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Digital Branding

How to Instil Your Brand With Remote Teams

Guest post by Gemma Church 

Flexible working is a wonderful thing. Research reveals it gives staff a better work/life balance and attracts the best talent into your business – but how can you ensure your company culture is retained when your staff are scattered to the four winds?

It’s not an easy task – but it is a necessary one as 75% of the US labour force is predicted to be remote by 2020.

Company culture is also a vital component for any successful business. It will provide your staff with a great employee experience and this directly affects your bottom line – as the below graph from Great Place to Work demonstrates. It is also one of the top job benefits for employees and helps you to retain your staff.

So, how can you create and maintain a company culture when some or all of your workforce use flexible working practices?

  1. Find the right tools for your staff

Every employee is an individual and it’s important to match different preferred ways of working with the right tools to foster communication and collaboration. For example, you could use Slack for text communications, Zoom for voice and video chat and, if you have a particularly valuable employee, you could even fork out for a robot virtual presence.

Whatever you decide, make sure you offer a range of solutions and attempt to combine both your digital and social tools to encourage camaraderie. You don’t have to be in the same room to socialize and make sure you encourage your staff to communicate on a range of topics.

But make it clear to your staff that they need to be available on these communication channels when they are working. Just because they’re working remotely does not mean they can go AWOL.

  1. Organise incentivized meetups

Face-to-face meetings are a rarity (or, sometimes, an impossibility) for remote teams. However, you should try to organize at least one group meeting each year.

You could also informally base your business out of a coworking space, which provides your staff with the flexibility to use such a space as and when you need it. Lucas Seyhun, founder of centrally located co-working space in NYC The Farm, said: “Our space attracts many different flexible workers. Some remote workers use our space nearly every day because they want to escape the home office. Others will simply book a meeting room for a couple of hours on an ad hoc basis. We also have corporates that regularly book dedicated offices. That’s the beauty of coworking – it matches the flexibility of remote work perfectly.”

As Lucas mentioned, many big businesses are now embracing coworking spaces for their remote workers. It allows such companies to connect, collaborate and innovate with the startup space.

Some businesses find coworking is a better option altogether. For example, the company behind WordPress, called Automattic, recently closed its San Francisco main office because its staff were finding different places and means to work.

You could also consider creating “work buddies” where a small number of nearby staff members could meet up regularly for a chat or a more formal meeting. Again, coworking spaces provide the perfect backdrop for such meetups.

  1. Reinforce your values

You must be clear on your company’s mission and communicate that message with every single member of your staff. Do this regularly to keep your staff focused on your goals.

There are many ways you can reach out with your company’s mission. You could use your internal communication tools to demonstrate how your work impacts your customers to keep your staff on point, for example. Videos and images are also impactful ways to achieve this and will keep remote staff focused on what’s important.

You can also demonstrate your values and show your presence with local community sponsorship. This tip comes from web app automation company Zapier, whose workforce is 100% remote. The company has sponsored developer meetups, startup weekends and donated its time to non-profit organizations. And if someone on in their workforce wants to do something similar in their city, they’ll sponsor it.

“By doing this, team members feel more like there is a local presence in their hometown,” according to Zapier.

In essence, it is important to offer your remote teams a variety of ways to communicate, collaborate and encourage your corporate values. This will help you create and build your company culture, no matter where your staff are.

About the author

Gemma Church is “the freelance writer who gets tech”. She’s a specialist freelance science writer, journalist, and blogger. Her USP is that she’s worked in the science and technology sectors she writes about, bringing a unique level of understanding and experience most writers cannot offer.

Digital Branding

Wikigains Shows 10 Ways To Use Vouchers To Encourage Repeat Business and Build a Brand

Today customers have more options online than they had ten years ago. According to WikiGains, customers’ buying pattern has changed from purchasing at their preferred physical store to visiting different online stores, comparing prices, searching for deals and discounts before adding a product to a virtual shopping cart. As a result, every online merchant, at some time or the other will be faced with the decision of offering deals, coupons, and discounts.

While offering good deals frequently can encourage repeat business and drive customer loyalty, using them haphazardly can harm your brand image. Here are 10 effective ways you can use to drive customer loyalty, conversions and acquisitions.

1. Weekly or monthly discounts

These are traditional ways to offer discounts and they are often used at the end of a week or month to meet specific business goals.

2. Cart abandonment email

A study showed that nearly 70% of online customers abandon their carts for some reason or the other. Sending a tactically-crafted abandoned cart email can encourage people to come back and complete their checkout. There are many sites like Shopify and Klaviyo that offer easy to customize abandoned cart emails.

3. Special holiday or season deals

While Cyber Monday, Black Friday, and other holiday seasons are big occasions to offer attractive discounts, you can use other opportunities throughout the year like the onset of winter, summer or autumn to share appropriate discounts and offers.

4. Prelaunch coupons

Your business may be in the prelaunch stage or you have just launched a new product. The pre-launch offers enable you to create a sense of inquisitiveness among customers regarding the product. They help in driving more traffic and turning new customers into loyal ones.

5. Minimum value to get discount

In coupons sites like Wikigains, you can find deals that require customers to spend a minimum value to get a discount. This is a good tactic to encourage customers to spend more.

6. Special discount for sharing on social media

When you start a new online store, the biggest challenge is to reach out to more people and attract customers. So, offering an incentive on every Like on Facebook or sharing on other social media platforms can be a good way to raise the visibility of your brand.

7. Refer-a-friend

The referral programs work even today because people tend to rely on a brand if it is referred by a friend or relative. Wikigains says you can use this to your advantage and encourage more referrals by offering a good discount to both – the person referring and the one being referred.

8. Welcome discount for new customers.

This is a ‘feel good offer’ that gives first-time customers a positive experience with your brand. They are likely to remember you, refer friends, and even come back again to convert into a paying customer.   

9. Create an email or subscription offer

Building an email list is extremely important for the success of online retailers. When you offer a coupon or discount in exchange for a visitor’s email address, it increases your chances of conversion. This is a win-win situation where the visitor receives a good discount and you get their email address. This can be used to create customer loyalty, build a solid relationship, or send promotional materials to them in the future.

10. Special incentives to influential people

Offering discounts to famous bloggers or celebrities that have a huge fan following can be an effective way to promote your brand. So, if a blogger writes positively about your products or a celebrity talks about your excellent service, your brand value increases tremendously. is a voucher site that has been operating in the UK since 2012. Alex Papaconstantinou, the founder of Wikigains, and his team, have accumulated a wealth of experience in the industry as they have seen it through several ups and downs in the last few years.

Local Branding

How To Hire The Perfect Candidate

The U.S. unemployment rate has plummeted to right around 4 percent in recent weeks. And while that’s great news for the economy, it’s definitely not ideal if you’re trying to find the perfect candidate to fill a job at your company.

Whether you’re looking for someone to serve as a receptionist and greet visitors at the entrance to your office or you’re in search of a CEO with the right personality traits to be the face of your company, you’re likely finding it more difficult than ever to fill open jobs. Obtaining the right business skills is never an easy task, but when done properly they can really make a difference. There’s plenty of quality resources online like Businessstudynotes where you can get free exam material and see where you stand.

If you need a hand, here are some tips that will help you track down the perfect candidate for any position.

Create a Detailed Job Listing

The first thing you’ll need to do when trying to fill a position at your company is to create a job listing and post it on job sites. This job listing should serve two purposes:

  1. It should clearly outline the skills you want the perfect candidate to possess
  2. It should give all candidates a rundown on what your company is all about and what you have to offer to those seeking a job

This job listing should be as detailed as it can possibly be so that you only attract the right candidates for the position.

If you want candidates to have X amount of years working in your specific industry, you should include that. If you want them to have X amount of years of college education, you should include that, too. You should lay out exactly who you want your ideal candidate to be.

Additionally, you should provide interested candidates with what you’ll be looking for from the person who earns the job. You don’t want there to be any confusion in the future about what the job entails.

Avoid Setting Up Standard Job Interviews

Is there anything more boring than sitting down with a candidate and asking them a bunch of stock questions about their education and work experience? They’ll likely provide you with the same answers over and over again. It won’t give you a chance to find your perfect candidate if you take this approach.

Instead of going the standard route, how about taking a more creative approach to the interview process? You can:

  • Provide the best candidates for a job with a tour of your office or facility and ask them questions along the way
  • Invite the best candidates to lunch or dinner and pick their brains as you enjoy a meal together
  • Take a walk around the block and see how the best candidates interact with the outside world to give you a better idea of what kind of people they really are

While you will obviously need to get down to business at some point and ask the perfect candidates questions about themselves, that doesn’t mean it has to be done in your average interview setting. It also doesn’t mean you have to ask the same old interview questions.

Get as creative as you can with your questions and really get to know candidates before you narrow down your search. You will be doing yourself and your company a favor by going all out with your interview questions.

Place Candidates Into Real-World Scenarios

In addition to asking job candidates questions about themselves and their work experience, you should also try and put them into real-world scenarios and ask them how they would react to certain situations if they were hired by your company.

Role-playing is a great way to find out more about a person who has applied for a job. For example, if you’re trying to hire someone to be a magazine editor, you might ask them something like:

  • “You just got a big scoop from an anonymous source. The source told you that a famous celebrity is pregnant and ready to give birth any day. One of your coworkers tells you that you should write a story about it immediately and publish it on the magazine’s website. What do you do?”

The candidate won’t actually have to sit down at the computer and decide whether or not to write the story. But their answer will tell you a lot about what you can expect from them if and when they start working for you.

Give Candidates Optional Homework

There are more and more companies who are keeping the interview process open long after the actual interview ends.

If you really want to find out what a candidate is made of, send them home with a homework assignment and ask them to send it to you when they’re finished.

This will show how committed candidates are to a job, as many people will opt against doing additional work after an interview. These are the kinds of people you probably don’t want working at your company in the first place.

Ask Colleagues for Second Opinions

Once you have done all of your interviews and sifted through the choices you have, it will be time to narrow down your search.

Usually, there will be a handful of people who will stand out to you. Whether you liked the answers they gave during their interviews or they blew you away with the response they gave to your hypothetical workplace scenario, you’ll have a few favorites.

At that point, you should ask your colleagues to share their thoughts on specific candidates. You shouldn’t be trying to find the perfect candidate alone. Instead, you should trust those who work with you to lend a hand.

Sit down with a few colleagues and tell them about the best candidates. You might even want to bring those candidates in for second and third interviews with others in your company.

Your colleagues will be able to pick up on certain things you might have missed. It will be well worth your time to include them in the decision when searching for a perfect candidate.

Make Diversity a Priority in Your Hiring Practices

While you shouldn’t hire candidates based solely on gender or race, you do want to keep diversity in mind when trying to find the perfect candidate. You want to have people of all backgrounds working in your office or facility to make it the best it can be.

Diversity should be something you strive for, and it should also be something that is discussed at the highest levels of your company.

Always Check References Provided by Candidates

All employers ask candidates to include references when applying for a job. The majority of them then follow through and use those references during the hiring process.

But it’s kind of surprising to hear that not all employers check references. References can be an invaluable resource for companies hiring new employees.

Before you offer a job to someone who seems like the perfect candidate, you should call at least one of their professional references and ask questions like:

  • What was it like working with this person?
  • What did they bring to the job when you worked with them?
  • Did you have a pleasant experience working alongside them?
  • How did they improve your company’s culture?
  • Would you recommend them to another company looking to hire the perfect candidate for a job?

