what they deliver to their audience. The website is owned by Emmanuel Husseni.

87) Purplepass

Purplepass’ blog is all about event management and tips for planning successful events! Whether you’re planning a high school reunion or a massive multi-day festival, they have you covered. They have quickly become the one-stop-shop for all of your event planning needs. They help anyone from nonprofits and small businesses to industry leaders by putting out daily blogs with event marketing tips, planning hacks, new emerging trends, fundraising ideas, and more!

88) VR Bonkers

VR Bonkers is a bunch of tech minds encouraging tech-savvy people with quick tips and tricks regarding WordPress, Android, digital marketing, technology, social media, startup, earn money online and many more. Believing in spreading the right information; VR Bonkers blog puts focus on sharing precise information to the potential readers across the globe. Since inception, it follows a simple approach – share the information to the suitable crowd at the right time. Need in-depth information about mentioned above topics? This blog is a boon for you. Just fill-up the contact form; you will get an answer in a couple of hours. Along with this, an admin allows guest posting and shares your views too if it’s relevant to a particular topic.

89) TechDotMatrix

TechDotMatrix is centered on tech-news around the globe. At TechDotMatrix, they believe in taking their readers on a techy ride in topics ranging from the latest buzz in the technology world to the tutorials on how to make our lives simpler using technology.

90) Pathfinder SEO

Pathfinder SEO is a guided SEO platform for site owners, freelancers, and agencies. Our blog focuses on breaking SEO into easy to follow, step-by-step tasks. You don’t need to be an SEO expert to get found on Google. You just need a process.

91) Techniqe

Find latest tech news, trends, new tools, design inspirations, tips and tricks, tutorials, designing software updates, new ideas, things within your imagination and beyond your imaginations.

92) Morteza Heidarpour

Morteza Heidarpour is a Web designer, front-end developer and graduate of the BCIT Web Designer Program with hands-on web project skills. Possess proven problem solving, organizational skills, and exceptional people skills. Bilingual in Farsi and English.

93) Blogwithvk

Blogwithvk is a blog dedicated to Blogging tutorials. We share articles on Blogging, Technology, SEO, WordPress, Make Money, Marketing, Social Media, etc. We help newbies to become a Successful Blogger.

94) SEO Consultant Hampshire

SEO Consultant Hampshire is a Local SEO Consultancy business run by Adam Silveston an experienced SEO Consultant based in Southampton, Hampshire in the UK. SEO Consultant Hampshire has its own SEO Blog along-side offering a wide range of SEO Services including SEO Consultancy, SEO Marketing Plans, Organic Search SEO, Local Search SEO, International SEO, Conversion Rate Optimisation, SEO Content Marketing, SEO Landing Pages, SEO Link Building, PPC Management Services and Social Media SEO.

95) The MoxiWorks

The MoxiWorks blog is your place to find real estate tips and tricks, industry happenings, and technology news. Read the Moxi Blog to find out what you need to succeed in the land of real estate.

96) Elochi Blog

Elochi Blog is a Resourceful Blog owned by Allen Elochukwu, where he shares the perfect tips on Blogging, Technology News, SEO Techniques, Reviews and Internet Marketing Guides.

This serves as a beginner’s blog with the mission of making the world a better place for upcoming webmasters in the society at large.

97) TechCrack

TechCrack is a technology blog created by Romit Sharma. TechCrack provides you the latest articles on tech, gadgets, how to’s, apps, business, marketing and many more. Technology has changed the lives of humans in every aspect. Our aim is to find tech in everything, that’s why we say “Crack the Technology!“.

98) Zigihow is all about the information on Do-It-yourself Tutorials, this blog covers articles on Skincare beauty tips, Health tips, Technology, Kitchen tips, Webmaster tips, Pets/animals, Business, etc.

It is a tutorial blog aimed at providing articles on guidelines on how to do things yourself with a detailed step by step guide. Zigihow provides quality articles on a daily basis which consists of tutorial guidelines.

99) Hilyft Digital

A blog about digital marketing with an emphasis on search engine optimization, social media marketing, online branding, content marketing, and blogging.

