Category: Local Branding

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How to Boost Thermal Comfort in an Office Environment

With the number of time employees spend in their offices during the day, one of the main consideration for the employer should be to create an environment that is pleasant and comfortable to work in. The surroundings not only affect employees’ well-being and productivity, but also their satisfaction, dedication, and creativity. With this on the mind, modern office designs should strive not only towards creating inspiring and motivating spaces but also providing optimal comfort that ensures a smooth work process.

Specific challenges

As the global temperature is rising, the issue of thermal comfort in commercial environments is becoming more and more important. Interestingly, even with all the technological advancements we’ve accomplished to this day, the idea of a thermally comfortable office isn’t always realized. More electronic equipment generates additional heat, and every employee is different when it comes to a subjective level of thermal comfort and metabolic rate, which makes finding an optimal temperature inside the office impossible in some cases.

Insulate walls and roof

The first step in optimizing the thermal comfort in any indoor environment should be improving the wall and roof insulation. As in most commercial buildings internal walls are made of wood and drywall, they are thinner than the exterior ones and lightly insulated, which allows for easier heat transfer between the rooms. In addition, the roof can be a constant source of heat in the office, especially if your offices are located on the top floor. By upgrading the exterior and interior insulation, not only can you improve the thermal comfort for the employees, but also maximize your building energy efficiency.

Building orientation

Apart from wall and roof insulation, another constituent in your office thermal performance is the orientation of the building, position of windows and their exposure to sunlight. For example, in the southern hemisphere, offices that face north receive significantly more sunlight, and sun-generated heat, than those with south-facing windows. On a global level, sunlight yields about 164 Watts/m2in a 24-hour period. Although the figure varies greatly on the latitude and other geographical factors, considering solar thermal gains help you better understand the heating and cooling needs in your office.

Consider different window design

Different climates will require different solutions. For example, although they share about the same latitude, and should receive the same amount of sunlight throughout the day, Perth, Australia, and Santiago, Chile has a considerably different climate throughout the year. To an extent, exposure to sunlight can be controlled and modified by upgrading the window design. For instance, having double glazed windows in Perth can maintain a comfortable room temperature throughout the day, while allowing you to take advantage of the cool morning breezes coming from the sea.  Optical grade acrylic glazing used in these windows is up to 6x more thermally efficient than glass.

Shortcomings of HVAC systems

While most offices rely on their HVAC systems for thermal control, they have proven insufficient in many cases, as their BTU formulas don’t include specific office features like renovations, different layouts, cubicles, as well as the heat from the electronics. HVAC calculation also disregards the orientation of windows, the position of the sun, and natural shade. When considering solutions to improve the thermal comfort in an office, all these factors need to be taken into account.

Placement of ventilation inlets/outlets

While the fact that cold air settles down and hot air rises are known to many, most people are unaware that the placement of inlets and outlets also has significant effects on indoor air circulation. By placing the outlet duct in the opposite direction from the inlet, you can increase the air turbulence in the room. While not all office designs and layouts will make this possible, if you manage to find the most favorable location for inlet and outlet ducts, you’ll be able to save on your cooling, as well as to recirculate the hot and stale indoor air.

When you consider and apply few of these solutions, apart from optimizing the thermal comfort in your place of business, which is directly related to the overall employee comfort, satisfaction, and productivity, you can also end up using energy more efficiently, cutting utility bills, and even increasing the property value.

Local Branding

Smart Ways to Reduce Startup Expenditures

Starting a company is always a great challenge, with many uncertainties waiting around the corner. Is your idea good enough? Will people respond to it? Are you going to cover all the costs and create a sustainable business? All these questions and many more linger in the minds of those about to embark on the track of entrepreneurship. Still, everyone agrees that the way you start has the greatest effect on the future.

So, what are the typical problems at a very early age? Securing financial backup and having a clear idea about how the business should be run spring to mind. With around 90 percent of all startups failing in the first year, getting it right from the very beginning is crucial. One of the things you need to ensure is that you don’t waste any money, especially when starting a company. Let’s take a look at some tips that should help you keep your costs to the minimum.