The answers you get when checking a person’s references will tell you just about everything you need to know about them. If the references hesitate to give a person a glowing review, you probably have a cause for concern.

Trust Your Gut Before Offering Someone a Job

There are going to be times when you interview someone and they look and sound like the perfect candidate.

They have the right education to do the job you need them to do. They have plenty of experience in your field. They might even have great references from their past employers.

Yet, for whatever reason, you still have this nagging suspicion that they just wouldn’t be the right person for the job.

While you obviously don’t want to overthink your decision and spend weeks and weeks trying to make it, you also don’t want to ignore any gut feelings you might have.

If you think someone might not be right for a position at the end of the interview process, try your best to confirm your suspicions. Go back and interview another reference or use social media to see what you can find about a candidate.

In 2018, there are so many ways that you can do extensive background checks on people to see if they’re definitely the best fit for a job. Use everything you have at your disposal to decide if you’ve found the perfect candidate. While not every company can follow these tips, many of them can be adopted. The sooner you implement these interview tips into your hiring process, the sooner you’ll be able to make sure you’re making the right hire for years to come.

And if you’re not convinced that’s the case, then keep looking until you find someone who is perfect for the position.

About the author:

Friddy Hoegener is the Co-Founder of SCOPE Recruiting a boutique Supply Chain, Operations, and Executive recruiting firm. Friddy holds a Master of Social Entrepreneurship from HULT international business school in London, UK. He started his career in Supply Chain Management with ABB Germany before moving to the United States where he worked for Thomas and Betts as well as Kohler where he left a successful career in the supply chain to join the recruiting world. Today, Friddy and his team utilize their networks and knowledge to match some of the best supply chain and operations talent with exciting opportunities from Start-ups to Fortune500 companies.

Legal Branding

Auto Insurance As A Part of Everyday Life

If you live in the United States of America, chances are that auto insurance is part of everyday life, at least for car owners. Driving a car is a privilege which comes with some sorts of responsibilities in the form of auto insurance policies.

Proof of insurance is basically an indicator that you are willing to take responsibility for your driving and you care about other drivers’ safety and welfare. Most states in the country make auto insurance compulsory; similar to a driver license; you must be an auto insurance policyholder to be considered the legal driver.

There are, however, several states where auto insurance is not state-mandated requirements including New Hampshire, Wisconsin, and California. 

New Hampshire

Since 2010, residents of New Hampshire are no longer required to purchase auto insurance. This regulation applies to any driver who has not been involved in a road accident, convicted of DWI (driving while intoxicated), or convicted of any serious traffic violation.

However, if you are involved in any road accident, you have to be responsible for covering damages both for bodily or property injuries. If you cannot fulfill this responsibility, the state will probably revoke your driver license. In other words, your responsibility is required only in the event of an accident; you do not have to pay a premium fee, but you need to cover all the damages for the injured party when required.

Viking insurance company of Wisconsin 

There is no compulsory law requiring drivers to purchase auto insurance in Wisconsin, but the state does require you to prove responsibility is some other ways.

You can do this by placing a cash deposit of $60,000 with the WisDOT (Wisconsin Department of Transportation) as liability insurance for vehicles or filing a bond with the department. If in any case, a police officer stops you while you are driving, the officer will check to determine if you have any of those. 


California has similar regulations to those of Wisconsin. Drivers can prove their responsibility not by purchasing insurance but simply covering for damages in which case they are at fault in road accidents. The compensation can reach up to $30,000 for injury or death in a single accident.

For property damage, the compensation can reach up to $5,000. Since you do not have to purchase insurance, you should place a deposit of $35,000 or file a bond of that amount with California Department of Motor Vehicles.

Although insurance is indeed not compulsory in some states, drivers are still required to be responsible and prove it by covering damages of the injured party in the event of accidents. Proof of financial responsibility can be done by placing deposit or filing bond with the state.

Digital Branding

Different Types Of Printing And What They Are Used For

When you are getting things printed, whether it is pictures, brochures, business cards or anything else, you want it to be as high in quality as possible. When you order these things online, it may be hard for you to determine the quality of the product you are ordering if you do not know the proper printing material that you should choose. This could lead you to become disappointed with the end results if they are not what you were expecting.

This is why we have put together a list of the different types of printing and what they are used for. Make sure to keep reading if you would like to find out more.

Printing Companies

There are many different companies like  that can offer you services for printing. These companies can print anything you need for your business, which means you can get everything you need both print and design-wise for your company. For this reason, these companies should not be neglected and their services utilised as much as possible. If you’re having trouble finding one, then take a look at the website  where you can find great printing services that will benefit you and your company in a number of ways.

Then there are companies that provide equipment and accessories needed for a printing company to work, such as Bonfilt, who’ve been supporting businesses doing screen printing, printing on plastic products, and printing on glass.

Green Printing

Green Printing has been popular since it was first introduced; this is because it is a process that makes the printing a lot environmentally friendlier than what the usual printing process involves. This process involves printing fewer amounts, changing the types of paper used and changing the ink or using recycled products.

Spot Printing

Spot Printing uses specific ink such as PMS inks in different colors including fluorescent and metallic inks. Using this type of ink is the best for matching for each job. Spot Printing is useful for preventing forgeries of important documents such as passports and bonds as well as money.

Offset Printing

Offset Printing is the process which involves using a printing press, wet ink, and printing plates. Offset Printing usually takes longer as there is more involved work when it comes to set up and because the product has to be dry before finishing can take place. This type of printing is known for producing the highest quality available and is known as the most beneficial choice when producing large numbers of prints.

Digital Printing

Digital printing is taken from electronic files that can be printed as photos or canvases as well as fabrics and even synthetic materials. This type of printing doesn’t require printing plates as it is printed straight onto the media substrate. This printing is a lot more popular as it is cheaper to use, takes less time and can be printed at any time you need it.

In Conclusion

Now you know the different types of printing and what each of them is used, you can make sure that you are choosing the right type of printing for your next project. Make sure to think carefully about the ink used and the type of paper for the best possible results.

Legal Branding

Benefits Of Business Commissioning

Commissioning for business has a number of benefits in many areas of work. 

As per the definition, it is the process by which an equipment, facility, or plant (which is installed or is complete or near completion) is tested to verify if it functions according to its design objectives or specifications.

This post aims to show you how it can benefit you.


1. Performance criteria are established and benchmark goals are verified.

2. The working environment is improved including lighting levels and indoor air quality.

3. Lifecycle building costs are reduced.

4. Documents clearly project process.

5. Minimizes disputes among all parties in both the design and construction processes.

6. Establishes operation and maintenance policies.

7. Baseline expectations for the Owner’s Program Requirements are identified.

8. Represents the interests of the Owner independent of the contracting teams and design.

Facility Managers

1. Equipment post-warranted is verified

2. Improves installed systems documentation

3. Documented testing procedures verify building controls and operations of systems

4. Verifies that staff training goals have been achieved

5. Maintenance schedules are established

Design Team

1. Verifies benchmark goals and establishes performance criteria

2. Lifecycle building costs are reduced

3. Project processes are clearly documented

4. Disputes between all parts involved in the construction and design processes are minimized

5. Establishes operation and maintenance policies

6. Baseline expectations for the Owner’s Program Requirements are identified

7. Represents the interest of the Owner independent of the contracting teams and design


1. Warranty calls backs from field issues are reduced

2. Punchlist items are minimized when the project ends

3. Contract documents are reviewed for bidding that is more competitive

If you want more tips on commissioning then read this post from Quanta.

Legal Branding

Don’t Miss Out On Business In Countries With Bad Reputations

Say you’re a value-added reseller (VAR) who wants to broaden your reach and grow your profits by expanding into foreign markets. You’ve heard horror stories about the seizure of every item in Brazil. You’ve caught word that India is highly protective of their local production and has begun raising duty on certain imports. But is throwing up your hands and giving up on huge markets the wisest choice for you?

Below are a few examples of tricky nations in which it can be a challenge to do business, as well as some important tips on what you can do to expand your presence in any country – including how to reduce costs when importing items and making smart partnerships to maximize efficiency.


South America is appealing to IT manufacturers and VARs because of its large population and growing consumer middle class. Brazil is the eighth largest economy in the world, but shoppers often complain about their goods getting seized and stuck at customs. Brazil requires multiple tax ID numbers to be registered there. Firms spend many man hours filing the tax forms required. Rumors of corruption and items ‘disappearing’ certainly aren’t encouraging, either. Hearsay? If true, is it worth the hassle?


They have some of the lowest electricity bills in Europe – appealing for a VAR pushing a variety of hardware – but it also takes businesses several months to get an electricity connection.The country has a bad reputation for the time it takes to export goods, but if you’re the seller, this isn’t a problem. American companies face troubles trying to export to the nation because of tariff and non-tariff trade barriers making it difficult to ship some goods, e.g., alcohol. In 2014, U.S. food and agricultural exports were banned after Crimea’s annexation.


It’s incredibly hard to start a new business here because of the 1.5 month minimum launching time for a new business. Infrastructure issues cause many new companies’ hopes to crumble. They’re begging for investors to drop billions in their bucket. They do have some appealing natural resources like coal that has caught China’s eye. Some of these issues are potential problems for new businesses to set-up shop, but are they necessarily a problem for your company’s specific expertise and products?

So what?

If a country has a bad reputation for doing business, you’re automatically going to have decreased competition because of the number of lazy companies who will check out. The nation’s problems might not have much to do with your goods, either. Often people won’t take their time to look into rules and regulations before they spread bad word-of-mouth. There’s a simple way to handle much of this –get an expert to do it for you.

Hands down, the best choice you can make if you want to expand globally into any country is partnering with an importer of record (IOR). TecEx, for example, has a long record and presence in any country where you might want to conduct business. How can an IOR help? Well, to start, you might be legally required to use one. They’ll look after all required import permits and arrange brokerage, clearance, and local delivery to your destination. There’s no need to worry about import compliance and your shipment will clear smoothly through customs. It’s also important to find an importer of record who can provide full tax recovery services for all of the indirect taxes incurred. TecEx specializes in shipping electronics and IT equipment abroad, and these items usually suffer import VAT, customs taxes, co-location taxes, and taxes on purchasing local goods.

Some nations might be tricky to conduct business in; however, if you make smart partnerships with companies who can streamline the process, and if you do some research into whether these nations are actually troublesome for your specific type of business and product, you’ll find the barriers were just a smokescreen, providing your partner with the right IOR services.

Local Branding

MBA Application Deadlines Are Fast Approaching

The holiday season allowed many working professionals to take some much-needed time away from the office to focus on their personal lives, create resolutions, and restructure their goals in time for the new year. Part of hitting the ground running in 2018 means getting organized and creating practical plans that will take business people to the levels they’re aspiring to. If career advancement is one of the goals, or finding a better paying position with a greater amount of responsibility, then emerging professionals might consider pursuing MBA degrees to help them qualify for these roles faster. It’s important to bear in mind however that deadlines are fast approaching!

Before applying, prospective candidates should make a list of schools they feel would be a good fit along with deadlines, application requirements, and all the important supporting documentation they must collect. Deadlines for consideration into the Lazaridis School of Business & Economics, for example, start as early as February 1st for the part-time program in downtown Toronto, however admissions are also awarded on a rolling basis for the 2019 deadline. Fortunately, those intending to pursue the full-time MBA program in Waterloo this coming September have until April 6, 2018, to get their applications in; this gives prospective students plenty of time to prepare.