100) Pepipost

Pepipost is an email service provider with a mission fight spam by cleaning up the email space. They allow only good senders to send emails via their service, thus ensuring great delivery rates for all their customers. They are passionate about spreading this message by creating content on ‘everything about emails’ to help people and businesses reach their customer’s inboxes.

101) NextGen Wealth

NextGen Wealth is financial planning and investment management firm. Clint Haynes, founder of NextGen Wealth, has been in the industry since 2001 as a financial advisor and have worked for big Wall Street firms all the way to smaller regional firms. He will provide you what you really need; a solid financial plan that covers every aspect of your financial life and not just your investments. An actual plan of getting you to retirement and financial freedom – not a 200-page document that made zero sense.

102) Business View Magazine

Business View Magazine is North America’s best source of news for executives, entrepreneurs, small business owners, franchisees, and anyone else interested in current industry trends and best practices. Every month our digital platform covers the latest developments in manufacturing, construction, infrastructure, supply chain and logistics, health care, food and beverage, and energy.

103) Dealership News

This site is dedicated to those people and companies who put their best foot forward and represent themselves and the Automotive Industry in the brightest possible light both ethically and professionally day in and day out.

104) Magento multi vendor marketplace

Do you want to develop a Magento website for eCommerce? They are here to help you achieve that goal with their team of skilled Magento developers and 9-year experience in building some of the most successful eCommerce stores on Magento!

105) WebRecourse

WebRecourse is a community of enthusiastic bloggers and the one-stop resource center for anyone who’s interested in blogging, creating a website, starting a blog, making money online and learning digital marketing – SEO, SMO, Email Marketing etc.

106) Robson Scott Associates

Robson Scott Associates Limited was set up in January 2005 by Eamonn Wall to offer business advice and insolvency services to limited companies, sole traders and partnerships across the whole of England & Wales. As well as offering turnaround advice to Directors and Creditors, Robson Scott is an Insolvency Practice, managing a case load of several hundred insolvency appointments. The head office is two converted Victorian buildings in the business centre of Darlington.

107) Comfort Skillz

Comfortskillz is a multi-niche blog covering a wide range of trending blog topics, including marketing, mobile app development, web designs, fashion, health, gadget reviews, home improvement, freelancing ideas, SEO, digital marketing, and more…

108) SEO POW

SEO POW is an Organic Link Building Agency, with both local and international experience. Their team is made up of industry experts who each have no less than 6 years of experience in the marketing field. They are known for the quality services they provide. They dedicate maximum time to thir clients and provide them with all the information they need. They understand how important our clients’ businesses are to the world, which is why They strive for the best.

109) Comfortskillz

Comfortskillz is a multi-niche blog covering a wide range of trending blog topics, including marketing, mobile app development, web designs, fashion, health, gadget reviews, home improvement, freelancing ideas, SEO,  digital marketing, and more…

110) HMG Creative

HMG Creative is a full-service digital agency that boosts the marketing efforts of growing brands with creative services in strategy, design, development, and marketing.


Whtnext is an initiative to make youth aware about latest updates about tech blog,blogging, SEO, Affiliate Marketing & digital Marketing tips. Here you will get enthusiastic blogs which will be related to an internet lifestyle or any field currently which is trending. SEO Techniques, Affiliate marketing Guide, Online Money Making Tips.

112) Digital Marketing Tactic

Digital Marketing Tactic is an upcoming London based agency that helps the SME marketplace to get roi from growing footfall to their business or traffic to their online presence. They provide local and organic seo, paid search, social media marketing and business web design. Their blog covers the various issues a business can encounter in marketing.

113) Social Media Pro

Social Media Pro provides online courses that train students in all of the skills needed to become successful Social Media Managers. Their ever-expanding faculty ensures their training is delivered by individuals that are highly skilled and successful in their areas of expertise. They do not teach only Social Media, most of their faculty members have Social Media Management agencies of their own and provide a wide range of daily services for clients.

114) Inboundsys

Inboundsys is the most experienced Hubspot partner agency in India providing all-round services in Web Design, Web Development and Inbound Marketing. With over seven successful years into the business, they are delighted to continue working with many Hubspot partner agencies and Hubspot users by executing several high profile inbound marketing campaigns and web development projects. They are in the silicon valley of India, Bangalore.

