Personal Branding

How To Style Your Surfboard

Surfing is a very common watersport and it is loved by a lot of people. However, you must know that you can style your surfboard in many different ways as per your liking and it gives out a really cool look.

There are two things to consider when decorating your sur board if you are going to use it for riding or just for decoration on walls and around the house. If you want to decorate a surfboard that you want to use it for riding will require more care but the results can be super awesome and professional.

Here are some of the ways to style your surfboard, even if you are not using it, you can still decorate it and keep it as a decor item at home.

Surfer at work

Photo by Clarence Alford from Pixabay

Spray Paint Your Surfboard

One of the ways to decorate your surfboard is by using spray paint. Just clean the surface of the surfboard with the acetone. This step will be good for removing all the dirt and oils that could prevent the paint from sticking to the surface. You will need some 320 grit fine sandpaper as well that will rough up the slick surfaces so you can paint knowing for sure that it will stick. Be sure to hit all the surface areas that you want to paint. You can use tape for parts that you want to keep the original shade. There is also a possibility of using multiple colors by using tape.

Decorated surfboard

Photo by Mig OConnell from Pixabay

Painter’s Tape

There must be a color scheme you would want for your surfboard, so you should mask off each color location. The basic step would be to tape off logos, fin housing, or anything particular that you want to keep original. You may require a different size of tapes and masking paper so you know that you don’t overspray any area

The logos you want to keep must be cut out precisely with razor blades. If you don’t cover up the logos or other designs properly, then there is a good chance that the paint will get it.

Start Off With One Section

Experiment with one section first, the best bet would be to use a primer first, to experiment you should use the same color as the paint would be. Spray painting is not an easy job because you have to keep the even tone and it may not be as easy as it looks in videos. You may end up applying too much in one spot etc.

Once you are sure that you know how to spray paint, lay down a coat of primer and let it dry and then use the sandpaper on it to take it off. If you think you have correctly done it with the primer, it is maybe time that you start painting your surfboard. Apply two thick coats of the color you like. You must also use acrylic-based paint because of its qualities of adhesion, gloss, and color.

Painted surfboards

Photo by Jessica Crawford from Pixabay

Get a Decorative Surfboard

This is for people who aren’t really good at painting or surfboard decor. You can get already decorated or painted surfboards from different vendors selling online and in-store for riding and decorating both purposes.

Painted surboards

Photo by Lecreusois from Pixabay

Before You  Style Your Surfboard

Painting and decorating your own surfboard can be really nice and thrilling but you also have to consider the fact that you can very well mess it up if you haven’t done it before. If you are particularly going for decorating the surfboard to keep it as wall art, it is better to get the already decorated ones and there are many people selling surfboards as art.

Essential oils
Local Branding

Top 5 Essential Oils To Strengthen Your Immune System

If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, work on your immune system. You can only lead a healthy life when the immune system is fully strengthened. There are numerous ways through which you can work on your immune system. One of the most effective ways is to use essential oils. Since essential oils are not something most people use, they are often confused about their uses.

Choosing the best suited essential oil can be a tough decision, but we are here to help you.

Essential oils


Tea Tree Essential Oil

While hunting for essential oils for immune system, you must have come across the name tea tree oil, popular option among consumers. People seem to love it due to the range of benefits it has to offer. The most common ones are antibacterial, antifungal properties. In addition to that, it comes with antiviral properties, which is definitely a plus one for your immune system. The best way to use it by placing it in a diffuser in your home so that it can easily fight with the germs in the air. It has proven to be super effective against influenza strains.

Oil diffuser

Photo by Monicore from Pixabay

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Everyone is aware of the benefits the eucalyptus tree has to offer. Eucalyptus essential oil is definitely a must if you are one of those people who easily catch colds and flu. It is considered to be one of the best immune-boosting essential oils. The best part is that it does all the work on the cellular level. Which means more effective and long-lasting results. Studies have found that these are helpful in enhancing the activation of phagocytes. In simpler words, it can easily fight off any harmful foreign agent.