The key to sending off a strong application lies in careful planning. To begin with, all MBA programs demand that applicants receive an accomplished score on the GMAT test which is designed to assess certain reading, writing, verbal and analytical skills; most programs require a score of 600 or higher. Candidates can achieve top scores on the GMAT by taking practice tests, and there are a variety programs and services offering comprehensive GMAT coaching.

As well, it is recommended that those interested in applying set aside time to devise a strong statement of intent; this is what will help them stand out from all the other applicants by allowing them to share their own unique experiences and the goals they have going into the program. A solid statement will be strategic and selective about what it includes, incorporating keywords the admissions council is looking for. Those applying should also consider receiving feedback for their writing from current students or alumni of the program they’re hoping to get accepted into.

Many schools will also ask their applicants to choose an area of specialization right from the get-go; candidates should choose a stream they’re passionate about and speak to the reasons for their selection in their statements. The program above offers ten different options including accounting, marketing, finance, strategic management, operations management, supply chain management, entrepreneurship and more.

It’s never too early to get a leg up on the competition and to bring plans for the future to fruition, especially when there is much preparation to be done, including external testing or requesting letters of reference that can take applicants time to gather. With newly found purpose after ringing in 2018, and MBA admission deadlines coming up soon, there’s never been a better time to start prepping for desired career success.

SaaS Branding

Quality Customer Service Will Make You Stand Out

The most effective way to get ahead of your competition is to set up high-quality customer service. The success of your business relies on the relationship with the customers. By building a great customer relations policy, you’ll manage to edge your prices above the competitors. Your customers will feel good when they visit your website or store, and they’ll keep coming back. Avoid defending yourself and your company, but learn from the customer’s feedback. Their opinion counts and you should try to adapt to their needs in order to grow. You can collect customer feedback from product feedback software. Take a look at the guidelines below, and start working on your new improved customer service.

Be available all the time

In order to build great relations with your customer base, it is crucial to be accessible. If you don’t have enough time for that, make sure to hire a customer support representative and they’ll be available for all questions your clients may have. Feel free to extend your accessibility. Your contact form should be available across different channels.

Start from social media, website, and email. Most of the communication will be done online, but don’t forget to provide people with your phone as well since some of them will prefer that way of communication.  As you increase channels of communication, make sure you increase the number of employees, so they can take care of everything in a timely manner.

Be quick in responding

People like to get the answer in a timely manner. Try to remember how contacting some companies can get frustrating. You really don’t need unsatisfied customers, so go ahead and make a specific business policies. For instance, determine the timeframe of 24 hours, and instruct your workers to stick to it. That means that every call or email must be returned within a day. Don’t forget to make that information public, so your customers can see it. With that type of transparency, your clients will feel respected and will wait for their service.


Concentrate on your customers

Your client base is that one thing that keeps wheels turning. Your business will grow just in case you have great customer service.

Because of that, open your ears widely and listen what they have to say. Sometimes, you will hear something you don’t want to hear but listen through all of it since there might be a thing or two you can learn. Avoid defending yourself and your company, but learn from the customer’s feedback. Their opinion counts and you should try to adapt to their needs in order to grow.

Improve weak points

Every company has its own weaknesses and so does yours. Put some effort into resolving the most common issues your clients pointed out. If there are more than 5 people who reported the same issue, you should slow down and try to take care of it. Set high standards for your firm and your staff. That way, everybody will know their job and get it done accordingly. In addition, try to be as much transparent as you can toward your customer base. Meet the needs of your clients even when they are wrong. You want them happy at the end of the day, and you want your revenue to increase. It’s a win-win situation.

Think about the big picture

Your business isn’t just your product or service, it’s much more. People like to spend money at the places they feel comfortable and happy. Because of that, you should improve the whole experience around your business. Your office will be busy during the day, and people in line should be entertained in some way. You may set up a little library, install a TV or even hire a photo booth as an additional way for your clients/customers to kill some time while waiting. Your customers will be happy with that kind of treatment and will be eager to continue doing business with you.

Educate your employees

The chain is strong as its weakest link. In order to make the strong and sustainable system, it is crucial to make some rules. Once you start hiring new employees, you should invest some time into their education. Present them with company policy and insist on sticking to it.

Of course, be flexible and modify it when needed. If you want to build great customer service, all of you must think as one. It is bad for the business if you answer the same question differently than one of your employees. This issue can be resolved with prepared templates which can be modified in certain situations. Nevertheless, engaging and motivating your frontline employees is crucial, since they have direct impact on customer experience. They play a big role providing an exceptional customer experience and insuring frontline workers are passionate about your brand vision and empowered to engage with customers is essential.

Final thoughts

Making a big and successful company isn’t easy and it takes a lot of effort and time. As an entrepreneur, you should be aware of all challenges you may stumble upon and give your best to resolve them quickly. As much as it is important to have high sales and healthy revenue, you shouldn’t forget that most important people are your customers, so take care of their needs all the time.

This post was written by Ian Pearson. Aside from primary area of interest and expertise in business consulting, Ian could be tagged also as a passionate sports fan, nature and photography enthusiast, always trying to keep up to date with tech innovations and development.

Digital Branding

The Definite List Of The Best Blogs To Follow In 2018

No matter what stage of life you’re at, good blogs are the ones that are always going to inspire you to do and try something new. Whether you’re a skint uni student, a slave of the nine-to-five (or nine-to-wine?), some blogs out there are just too inspirational. You feel the itch and your imagination goes to the sky. And, all of a sudden, here you are, with this idea in your head and you have to try it out. Since we share a passion for all these inspirational blogs, we’ve made the list of incredible blogs to follow, for the year 2018! So sit down, enjoy your cup of coffee and let’s dive in!

1) Dilips Techno Blog is a blog dedicated to technology, gadgets, SEO and more. Dilip constantly updates the site with the latest technological developments and innovations.

2) DKSpeaks

DKSpeaks is a blog that cuts the jargons and technicalities of blogging and internet marketing and makes it all simple to understand so that anybody can become an internet entrepreneur. Read the blog to learn internet marketing a simpler way.

3) FitSW

FitSW Personal Training Fitness Software is an online fitness software that allows trainers to connect with their fitness clients in a whole new way. FitSW Personal Training Fitness Software lets trainers optimize their training sessions by using the information to help better understand what works for each individual. FitSW Personal Training Fitness Software includes online fitness workout tracking, progress tracking, diet monitors, personal trainer scheduling calendars, and more.

4) Hopper HQ

Hopper HQ is a visual social media scheduling and planning tool that frees up time to focus on the fun stuff! Their blog delivers high-level Instagram marketing advice, as well as how-to guides to create killer content for social media. Whether you’re a social media manager or small business owner, become an expert in your industry with their articles, videos, and guides!

5) DiscoverOrg

DiscoverOrg’s blog delivers expert, practical advice to help B2B sales and marketing professionals do their jobs better. Grab your daily dose of insider tips, how-to advice, and humor from the company that gets 50% of their leads from marketing and has a 40% conversion rate.

6) WalkMe Blog

As pioneers of the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP), WalkMe’s blog tackles various pain points experienced by enterprise and large organizations in the digital age. Topics include training and onboarding employees, digital transformation, change management, user experience, productivity, and customer experience. WalkMe’s posts are aimed to help business leaders navigate the high seas of disruption with ease and confidence.

7) GAP Blog

Finding quality software developers is a challenge. With open positions and product backlog growing, companies need a solution. Growth Acceleration Partners (GAP) is the leader in nearshore outsource software development. Read more on their blog on how they achieve quality code in cost-effective partnerships.

8) AndPlus Blog

AndPlus has been committed to solving complex problems with software. Since 2009, they’ve helped hundreds of companies launch high-quality software products, using the appropriate set of tools for the job and our agile software development process. Their roots are in software engineering. Their passion is in user experience. Through their work, you will see a seamless experience in both.

9) Industrial SkyWorks

Industrial SkyWorks provides the oil, gas and petrochemical industries and building owners with asset inspection drone technology solutions. The BlueVu drone inspection platform enables efficient and accurate asset evaluation and reporting.

10) MarkupTrend

MarkupTrend should be on your must-check-out list if you are looking to follow a high-quality Web development and IT focused blog. It regularly brings to you relevant and rich content around everything that has to do with Web design, WordPress, SEO/SMO, Tutorials, CMS, Tools, Top 10s etc. They also keep coming up with tried and tested reviews for some of the very popular niches that people are curious about.  
It really is a one-stop blog if you are looking to acquaint yourself with the whereabouts of the Web design and development world. By subscribing to the blog, the team at MarkupTrend makes sure that you get to have your daily bite of web development essentials. 

11) Sophlix

Sophlix is a Digital Marketing blog where we show you how to build a profitable online business from anywhere in the world. We provide you with the latest news and videos straight from the internet-prenuership industry.

12) Industry Today

Industry Today is a media platform that reaches and serves decision makers and buyers in the manufacturing industry and beyond. Through their highly trafficked website, Industry Today provides industrial leaders world-class reporting across the board from aerospace, automotive, chemicals, engineering, food and beverage, material handling, metals and mining, supply chain to transportation and logistics and more.

13) E-power Marketing

E-Power Marketing’s Powerful Online Marketing blog is home to insight and expertise from seasoned veterans in the digital marketing industry. From SEO and online advertising to social media and content marketing, we break it all down for professionals looking to get a competitive advantage over the competition!

14) Alt-Creative

The Alt Creative blog is an informative collection of articles written to help small businesses interested in learning more about online marketing, SEO, web design/development, content marketing, and more.

15) Spaculus

Spaculus is a reputed offshore software development company dedicated to providing most innovative and comprehensive software solutions to global businesses across varied industries. A resourceful team of talented professionals has enabled businesses of all scales to grow their market presence through solutions that are competitive, viable and affordable. Here we cover trending topics like Big Data, IoT, MLM, Social Media and many more.

16) Whitehat SEO

Whitehat is an Inbound Marketing Agency based in London. They work with B2B companies within the pharmaceutical & life science, technology (hardware & software), manufacturing, charity, and educational sectors. They base much of our work on the use of cutting-edge analytical tools, providing us the most up-to-date marketing information to be incorporated within our service to our clients and share all of these insights on their blog.

17) ThoughtShift

The ThoughtShift Digital Marketing Blog is on a mission to reveal all the very latest eCommerce strategies, trends, and insights from digital marketing, SEO, PPC, social media and beyond.

18) Military Civilian

Military Civilian is a woman-owned business that wants to connect quality job-seeking military candidates and their spouses with civilian employers to fill open positions worldwide. With military-civilian, you can tab into our uniquely-qualified community of 127,000 military veterans and family members.

19) Howtotoken

The ultimate crypto how-tos guide was written by experts from different countries.

20) Kathryn Aragon

Kathryn Aragon’s blog is about content marketing, content creation, and how to use content for traffic and conversions. Her goal is twofold: to challenge you to be the best content marketer in your space, and to help you use content marketing to grow your business. If you want to write better, learn what’s working in content marketing — and how you can get results in your business — read Kathryn’s blog.

21) Updated Reviews

UpdatedReviews is one of the fastest growing Internet’s web hosting information hub, covering numerous web hosting companies and service providers globally. Each person who writes on UpdatedReviews is either an experienced user or web hosting expert with huge expertise in this field. The Updated Reviews community will assist you to discover high-quality website hosting services, companies you can rely on, reasonable hosting plans, coupon codes, deals, discounts and many more.