115) Techpanga

Techpanga is Tech Blog where you will get all kinds of Tech Guides, How-to tutorials, Technology News and Hosting Details. It’s completely focused on Technology Post and latest trending tips.

116) Full SEO Education

Full SEO Education is the Social Media Marketing blog cover all digital marketing topics and give information about latest search engine updates. Full SEO Education also covers information related topics like App development, Web development and eCommerce strategies.

117) EmpireTechx

EmpireTechx was created with aim of helping the world through providing useful articles and information about tech news, telecommunication services, how to make money online, game reviews, insurance tips, free/cheap browsing, phone reviews, free tutorials. etc. In the EmpireTechx blog, you can see a lot of exciting articles that will add value to your life and increase your knowledge.

118) JaxonLabs LLC

JaxonLabs LLC is a brand innovation company that works with organizations and people, leveraging creativity and technology to maximize brand value. We believe the best brands align their purpose to action.

119) Thanks Creation9

Thanks Creation9 is a growing Best SEO Company in India and has been perceived as a professional SEO Consultant providing expert SEO Services in the fields of Web Design & Development, Social Media Marketing, Google Ads (PPC), Content Marketing, Lead Generation and Traffic Generation for different industry verticals. With the broad information and mastery that they have obtained throughout the years as Digital Marketing Professional, we are positive about offering not just rankings by leads, changes, and deals to our customer.

120) SEO Hacker Blog

SEO Hacker is the blog, the SEO School, and SEO Services. You could say that SEO Hacker is split into three but they’re all really just one big team.The SEO Hacker Blog is all about providing the world with the latest information in the SEO industry. Whether it’s about Google, Facebook, Youtube, you name it – they give out only the best and freshest information from the web for you.

121) Girlfridayz

Girlfridayz is an award-winning online marketing consultancy company based in London, offering marketing services, website design and revamp, SEO services and back-up admin to Sole Traders and SME’s.

122) Bloghaul

A very well managed blog that’s all about how you can raise your business online and make money from your own. This blog will help you on the journey of being your own boss. Also, we have a collection of various “How-to” tutorials and tips for getting success in your online business. We were not limited to this much, a long-range of deals and discounts on various online tools and web hostings were also showcased in this blog.

123) Search Scientists

Search Stientists provide PPC management that aligns your ROI-driven goals, their technical skill, and open communication to build relationships and boost your business. It’s more than just clicks and conversion rates. It’s about helping your business grow. They listen closely, communicate deeply, and take action to get you results. It’s about moving fast, building momentum, and focusing on long-term success and business growth.

124) BlogCD

BlogCD (A Compact Disc of Blogs) is a reliant blogging resource site for bloggers who are envisaging of preparing themselves to be an ideal blogger. Sazzadul Bari, a founder of BlogCD, has been in blogging since almost two years and working with other niches like WordPress, Deals and Coupons, Affiliate Marketing, Digital Marketing, and a few others as well.

125) Social Buzz Hive

SBH in Miami specializes in helping creative entrepreneurs, bloggers, and small businesses stand out online and hone their skills in the fields of Copywriting, Content Marketing, SEO, Social Media, Affiliate marketing and blogging to build a better online business faster. They have over 15 years of digital marketing experience in the Miami and southern Florida area. They believe anyone can have a successful profitable online business with the right tools. As digital marketing specialists in the Miami area, they offer numerous Free content marketing strategies, blogging tools, and up to date social media and SEO tactics designed to boost your business and drive traffic and leads to your website.

126) Techymantra

Every now and then there is a great change seen in consumers’ behavior owing to dramatic technological developments. This has therefore kept the Techymantra team abreast of the pace of modern technologies embarking in their domain. Their company is known for innovation in its solution which helps them to move ahead.

127) The Trending Buzz

What comes to mind for you when you think about engaging entertainment, compatible community, and captivating content? How do you describe the thrill of getting involved in the latest buzz, learning about the most current trends or discovering something new about this ever-expanding world we live in? The Trending Buzz has finally arrived to provide a homeland for everyone out there who might be looking for content that speaks to them, and for them. They give you all the details you have to have, about everything you simply need to know, bundling everything you want into a neat little bundle that you can share with family, friends and strangers alike!