Lavender Essential Oil

Before choosing any essential oil, make sure that its usage is not harmful. Lavender essential oil is the safest option you’re going to find on the list. The best part is that it is almost effective for anything. You can call it an all-rounder. It is extremely helpful in releasing stress levels. If you have trouble sleeping at night, it will definitely help you in getting sound sleep. Your body is only able to perform well when you are well-rested. Your immune system is at its weakest when you have a sleepless/ restless couple of days. It comes with antioxidant properties as well.

hoto by Asyouwish6 from Pixabay

Photo by Asyouwish6 from Pixabay

Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon is another all-rounder on the list that has many benefits to offer. The most outstanding one is the powerful antibacterial property. It is able to act in a small amount of time with strong, long-lasting results. It comes with strong, powerful antioxidants, which are extremely beneficial for your immune system. Other than that, it has d-limonene. It can help in increasing white blood cells. There were multiple studies conducted on its benefits. It was proven that it is extremely helpful in taking care of the liver’s health. Before using, make sure that you take to dilute the solution.

Oregano Essential Oil

 This is another essential oil that has been proven excellent for boosting immunity. There is a huge list of benefits oregano can provide, but the most common ones are antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. It provides exceptional results for the prevention of any kind of infection. It can also help in reducing inflammation. You will definitely love using it, but make sure you’re extremely cautious. It has a warming sensation, due to which it is known as a hot essential oil. If not used with caution, it can be irritating. Make sure that you use it in a diluted form. The best way to use it is through diffusion. This way, the chances of it causing any damage are much lower.


Digital marketing agency at work
Digital Branding

Understanding a Digital Marketing Agency

At present, marketing has noticeably evolved. The resources of any reputed digital marketing agency are now among the sought-after marketing solutions for all businesses, regardless of the industry. Digital marketing involves increased use of the internet, not just plain radio ads, television commercials, and posters. The entire marketing spectrum has transformed into more advanced and efficient methods of enticing people.

Marketing in the past could predict where the company was headed to, but not anymore. Conventional ways no longer reach the target market as they used to. Even back in the day, a well-thought-out traditional marketing campaign might not be effective; now, this approach seldom works to attract leads. Thus, firms have to adapt to the change in buying behavior.

Online shopping

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

As technology has made consumers’ buying behavior more complex, minor and major companies are opting for something that can adapt to the transition–digital marketing. Not only does this method work at present, but it will be the most feasible solution in the foreseeable future.

Hiring an experienced digital marketing agency to promoting the business is no longer a new business move. Some owners may still be apprehensive, but it only takes an in-depth understanding of how it works to see their long-term benefits. One of the many advantages is that it allows businesses to stay connected with their customers 24/7.

Digital Marketing Defined

Digital marketing primarily relies on technology to disseminate information and promote the brand to a target audience. Apart from the internet, it uses podcasts, mobile applications, and other digital media avenues to materialize all the relevant data needed to convert leads to paying customers. As time progresses, digital campaigns have proven their efficacy and continue to overpower offline marketing strategies. A seasoned digital marketing agency can strengthen the companies’ presence online quickly.

The Roles of a Digital Marketing Agency

Digital marketing agency at work

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Unlike a conventional marketing agency, a digital marketing agency specializes in results-based marketing strategies on the internet. Their success can be seen in the company’s return on investment (ROI) through measurable marketing tactics.

An experienced digital marketing agency no longer depends on TV commercials, radio, or magazine ads as they are not as interactive as digital methods. With the team’s help, including digital marketing consultants, web developers, strategists, and content writers, they can bring the brand to a whole new level in the digital world and acquire a significant number of leads for the company.

Improving the Business

Targeting customers

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

When hiring a digital marketing firm, it basically means handing over all the marketing tasks to them. Initially, digital marketers will assess the brand’s status and come up with a reliable technique that will maximize the profit margin. The staff will collaborate with the firm to develop productivity and efficiency. Through their inputs, the company can have more defined objectives and identify measurable goals.

Besides, the concentration on gathering information and targeting the traffic necessitates having a clear understanding of the target market, which is usually more precise than firms currently have in them. Through thorough research, the company will recognize a select group of buyers and analyze their buying attitude. Digital marketing agencies perform rigorous research in sorting customers that are best for every company they handle.

Determining the target audience will help draft a message and benefits program tailored for them. The distinct selling proposal that perfectly aligns with every target customer will create a stable connection and eventually transform them into loyal consumers.

Maximize the Company’s Reputation Online

While working on the firm’s online presence, the digital marketing agency will also exploit every marketing tool to develop its online hub. A buyer-focused website provides the opportunity to showcase the brand in the digital world effectively. The agency will help identify the appropriate platforms and mediums to be utilized to reach out to the target audience.

Furthermore, the agency helps position the firm to be a market leader by drafting online content that will strengthen the brand reputation. A seasoned digital marketing agency is capable of implementing highly-effective content techniques to present optimum organic search rankings.