Rental costs

Success can greatly depend on the location of your office, as we all know. The more you depend on it, the fewer options you have at your disposal. If you have to work 24/7, sharing the premises with some other business in order to save money on the rent is impossible. However, if your business is such that will allow you to split the rental costs with some other company, make sure you use the opportunity to do so. Sharing office space with another business can be tricky, but if done correctly, it can save both you and the other company a lot of money and could easily be the difference between making it and breaking it.

Purchase in bulk

It’s understandable that startups wish to limit the expenditure by buying small quantities of items they need and repeating such purchases more frequently. However, in doing so, they are actually spending much more than necessary. Office equipment and stationery are the things each company needs and they are best bought in bulk. Also, finding a reliable supplier, like Winc Australia, for example, who will offer free delivery and match any lower price you find for the same items, is very important if you want to keep your expenditure low. Naturally, you shouldn’t clutter your office with the stuff you won’t be needing any time soon, but if you have a suitable storage facility, this is a chance to save some big bucks.

Streamline and automate as much as possible

Many startups fall into the trap of having everyone doing everything, powered and inspired mostly by the thrill of setting up a new business. Still, that fuel doesn’t last forever. People get tired, disillusioned and realize that there is no method in the madness. The right way to go about it, which is going to save you both human and financial resources, is to automate processes such as payroll, accounting, and administration as much as possible from the start. The more you allow yourself and your colleagues to focus on work, the better it will be for the company.

Consider hiring freelancers

If the nature of your business allows it, think about employing freelance employees instead of full-time ones. The latter cost more, since you have to pay for a full-time salary, sick-leaves, benefits, equipment, and other expenses. Such costs are non-existent when it comes to freelancers and that can save you quite a lot. Just make sure you aren’t breaking any laws when offering such employment since one lawsuit can easily be the end of your startup.

Plan and monitor expenses

It’s vital that you make a plan for your expenditure and monitor where, when and how much of your money is spent. Make sure you don’t forget things such as insurance, utilities, salaries, and others, which are often overlooked as something that will figure itself out. Without a plan, you’ll never be able to know if you’re doing something right and if your business is successful or not. What you also have to plan is the period after which your company should start making a profit. However, in order to live to see that day, you have to be extremely careful with your expenditure before that moment.

What you need to understand when starting up a business is that there are no guarantees and that in order to succeed, you have to do several things right. In the beginning, you have very little margin for error, which makes the task even more challenging. On the other hand, every successful company was once a startup, which means you too can do it. However, you need to be doing a lot of things right from the onset.

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How to Make a Living Abroad

Living abroad is never easy, and adjusting to this situation takes a lot of effort. You’re far away from home and nowhere close to people who can give you comfort, strength, and support, and that can turn out to be rather scary. Another problem you may face is trying to make a living, which is quite hard no matter where you are and what kind of work you did back home. Today, people change careers more easily than ever, and you need to be adaptable in order to survive, so if you too are starting to live in a foreign country and don’t know how to survive financially, here are a few suggestions that might give you inspiration.

image freelancing

Become a freelancer

In this day and age, it doesn’t really matter who you are, where you’re coming from and what you do – as long as you have a computer and a connection to the Internet, you can make a living by freelancing. This is a great opportunity for anyone who’s just moved to a new country and can’t find work, and it’s even better if you have some experience too.

Freelancing will give you a chance to travel the world and have lots of different experiences, but also allow you to make a decent living. Still, be sure to explore all the details of freelancing in a foreign country – especially the legal boundaries that may or may not apply – before you actually start doing it, just to make sure nothing bad happens.

Become a writer

Being a writer is one of the best jobs in the world, but it’s one of those things that don’t feel like hard work even though they actually are. If you want to become a good writer, you need to invest time into getting there – reading, practicing, editing your own work, etc.

The reason why writing is so great for all those people moving to a foreign country is that they can do that wherever they are. Whether you’re a content writer, a journalist, a poet or a fiction writer, all you need is a computer, and you’re good to go. So, if you’re struggling with a career abroad, take this idea into consideration, and you’ll surely find a way to make a living by writing.