128) Transpixel Studio

Transpixel Studio is a Design Driven Studio. Their videos tell a story about your business through quality graphics, engaging storyboard and captivating animation. They have created 1000s of explainer videos for small, medium and large businesses that include names like Samsung, HP, LinkedIn, Dabur, Zomato and many more. Their main motto is to create the perfect video that can convert audience into customers.

129) Decode Digital Market

Decode Digital Market is the go-to Digital Marketing Blog which will always update you with information, hacks, tricks, and tips pertaining to the Digital Marketing Industry. It will always stay strictly aligned to the niche – digital marketing. The founder has been working as a Digital Marketer, his passion and fascination towards Digital Marketing influenced his decision to start this blog.

130) Citizen Affiliate

Leon Tranter, founder of this blog for internet marketing and affiliate marketing, has a background in writing and blogging, and he is starting this blog to showcase his journey as he is learning exciting new world.

131) Blogging Spark

Kundan Sharma, a blogger from Kolkata, India, launched this blog called Blogging Spark in 2018.
He is still a college student and doing his B.Com Graduation, First time he heard about blogging in 2014 when he was schooling then he started learning blog articles from some famous blogs Problogger, ShoutMeLoud, JohnChow and many more. Now he has his own blog Blogging Spark, where he shares his knowledge on Blogging Tips & Tutorials, Make Money Online, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, and Affiliate Marketing. Now he wants to help those peoples who want to start their own blog and grow their site.

132) MojoSEO

MojoSEO is a search engine optimization and internet marketing company based in Denver, Colorado, focused on local search. They pride themselves on helping their clients improve their search position of their websites, thus improving the visibility of their brands. Their top priority is to make your business prosper with the help of our time-tested SEO campaigns and services. To make this happen, they work with the top developers, designers, social media experts, marketing strategists and content writers.

133) VoiceNation

VoiceNation is more than just an award-winning virtual receptionist and live answering service provider. They’re a family of hard-working, talented, giving, spirited people who share the same goal – to make the world a better place.

134) Techterrene

Rechterrene is giving you the latest technews from all across the internet. Tech Update, Tech reviews, software reviews, gaming. and so on.

135) Miklagárd

Miklagárd is a Scandinavia based independently-owned SEO company. Their work encompasses on-page and off-page SEO, technical SEO, link building and keyword research, websites and digital experiences. They are a values-driven SEO company dedicated to empowering our customers. Everyone in the team are all practicing SEO specialists, and whether they are working collaboratively or independently, they always do so with the mindset of success.

136) HubTechInfo

Hubtechinfo showcases latest technology news, smart phone reviews and tech tips for the benefit of tech lovers from all over the world. They offer an amazing centralized hub where you can learn more about the latest technology. Share your views about advanced gadgets.

137) Infineca

Infineca is a digital marketing agency that wants your small or medium-sized business to suceed in its online endeavours. For this reason, we offer organic SEO, local SEO, website development, social media management, and pay-per-click advertising that you can trust.

138) StepToInbound

StepToInbound is a marketing resource/blog website helping Canadian companies do business better through inbound and digital marketing tactics, principles and resources for everyday success.

139) Graceful Touch

The owner of this website, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and earns advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Graceful Touch provides a rounded review of what you need to know about acne skin care and pimple related problems.

140) Infineca

Infineca is a digital marketing agency that wants your small or medium-sized business to suceed in its online endeavours. For this reason, we offer organic SEO, local SEO, website development, social media management, and pay-per-click advertising that you can trust.

141) Webdirexion

Wedirexion is a digital marketing agency and custom WordPress development group focused on your business growth and development. They like smart designs that convert visitors into leads and customers and wrote a book on CRO — Conversion Rate Optimization. Ask about our Webdirexion Surge System Solution™ where they use R.A.C.E. strategy (Reach. Act. Covert. Engage.) to increase your leads and sales by 50% to 100% within 12-18 months.