Designing and applying constructive social media marketing tactics will improve the marketing ROI better than the conventional marketing strategies used in the past. Social media marketing has proven its success and continues to deliver promising results to any company regardless of the industry.

Introduce Cheaper Marketing Strategies

Building company reputation

Photo by Le Buzz on Unsplash

Conventional marketing techniques can cost a fortune. Billboards, radio, and television commercials are expensive and take time to produce before they go live. Hiring a digital marketing agent will introduce marketing tools with scalability and filter according to the firm’s target customers. Hence, these strategies can be more cost-efficient.

Physio Newcastle therapy
Local Branding

Chronic Pain Management Therapies for Mind and Body with Physio Newcastle

Both the brain and the body participate in the pain response. The body is constantly sending signals to the brain, and the brain is constantly sending signals to the body. The brain receives pain signals from the body, and the mind makes sense of these pain signals. The mind receives a lot of information all the time, and with training it can begin to understand the signs of chronic pain differently. Mind and body therapies can help change the way the brain “reads” pain signals. They are a way of working with the signals that are constantly lighting up in the body, and can be a very effective method of physio Newcastle therapists use with chronic pain. Talk to your healthcare provider about trying one or more of the therapies listed below.

Therapies That Can Be Learned at Physio Newcastle (Active Therapies)

yoga class

Photo by Anupam Mahapatra on Unsplash

Yoga is a physical meditation that allows the body and mind to relax. It is also an effective way to gain more flexibility. An important part of yoga focuses on breathing. You will learn how the breath and the body work together. This can be helpful in managing pain and is something you can practice on your own.

Relaxation, visualization, and meditation are methods to relax your muscles and learn how to focus in a certain way. Focusing can lessen the pain sensation or help you get through the pain – an effective skill that helps a lot in cases of chronic pain and that you can learn to do without depending on another.

Coping skills are ways of feeling that you have more control and might use humor, distraction, or positive thinking to put pain in its place. Chronic pain is stressful, so knowing how to manage stress can be helpful. There are many coping tools that you can learn and have on hand.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a method in which you work with a therapist to learn how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors play a role in pain. It has been studied in depth and there is evidence that proves that it is an effective tool for physio Newcastle therapists use for pain management.

Biofeedback is an active way to take control of pain and of what you feel continuously. With this tool, you can “hear” the signals that are transmitted between the brain and body, and you can learn to work with them to help fight pain.

Self-hypnosis is a tool that consists of training the mind to change the perception of pain, combining relaxation and visualization, and allowing pain to work differently.

The value you get from these therapies will depend on the degree to which they become part of your daily life. As with any other skill, all of them become easier with practice and doing therapies offered for physio at Newcastle.

Psychological Counseling and Support Groups

Support group therapy

Photo by Phil Coffman on Unsplash

Chronic pain support groups can help you feel less isolated and offer advice for coping with pain. Plus, they’re a place you can go to find out you’re not alone. Sometimes chronic pain is difficult because you feel that no one understands it, but support groups can be a place to feel understood.

Support groups for an underlying condition can help you learn more about managing that condition and the pain it causes. They can help you live better with pain.

Therapies Performed by a Third Party (Passive Therapies)

Acupuncture therapy

Photo by Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash

Massages help you relax and can also help relieve some types of muscle and joint pain.

Acupuncture and acupressure are treatments that apply small needles or pressure to certain places on the body to stimulate the body’s natural pain control system.

Chiropractic is a treatment based on manipulation of the spine, which can be useful to relieve some types of back pain.

Certain vitamins and medicinal herbs may work for some conditions that cause chronic pain, but they can interact with the medications you take; therefore, be sure to check with your healthcare provider or pharmacist before trying them.

It is important to remember that none of these therapies will completely eliminate pain. The best approach is to use several different therapies that work for you, combined with the support of others and working with your healthcare provider. It is possible to live well despite chronic pain and it is better to learn to do it with the help of others.

5 Tips to Manage Chronic Pain

Physio Newcastle therapy

Photo by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Some patients with chronic pain are referred to the Pain Unit of their hospital. In these units, a global treatment is made that associates pharmacological treatment with specific techniques from physio Newcastle with some to improve pain.

Here are some recommendations that can help control chronic pain.