With our easy-to-use and frequently updated database, you can find the right suitable hosting solution to fit your requirements and budget. You can sort easily by hosting type like shared/Cloud/VPS/Dedicated server, Operating systems, server locations, customer support, payment options etc.

Even if you are a highly skilled and expert customer or simply getting started with web hosting service – start with

22) Spot On

Our blog, Spot On Says, focuses on inbound marketing strategy insights, including up-to-date information on content marketing, SEO, and more. In addition to inbound strategy, many of our articles surround marketing for SaaS, healthcare, and education technology.

23) Accessible Marketing Blog

Helping small businesses to grow with great marketing tips, know-how, and advice.

24) Verity&Co

A branding boutique with a knack for compelling words & eye for minimalist design. Branding, entrepreneurship, copywriting, and mentorship.

25) Tech In Post Website which gives you all about the latest Tech. News like How to Fix & Solve Error Problems, Errors Issues, Guides, How-To Tips, and much more knowledgeable Technology things from all around the World.

26) Dream Techie

Dream Techie is a technology blog; born to bring you all new informative technology articles. Here we are covering trending topics like Blogging, Social Media, Computer tips, and tricks, Make Money Online, the latest Gadgets, computers and all. We also have dedicated a section for How to articles, articles on Android Applications / best online resources and for Software reviews.

27) Syncee

Syncee is a cloud-based Shopify application, which enables web store owners to import and synchronize their inventory to their Shopify store. Users can import and update the product data using a data feed file, and they need to connect the data feed file’s headers with Shopify’s store fields using a transparent drop-down box. Unique features include automatic currency exchange, the ability to add fixed and percentage-based margin to collections and price ranges. Customers can filter the products they do not wish to use from the data feed file and can schedule the whole import or update to run automatically. On Syncee’s blog there any useful articles about drop shipping, e-commerce, Shopify and the application itself. For instance, readers can find tips and tricks to increase their sales and create their webshop, c they can find articles that provide information about the process of drop shipping and also lists of suppliers they can contact to obtain new data feed files.

28) The Operation Technology

The Operation Technology blog focuses on a wide range of topics including Search Engine Optimization (SEO), responsive web design, social media and internet marketing trends. Follow Operation Technology to gain valuable insight into growing your business online.

29) ProfileTree

ProfileTree is offering services to help build a cost-effective brand online – no matter what your industry or size. ProfileTree excel in many aspects of the online brand building. From content to social, search engine optimization to online strategy, ProfileTree can help.

30) KashFlow

KashFlow provides online accounting software designed specifically for small businesses and sole traders. Their blog is written to help business owner/operators break down accounting and business jargon, and offers plenty of free advice on everything from tax deadlines to growing your business.

31) Pixel Productions Inc.

Pixel Productions Inc, Online Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs.

32) Girlworks

Girlworks is run by Lauren, who heads up Social Media at an award-winning digital agency, and dabbles in a spot of a freelance work too. Providing useful content and support for small businesses and causes,  Girlworks is set to be a great resource for tips from someone who is clued up on the latest ad formats and  digital marketing tactics

33) Lina Wang

CEO of Atlantis Global, a US company, Lina is considered among the Top 30 Content Marketing Influencers & Social Media Strategists globally. She also owns Online & Offline Gambling/Gaming Ventures & E-Commerce Projects.

34) Nichemarket

Nichemarket is a Cape Town based digital marketing agency that provides online marketing services for local and international startups. Our blog is a unique resource guide filled with insights perfect for avid followers of digital marketing, online technology, growth hacking, and startup tips.

35) UpKeep

UpKeep resources is a source of news on reliability leadership, technical concepts, and everything on how to navigate the world of maintenance management. UpKeep CMMS is an easy to use, mobile-first maintenance software that technicians love. We believe that with better input from technicians, and seamless collaboration with the office, your maintenance team can make data-driven decisions to double productivity.

36) User Lane

Userlane offers a navigation system for software. In cars, simple directions guide us safely to any destination. We do the same for software applications: We show the end-user where to click next and help them accomplish tasks with real-time, on-screen software walkthroughs. With their user experience and customer, success blog features many different topics such as Conversion and Retention, Customer Experience, Customer Success Management, Digital Transformation, and many others.

37) ISEBOX Blog

Media Professionals and PR & Marketing Pros struggle with workflow problems with organizing, distributing and measuring their content and media. Learn how to maneuver the landmines with the ISEBOX Blog.

38) International Software Test Institute™

International Software Test Institute™ is an independent Institute which helps IT Companies and Professionals get accredited with worldwide renowned and recognized Software Testing Certifications and prove their competence in Software Testing domain.

39) Anadea

Anadea Inc. was founded in 2000 and since then has grown into an international custom software development services provider with a staff of about 100 IT experts. On their blog, they share their insights, tricks of the trade and overall useful information about custom software development.

40) Justin Gesso

From bestselling author Justin Gesso, is designed to fuel entrepreneurs and side hustlers with small business ideas, success tips, and motivation. Justin delivers the concepts and ideas you need to create simple businesses that will help you gain freedom while avoiding complexity and risk.  Get your money machines rockin’!

41) Passive Income Wise

Passive Income Wise is a personal finance blog that talks about how to make money online from home while maximizing savings. His creator, Francisco Anes, enjoys writing articles about affiliate marketing, blogging tips, and social media. He also publishes monthly income reports so people can learn his strategies to make extra money.

42) provides information on news in the IT world including tips and tricks on using computers to popular SEO and game tips.

43) Deepanshu Gahlaut

At Deepanshu Gahlaut’s Blog, you will learn how to take your business marketing to the next level with SEO techniques and Content Marketing strategies. If you are struggling to gain traction within your business marketing campaign, Deepanshu Gahlaut’s expertise in digital marketing, especially in SEO, can help.

44) Drones UAV UAS is a new international business directory and events publicity website venue for the drone industry. Established on 1st August 2016 this independent drone business directory and events publicity website venue with the purpose of showcasing and promoting the best of the Drone UAV UAS industry and its participants. This drones directory helps you find specialist drone services in UK, US, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China and other parts of the world. A global directory unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) service providers, drone manufacturers, retailers, drone industry professionals and events.  Supporting businesses with portfolio style listings aims to become the go to site connecting everyone and anyone who is interested in the drone world, its technology and uses for drones.

45) Search Engine Diary

Preeti Asri’s blog is about Search engine marketing, SEO, content marketing, PPC, content creation, and how to use optimized search engine marketing techniques for traffic and conversions. The main objective of this blog is to help you to use search engine marketing to grow your business. If you want to grow your website traffic and conversions better then learn how to do it with this blog and get the best results in your business.

46) Drone Blog

Droneblog is a leading online source for news, opinions, and reviews in the drone industry. With a wide range of guest contributors and broad coverage of drone news and events, Droneblog is the place to keep tabs on the rapidly advancing changes in the industry.

47) Flix Expo

Flix Expo is a faster growing online blog and magazine based website, and including the inspiring content of startup, business, leadership, entrepreneurship, technology, health, fashion, beauty, eCommerce and many more. It’s organized by a digital marketing company focusing on the most interesting thins of internet marketing, fashion, beauty, and celebrities that creates all kinds of viral content with evidence-based in science from online marketing successors.

48) Kurve

Kurve is a digital marketing consultancy based in London. Its blog features articles around various remits of digital marketing, with an added focus on startup growth.

49) Social Insider Blog

Want to learn more about competitive analysis for your social media clients? Facebook Insights and Instagram analytics are some of the topics discussed here. Get your fresh insights regularly on Social insider blog!

50) Blog

The blog focuses on software quality and how it applies to agile software development, DevOps, test automation, CI/CD and AI. We publish our own articles and curate content from proven practitioners in an attempt to share knowledge that could be helpful to anyone responsible for delivering high-quality software. Learn more at

51) Yeah! Local

This boutique SEO agency was created to minimize the divide between small business online marketing and large corporate marketing. Their blog features real-world advice for small business owners interested in SEO – take a look!

52) Tribal Ad Network

An online advertising network or Ad Network is an organization that connects advertisers to website publishers that want to host advertisements for income. Their blog covers many ideas on how to make money online, how to grow your online business and many more.

53) HubSpot

The HubSpot blog is a resource for salespeople and marketers looking to gain industry knowledge, best practices, and resources to grow their businesses better.

54) Alexia P. Bullard

Your regular content marketing blog seems to have covered it all right? Well, not exactly. This blog is dedicated to helping for dispensaries struggling with their content marketing (and budget for it). Read here how to present your medical marijuana dispensary to the world!

55) QuestionCage

Question Cage is all about knowledge sharing and creating some awareness on some of the interesting topics like technology and digitization. Topics will be covered on several Softwares and the Internet. Precisely the categories shared here How-To Guides, WordPress, Social Media, Blogging, Search Engine Optimization(SEO), Make Money Online and some fundamental aspects to simplify our daily work procedures at offices.

56) Prashant Hegde’s Blog

Prashant Hegde is a passionate tester. He has ably led test teams to success in many organizations and helped them improve their application quality process.Prashant is an agile enthusiast and has worked in different roles on agile teams for the last five years. Prashant enjoys sharing his experiences by blogging and participating in agile communities around the world. Prashant is a Certified Scrum Master and a frequent speaker at industry conferences. Prashant has helped thousands of ISTQB aspirants to clear their certifications with his free app ISTQB test mentor. Prashant discusses all kinds of subjects revolving around agile testing in his blog that will boost your software testing skills and enlightens you with the latest trends in software testing.

57) I Assist Virtually

The founder of iAssist Virtually, Sherri Stotler, is an entrepreneur, podcaster (and producer), blogger, wife, and mom. Knowing how frustrating it can be to be productive and effective with 24 hours to work with, she set out to help other business owners succeed. In her spare time, she also manages the blog Making It Pay To Stay and dabbles with her Etsy Store – Alexis Brooke Lane.  She also produces a podcast which she hosts under a pseudonym.

58) IT Chronicles

There are many technology media sites that are less about technology and more about advertising revenue. These digital properties have different goals than yours. IT Chronicles is focused on everything IT.

59) CMA Video

CMA Video is a video production and video marketing company based in Birmingham, England. Our blog looks at the video in all it’s forms and recommends new and innovative ways to use video for your marketing goals and to achieve online success.

60) Bill Acholla is a business blog that helps small business owners and entrepreneurs build their brand through content marketing. Entrepreneurs and marketers can find actionable tips that can help them grow their business.

61) Vladimir Writes

Does the world of online and digital marketing excite you, but also terrifies you at the same time? Join Vladimir at Vladimir Writes as he peels away the layers for you one by one every week and helps you build a successful business with actionable tips and advice about content marketing.

62) Cooler Insights

CI is your guide to the digital world. There are over 1,300 articles and resources to help you succeed in the social and digital world. Learn how you can create and grow your business through content and social media marketing, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), PR, branding and more here.

63) Peak District’s Blog

Peak District SEO is a search engine optimization company based in Matlock, Derbyshire. Their main aim is to help small to medium-sized businesses convert their websites from under-performing, static brochures, into cost-effective lead generation machines. Owner, Phil Gregory is offering a personal service rather than the client churn of larger agencies.

64) Netty Feed is one of the popular blogs in India that covers multiple niche articles. It is an amazing platform for startups who are looking to cover their startup story that drives value to the brand startup. Apart from this, one can also find topics related to Technology, new gadgets, fun-entertainment, viral and trending news. It also carries articles for those who are keen to learn about Digital Marketing, SEO, Internet Marketing trends. We can call it as the all-in-one blog.