142) Xtabella’s blog

Xtabellablog is your news, entertainment, music fashion website. They provide you with the latest breaking news and videos straight from the entertainment industry.

143) The Next Tech

TNT focuses on releasing trustworthy tech information, updates or news specifically. Their aim is to educate, inspire and update their audience. For this very reason, you may sometimes find tech startups or entrepreneurs becoming the central interest of their posts. They want every industry to make the best use of technologies. From latest technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, cryptocurrency, natural language processing, and robotics to web development technologies, mobile development trends, business ideas, Digital marketing, latest inventions, advancements in IT and cyber security – They cover everything you would like to read.

144) TeetopBlog

TeetopBlog is a blog that covers topics on Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, SEO, Vlogging and Online Money Making ideas. bloggers, web designers, Internet entrepreneurs, digital marketers and people with general interests in social media will find the blog posts relevant and interesting.

145) EarthGeekTips

This blog has been created for providing some useful guide related to Blogging, SEO, Backlinks, Tips and tricks and Reviews.


Techevanlistseo is website dedicated to all Seo and Tech lovers – they are dedicated to cover up to date tutorials on Seo, back links, web and graphic design tips aided with a lot of step by step video tutorial that all beginners can learn fast. Techevangelistseo is founded by Ashaye Gbenga Tunde – Tech lover, Web Designer, Graphic Designer, Google ads, Facebook ads, and YouTuber Pro.

147) Tampa SEO

The Tampa SEO Training Academy is a Licensed Training Associate of the Search Engine Academy and offers participants in Florida access to the premier SEO Training Certification Courses in the industry. Now available are a 2-Day SEO Basics, 3-Day SEO Advanced and a combined 5-Day SEO Mastery Workshop. They are owned and operated by Starship Computer Services, Inc of Tampa, Florida and is run by Tampa SEO Expert, Steve Scott. Starship has been crafting customized search engine optimization programs for clients, both large and small, since 1998.

148) Davis Video & Graphic Productions

Davis Video & Graphic Productions is a blog providing resources for small businesses, focusing on advertising, design services and strategies that help businesses reach their online marketing goals. They educate entrepreneurs, small businesses and corporations on many topics from business marketing, SEO, and video marketing, to real estate and other investment opportunities. also provides services such as logo design, web design, graphic design, online advertising, printing, direct marketing, digital marketing, music production, SEO, dropshipping, marketing materials and many more.

149) NtKnowledge

Tahir Farooq is the founder of Due to his deep interest in the Latest Technology News, Mobile News, SEO Tricks, Gobla Events Celebration Updates, Lifestyle, business & Relationship he has started this platform to share the Latest Technology News, Mobile News, SEO Tricks, Gobla Events Celebration Updates, Lifestyle, business & Relationship. articles with people like you. If you are hungry for Latest Technology News, Mobile News, SEO Tricks, Gobla Events Celebration Updates, Lifestyle, business & Relationship. bites, then this is the right place for you to visit. You can spend quality time reading the interesting and latest articles regarding Latest Technology News, Mobile News, SEO Tricks, Gobla Events Celebration Updates, Lifestyle, business & Relationship. They are trying to boost this platform to bring the Latest Technology News, Mobile News, SEO Tricks, Gobla Events Celebration Updates, Lifestyle, business & Relationship. lovers under one roof in the form of an extensive community.

150) Virtual Tech

They are a results-driven agency focused on web design, development, and online marketing. They are a team of four professionals who make client satisfaction their goal. They pride themselves in making stylish, reliable and functional applications and websites for their clients, at a much more affordable rate than big name firms. They understand your website is special, and they will give it the attention it deserves.

151) Digital Monster

Digital Monster is a digital marketing Question and Answers platform. 

152) Tuts Vela

Tuts Vela is created for the purpose to make people aware of blogging, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Freelancing and guide them on the right path to success.

153) Reusser Design

Whether it is a simple redesign on your existing web site, or you want a complete E-Commerce solution, Reusser Design has the experience to take your company to the next level. Down to the last graphic, they’ll show you why they’re good at what they do.