  • You must comply with the pharmacological treatment prescribed by the doctor, using the drugs correctly and respecting the doses and the intervals between them.
  • Do not use other pain medications on your own if you have severe kidney, liver, or heart disease. Likewise, if you take any anticoagulant medication.
  • Try to know the characteristics of your pain, location, intensity, and duration, as well as the factors that make it worse, in order to adapt your daily activities.
  • Be aware that situations of anxiety or depression can worsen the pain, so do not isolate yourself, maintain your family, work, and social life.
  • Perform gentle physical exercise such as swimming, cycling, yoga, walking, or specific strengthening exercises, such as the back. Don’t smoke and avoid being overweight that can overload your joints.
Digital BrandingPersonal Branding

How to Leverage Your Instagram Account for Marketing Campaigns?

Year after year, social media see a subtle increase in the number of users, especially Instagram, which now has more than one billion users. It’s not a surprise that many companies turn to this popular social media channel to carry on their marketing activities. 

In fact, brands are doing a great job on Instagram; almost 90% of Instagrammers follow a brand on Instagram. 

So, if you run a business and want to promote it on Instagram, you need to have a clear marketing strategy, because the virtual world is wholly different from traditional marketing.  

In the following, I’m going to show you how to employ Instagram to its full potential and promote your marketing campaigns based on the goals you wish to achieve. Here’s a graphic to cast a glance at:

Why is Instagram Perfect for Running a Marketing Campaign?

  • Instagram tools are free
  • Instagram marketing campaigns can be easily measured
  • You have unlimited access to potential customers all over the world
  • It is suitable for any business
  • Instagrammers love to consume products and services they find on Instagram

Top Marketing Campaign Goals that you Can Achieve Using Instagram

You may have many reasons to run an Instagram campaign, from announcing your new product to establish a better relationship with your potential customers. The good news is, no matter what your goal is, Instagram can help you achieve it.

#1 Marketing Campaign Goal on Instagram: Increase Your Brand Awareness

Although many businesses use their page only to sell their product and services, Instagram can be incredibly helpful for enhancing brand awareness. 

How can you make your brand more visible on Instagram? Easy; start gaining more followers and start engaging with them. 

You may hire an Instagram manager or use Instagram management apps to cut the expenses. If you don’t have any experience using these managing apps, you can try using those that offer Instagram followers trial to see if it meets your expectations. 

#2 Marketing Campaign Goal on Instagram: Increase sale

Instagram Shoppable was a revolutionary feature that the company introduced. If your marketing goal is to increase your sale on Instagram, a combination of Instagram Shop and Instagram Ads can be immensely helpful.

Instagrammers can access to shops in their Explore page and pay for the items on the app, which makes the shopping so much easier. Moreover, you can use Instagram ads to attract specific customers based on age, location, and gender.

To have an Instagram Shop, you need to have a business account and a Facebook catalog. Don’t forget that you can only sell goods on Instagram Shop, and not services.  

#3 Marketing Campaign Goal on Instagram: Introduce New Products or Services

You can use Instagram tools such as feed posts, IGTV, Live, and especially Stories, to introduce your new products and services.

Instagram Stories can be handy as they enable you to be more flexible and funny. You can use a wide range of tools available on Stories, such as a countdown sticker, to gain your followers’ attention for the upcoming products’ announcement.  

#4 Marketing Campaign Goal on Instagram: Target New Customers

With Instagram, you can focus on finding specific customers. For example, if you want to attract local customers, you can use geotags and locations hashtags that contain your city or neighborhood name. 

Another great way to target a specific audience is to use influencers. Usually, influencers’ followers come from particular demographics. For example, a beauty influencer might have more teenage and young women in her audience.

By investing in specific influencers for promoting your less-common products that might have a particular audience, you can save the budget and avoid mass advertisements.

Just be careful about fake influencers! These people use fake likes and followers to show you they have a high level of engagement. Want to spot them? Read this.

#5 Marketing Campaign Goal on Instagram: Improve Customer Relationships

Want to engage your customers with your brand, make them loyal, and even gain the trust of other followers? What is better than running an Instagram user-generated content campaign to do that?

Besides the fact that user-generated content is authentic and considered a free advertisement for your brand on the platform, it can significantly help you with the time-consuming process of content creation.

Many major brands, such as @gopro and @airbnb, constantly run Instagram UGC campaigns to maintain and enhance their engagement with the customers. 

Another great way to improve your relationship with customers on Instagram is by responding to them promptly on the platform. When you publish a post on Instagram, many (potential) customers ask questions about their purchases, new products, or even complaints about an issue they experienced with your brand. It is crucial to answering these queries quickly and with the right language. 

Don’t forget that people are more impatient on social media. They expect a reply in less than one hour!   

Final words

An active Instagram marketing can make a massive difference for your business. If managed correctly, the Instagram campaign can help you enter new markets, grow market share, and even improve stakeholder relations.