65) PurchaseControl Blog

On the PurchaseControl Blog, you’ll find in-depth content on business strategy, finance, AP, procurement, spend management and more. Each post seeks to explain complex processes, trends, strategies, and concepts in terms that anyone can understand.

66) VironIT Blog

VironIT is an international software development company established in 2004. They provide comprehensive insights in their blog about all aspects of software development including development of mobile applications, web-oriented applications, business software solutions, as well as software integration and updating, support, and maintenance of software applications.

67) Uplarn

UPLARN is a digital copy of users search terms. UPLARN is digitally broadcasting universal media company who touches mountain height in short times. They are driven to transfer technology into ground-breaking ideas.

68) Parallel

The parallel is a blog about personal mobility and the modern urban lifestyle, curated and created by the Pavemint team. Pavemint is a peer-to-peer app that connects drivers looking for parking with residents and business owners who have spaces to share, so they can get where they’re going more easily and arrive happier. The iOS app launched in October, with over 4,000 spaces in some of the busiest and most difficult areas to park in Los Angeles.

69) Leadership Girl

Haley Lynn Gray founded Leadership Girl with the radical notion that women can harness their unique power and skills to become highly effective leaders. She is the best-selling author of “Leadership Girl”, and a graduate of Duke’s Fuqua School of Business with an MBA with a concentration in entrepreneurship and Innovation.  She has experience with starting up successful small businesses, growing them, then selling them.

70) PaySimple

PaySimple has developed better ways to accept payments, market services, and retain customers. Their blog features tips on productivity, collecting payments and growth delivered for small business owners, eager to make their businesses work smarter, not harder.

71) Website Strategies

Website Strategies have been around for 15 years and in that time they’ve learned a thing or two about making sales online. They are sharing their expertise on their blog regularly, so be sure to check out their fresh tips on all kinds of online marketing topics – from SEO to social media, they cover it all.

72) is Tech and Howto blog. They mostly write about technology, SEO, Business and provide educational tutorials as well. They provide Free Guest Articles service. If you want to publish your article or want to share information feel free to contact them. This website is highly recommended for SEO bloggers.

73) TalentLyft

TalentLyft is a talent acquisition software developed by HR professionals. With the help of their blog, you can stay up-to-date with the latest HR best practices. Read about best practices, strategies and first-hand insights into the HR industry

74) Marketing Labs

The staff at Marketing Labs have worked on a multitude of successful e-Commerce stores and have a proven track record in improving online conversion rates and increasing traffic. Lots of small but meaningful changes to a design, wording, and pricing can make a big difference when it comes to usability and making a site seem more trustworthy to the customer. On their blog, Marketing Labs gives its thoughts on all things digital marketing.

75) Smart Insights

Smart Insights are a publisher and learning platform that helps their members plan, manage and optimize their marketing strategies using downloadable planning templates, guides, and interactive learning tools. They offer free membership plans for digital marketers that enable members to download free sample templates, marketing guides and to keep updated on latest and best marketing practices.

76) R3D2

At R3D2 we look to tailor their social media expertise to their client’s business. Utilizing their experience in social media, marketing, and relationship management to promote your services or products to the audience you want to deal with. Their blog features insights on all facets of social media and online marketing.

77) TSIA Blog

Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA) is a research and advisory firm that helps companies make strategic decisions to optimize their service businesses through industry-validated research and best practices. On their blog, their team of researchers and thought leaders regularly share their latest findings and recommendations on industry trends impacting today’s technology and services organizations.

78) Master Blogster

Master the art of blogging with our blogging resources. Learn how to do SEO and make money online with blogging.

79) SoftwareSuggest

SoftwareSuggest is an online platform that recommends software to businesses. Their blog provides actionable tips and guides to readers related to various categories like eCommerce platforms, asset management software, help desk software and many more. They also publish detailed software product reviews and expert interviews. 74) Cloud LGS Blog Cloud LGS blog provides the best tutorials and tips on Entrepreneuring, Website Design, Hosting, SEO, PPC, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media, Local Listings and more. This blog is a valuable resource for checking the search engine algorithm and online marketing strategies.

80) Cactix

Latest insights and tips on inbound marketing.

81) Inspired Fully

Inspired fully is a self-development or self-help blog. Focusing on personal and social development(s) while also adding technology to its scope. At Inspired Fully, the readers are the focus, we try our best to inspire everyone who visits success and help them to achieve even more than they expected.

82) Wax Marketing

The Wax blog provides integrated marketing communications tips and news for growing companies and entrepreneurs.

83) Coronation Internet Marketing

Coronation Internet Marketing is a digital marketing agency based in Vancouver, BC that focusses on SEO. Their blog covers many topics related to digital marketing including search engine optimization, social media marketing, web design, pay-per-click advertising along with content creation.

84) Jeet Banerjee

Jeet Banerjee’s provides personable and actionable advice through his blog as a young entrepreneur who goes through the business and tech world.

85) Socialpeeks blog

Socialpeeks blog gives insight to brands into the influencer marketing world – how campaigns are run, what influencers like, what it takes to work with them – and gives influencers the platform to be heard. With in-house software, Socialpeeks can do live searches across Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube to run wildly successful Influencer Marketing campaigns on behalf of brands.

86) According to Brittney

According to Brittney guides Millennial women through adulting, career development, and entrepreneurship. We cover topics important to millennial side hustlers who want to climb the corporate ladder while growing their business.


Daniella is a 28-year-old side hustling to pay off debt, live a more sustainable lifestyle, and strive for a future of financial freedom. She created ILIKETODABBLE to help others do the same.

88) Technogiants

Founded in November 2011, TechnoGiants is a website where we will provide you with all the latest updates and feeds related to the techno world or era. So our goal is to inform our readers about the latest trending topics on the web i.e. new technology striking the global market, computers to your cell phones,  and many more.

89) Queen Bee Consulting

Queen Bee Consulting’s blog is for entrepreneurs that are trying to do it all! Included are tips that range from online marketing and beyond to the day to day operations of a brick and mortar.

90) Co-Learning

Co-Learning is doing their best to generate a positive impact on the lives of your customers & employees, strengthening your reputation. They regularly generate content to inspire, learn and motivate people to do things differently. Topics come from questions they receive, experiments they do and the guests they invite.

91) Biz Epic

Biz Epic offers tips, ideas, and insights from the epic world of business – by business people, for business people.

92) We Suggest Software

We Suggest Software is a top-notch software directory. It provides leading business software reviews and comparison platform for all business worldwide. Compare any software with features, pricing, and other specifications.

93) Somiibo

Somiibo is your guide to social media domination and branding perfection. We cover a range of topics from online marketing, to social media marketing, to content marketing and beyond. We also cover how you can use our social media automation platform to grow your online presence into a successful, professional brand.

94) Thinking Outside The Sandbox

Thinking Outside The Sandbox is a business blog about women who possess the talent, ambition and drive to start and run their own business.

95) WP Arena

WPArena is dedicated to WordPress platform that includes themes, plugins, reviews, snippets, tutorials etc… which are essential to building a useful blog. At WordPress Arena, we create high-quality WordPress tutorials with lots of enthusiasm and commitment. Everything is clearly demonstrated through our specially crafted tutorials.

96) Muffin Marketing

Muffin Marketing specializes in content marketing, social media and search engine optimization. They post weekly content to help small business owners improve their online presence, reach out to more people and find new customers.

97) BloggerCashOnline.Com

This blog is especially dedicated to the bloggers who have much interest in blogging. It provides the article about SEO, SEM, SMM, Internet Marketing, Make Money Online and so on! Shine your life by harnessing the actual power of Online Marketing Era! Learn then Earn. Every article is going to be very helpful for both newbies and pro bloggers! Perfect place to learn everything about blogging and build your career as a Successful Online Marketer!

98) Second To None Blog

This is a 30-year old customer experience agency with the passion of a start-up, heart of a servant leader, the collective wisdom that only comes from working closely with exceptional brands, and the authentic work ethic of a company born and raised in the Midwest. Their blog features insights on brand authenticity, brand loyalty, customer experience, leadership and many more.

99) Cloudesire Blog

Cloudesire is a global enterprise software company based in Pisa, Italy, with sales and support also in the UK. The company is led by a team of seasoned IT veterans whose tenure and accomplishments in management, entrepreneurship, and academia provides a solid enterprise perspective. Combined with a knack for innovation, their team can help service providers of any kind move forward in their customer monetization and cloud adoption journeys.

100) 7pace

7pace Timetracker allows development teams to plan, track, and manage time directly in Microsoft Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team Services.

101) DataCaptive

DataCaptive is a Powerful Online B2B Marketing blog. Our aims for the improvement and ease of corporate work style by providing our services. DataCaptive has a history of focusing on articles that are informative enough in the fields of marketing, sales, digital advertising, data services & related technology.

102) Irish Tech News

Irish Tech News is an award-winning online publication aimed at keeping you informed of all the latest news from the world of Technology. With the main focus on Irish based news, we cover a wide range of topics from social media and smartphones to start-ups and SMEs.

103) Ultimate Marketing Group

Ultimate Marketing Group offers professional and affordable web design and development services to the metro Atlanta area and beyond. They work with businesses big and small to deliver websites that are custom-made, cost-effective, and simply beautiful!

104) GlobalOwls

On the GlobalOwls blog, they feature the work of top marketers and designers to educate world-changing organizations on how to make better use of their digital channels so they can become more effective.

105) Kashoo Blog

The Kash Is King blog is focused on helping your small business grow. Above and beyond just finance, accounting, and tax tips, our blog is here to help you out in every aspect that adds up to your small business success.

106) PROS Inc Blog

 PROS is an innovative cutting-edge San Diego, California web technology & marketing company delivering web technologies solutions since 1996. They are a perfect mix of marketing and technology with over 15 years of experience in an open source and standard web technologies such as ASP, .NET, PHP, Joomla, Magento, Drupal, WordPress, MySql, LAMP, IIS, Microsoft, Java and many more platforms.

107) Safe And Healthy Life

At our mission is simple: to make your life safe, healthy and effective with the latest health info. A website run by Carla Smith with her team, We share a passion for helping others reach their goals of optimal health. Our blog includes a unique combination of innovative articles that are very helpful to improve your health. 102)

108) Nelsa Host

Founded in the year 2013, Nelsa Host is a one of the leading web host based in Zenica, Bosnia & Herzegovina. NelsaHost offers a range web hosting solutions including Linux & Windows Shared Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Linux & Windows VPS Hosting and Dedicated Hosting. On their blog, Nelsa Host offers insights about domain registration, web marketing, SEO, Web design, SSL and website management tools for thousands of website

109) Job Go Round

We are here to help with resume writing, job search, interview tips, and starting a new job. Not all of us are lucky enough to work for Google. Most of us dislike our jobs or soon will. In fact, the average worker changes jobs every 2.5 years.

110) Work From Home Happiness

Work From Home Happiness is a career blog for aspiring remote workers. Readers can find remote-friendly company reviews, personal branding tips, and job search advice through weekly blog posts. A hand-picked selection of real remote jobs is updated daily for active job seekers. Blog visitors can sign up for a free resource library built specifically for out-of-the-cubicle thinkers who want to achieve their work-from-home goals.

111) Jumpanzee

Jumpanzee is passionate about providing excellent design & development services affordable to startups & small businesses. They offer tips & tricks for your small business on their blog – informative insights on explainer videos, digital marketing, technology, and business strategy for startups (particularly SaaS/Software/App companies) and small businesses.