Become a teacher

This is another amazing idea for all those creative people out there who are good with words but are struggling to find work. If English is your native language, you’ll surely be able to work as an English teacher anywhere in the world, from South America to Asia, and you often won’t need any qualifications at all. You can even turn this into a full-time position, especially if you’re in Hong Kong, for instance, so consider joining the professional Monkey Tree ESL team, and you might be on the road towards finding work in no time at all.

People who speak English fluently aren’t the only ones who can start teaching – on the contrary, being fluent in languages like Japanese, French or Arabic can be more than helpful in certain parts of the world. This means you’re different from all those English teachers and can give the local community something special, and that means you’ll find work easily.


Become an au pair

If you love children and don’t mind living in someone else’s home, this is the perfect job for you. Most people aren’t aware that au pairs can earn a considerable amount of money in certain countries, not to mention free board and food. This experience will also help you work on your language skills, especially if you’re taking care of younger kids.

If you’ve never done this in your life, don’t worry – au pairs don’t need any particular skills or previous experience, although having some could only benefit you and help you make even more money. What’s also great is that you’ll probably get the weekends off, which means you’ll be free to explore the country you’re living in and enjoy all of its beauties.


Living abroad is a challenge, but if you get a great job, it doesn’t have to be too hard, so just find something you like and enjoy the next chapter of your life.

Local Branding

How to Design a Retail Store That Attracts Customers

Designing an interior for a retail store is all about psychology. You see, it’s not just about putting all of your inventory on display, it’s also about the way you display accent pieces, push slow-moving products, and guide the shopper on their journey through your store in general. One wrong design choice and you can lose their interest and force them out the way they came, so all the more reason to employ the best practices in the field to keep them inside and inspire them to make a positive decision.

From the first thing they encounter at the front door, to the pathways that permeate your store, all the way to focal points and speed bumps to make them hang out in a particular section, there’s plenty that goes into organizing a retail store interior. Let’s take a look at the best practices in the industry that will attract shoppers.

Mind the decompression zone

Greeting your customers with amazing products and promotions as soon as they walk in might seem like the sensible thing to do – after all, you want to grab their attention before they’ve had the chance to reconsider. However, over the years this has proven not to be the case. In fact, what you should do is give your customers some space.

Also known as the “decompression zone”, the first ten to fifteen feet of space serve the purpose of acclimating your visitors to your interior, which means that the majority of products displayed here tend to get overlooked. Shoppers will notice other features such as lighting, colors, fixtures, and advertisements in order to gain a perception of your brand. With that in mind, it’s essential that you allow them to breathe and form a positive opinion, so refrain from putting products here.

Put your best offer to the right

Upon entering, 90% of customers will turn to the right without even realizing. This inadvertent decision creates an amazing opportunity for you to design this area for maximum impact and engagement, so be sure to put your best-performing products here. Also known as the “power wall”, the first wall they encounter will serve a distinct purpose of grabbing their attention, and even making a quick sale. Most importantly, it will inspire them to peruse the rest of your store.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to clutter the wall with all of your top-selling merchandise. Instead, devise a theme that will appeal to your customers, such as a wall with high-demand products, or a wall with discounts. You can even combine the products with brand messages in order influence their decision-making process through the power of storytelling.

Offer Quick Checkout Options

Many store owners now offer state of the art point of sale systems to aid the customer with faster self-checkout. According to TopPOSSystem.Com, retail stores that changed their design to include point of sale system saw a sales increase of 25%. 

Design shelving and displays with functionality in mind

Functionality is the key to effective store design, as the products you display should not only be within easy reach, but should also be stored safely and preferably without cluttering the interior or making perusing a cumbersome chore. Needless to say, this is a delicate process in which you will need to experiment with different shelving options to suit your needs.

Once you have measured the amount of space you have available for your merchandise, you can research the types of industrial storage shelving in order to find the best storage solution for your layout and the amount of space you have to work with. Be sure to use industrial-grade shelving for all cumbersome items that need to be stored in a safe way with no risk of falling on the unsuspecting customers.

Guide your shoppers on a journey

The modern shopper wants and needs to be guided on their shopping journey. If you don’t carve a path for them through your store, they’re either going to miss out on some of your amazing products, or they’re going to get confused and walk away. Needless to say, you can’t let this happen if you want to make a sale, and more importantly, generate repeat customers.