154) FounderJar

FounderJar helps people turn their high-income skills into a thriving online business by finding the business idea, growing the audience, and monetizing their website traffic. The goal is to earn $10k per month within 12 months and live an abundant life.

155) Zuan Technologies

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Digital Branding

How to Combine Direct Mail and SEO To Improve Your Brand

You can’t rely on SEO alone to improve your brand. You must think out of the box and innovate. The goal is to be memorable, trusted, and known by your customers.

That’s where combining an effective traditional marketing approach to an existing digital method becomes a more effective solution. The secret to branding is perfectly explained on

Combining direct mail and SEO bring tremendous value to your brand. Here’s how:

Set your goals

The first step of putting a marketing strategy in place is to set a goal. You must decide what you are trying to achieve.

Is it to —

  • Raise awareness
  • Increase traffic
  • Build social following
  • Increase sales
  • Demonstrate your value proposition
  • Invite people to attend an event

You must draw out the ideal scenario as well as your expectations for results. You can do this by building metrics and/or defining how you will measure success.

Set a budget

Every campaign costs money. The new marketing strategy you’re going implement must work within your allocated budget. You must know how much you’re willing to spend on it, then work within that range.

Having a financial control point in place will save the business both on the short-term and the long-term. It avoids unnecessary financial movements between operations and sales as well as keep the outlook close to the goal.

On the other hand, setting a specific budget allows you to define the scale of the new marketing effort. You’ll be able to define further your outreach within the set budget and then manage realistic expectations.

Identify your target audience

The thing that makes or break a direct mail marketing campaign is an incorrect audience. You must have a solid understanding of who you’re trying to reach. And then narrow it down to specific demographics, for example:

  • Age group
  • Income range
  • Gender
  • Profession
  • Interest
  • Industry
  • Location
  • Niche
  • Budget

The key is to not overcomplicate. The goal is to know who you want to have a conversation with if it was a face-to-face meeting. These people are the ones who will respond to you when you bring up your subject. They’re your ‘ideal’ customer.

Inaccurately identifying your ideal customer is a waste of money. It will not translate to results, thus, yields to a low conversion rate. To avoid this, you will need to do some diligent and correct research. Otherwise, your ROI will be greatly impacted.

Create a list

As soon as you have a solid definition of who your target audience will be, then it’s time to build a list. You can tap on your existing mailing list and/or employ lead generation tools. There are a lot of companies who provide lead generation services.

You must obtain these pre-existing lists and clean the data manually. You can put it together on a spreadsheet and match your ideal customers via LinkedIn as a reference.

This requires time and effort, but it will help you understand who you’re reaching out. It also enhances results and avoids unnecessary costs, which can be channeled elsewhere in the business.

Employ appropriate design and effective copy

Construction of the mail requires two very important elements: appropriate design and effective copy. These two must be present in every direct mail package. Otherwise, your target customers will send your mail straight to Spam or Trash. Think about what you’re going to do if ever you’re the one receiving that mail.

What this means is that the direct mail package should have the most accurate design that represents your brand, goal, and intent. It should have a concise and direct to the point message. And most importantly, it should have a call to action.

Tell your audience to action

The call to action piece in the message of the direct mail package is the most critical. It translates to results and conversion. Without this, your ideal customer will simply read the mail and close it when done.

Telling your audience to action works both ways:

  • It gives you an opportunity to convert customers into a sale or a result
  • It gives your customer an opportunity to explore your brand and/or the information better

Your call to action should encourage your customers to do a specific task. That said, it should be very strong, distinct and easy. You can use simple messages, such as:

  • Click the link for more details
  • Call us for a free demonstration
  • Contact us for more information
  • Sign up to avail of the discount

Implement an SEO strategy

Integrating an SEO strategy into your direct mail campaign increases traffic to your website. You will need to leverage online traffic to tap on these mortar events and/or locations and increase offline traffic. This is very much possible considering your specific and distinct demographics.

It can target these demographics through Google My Business listings, optimized keywords, NAP citations, individual pages, etc. There’s a ton more information about how local SEO strategy improves branding on

Follow through

Direct mail campaign doesn’t end where customers receive them and performing an action. To sustain the strategy, there must be continuous and consistent engagement. This means that a follow through with the audience is required.