112) Adel de Meyer

Contributor at TNW, Top 100 Content and Social Media Marketer, Public Relations manager for altcoins and blockchain technology evangelist Adel’s experience is complemented by a portfolio including brands like Adobe, Huawei, and Pitney Bowes. Adel is the Co-founder of The Crypto Collectors publication covering the latest blockchain technology, gaming, and crypto collectibles industry news. Adel works with entrepreneurs, startups, personal brands, and business owners to identify opportunities within Social Media and how to use Social Media as a marketing and relationship building tool. Adel is listed as a Top 10 Social Media influencer in Australia and in the Top 100 Social Media influencers globally. Her blog is recommended as a Top 25 Social Media blog by Post Planner.

113) Codango

The word Codango™ is “Coding” in the Nyanja (Chinyanja) language, also known as Chewa (Chichewa) after the largest African tribe speaking it. Codango™ is a collection of resources, links, reviews, articles, and other Internet-based artifacts pertinent to coding in all forms: web development, database development, and related technologies.

114) NewTechyTips

NewTechyTips is a Web Magazine for Bloggers. Here we feature tips and tricks related to Social Media, How to Blog, SEO tutorial, Software solutions.

115) Your Virtual Assistant Service

Belinda runs Your Virtual Assistant Service. She is a Pinterest VA and Social Media Manager. She loves to help other mompreneurs rock their game, especially using Pinterest. She saw what the power of Pinterest could do for bloggers and decided to specialize  -really learning what was what and how she could harness the free traffic it offered and finding out the latest trends. She spends my days pinning and researching the latest tips and tricks and likes to share the insights on her blog!

116) Techno FAQ

Techno FAQ is a community of technology enthusiasts who believe that technology should be available to all and an effort should be made to help everyone understand it. Our site-cum-blog aims to promote educating people about technology, electronics, and computing and to solve tech problems faced by the people. We also aim to bring certain topics into the limelight which are usually not covered by mainstream technology websites. We write how-tos, tutorials, product and service reviews, topics on interesting trends, intellectual editorial content, topics about our community activities and highlights of interesting but less visible stuff on the internet that deserve a mention.

117)  i-Verve Technology Blog

 i-Verve Blog provides useful insights on the latest technologies. They feed business owners, designers, developers and professionals thoughts with bright ideas, inspirations, latest web design, development, marketing, technology trends, and tutorials, keep you motivated and informed. Some other topics they usually cover are front-end web development, back-end web development, mobile development, project management etc.

118)  Happycounts

Their mission is to improve the happiness, well-being, and sustainability of all beings on our earth by contributing to an understanding and appreciation of the factors that lead to life satisfaction, resilience, and sustainability. In addition to economic status, Happycounts focuses on examining sectors that span social, environmental and governance quality.

119) Radiant Marketing

Radiant Marketing was founded on the desire to inspire and assist purpose-driven startups and small businesses in embracing their brand, audience and marketing automation to create a marketing strategy & system that is effective and a business that is profitable.

120) The Global Marketing Alliance

The Global Marketing Alliance is a platform especially for marketers, working around the world, who aim to leverage customer data in order to tailor their marketing and produce highly honed and effective campaigns and thus better ROI. The GMA website offers advice and expertise from marketing practitioners on issues affecting all aspects of the industry.

121) Start A New Business

There are 3 major mistakes that devastate small business start-ups. And they want you to know them all. Not only that, Dr. Karl Ruegg, a published author and an author of this blog shows you EXACTLY how you can overcome every one of them, and in the process, generate all the new customers your business can handle. Without spending a dime on marketing or advertising.

122) Functionize

Functionize delivers the first autonomous cloud-based testing platform that incorporates AI and machine learning technologies to automate the painstaking software testing process of web applications. Functionize enables enterprise teams to rapidly accelerate software development while eliminating traditional test scripts, test maintenance and the need for a large QA team. As software impact moves from the IT department to the CEO’s desk, Functionize enables faster software releases and higher customer satisfaction—while reducing the risks inherent in current QA testing approaches.

123) Soapbox

Soapbox is a social magazine that aims to entertain, educate and inform in equal measure. Set to up be the ‘Uber of news’, Soapbox allows anyone with something to share with or tell others, to sign up and get on their Soapbox. With Soapbox, anyone can be a journalist.

124) Thegloor

Thegloor is a leading online technology and digital media outlet, dedicated to providing latest tech news, product launch, startup news around the world and sharing simple social media and digital marketing tips for startups, entrepreneurs, and business owners.

125) The Netguru blog

The Netguru blog is a space dedicated to design, technology and business, so everything startups and organizations need to know about software development for both mobile and web, trending stacks such as Node.js, Python or Vue.js, best practices in design, and the latest news from the business. The content published on the blog aims at being helpful, inspiring and informative.

126) AwesomeQA

Awesome QA is an international testing consulting firm that specializes in agile testing, best practices, and automation.  Our testing consultants are handpicked, mentored in the latest technologies while focused on customer delivery, satisfaction, and user experience.

We use the latest technologies and techniques to streamline a methodology that is generally an after-thought in most organizations.  Our test managers are experienced and savvy in all aspects of Quality Assurance and Quality Control that enable our track record to speak for itself.  We serve a range of clients from small-sized organizations to large organizations.  Our proposals are created specifically to the needs of the client.

Awesome QA believes in delivering to market on time and on the budget with the least amount of risk as possible.  This is why our test managers continuously mentor the test consultants with the latest techniques.

127) The John Birch Society

The John Birch Society is a conservative advocacy group supporting anti-communism and limited government. The John Birch Society’s goal has always been to create sufficient understanding amongst the American people about both their country and its enemies so that they could protect freedom and ensure the continuation of the nation’s independence.

128) Emergency Dentist USA

What would you do if you found yourself with a dental emergency, but had no idea who to call? Emergency Dentists USA has located the best emergency dental clinics wherever you may be. Find a local emergency dentist ready to provide you with the services you need even if you don’t have insurance!

Emergency Dentists USA is your answer to finding local emergency dentist appointments. They’ve located the best emergency dental clinics in your area that are ready to provide you with the services you need when you need them! Also be sure to check out the blog for helpful tips from the dentist and help in making quick decisions in a dental emergency. 

129) TechPatio 

TechPatio is a combination of two things that Klaus really likes: Technology, such as tech gadgets, technologies, computers, Internet etc., and patio which is a place he enjoys relaxing – even sometimes with a piece of tech.

130) CollectiveRay

CollectiveRay (previously known as DART Creations) is run by David Attard. Product Manager for a digital marketing agency by day, web design hobbyist since always. Passionate about many things tech, enthusiastic about marketing, SEO, and ways of increasing website traffic. Runs CollectiveRay an informative web design blog to share Joomla!, WordPress, small business marketing, search engine optimization and many other useful tips for web designers and small and budding website owners.

131) Ongage

The latest trends and guides to optimize email marketing results and ROI.

132) Blogging Eclipse

BloggingEclipse is an influential online marketing blog dedicated to blogging & Affiliate Marketing. The blog is famous for their best & latest Affiliate Reviews, Web Hosting Deals/Reviews and proven strategies for digital marketing….etc. The Blog has been featured in various Affiliate marketing events.

133) HyperionDev

HyperionDev is the online coding boot camp that focuses on personal 1:1 mentorship and on-demand code review as the keys to a successful career in coding. Our part-time online coding boot camps focus on careers in Web Development, Mobile Development, and Software Engineering. The HyperionDev blog is the ideal resource for the individual who wants to switch to a career in coding. We cover topics such as programming language trends, developer career tips, coding boot camp resources, and more.

134) ListenLoop

ListenLoop publishes tactical advice for B2B marketers who want to execute account-based marketing campaigns.

135) Duston McGroarty

Duston’s blog includes tons of different ways to make money online. He has great affiliate marketing case studies, simple traffic strategies, and a bunch of free internet marketing resources.

136) SCOPE Recruiting

SCOPE Recruiting is a boutique Supply Chain, Operations, and Executive recruiting firm. The Insights and Resources blog covers topics ranging from Supply Chain and Manufacturing trends to career advice, leadership trends and hiring resources. On their blog, the SCOPE Team shares their insight knowledge about industry trends, the job market and best practices for job seeker and employers alike.

137) Zenoti

Grown since 2010 but with the same mission today, Zenoti is used by over 5,000 businesses in 32 countries. They’re most proud to work with great brands that represent leaders in the beauty and wellness space. And to serve businesses of all sizes from chains with hundreds of locations to a family owned single location brand.

138) Pramp

Pramp is a peer-to-peer mock interviewing platform where software engineers can practice live coding interviews.
Pramp matches programmers over a video chat and collaborative coding environment so that they can practice technical interviews together.
Unlike other technical interviewing platforms, Pramp is entirely free for engineers and has no limits on the number of practice interviews.

139) Something Different Companies

Ideas for growing your online presence and converting the visit to sales is the goal of the SDC or Something Different Companies Blog. Check out our tips on social media, website communication, email marketing and more.

140) Techno Bite

Techno Bite is a youtube channel and website which focuses on Tips-Tricks-Tutorials and Reviews on Android Smartphone, iOS and Windows. Our main motto is to explain technology to our readers in the easiest way possible.

141) Chewtab

Have you gotten tired of seeing the same old, typical, run-of-the-mill advice being given to women from all corners of the internet?

Every woman is different, and we realize that the same, cookie-cutter approach does not work for everyone.

A community of women out there to share their experiences of relationships, marriage, dating, parenting etc. Ask for help, get insights and learn something new daily.

142) Someka Excel Solutions provides a wide range of ready-to-use Excel spreadsheet templates. Their collection includes both free and premium tools such as Timesheets, KPI Dashboards, Financial Models, Small Business Management Templates and many more.

143) Michaela Hoffman

Michaela Hoffman writes actionable blog articles designed to help small business owners develop a strong online presence through website strategy, branding, content strategy, and lead generation. If you want to set online presence up to grow your email list and get new leads while you are living your life and spending time away from the hustle these articles are for you.

144) Read In Brief

ReadInBrief is a blog that delivers technology news along with business and marketing updates. ReadInBrief serves technology updates and news including all emerging tech like AI, AR, Big Data, Cloud, Blockchain, VR with taking care of its authenticity.

145) Blogkens

A blog with unique tips related to SEO and online marketing.

146) Social Viral New

Social viral new is a blog on trending topics from all around the globe. It covers mainly Viral stories. Along with viral stories it also covers articles related to technology, reviews of newly launched products and ‘how to’ android, iOS, computer, and Mac.

147) Think Spatially

The Think Spatially blog is a collection of tips, thought leadership, and research on how brands can achieve growth through location intelligence. Whether you’re looking to bring in new customers with local marketing or use location data to segment and understand a population, we’ve got you covered. We also have a library of industry-specific content, currently covering politics, fitness, law, and franchising.

148) LiveChat

LiveChat Blog focuses mostly on written communication between businesses and their customers. The authors share their experiences and knowledge of e-commerce, customer service, and online communication. In 2017, the blog posts reached over 100,000 unique views monthly.
LiveChat Blog is a great place to find tips on how to talk with your customers (via live chat, social media channels, emails, phones) and manage customer support in your company. Also, the blog presents how to tailor your marketing messages to reach your target audience, and win their trust and loyalty.
A unique part of the blog is that you can also come across articles concerning LiveChat’s ‘behind the scenes’, written by the members of the company’s team.