To achieve these goals, you can start by placing furniture, ads, road signs, as well as racks and displays to help your customer navigate the maze of merchandise and devote their full attention to every aisle. Provided that the path has started at the wall to the right, you want to guide your customers along the racks to the back of the store, and then counterclockwise along the left side and towards the exit. However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t position strategic focal points throughout and even “speed bumps” that will make the slow down and stay engaged.

Emphasize personal space and comfort

There is an interesting phenomenon in the retail industry, popularly known as the “butt-brush effect”. In essence, people do not want to brush their respective derrieres with other customers, and they will even refrain from venturing into certain parts of the store if they think that these space is too narrow for comfort. This common design mistake will leave the area deserted and the merchandise within, unsold.

To prevent losing money on this simple design tweak, just make sure to put your customers’ comfort first. Broaden the aisles, declutter the racks and shelves, and create plenty of floor space to prevent the dreaded “butt-brushing”. This might be a difficult task, especially if you have plenty of merchandise on your hands, but it will nonetheless prove essential for the overall customer experience in your store.

The contemporary retail store design aims to simplify the shopping journey, influence the decision-making process in a positive way, and generate recurring business for your brand. Use these essential design tips to appeal to the modern customer and take your retail store to new levels of success.

Local Branding

The Definitive Guide To Getting Your Commercial Pilot License

Getting a commercial pilot license is quite essential if you are looking to begin a career as a pilot. But first, you need to understand what a commercial pilot is and what they do.

So many people make the mistake of considering every commercial pilot as an airline pilot. While an airline pilot can be considered as a commercial pilot, not every commercial pilot can be considered as an airline pilot.

There are many opportunities laid out for commercial pilots. A commercial pilot can be a tour pilot, cargo pilot, corporate pilot, or even a pilot flying for the government. In fact, there are commercial pilots that are Certified Flight Instructors (CFI). They can also be ferry pilots, backcountry pilots, or glider tow pilots.

Basically, a commercial pilot is someone who is certified by the FAA to legally charge people for flying services. An airline pilot, on the other hand, flies for an airline or a regularly scheduled carrier.

A person with a commercial pilot license can fly for anyone and charge money. However, if you want to start flying for an airline, thereby becoming an airline pilot, you will have to meet some additional requirements, such as obtaining the Airline Transport Certificate and working for some certified operator before being able to charge money.

Generally, commercial pilots are tasked with the responsibility of flying an aircraft. However, they have other job duties including, air traffic control communications, controlling and operating the plane, navigating the aircraft, ensuring that the plane is well-balanced, and monitoring gauges.

Career Essentials

  • Degree Level – To get your commercial pilot license and become a commercial pilot, you don’t necessarily need a degree. However, there are some airlines and employers who may require that you have at least two years of college or a bachelor’s degree.
  • Experience – To be considered as a commercial airline pilot, you must be at least 21 years of age. And you must have logged at least 1,500 hours of flight time.
  • Key Skills – You must have good communication skills, great health, and an excellent vision. Your aeronautical knowledge must be sound too.
  • Licensure and Certification – You must pass the practical test for licensing, which is usually set up by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Certification is needed in order to work for commercial carriers. You also need to have logged at least 250 hours of flight time.

How Exactly Do I Get My Commercial Pilot License?

Assuming you have no flying experience, which is usually the case for most prospective pilots, you need to take the steps below in order to fully become a commercial pilot and also have your commercial pilot license.

  • The first thing you’ll need to do is earn your Private Pilot License, otherwise known as PPL. It is the first step and it provides you with the freedom to fly a single-engine aircraft under the Visual Flight Rules (VFR).
  • The next step involves earning your Instrument Rating (IFR), also known as Instrument Flight Rules. With the IFR, you’ll have the ability to fly in bad weather.
  • Once you are through with that, you’ll move on to the Multi-Engine rating. With this, you’ll be able to fly multi-engine aircrafts.

To begin the next step, you must be at least 18 years old, and you must also hold a 2nd Class Medical Certificate. If you meet this requirement, you can go on to:

  • Acquire your Commercial Pilot Licenses, otherwise known as CPL. You’ll need to have logged at least 250 hours of flying time, take your written FAA exam, and pass your FAA check-ride. The 250 hours of logged flight time needs to include fifty hours cross-country and 100 hours as a Pilot in Command (PIC).