About the author

I’m Rezvan, a freelance copywriter at SocialPros where I write about Instagram marketing. I’m a Potterhead, resistant to caffeine overdose, and love old songs.

Digital BrandingLegal BrandingLocal BrandingPersonal Branding

17 Tips for Starting and Succeeding in Your Own Offline Marketing Business 

How to start your own business in offline marketing when online is dominating?  You have to show potential customers the benefits of using offline tools. According to Statista, almost 40% of marketers worldwide consider offline campaigns important. 

Here are 17 tips for starting your own business in offline marketing. Besides offline, start-ups, the hints can help marketing specialists to promote a brand beyond the online realm.

1. Newspaper Ads

Newspaper ads are rather cost-effective. Many people are still buying them. For example, universities and schools always have some. You can post an ad there if it’s the place where your target audience exists. All in all, it’s a good advertising tool when starting a business.

2. Media Giveaways

The media is always eager to take some free products or gift certificates as prizes. TV shows and radio regularly host competitions. They will distribute your samples or gift certificates as prizes. In return, customers will have a chance to try a product or service.

3. Free Publicity

Some media are looking for stories to write. You can use this to promote a brand if you are starting a business with no money. All you have to do is to find relevant media and share your story with them. 

4. Free Samples

Giveaways are always a good idea. It’s a working way to attract customers, promote brand awareness, and let potential clients try out your product or service. You can give samples for free or launch a competition and reward the winners.

5. Networking

Connections matter. Especially if you are looking for ways to minimize costs. Joining local clubs, business communities, etc., opens new horizons. You can learn valuable insights and acquire new connections. All this will help to run the business cheaper.

6. Educational Workshops

We live in an era of meaningful connections. Customers look for value. They want to see more than just a product to use. That’s why educational workshops are an excellent idea to attract such an audience. By the way, sharing knowledge is probably the cheapest business to start.

7. Handouts

Who hasn’t heard about flyers, coupons, and handouts? It’s an ever-working cheap marketing tool. All you have to do is to print a lot of flyers and hand them out in a crowded place. Keep in mind: you should distribute them within an area where your target audience exists. Online companies like Lasting Trend agency can work to a wide audience. But in offline marketing, this is not permissible.

8. Trade Shows

Trade shows help to promote your brand in a niche. Usually, it’s a narrow-filed event, where you will find predominantly your target audience. Although usually participation is paid, the fee isn’t high. Especially if we are speaking about local events.

9. Direct Mail

Direct mail allows businesses to target specific geographic markets. It’s cost-effective: you may pay about 50 cents per piece only. Moreover, it’s an amazing way to stand out in the era of digital.

10. Banners

Banners are an ever-lasting offline marketing tool that keeps proving its efficiency. Many companies like Fortunavisual considered them as the basis when starting offline marketing business campaign. However, it requires a specific approach and professional equipment.

11. Cross Promotions

Although cross-promotions are widespread in retail, you can turn to them regarding the industry. Basically, it’s a situation when companies with related services or products promote each other. This is usually done for free, considering a mutually-beneficial effect.

12. Business Cards

Business cards are an element of branding. They are compact yet comprise all the main data. Therefore, they are ideal for cheap offline marketing strategies. Distribute them everywhere your potential clients may be.

13. Gift Certificates

Offer your potential and existing clients gift certificates. If a person doesn’t know you, it’s a way to let him try you out. If he deals with you, it’ll enhance his loyalty.

14. Cold Calls

To create a business plan, you need to think through ways how to attract clients. One of the traditional ways is cold calls. You will have to cover relatively small costs.

15. Host a Party

Who doesn’t like parties? You can host one devoted to your grand opening or anniversary. Many people are likely to come if you offer an entertaining program.

16. Sponsorship

You can become a sponsor of a local event or a sports team. In return, you will gain access to all the visitors or fans. It’s a good way to make the world hear your name.

17. Interviews

Interviews in local magazines or newspapers are a working tool for promoting an offline business. Radio and TV shows are also a good opportunity to increase your brand awareness among existing and potential customers. Just stay honest and open.

Here are 17 ideas for offline marketing. Do you consider offline ads performing? Please, share your opinion with us!

Legal BrandingLocal BrandingPersonal Branding

How to Throw a Memorable Corporate Event 

From organizing a Christmas party for your investors to sharing a milestone with your business partners – throwing a memorable corporate event is always a must. This will make you look more professional, but also more friendly and outgoing than most people knew you are. Turning your corporate events into memorable moments you’re going to cherish forever might not be easy, but it’s the only way to make all your plans come true. If you’re planning to do that soon as well, here are a few tips that might help you quite a lot.