149) WR Hardware

WR Hardware was founded in 1976 to provide Schools, Institutions, Housing Authorities, Apartments, Government entities, and Re-sellers with hard-to-find replacement parts as well as new replacement parts. This can be very helpful when renovating your home or if you wish to replace any hard-to-find door hardware or furniture parts. Visit their blog and read more about this.

150) sUAS News

151) Dexma

The Energy Analytics blog by DEXMA is the energy management professional’s go-to source for useful and informative articles on how to boost energy productivity in any business with advanced energy technology including software for energy efficiency.

152) Email Database Marketing

E-Database Marketing is a Growth Enablement Companion for Clients across 83 countries helping to extend reach to over 35 Million top global professionals across the world. E-Database Marketing has changed the way businesses work with cutting-edge data-driven technology, exhaustive data research, and digital marketing solutions.

E-Database Marketing is into making business processes smooth and jobs more manageable. It’s keeping the sales, marketing and customer services teams in sync are what makes a business smooth.

153) Smarta

154) was created to help the unemployed, under-employed or just anybody looking for an extra income to start a home-based business.

155) Transformify

Hire highly-skilled freelancers, consultants, and employees at ease. In-office or remote.
Businesses on 3 continents use Transformify to grow their teams and transfer payments to freelancers and employees.

156) Viral Solutions

Viral Solutions is a full-service digital marketing company that assists companies with website design, copywriting, Infusionsoft, marketing strategy, social media, and Memberium. Their blog is updated weekly with business tips, marketing news, how-to guides, and more.

157) Solutions Review

Solutions Review is a collection of technology news sites that aggregates, curates and creates the best content within leading enterprise categories. Its vendor-agnostic resources extract the signal from the noise to assist buyers in selecting the best possible tools.

158) Skillz ME

Skillz ME team of professionals with more than +25 years of industry knowledge combines today’s technologies and products with added value service, professional industry experience, and direct advisory approach to help organizations to succeed in today’s fast-moving environment.

Skillz ME combines market-leading technologies in data capture, process management, big data analytics and interactive mobile capabilities that enable organizations to increase their customer experience, increase their loyalty, provide better service, gain a competitive advantage and better grow their businesses while reducing operating costs

159) Techsvibe

TechsVibe is a technology blog for Gadget review, latest phones, and tech news.

160) Programage

Programage is a Rwanda based company that specializes in desktop software creation, web applications, mobile applications, domain name registration, website creation, and IT consultancy.

161) Olivian

A 10-years old blog on Internet marketing (mostly SEO, but not only), website audits, events, announcements, practical and non-practical articles, in English and Romanian. Around 10-15 articles per month. See for English-only articles. Options to subscribe on a newsletter, Facebook, Google Plus, Facebook, YouTube.

162) Insights: Where Marketers Get Big Ideas

This is a blog where you can find ideas, secrets, and practical advice written and curated for thought leaders and agile marketers.

163) Tribaladnetwork

Tribaladnetwork Blog is a place where you can find information about marketing online, cheap advertising and many more. Also, you can find news about that is a platform who help webmasters to monetize their content.

164) rHour

rHour is founded by Rohit Sharma, and it represents Rohit’s Hour as a ‘rush hour’ to the passion of his life i.e. productivity & technology which has revolutionized the world. This blog is an intersection of work and life. Here he offers his readers his life and experiences.

165) ClickUp

If you’re looking for great tips on productivity and project management, take a look at ClickUp. They offer great insights on everything from how to organize your teams to tips on how to get more things done professionally and personally each day. 

166) KiwiQA

One stop QA shop. KiwiQA Services is an independent software testing company with a focus on automation testing, mobility testing, load and performance testing, security testing, white box testing, manual testing, and QA process consulting. 

167) Go Mungo SEO

Go Mungo SEO is passionate about SEO providing digital marketing packages tailored to suit your business. We help propel your online presence higher up the search results pages of all the major search engines such as Google to help grow your company. For our blog, we write about all things to do with SEO and online marketing.

168) Digital Marketing Stream

Digital Marketing Stream’s blog shares information with readers on how to use digital marketing, advertising, and technology to build brand awareness. Learn brand storytelling strategies, how to convert website traffic to customers, the latest on web development, artificial intelligence, advertising, and more.

169) ReadITQuik

Founded in 2016, ReadITQuik educates you about the high-impact areas of tech that will influence the business outcomes of today and tomorrow. RIQ tells you everything right from who acquired whom to the latest technologies that are being used by business leaders. The digital magazine offers cutting-edge business technology-related news, trends, and opinions. ReadITQuik offers a platform for IT leaders and decision-makers to stay connected to the business impact of technology by covering the latest perspectives, news, big ideas and in-depth insights on subjects that matter to enterprises.

170) Agile Code

Blog about Solution Architecture particularly interested in designing software by applying Agile Methodology, Domain Driven Design (DDD), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), CQRS/ES, Microservices, NoSQL Databases, Entity Relationship Modelling, and ultimately Reactive and Scalable applications.

171) DaSh factor

DaSh factor is a high-impact digital marketing resource that helps you get the best results for your visibility and branding efforts through content marketing and social media. 

172) Rakuten Aquafadas

Rakuten Aquafadas provides enterprises across the world with powerful digital tools to reach and engage their mobile-first audiences. Their tools are perfect for sales teams, marketers, HR and learning professionals, media organizations and others to stay ahead of competitors. Enabling unique mobile experiences thanks to easy to create, visually attractive apps and interactive content combined with cutting-edge digital services. Their clients range from SMEs to world-leading businesses such as Adecco, Deloitte, PwC, Audi, large media groups and many others.

173) Makinthebacon

Makinthebacon began as a personal finance blog in 2012. The blog now focuses on providing valuable blogging and social media tips for small business owners. From time to time, the blog posts inspirational interviews from local entrepreneurs. 

174) The World According to Law – Ukrainian Law Blog

Ukrainian Law Blog is an intelligent digest as a beacon in the ocean of an information trash. It is news, events, and facts in the legal context of the objective world. There are three components of the Ukrainian Law Blog: interesting, useful and cognitively.  Ukrainian Law Blog is open for innovative communication via the mission of ULB: Freedom, Rights, and Dignity.

175) In’saneLab

In’saneLab is a custom software development agency named as one of the top B2B service providers in Poland by Clutch. 

176) Columbia Road

Columbia Road is all about impact. Their mission is to help companies grow their business in the digital era. A cross-functional team of world-class developers, designers, marketers, and strategists generate growth and can help you achieve a high-performing growth culture.

177) Taazaa

We provide agile software development for the business that demands results. We bring the latest creative thinking to the web and mobile application platforms and disciplined engineering to powerful system integration solutions. Taazaa delivers a real, human, emotional, immersive connection to work.

178) Digital Squad

Digital Squad is amongst the fastest growing digital marketing agencies in NZ and Australia. SEO is a core specialization with over 10,000 hours of annual research and testing into the Google algorithm. They produce powerful insights into how to leverage the latest SEO and Facebook algorithm changes as well as advanced lead generation and lead nurturing strategies for B2B and B2C clients.

179) Mind Inventory

Mindinventory is one of the top mobile app development companies in India, USA focusing on iPhone, iPad & Android applications. They also offer web development services across the globe. On their blog, you’ll find key information on mobile apps and app development. This blog focuses on updates, trends, tips, and how-tos on everything mobile app related. If you’re a beginner in the app development industry, it’s a great website to become better and better. Advanced users can also gain information to help improve their overall skills.

180) App Institute

AppInstitute is a DIY app builder service based in the UK. Their product allows anyone to build their own mobile app, without having to write code or pay big developer fees. On their blog, AppInstitute focus on actionable, easy to digest tips on all aspects of digital marketing – making it the perfect place for small business owners to learn skills to grow their business.

181) Codoid

The team at Codoid can help you establish Agile Testing practice and add value to your team and organization with a unique team-oriented approach.


A blog about News, Politics, Jobs and Vacancies, Celebrities. Education Politics NYSC Religion and Entertainment.

183)  Convertize

Convertize is a CRO platform with particular expertise in neuromarketing. Their blog contains optimization tips, explains neuromarketing principles, and offers optimization tips based on consumer psychology.

184) G2 Crowd

G2 Crowd helps you objectively assess what is best for your business. It empowers business buying decisions by highlighting the voice of the customer. Their mission is to provide the insights business professionals need, to gain confidence in their buying decisions and become more successful in their jobs and will make purchasing business technology as easy as buying consumer products. G2 Crowd is read by more than 1.5 million buyers each month. 

185) Techspective

TechSpective is a mashup of the words “technology” and “perspective”. TechSpective was developed with the goal of sharing new and unique perspectives on technology, and how it affects our lives and the way we do business. TechSpective also covers technology trends and breaking news, but we seek to do so in a meaningful way that brings value to the story and provides you with information that is relevant to you. We offer in-depth reporting and long-form feature stories, as well as breaking news coverage, product reviews, and community content in plain English terms, and with a unique perspective on technology.

186)  Just My Choice

JustMyChoice is an award-winning Indian blog. The blog is popular for their best & latest SEO tips. It covers topic such as SEO, online marketing strategies, social media marketing, content marketing…etc. I recommend this blog for SEO-beginners.

187) Kathryn Aragon Media

We all agree that content marketing works, but businesses are realizing that creating content alone isn’t enough to boost traffic and sales. If you’re looking for simple, practical approaches to content marketing that really work, turn to Kathryn Aragon Media. You’ll find smart strategies that get results without taking all your time and energy.

188) Blog Sheetgo

Blog.Sheetgo is your go-to resource for all things related to spreadsheets. The articles range from providing readers with how-to’s in Google Sheets to formulas, to a range of useful tools to use.
Essentially, the blog is there to introduce its readers to new ways of using spreadsheets which leads to more efficient day-to-day activities.

189) SageFrog

Sagefrog is a top-ranked B2B marketing agency, with specialties in healthcare, technology, industrial and business services. They combine an acute understanding of these industries with the strong business acumen to accelerate the success of top and bottom line.

190) Moving Worlds

A blog about using your career to make an impact, and how making an impact is good for your career.

191) Sasha Talks Tech

Sasha Talks Tech is an online hub for inspiring startup stories and tech talk for emerging brands and entrepreneurs. This site is a resource for go-to gadgets, apps and the digital lifestyle hacks you need to jump-start your business and streamline your daily life as an entrepreneur. Sasha Talks Tech was created by Sasha Horne.

192) SmartTouch® Interactive

The SmartTouch® Interactive’s blog covers all things digital in regards to real estate marketing. Whereas a lot of their how-to’s, tools, and trends will help any novice to the expert digital marketer, this Austin-based agency specifically focuses on helping home builders and residential developers get the most out of their marketing dollars using advanced strategies in SEM, SEO, Social Media, Email Marketing, and more.

193) Techcolite

Techcolite is about Latest Technology News, Gadgets, Computers, Internet, and anything related to day to day technology. At Techcolite We believe that Users are our assets and We are continuously trying to add more and more informative posts to our blog to provide some useful and Informative information to the users.

194) Clever ecommerce

Clever ecommerce blog is the ultimate source for ecommerce owners who are looking for articles about Google Ads, ecommerce tips, SEO, case studies and success stories. Furthermore, you can find useful posts about the most powerful ecommerce platforms, Shopify, BigCommerce, and PrestaShop.

195) Makonjo

Makonjo is a growth-focused Marketing Technology & Advisory firm created to help African business grow and find success in the digital space. Makonjo Media is an agency owned by Makonjo Group Limited. Makonjo Group Limited operates a group of businesses built to support the creation and growth of a truly digital Africa.