When you’re done with your CPL, you can now build hours towards attaining your ATP in order to become a CFI. Becoming a CFI usually requires that you take additional steps.

If you plan to work as a commercial airline captain in the United States, you’ll need to build 1,500 hours of flight time. And working as a CFI is one of the best ways to build more hours toward that goal.

Additionally, before you can be allowed to fly commercial passenger aircrafts, you’ll need an ATP license. And to get the Airline Transport Pilot license, you’ll need to have logged 1,500 hours of flight time. One of the better options for getting licensed to fly and begin applying for positions is to attend a commercial airline pilot flight school like AeroGuard Flight Training Center or another elite program in the USA.


That’s all to getting a commercial pilot license. All you have to do is engage in pilot trainings, such as maintenance, maneuvering, and communications, log 250 hours of flight time, and pass the FAA practical tests, which would involve a number of operational tasks, exhibition of your flying skills, and your ability to meet industry standards.

You’ll also need to pass a written test, which you’ll use to demonstrate how knowledgeable you are concerning the regulations, navigation, and safety of aircrafts.

Local Branding

Office Design: What Does It Say about Your Brand?

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Stretched thin between trying to stay above the surface and deciding on the right marketing approach for their products or services, not many startup owners have time to consider what their office design says about their brand. However, when it comes to the appearance of the office, there’s rarely a second chance. The moment a new client or potential partner walks into your place of business, the impression they get directly translates to you as an organization. The question, however, remains whether you are making the desired impression?

More than meets the eye

At this point, you need to clearly define what message do you want your office to send about your brand. Would it be a statement of a strong and energetic enterprise? Is there an element of clockwork precision, planning, and organization? Does the place look like it attracts goal-achievers? Perhaps the target clientele is family-oriented, so you want to stress your origins as a family-run business. When considering the details of your office design, you need to account for every inch of your space, as all those details reflect your brand’s values, culture, and core beliefs.


Before visitors even enter your place of business, it’s important they have a prelude of what they’re going to see. The entryway, together with the company parking, walkways, and landscaping needs to be clean and inviting, but also to reflect the seasonal mood and festivities. Add decorative items to make it more welcoming. When coming for the first time, people don’t know what to expect, and if the entry area is poorly maintained, the initial tone would be a wrong one.

Reception area

As new clients step into your reception/waiting area, the first thing they’ll notice is its appearance. If you want to impose a serious no-nonsense tone, opt for a dark hardwood desk and chairs. However, if you accent them with bright colours, you automatically infuse the setup with a sense of humour, making the whole place warm and welcoming. On the other hand, bright coloured furniture and wall treatments will paint your company’s portrait as vibrant and lively. On top of it, the kind of furniture, colours, and logo display have a big role in perceiving your business as more or less successful.

Traditional or open plan?

A traditional arrangement with private offices and cubicles always convey an image of privacy and confidentiality. While in creative industries this might be perceived as unwelcoming and unimaginative, it suits perfectly for insurance, financial, and security business niches. An open plan is more suited for companies that want to emphasize their flexibility, cooperative values, and sharing which they aim to invest in their business. If you are not sure which approach to use, consult a construction company which specializes in design and construction of commercial developments with aesthetically appealing outcomes aimed at maximizing your returns.


The way your office looks from the outside is just as important as its interior design. Current trends for exterior facades propose the use of lightweight aluminium cladding, comprised of a fire-resistant core with non-combustible minerals sandwiched between two aluminium sheets. In addition to meeting rigorous safety standards, the use of aluminium composite panels is also cost-effective and low-maintenance, and with a practically unlimited colour range that is available today, you can easily incorporate it into your brand identity.

Transitions and lights

The way one space flows into another makes a big difference in how your business is perceived. When a visitor to your space is met with a glass door, they subconsciously see transparency as one of your core values. The more they are able to see your business in action the more they are likely to trust you with their money. The lighting also plays an important role. An office that offers bright, but layered and non-invasive lighting brings on liveliness but also a degree of sophistication.