Create a guest list

This should be the first item on your list regardless of what sort of happening you’re planning. You need to know what to consider when planning an event. From a simple birthday party to a massive corporate event – knowing who’s supposed to come and who’s not is essential. Creating a guest list might not look like the easiest thing in the world, but it’s actually not that hard either. 

It’s all about using simple yet effective tricks that go a long way – including all your important business partners and potential investors, organizing all your guests in certain categories, updating your database regularly, and making sure everyone has confirmed they’re coming to your event. Doing that will help you come up with the best guest list in the world without spending too much time, money, or energy.

Define your budget

Speaking of money, this is another crucial issue you should look into as soon as possible. Spending a ton of money doesn’t mean your corporate event is going to be a major success, and vice versa. Still, you need to define your budget and take every single detail of the event in it. 

From your catering to your open bar – everything has to be perfect unless you want your event to turn into a complete failure. In case you realize you don’t have enough money after all, you should consider canceling your event instead of throwing a party that’s going to embarrass you and your company. You may not be aware of the things that look cheap, but your guests definitely will, and that’s not something they’re going to appreciate, so either be bold and go all in or don’t throw a party at all.

Celebrate a milestone

From time to time, simple corporate events turn into something else and deserve more attention than you’ve planned. When you’re celebrating a milestone, you have to try extra hard to organize an event that’s going to be memorable. Milestones mark an end of one era and the beginning of the next, but they’re also a sign that you’re doing something right with your company, so they deserve your full attention.

So, when celebrating a milestone, you have to do things you wouldn’t do for your ordinary corporate events. Booking a special guest speaking, looking into those professional audio video rentals and hire that will help you bring everything to a whole new level, and finding an amazing venue everyone will love are just some of the ways to do that. Keep in mind that milestones come and go, but the way you treat them shows the world what kind of person you are, and that has always been vital in the world of business.

Hire a planner

Doing everything on your own and trying to turn your corporate event into a night you’ll remember is quite all right, but there’s one huge problem in this plan – you’re not a professional planner, are you? Just because you’re a successful business person and are great at what you do doesn’t mean you’ll be a successful event planner as well. 

Luckily, there are people who do this for a living, and they’re the ones you need to contact. Hiring a professional planner might seem obsolete and unnecessary at first, but once you start discovering how many things need to be done – you’ll be happy to pay them whatever they’re asking for. Doing this comes with a number of benefits, so be sure to take this idea into consideration before it’s too late!

Throwing a memorable corporate event doesn’t have to be too hard, as long as you follow these simple steps. Take your time and look into these tips, and you’ll surely be able to throw the most amazing corporate event in the history of your company! 

Legal Branding

Stay Safe- Long-Term Legal Protection Strategy For Your Brand

Running a business is nothing short of climbing a mountain- you have to play multiple roles as an entrepreneur, accountant, salesperson, and more. Things get even tougher if your small company grows into a successful brand as you have a reputation to protect. The last thing you would want is lawsuits but they are more common than you may believe. Time and again, you may face one from customers, employees, partners, or third-parties due to various reasons. What’s more, you may not be guilty in a majority of cases.

Obviously, it makes sense to have a legal protection strategy in place to safeguard your brand, whether you are at fault or not. Although there is no one-size-fits-all formula to stay safe, you can take some measures for adequate protection according to your needs and situation. While these measures may vary from business to business, here are some common ones that you can depend on.

Know your regulations

First things first, it is vital to know the regulations that your business needs to comply with. These may vary according to your business niche, legal structure, and corporate governance. From taxes to data privacy and environmental regulations, there is a lot more to deal with. You may also come across special regulations like the ones applicable in the COVID era. Ideally, you must do extensive research to understand the norms that apply to your business. Taking legal guidance from an expert is a better approach. The implications for non-compliance can be serious, so you must go the extra mile for knowing all the laws and policies and adhering to them.

Keep your paperwork strong

The biggest concern for relatively new brands is that they tend to go slack with the paperwork, which often lands them in deep trouble. Whether you are a newbie or an established brand, keep your paperwork strong. Every time you start a new relationship with another party, whether a client, supplier, or partner, you should have a well-documented written contract. It is vital to ensure trust and manage disputes if they arise at any point in time. Not just having agreements is important, make sure that you update them regularly if they expire or there is a change in clauses.