196) Restaurant Technology Guys

With over 40,000 podcast downloads, the Restaurant Technology Guys have established themselves as a leader in the field of restaurant technology information. Drawing from over 75 years of combined restaurant technology experience, the podcast and blog provide a wealth of information to an audience of tech-savvy restaurant entrepreneurs, CEOs, operators, and managers.

197) TheLifeTech

TheLifeTech is an Internet Marketing Blog mainly focused on SEO, blogging, social media and WordPress tips. It is a great resource for newbie bloggers to find helpful blogging tips. Apart from that the blog also includes technology guides.

198) FluidUI

With a strong focus on simplicity and communication, Fluid UI is a smart prototyping tool. Its superior usability allows you to create and share ideas really, really quickly. The easy to learn the nature of Fluid UI makes it especially suitable for early-stage entrepreneurs, product managers, and other product visionaries. Fluid UI includes an impressive array of features including pre-built component libraries for Android, iOS and wireframing to get you up and running quickly. It also boasts real-time collaboration for your team, comments, chat, and video calling for feedback and the ability to preview your designs on your mobile using their dedicated player app.

199) PostFunnel

PostFunnel brings marketing prowess into your hands. As the source for everything relationship marketing, PostFunnel provides customer-centric data-driven content that addresses the main interests and pain points for all professionals – or what we like to call marketing geeks.

200) UnderConstructionPage

UnderConstructionPage is managed, developed, supported and sold by WebFactory Ltd. We specialize in WordPress, so things like WordPress themes, plugins, custom projects, and SaaSes aren’t strange to us. Since the summer of 2009, we made over a hundred plugins, and we really love what we do! Most of the WordPress extensions can be found on CodeCanyon and We take great pride in all of our plugins and continuously make them better by adding new features and ironing out various functionalities and GUI details. So, whether it’s a free version of the plugin in the repository or the premium one you can always upgrade to, you can always expect the plugins to be up to date and ready for new technologies. We are always working on new ideas and starting new projects, so you can expect the number of different extensions to rise up.

201) iSenseLabs

An E-Commerce growth blog that focuses on software and straight to the point articles about how to use different apps to fuel the success of an online store. They keep a sharp focus on E-Commerce software but still want to educate online merchants and entrepreneurs about marketing, design, usability, conversion and different sales strategies to help them easily start, advance and succeed with building a profitable business.

202) Madison/Miles Media

The Madison/Miles Media blog is your go-to source for content marketing insights, news, and trends. We also regularly publish posts about sales enablement, inbound marketing, website design, SEO and other relevant topics. Subscribe today!

203) Star Micronics

Star Micronics, one of the world’s largest POS providers, has designated a portfolio of printing, secure cash management, and customer engagement solutions for any retail or hospitality establishment in POS and mPOS environments. Embracing the mobility wave, Star’s complementary SDKs allow users to utilize Star printers in tandem with Android™, iOS iPad®, and iPhone® devices to generate receipts for all of its printers. Always leading, and always innovating, Star Micronics enables web-based printing solutions including remote cloud printing, wireless cash drawer solutions, proximity-based printing, and secure cash management. For more information, visit or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or LinkedIn.

204) Fifty One Degrees

 The founder of Fifty One Degrees is Caroline Sumners, a Marketing Strategist. She is helping to double 500 businesses. She has 20 years of experience and she has worked with tonnes of business owners who go from struggling to make sense of digital marketing landscape to fully working marketing strategy in as little as 90 days. She started this business because she wanted to provide people a solution with their Marketing and help them to invest their money in something that will work.

205) The Restaurant Technology Guys

The Restaurant Technology Guys blog helps existing restaurant operators and restaurant hopefuls with the latest tips, tricks, and hacks to help make their restaurant more profitable and efficient with technology.

206) Dominion Systems

No matter the size of your company, Dominion Systems can assist your business. Whether it’s à la carte payroll or an all-inclusive HR package your team is looking for, Dominion offers a variety of services to fit your needs. With affordable pricing, we not only guarantee satisfaction from our features, but also have an energetic and experienced staff available for friendly guidance, efficient answers, and in-depth support.

207) TeskaLabs

We, at TeskaLabs, firmly believe that the digital world of any business entity needs to be a safe place if the company is to thrive. Today, as enterprises move toward the ever-greater use of mobile devices and Internet of Things (IoT), we help them build and operate mobile and IoT applications securely. TeskaLabs is an award-winning production company committed to creating the world’s most comprehensive application security technology for mobile and IoT apps. We are a proud member of Microsoft BizSpark Plus, a strategic partner of O2 Czech Republic, and a partner of Cisco. TeskaLabs operates from the headquarters in London, United Kingdom, and an additional office in Prague, Czech Republic.

208) Leadpages

With Leadpages you will enjoy free, unlimited, fully-functional access to all the tools associated with your chosen Leadpages plan and will experience (in full) how our platform works to help build your business. That includes unlimited publishing and unlimited traffic and leads. Join 45,000+ businesses that trust Leadpages every day to grow their business online.

209) Stocktrades

Stocktrades is a Canadian investing resource committed to teaching us the in’s and outs of the stock market and investing in general.

210) E-Commerce Nation

E-commerce Nation wants to be the meeting place of all e-merchants who want to learn more about their activities but also develop with the appropriate tools and knowledge. Some even call us “The E-commerce Bible”!
Since the beginning, we have a collaborative philosophy to develop the project. For us, it is important to give visibility to everyone through our site and to support the actors according to their needs.

For this, the E-commerce Nation team puts all its experience within this site. Thus, find advice, solutions but also practical cases to accompany you on topics such as e-commerce, logistics, online marketing or even distance selling.

211) UpGrad

UpGrad is an online higher education platform providing rigorous industry-relevant programs designed and delivered in collaboration with world-class faculty and industry. Merging the latest technology, pedagogy, and services, UpGrad is creating an immersive learning experience – anytime and anywhere.

212) Digitalvani

Digitalvani is a leading digital marketing blog bringing you the latest news and information on search engine optimization, social media marketing, Pay-per-Click, content marketing, and everything to help you stay to run a successful online marketing campaign. Our articles cover the latest and most important developments in the digital marketing industry.

213)  Magnificent Marketing

Magnificent Marketing is a full-service digital marketing agency with a specialization in content marketing, video marketing, SEO and social media advertising & management. We help companies with full marketing plans as well as help fill in any specific gap they might need help with. We also believe strongly in helping educate everyone and we do this thru our Magnificent Marketing Podcast.

214) Optimal Access

Curation is now integral to personal productivity and online marketing. We are blogging about all the applications of curation for content marketing, social media strategy, inbound marketing, and employee advocacy. We also have a curated library with hundreds of links to best practices by major influencers and awesome tools.

215) SayOne

SayOne is a fast growing Information Technology and Digital services company, founded in the year 2011 and headquartered in India. We help our clients to become future ready by harnessing the power of new and emerging technologies. SayOne has delivered over 300+ projects to 75+ Start-ups and SMEs from North America, Europe, Australia, and the Middle East. With development centers in India and local presence in the US, we have over 70 dedicated employees committed to solving our clients’ greatest challenges through innovative technology and digital solutions.

What makes SayOne unique is our unflinching focus on new and emerging opportunities like Analytics, ArtificiaI Intelligence & Machine Learning, and Blockchain. Our inherent ability to navigate through the ever disruptive tech world helps us to serve our clients better. Our verified Divio, Scrapy, and AWS Solution partnership, coupled with the deep industry expertise and customer-centric approach, have been largely appreciated among the client community. Today, SayOne is a top-rated software company by prominent analyst firms such as Clutch and GoodFirms.

Our seven years of expertise in the industry has made us all poised to scale further – To fuel success for our clients and happiness for our stakeholders.

216) Think Digital First

Think Digital First is a digital academy for small businesses covering everything from SEO and PPC training to Social Media Marketing and Email Training. It was founded in 2015 by Warren Knight. His vision is to help 100,000 companies go through a profound digital transformation of their business and organizational sales and marketing activities by 2020. To reach this goal, Think Digital First offers video courses in social media, digital marketing, and business skills.

217) AdvisorPR

AdvisorPR provides a blog dedicated to branding, marketing, and public relations topics specific to the financial services industry. Whether you are a financial advisor or a corporation serving financial professionals, AdvisorPR is a unique expert resource to help define your brand, build your credibility, streamline your sales process and create exposure in your community.

218) As We Travel

As We Travel is Comprehensive Travel Site for the Adventurous Kind, Wanderlust Mind & Daydreaming Soul!

219) Sandalili was created to add value to both young and old. This blog main aim is to provide relevant information in the form of articles, case study, reviews, and give advice for small businesses, best new small businesses, best SEO companies for small businesses by making recommendations that will help you in your business, personal finance, daily lifestyle and to inspire you to do more.

220) I Value Safety is run by parents that believe most accidents are preventable if we all embrace safety as a core value and live on the side of safety!

221) INSCMagazine

Edgy. Progressive. Classy. Different. INSCMagazine is a digital lifestyle magazine covers the best and hottest in women, lifestyle, sports, entertainment, and culture. Whether it is featuring the hottest glamour, bikini, fitness and fashion models on Instagram, the freshest up-and-comers in entertainment, the latest in sports, opinion, culture, and lifestyle or the latest in fitness and athleisure, INSCMagazine is one of the best around!

222) Hello ACM

The ACM stands for Association of Computing Machinery. focuses on the computing technology that includes programming, data structures & algorithms, code optimization, scripting, gadgets, internet of things, SEO and so many others. HelloACM welcomes ACM-er as well as other technology fans!

223)  S/W Testing Studio

Software Testing Studio (STS) is one of the fastest growing online blogs related to ‘Software Testing’. Testing Studio is an attempt to share some incredible knowledge from industry leaders & experts, which should be helpful for anybody to start his/her career in S/W Testing or to progress it further. Apart from the technical nitty-gritty, one can also find some intellectual posts by industry experts sharing their Wisdom.

224) Business Matters Magazine

Business Matters, the UK’s largest business magazine for the entrepreneur, start-up and small and medium-enterprise (SME). Business news, advice & interviews.

225) HBF Advertising

From the corporate office to entrepreneur Founder Harris Brown with over 20 years experience in Advertising Design.

I’ve been helping businesses with creative ideas and strategies that help them make a great impression and get in front of the right customers through different marketing channels.

Our mission is to help small business and corporations with problem-solving creative ideas and solutions through advertising, graphic design, and marketing.

226) Vexels

Vexels is a huge graphic stock with its own online editor. It’s got +70000 unique and exclusive designs you won’t find anywhere else in AI, PNG, SVG, and other formats. It’s even got designs made specifically for merchers. It’s the one place you’ll find every graphic you need.  

227) CorePHP

We empower people with great technology to achieve greatness for humanity. ‘corePHP’ builds scalable, high-performance software solutions for success-minded businesses, government agencies, education, and non-profits. We work closely with our clients to clearly understand their goals, and in turn, deliver the right solutions to empower their success. We’re driven by a passion to do outstanding work; we thrive on innovation to solve important problems, and we provide smart solutions that are built to give our clients a seemingly unfair competitive advantage.

228) Chameleon

User adoption strategies are the cement to your business, demolishing all types of churn and building toward those in-demand retention KPIs. If you’re leading or are part of a team focused on product-led growth (PLG), you should be continuously playing with user adoption tactics to help your SaaS business, and product, go from strength to strength.