Office greenery

In order to present their business as environmentally conscious, many offices bring the outdoors inside by resorting to living walls, water features, skylights, and other elements that create an atmosphere of growth and natural cycles. In a simple variant, you can add greenery to your office by choosing office plants which apart from purifying the air, reduce stress and absenteeism. Succulents, for example, are perfect for office environments as they thrive in dry areas, which means their leaves won’t wither in case someone forgets to water them two days in a row.

The way you design your office interior not only advertises the inner culture of your company but also affects how your brand is seen among many others. For your employees, the office design can increase their productivity and efficiency, while for your clients, a positive impression of your space will reinforce their faith in your brand and organization.

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5 Things That You Need to Invest in When Starting Your Business


Starting a business is hard, but fun. It’s a dream for many people who want financial freedom and a vehicle to express their creativity while making a living. Whatever your goals area in launching a new venture, here are 5 things that you need to invest in right away early in your journey.

1. Invest In Yourself

New entrepreneurs sometimes forget that they are their business. It’s a direct expression of who they are as people and as business owners. Your business will reflect your values and your level of competency.

Leadership expert John Maxwell talks about the Law of the Lid. It’s a principle that essentially states that your organization’s effectiveness cannot exceed the leadership ability of the leader.

One area you should invest in yourself in first is in business acumen. That is the ability to understand finance and make good business decisions.

Many entrepreneurs are really great at their market and product. They know exactly what kind of styles their apparel customers want in their niche market. They know what kind of widget the companies in their industry needs. But they don’t often know how to run the finance side of running a business.

Roughly half of all startup business in the US fail in the first 5 years. Most don’t fail due to lack of demand for their product or even from not making a profit.

Most fail because they run out of cash. Essentially, these business owners don’t know how to manage their cash flow. Cash management is a real skill set, and it’s something that can be learned.

In addition to business acumen, other areas for investment include marketing, sales, leadership, and communications. Even as you grow, leaders should be readers. Never stop learning.

2. Invest In Your Team

Great companies are built on great people. That means you must invest in your people.

Developing and training is a vital part of employee engagement. You don’t want robots working for you. You want human beings that can problem solve, come up with creative ideas and make their own good decisions for the benefit of the company. That doesn’t happen without development.

Ongoing coaching is invaluable as well. People need regular feedback, encouragement, and direction. If you want your employees to grow and contribute well, you must water them with training, coaching, and affirmation.

3. Invest In Quality Branding

Investing in good graphics and marketing material early on will pay great dividends as you launch. A great logo can do wonders for making your business look credible, professional and reliable.

Even if you have to pay a graphic designer a lot of money, it’ll be well worth it. This is especially if you’re doing a consumer retail business.

For example, if you start an apparel business, good design is a baseline need. You can just consider it the startup costs of starting a clothing business, because your company can’t even launch without good graphics.

Shoddy graphics is a sign of a company that operates haphazardly and an indication that the business won’t last long. No one wants to do business with a loser.

4. Invest In Social Media

Social media has leveled the playing field for small businesses. It provides a very inexpensive way for brands to get their message out to the masses.

Investing in it early on will get you started on the long journey of gaining followers and becoming an influencer. It takes time for brands to get recognized and trusted on social media, so starting early is important.

5. Invest In Website SEO

Another aspect of marketing you should invest in right away is a website with good SEO. It takes time for Google and other search engines to trust a website enough to rank it. It also takes time to gain page authority for search engines to rank it high on the first page.

The age of the website matters when it comes to SEO. As Sewport CEO Boris Hodakel likes to say, “Starting small and niche doesn’t mean your business will stay that way.”.

When you have this type of long term view of your business, you’ll want to start building your SEO right away. You’ll instinctively know that getting ranked high on Google, although won’t pay off in the short term, will have lasting effects as you grow.

Early Investments Pay Off

There are a few things that can’t wait for later. These are the things that are foundational to the success of your new business and well worth your time and investment early on. It’ll set you up for short and long term success.

Local Branding

Everything You Need to Know to Prepare for Surgery

When doctors start mentioning surgery, it causes fear and confusion in many people. However, every day, thousands of people undergo surgery that saves their life or improves it tremendously. In order to have a smooth procedure and fast recovery, here are a few things you have to consider and take care of before your surgery.