Prioritize safety for employees and consumers

One of the most common legal pitfalls for brands is personal injuries of employees and customers. You may come across personal injury litigation once or more, with reasons varying from workplace injuries, slip and fall accidents, product liability cases and business vehicle accidents. Mishaps with business vehicles can be the most complicated because they can involve injuries of an employee, customers or third parties. The victims will probably hire the best car accident attorneys with years of experience to file a compensation claim costing a fortune. Having a safe work culture can prevent such incidents in the first place. Further, you will need an expert to defend your brand in case of a lawsuit.

Learn about labor laws

Since you will probably have a team of employees working for you, there is a need to understand your legal responsibilities and obligations as an employer. Understanding employment laws is the key to preventing labor disputes that can be expensive in terms of time, money, and reputational implications. Moreover, you may end up losing good talent in the market because no one wants to work for a brand that is negative in terms of workforce wellness and culture.

Get familiar with intellectual property

One of the tricky subjects for brands is intellectual property but it deserves attention because it also happens to be a common cause of lawsuits. To make things worse, infringement of intellectual property can cost you millions of dollars in damages. So it is valuable to know all about IP laws and make sure that you are not using the registered intellectual property for your branding initiative at any stage. Extensive market research plays a significant role when it comes to steering clear of copyright issues.

When your brand faces a lawsuit in the course of business, you will need a lawyer to defend your case. But it would be a smart move to have a legal expert in your team on a regular basis. They can save you from a lot of trouble with relevant advice and quick action if a lawsuit appears to be around the corner at any point in time. Look for a lawyer or law firm with a good reputation in the corporate landscape and check their expertise and experience as well.

keyboard shopping button
Digital Branding

The Basics of SEO Audit Services You Need to Understand

Experts estimate that by 2040, 95% of all purchases in the US will be through eCommerce. This is the reason why many small and medium-sized enterprises are taking their businesses online.

Companies hire SEO experts to ensure that their website has quality content and visibility on the web. But, to make sure that your web pages are error-free, you need the best SEO services in the USA for proven results.

Why is SEO Necessary?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) assists in increasing the traffic to your website. If you practice effective techniques, you can improve the user experience and usability of your website.

SEO helps in building the trust of the users towards a website. When they search for some information, and your page frequently ranks on the top of SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), it develops a sense of reliability that intrigues the customers to make purchases from your website.

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What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO audit is an evaluation of various factors that affect your website’s performance. It helps in understanding why your website is ranked lower or why it is not searchable. In short, it will give you solutions to improve your website’s functionality and drive more traffic.

SEO audits are crucial to understand where you stand in the market. Every online business must conduct an SEO audit at the beginning of a new project or a new quarter. It will determine which areas need improvement and how you can rectify those issues in a given time.

Let’s have a look at what is covered in the SEO audit.

Technical SEO Errors

The very first thing you need to search for are the technical issues on your website. The technical analysis determines why your website is underperforming. It helps us to understand two things: accessibility and indexability.

Amazon logo

Accessibility: If Google and search engines cannot find your website, you will never enjoy a good traffic rush. It indirectly affects the user’s ability to access your website. Amazon, the online retail giant, works more on updating its content frequently to drive more traffic to its web pages.

Almost 59% of the US population prefers to make purchases on Amazon. It is one of the reasons that make Amazon the biggest online retailer in the world. Accessibility, user experience, and search go hand-in-hand.

Indexability: It is necessary to make your pages searchable by the web crawlers and present it to the end-user once it is accessed. For simplifying your website search by Google, blend it with good accessibility and indexability features. Google penalizes the website that lacks these features. If your site has too many pages, the ranking dips down. The web crawlers and robots may not even show your page.

As a result, you may receive a notification regarding the reason for the penalty in your Webmaster’s tool account. All you have to do is locate the issue, rectify it, and request reconsideration from Google. The technical errors can be dealt with ease if you hire the best SEO services in the USA for your assistance.

Google logo

Website Layout Issues

About 61.72% of the US population use Google Chrome as their web browser, 15.23% use Safari for surfing the net, and the others use Internet Explorer or Opera. The layout of your website plays a vital role in the loading of the pages in these browsers. If your website’s loading time goes beyond 0.80 seconds, then the chances of bounce rate increases by 85%.

Poor or outdated visual design, lack of quality images, clutter, and hidden details are critical website layout issues that hinder your website’s ranking process.

On-Page Problems and Keyword Issues

The content on your webpage has to be in line with your products and services. Conflicting data and blogs will not push you to a higher rank. Various companies hire bloggers to write content for their website, but most of the content is plagiarized, and this duplication affects the ranking statistics.