You won’t be a 100% certain that your audience will react appropriately to you direct mail package, regardless if you have an appealing direct mail package and a very convincing call to action. A nudge, continuous awareness, and push into the right direction can turn this audience into expected results.


Analysis is one of the most important step on your marketing strategy. It allows you to keep track of who among your audience actually responded, identify areas you need to improve, determine cycle time of response, and take necessary actions to improve.

You can employ different methodologies to analyze the numbers as well as your results. Some examples are:

  • Multivariate tests
  • A/B Testing
  • SWOT analysis
  • Website activity methods


Combining direct mail and SEO is crucial for brand improvement. It is one of the most effective marketing strategies that actually translate to results. Doing this is tricky and can require a lot of resources, effort, and costs if not planned and executed properly. These steps help you run a successful direct mail marketing campaign to improve your brand.

Digital Branding

4 Reasons Why Social Media Marketing Should Be Prioritized

Social media is a valuable tool that should be taken advantage of by businesses. Social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube have provided a platform for thousands of individuals to promote their products and services. Learning how to market your goods and services through social media is a necessary skill. Entrepreneurs are not the only ones who can benefit from using social media. If you’re aiming to start a career in digital marketing, you have to use high-impact resume templates from ResumeSeed to get noticed by employers and have social media marketing skills to help in the growth of the company.   Here are a few reasons why you ought to prioritize social media marketing when advertising your brand:

1. You Can Promote Your Web or Mobile App


Social media is one of the largest platforms where different types of consumers are present. You can use this extensive network to promote your web or mobile app and reach beyond your target audience. This is especially helpful if you’re on the website design prototyping phase of your business since it’s easier to conduct a market survey to gauge whether the web layout you’re working on is attracting the right people.   Excellent user experience on your website can improve the SEO for your domain. Although social networking sites do not have a direct significant impact on search engine ranking indexes, these are the ways that social media can benefit SEO:

  • More organic followers – Aside from showing up in unpaid searches, you can gain organic traffic through advertising on social media. Endorse your links on your official profiles and create a consistent online presence. Don’t limit yourself to people who already know your brand. Use sponsored posts to reach more people who have the potential to become paying customers.
  • Better branding – Providing valuable and compelling content on your social media accounts can help boost the trust that consumers have on your brand. This can facilitate your rise in search engine rankings as people will click on your website if you’re considered an authority in your industry.

2. You Can Enhance Customer Loyalty

Engaging with customers on social media increases their loyalty. By listening to their concerns or thanking them for their support, you show that they’re vital assets to your company. Plus, you can create exclusive discounts and promos for your subscribers through the different channels that you have.   Having conversations with your customers also humanizes your brand. Here are other helpful things that you can do:

  • Showcasing your unique voice and personality through posts – Your content can show the distinctive character of your brand.
  • Highlighting the contributions of your employees – You can show customers that real humans are working behind the scenes to provide them with quality products and services.
  • Working with key influencers on various social media networks – Connect more with your target audience by partnering with the people they follow.
  • Signing your posts with the initials of the one publishing it – If you have more than one person handling your social media channels, letting your followers know who’s tweeting and posting can help them see your brand as authentic.
  • Acknowledging issues and errors – Sincerely apologize for any mistake that your company has made. When you admit an oversight, you let people sympathize with you.


You Can Get Insight on What Your Customers Want

People are very vocal on social media. Use this to your advantage by analyzing and studying the trends on what your customers are watching and liking. You gain priceless insight into what content works for them. Moreover, you can also check their reviews and comments to see what aspects of the business you can improve on.

You Can Acquire Targeted Traffic

Social media provides you with targeted traffic. This means that the people who follow you on your various profiles are already interested in what you’re selling. They may just need a little convincing to add your products to their cart, but they’re hovering on the brink of clicking that button when they subscribed to you.


Social media offers several benefits to startups and established brands. Publishing content regularly can help put you at the forefront of peoples’ minds. Stay steps ahead of your competitors by developing a steady online presence so that it’s your brand that they remember, not your rival’s. Use social media marketing as a complement to your other marketing strategies.