A healthy lifestyle as a part of an everyday routine

The time period before your surgery can be quite stressful. However, in order to be in top shape for your procedure, make sure to be as active as you can, eat well and get plenty of sleep. Smoking can cause respiratory problems and make your anesthesia and surgery recovery harder, so if you’re a smoker, try to stop, even if it’s just for a few days before the surgery. All other steps will be taken care of by your medical team—you only need to pay attention to your health and wellbeing so you’re physically and mentally ready for your surgery.

Try to inquire as much as you can about the procedure

If you don’t like going into things without knowing what to expect, make sure to read about your procedure. Specialists like Dr Timothy Steel post short surgery videos and written explanations of the entire operation, so his patients can know exactly what to expect. You can feel more relaxed and excited to undergo the operation when you know more about the procedures. However, if you know you’re squeamish, it’s better to stay away from such content and put all your trust in your surgeon. They know what they’re doing!

Avoid surprises

For some, surgery is a very smooth experience, while some tend to feel groggy, confused and nauseous after an operation. If this is your first surgery, you probably don’t know what to expect right after you wake up from your anesthesia. Muscle aches and sore throat are all normal and usually disappear shortly after the surgery. You can even get medication to relieve the pain and discomfort once you’re in the recovery room. Starting to move as soon as possible is very important to your recovery. Nurses will encourage you to get out of bed and take a few steps once you get stable. It is normal to feel tired and weak at first place, but as you continue to move, your body’s functions will return to normal.

Organize your commitments

Try your best to take care of your immediate commitments that might be waiting for you when you get back from the hospital, in order to be completely dedicated to your recovery. Arrange some time away from work and ensure you don’t have any upcoming family, friends and other commitments. Also, if your home is going to be left empty for more than a week, you might need to hire someone to pick up your mail, water your plants and walk your dog. Depending on your time spent in the hospital, they even might need to pay bills and handle other things while you’re away.

Ask for help

Organizing post-surgery care is also important. It’s great to find someone to cook for you, hand you things and help you get dressed because you probably won’t be able to take full care of yourself when you get home. Some surgeries also require you to take care of your incision, so if it’s in a hard-to-reach spot, you’ll need help with that as well. Having someone by your side is also practical in case you experience any issues like fever, bleeding or nausea. Your aid can contact your health care provider and get advice on further steps.

Now that you know how to prepare for your surgery and what to expect when you wake up from anesthesia, you can go to your surgery fully concentrated on your recovery. With some good planning and prep, you’ll be back to your old self in no time!


Local Branding

8 Personality Traits of a Successful Salesperson

In sales, nothing is perfect. However, there are some ways that you can be a successful salesperson, and one of them is possessing and cultivating certain traits that make you stand out from the others. Here are eight personality traits successful salespeople possess.


1. Resilience

One thing’s certain when you’re making sales – you’ll get rejected a lot along the way. Rejection is inevitable in this line of business, but the successful salespeople learn how to get back up. This personality trait is called resilience to rise above failure.

Above all traits, it’s crucial that, as a salesperson, you must have the resilience to survive the world of sales. For example, when selling cars, you most likely won’t be able to sell to the first ones that you meet. So, you need some resilience to be able to get past your failures and move forward.


2. Conscientiousness

The most successful salespeople don’t only care about selling for the sake of selling. What makes them great is their high level of conscientiousness. This means that they have a very strong sense of responsibility and reliability. They put their work to heart and make it their goal to provide the best service. By having a conscientious personality, you can build strong professional relationships and loyalty with your clients.


3. Adaptability

Many things happening around the world affect your business and your sales. When selling, you have to know the different market forces, economic conditions, and political issues while being able to have a feel of the client’s quirks and motivation to make a purchase. This almost happens simultaneously, and a successful salesperson would know how to adapt quickly and navigate through this.


4. Drive

Top performers and successful salespeople have a common trait, and that is being driven either by achievement or other meaningful things. Salespeople who have a goal in mind and do everything to achieve it are bound for success. By having a goal-oriented and driven mindset, they are able to strategize their ways of selling to be able to close the deal. Whether you have experience in sales or not, having a driven personality will make all the difference. Because of this trait, you’re also able to be the best version of yourself.