Similar keywords from different websites confuse the algorithms, and then Google acknowledges only the strongest ones. As a result, the SEO of your site suffers severely, and the reachability also declines.

Off-Page Issues

The off-page ranking factors determine how accessible your webpage is and if people link your page in their articles or is your website trustworthy. Google runs several algorithms that study which page is linked more, and how frequently it is searched.

Youtube logo

In the US, YouTube and Wikipedia are the most searched websites as of 2020. So, to join their league and ensure your trustworthiness in the online marketplace, you must adhere to the Google webmaster’s guidelines.

You must also keep your website updated with fresh and relevant content to stay popular among the readers and the bloggers. The increase in popularity among the users will keep you on a higher rank in SERP.

To make sure your site is working right and maximize sales dollars, consider having an SEO audit today.

Man holding American ginseng
Local Branding

10 Surprising Things about American Ginseng

If something is declared as threatened or endangered species, it simply means that the demand is extremely high. The same is the case with American Ginseng as more people have become aware of its uses and advantages. It has been proven to be extremely useful in treating stress and boosting the immune system. You will be surprised to know that it is used for the production of soft drinks as well. But that’s not all, let’s have a quick look at all the surprising things about American Ginseng.

ginseng farm

Photo by Drginseng / CC BY-SA

1. You can’t grow it in your garden

If you love gardening, you must be getting excited about growing it in your own garden. Sorry to burst the bubble, but it is not something you can grow anywhere. American Ginseng is grown in deciduous forests of the United States, especially in Appalachia. To grow it successfully, you will have to provide the environment according to the natural habitat. The soil should be well drained, and soil should have a slightly acidic pH. In the U>S, there several larges farms that replicate these conditions.

2. It can be really expensive

If you are looking forward to buying it, do not worry, you can easily get it for under $10 dollars, but it is then sent to China, where the market price is extremely high. But what has caught our eyes is the fact that people are selling it for a really high price on eBay. One person is selling 3 ounces of it for approximately $10,859. Fun fact is that people are still willing to buy it regardless of the high prices. If you are interested in getting human-shaped beetroot, you can get it for under $3,800.

3. Fresh Vs Dry Ginseng

People prefer fresh ginseng more than the dried ones. This seems like pretty basic news but considering the fact that almost 90% of the ginseng is exported, getting fresh ginseng is really hard. If you are ordering it from outside of the state, there are chances that you will get the dried ones. Finding genuine ginseng is hard, but Hsu’s Ginseng seems to be a very promising source. For U.S. delivery, you can purchase fresh ginseng as well as dried.

Ginseng looks like people

4. Presentation matters a lot

Like anything else, presentation also matters a lot. Since, in appearance, Ginseng roots resembles the human body, the belief grew in traditional medicine that it will be able to cure the whole body. Some even frame Ginseng roots with their limb-like roots attached as a sign of prestige in their homes.

5. The digging process is known as senging

The whole digging process is known as singing. As per it was originally grown in underdeveloped areas, people used to do it for making a small portion of the money. You will need a “seng hoe” for digging it without causing any damage to the roots.

6. Ginseng dinners

Yes, it does sound strange, but there are dinners hosted that are dedicated to Ginseng. In Wisconsin, where it is cultivated, it is a common tradition to host Ginseng dinners. These are best for making soups, beverages, and desserts as the bitterness complements many other flavors.

7. Girls can also do the digging

Previously, it was a common perception that only white boys could do the digging when cultivated in the U.S. Girls were equally competent and passionate but it was the males who were most often recounted in local lore. In the beginning, they used to work with their brothers. With the passage of time, things progressed, and now girls are considered equally good as boys.

8. Hmong communities and Ginseng

A major part of the American Ginseng seems to be tended by Hmong farm workers, who migrated from China during the Vietnam Ware. Some families even own their own farms.

9. Ginseng poaching

Yes, you read that right. Ginseng poaching is a thing, and the threat is growing every day. Park rangers and other law enforcement professionals are trying to ensure that there is no poaching, especially after the ginseng season from September through December.

Man holding American ginseng

10. Why American Ginseng is in danger

Due to the growing demand, along with overharvesting, poaching, increased deer populations who love the roots, and loss of habitat due to mountaintop mining and other development, the plant has faced the threat of diminishing. But the authorities have taken action, and they are making every effort for the preservation of this root.

American Ginseng not only has many uses but a fascinating history.