5. Confidence

Confidence is key to closing sales deals. Every successful salesperson believes in the product they’re selling. You have to exude confidence when marketing your product or service so that your client will believe you and buy from you. If you don’t believe in your abilities or you’re unsure of your product, it will definitely show in your dealings and presentations, and your performance will suffer.

6. Good Listener

Another personality trait of successful salespeople is their ability to listen attentively. An example of a lousy salesperson is one who keeps on talking, monopolizes the conversation, and forgets to listen to the client. Salespeople who listen to clients are able to provide solutions to the problems of the customer and satisfy their needs and preferences through their product or service. So, make it a point to listen to your clients before you aggressively push your offerings.


7. Approachability

People skills or soft skills are vital for someone in the sales force. In your day as a salesperson, you’ll encounter a lot of people and will need to talk to them. You need to be accommodating to the people you meet for the first time and understand their specific needs immediately. By being approachable, customers won’t be intimidated to talk to you and be more trusting.

8. Hardwork

Successful salespeople understand that closing the deal isn’t the end of a sale. Along the way, the client may have another problem, and a good salesperson is always ready to help him out. Following this stride, you must be hardworking to be able to accommodate all of the concerns of your customers.

You must provide an end-to-end service for your clients so that they’ll be satisfied and come back to you for future sales. As a bonus, if your client is pleased with your service, they can recommend you to their family, friends, and coworkers. This is how most successful salespeople made it big in the industry – through word of mouth and recommendations. Think of these as some kind of brand marketing program for you.


The personality traits listed above are what separates a successful salesperson from an average one. Acquire and enhance these traits in order to make a name for yourself in the competitive world of sales.

Local Branding

How to Inspire Your Restaurant Staff to Work Harder

Running a restaurant is hectic, stressful, and, sadly, often unsuccessful. All ways to add calm and structure should be embraced right away. With this in mind, here are some methods you can use to keep staffing at your restaurant organized.

Make Use of the Latest Tech

Using apps to order food is the latest trend, but there are apps developed especially for restaurants themselves so they can keep their staffing organized and even significantly reduce labor costs. When things run smoothly behind-the-scenes, everybody’s job becomes easier to do. You can use the latest employee mobile scheduling apps as a means to automate scheduling and streamline communications with your whole team, a win for everybody.

These apps can reduce the time it takes to make a schedule of 80%. This eases frustration and means employees have more time to work where they’re most effective. It is comprehensive of leave requests, availabilities, and group chats so that you can easily contact your whole staff if a shift needs to be picked up in an emergency.

The interface is intuitive for everybody to use, and integrates easily with Point of Sales systems commonly found in North American restaurants. It can also forecast labor costs, and provide managers with a log book function so they can all be kept on the same page.

Give Willingly

Your staff deals with customers who may get angry about the food or the service, rightly or wrongly. If a customer has a complaint, your staff should be preemptively given permission to offer them something on the house, like dessert or a drink. This empowers them and relieves them of the pressure they’d feel if they had to bear a customer’s anger without having the ability to placate it.

Even if a mistake is made, no employee should ever feel like they need to cover for it out of their pocket from their tips or docked salary. To begin, this may be illegal depending on the conditions, and the money to be paid will come from your end, but think of it as a worthwhile investment in bolstering your frontline workers and ensuring your customers are satisfied.

Motivate Via Friendly Competition

Rewarding your staff is a classic motivator. You can set up a prize for the employee who reaches the highest sales targets. You can offer an extra paid day off to the winner, or something fun that doesn’t cost money, like naming a menu item after them. Be creative.

Get to Know Them

It’s sad when any employee feels alienated from the job they’re doing, and you want the people who work for you to feel driven to do their best. Asking questions about their live shows them that you don’t see them as merely a waiter, a busboy or a cook. You don’t have to undermine manager-employee boundaries, but developing a personal connection with the people you work with (besides being a lovely thing!) brings a human element to the job which may make them more likely to dig in and grind when there’s hard work to be done.

These are just a few methods to inspire your staff, and there are others. But try these out, and your restaurant will see positive results in no time.