Results for: content marketing

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Why Retention Marketing Is the Ultimate Growth Strategy

What keeps a business going is its solid base of consumers that are loyal to its products and services. Although the purpose of promoting your brand is to widen the reach of your business by acquiring new customers, focusing on the consumers that already patronize your brand is quite profitable too. This business strategy is called retention marketing, which gives special attention to an existing consumer base. 

What is Retention Marketing?

Growth in business is often perceived as the expansion of your audience. But the philosophy of retention marketing underlines the importance of building a solid connection with your existing base to make sure that you are consistently profiting off their patronage. 

While customer acquisition focuses on getting new people to buy your products, retention marketing makes sure that these new customers, together with your past buyers, come to you for their subsequent purchases. This is the reason why retention marketing is a very powerful business growth strategy for small and big companies alike.

To enhance your retention marketing plans, you can even dive into your existing audience’s intent in browsing the Internet. Referring to this search intent guide can help you understand what your consumers search for and why. By knowing what types of things they search related to your industry, you can effectively address their needs and solve their problems.

There are a lot of marketing strategies out there that will boost business growth, and retention marketing is just one of them. But it’s good for your brand to employ many different strategies to reap more benefits.

Powerful Retention Marketing Strategies to Catalyze Business Growth

Retention marketing is proven to reap profits and ROI, but not everyone’s familiar with this strategy. If you’re just hearing about retention marketing now, don’t fret! Here are a few retention marketing strategies to start you off on your journey to maximizing your loyal customer base.

1. Foster an open and approachable brand community


Photo courtesy of Retha Ferguson via Pexels

One of the most basic customer retention strategies is to build a brand community for your consumers. A community is a place, virtual or physical, wherein people come together because of their shared experiences and beliefs.

Having a brand community gives business owners and consumers the platform to converse with like-minded people connected by loyalty to your brand. This sense of belonging to a community will strengthen their ties to your products, which will translate into repeated sales in the long run.


2. Regularly ask feedback from your customers


Photo courtesy of Startup Stock Photos via Pexels

Another retention marketing strategy is to collect feedback from customers. Whether in the form of formal surveys or through online threads, garnering comments from consumers can help you relate with them. 

This will help you perceive why they choose your brand over others, or why they don’t. Data from this feedback will augment your overall marketing campaign assessment. Asking your market what they like or dislike about your product is one way to know how to improve your service and retain customers.


3. Invest in corporate social responsibility activities


Photo courtesy of Perry Grone via Unsplash

Corporate social responsibility is not just about staying true to your brand’s values and helping the less fortunate. It’s also a compelling reason for your customers to remain loyal to you.

A study done at the University of Valencia in Spain discussed the effects of corporate social responsibility on consumer brand loyalty. The findings indicated that customers appreciated the brand’s social awareness and these brought on positive perceptions of the brand.


4. Offer premium subscriptions or memberships to encourage loyalty


Photo courtesy of Artem Beliaikin via Pexels

Another popular retention marketing strategy is to provide subscriptions or memberships to your brand. It’s a good way to update your consumer base about new products or services.  In addition to that, provide exclusive offers in their subscription or membership to encourage them to get these promotions. 

Subscriptions and memberships don’t have to be paid. “You can produce a newsletter that

regularly delivers news and trends to your subscribers. Make sure your content is original and relevant to your customers, so they’ll be likely to maintain the subscription to your updates and retain loyalty to your business”, says Marie Fincher, a Head on Content at TrustMyPaper.


5. Provide generous regular discounts


Photo courtesy of Negative Space via Pexels

What any consumer likes the most are some discounts, promotions, and free offers.. Reward your loyal customers by providing them with generous price slashes. You can use this tactic to conduct clearance sales or to sell products that don’t usually do well with the consumers.

You can give loyalty to member discounts or seasonal discounts, depending on the business goals you want to achieve alongside customer retention. Regularly update your customers about these promos to encourage them to buy from your business.


6. Set yourself apart from competitors


Photo courtesy of Markus Spiske via Pexels

Standing out in the industry is one way to maintain customer loyalty. This doesn’t need to mean that you take jabs at your competitors through advertising. You can set yourself apart from the competition just by producing content and products that stay true to your businesses’ values and vision.

You can also do this by extending efficient customer service to your consumers. Make sure that as much as possible you address their concerns and grievances. You will foster customer loyalty when you focus on improving your consumers’ experience with your products.


7. Maximize customer testimonials


Photo courtesy of Moose Photos via Pexels

When you provide excellent customer service and your products are of high quality, you can expect positive feedback from customers. Whether in the form of product reviews or comments on your social media posts, these testimonials are invaluable.

Collect these testimonials together and publish them to let others know how much your consumers trust you. In the process, thank your customers for their kind feedback to strengthen your connection with them.


8. Build a learning environment for your consumers


Photo courtesy of Christina Morillo via Pexels

Customer retention can also be fostered around a learning environment. Provide your consumers with new and relevant content about your products and the industry. This will make you a valuable source of information for your customers.

You can also give them free how-tos and listicles to improve their skills. This will encourage them to patronize your content consistently, and in turn, purchase from your business instead of your competitors.


9. Take complaints seriously


Photo courtesy of Daria Shevtsova via Pexels

Aside from taking note of general feedback about your products, you should also be on the lookout for customer complaints. These are very important comments about your brand that should not be taken lightly. If you take these complaints seriously and address the senders immediately, you will showcase your business’s integrity.

You can avoid losing customers when you address complaints as soon as possible. Unsatisfied customers are likely to patronize another brand, so if you want to retain your audience, you should learn how to prioritize addressing their complaints instead of just underpinning the positive feedback you get.


10. Be transparent about mistakes


Photo courtesy of Suzy Hazelwood via Pexels

Finally, customers stay loyal to brands that own up to their mistakes. When you fall short of customer expectations, say you delivered unsatisfactory products or responded to complaints late, you should not hesitate to apologize. 

You’ll lose customers if you choose to ignore your mistakes. Your customers will want to hold you accountable for failing to provide good service. If you fail to responsibly address these concerns, you risk losing them.

To effectively manage any retention marketing strategy, you should first study your audience thoroughly. You can start by using data-driven strategies to collate data about the people who always purchase from your business. Here, you’ll know who your most loyal customers are, which will help you narrow down your target for your retention strategies. 

Connecting with your consumers should not stop with just the sale of your products. In the same breath, maintaining consumers should not just be about having them buy products from you again and again. Retention marketing will bolster business growth only if it’s based on a deep understanding of your customers.

You should strive to build a connection with them that will eventually turn into consumer loyalty. Loyal customers are easier to retain, and they are also more likely to recommend your business to family and friends, increasing your loyal customer base.

Digital BrandingSaaS Branding

The Future of Email Marketing and Marketing Automation 2020

Email marketing has maintained its place as being one of the most effective marketing channels in terms of both return on investment (ROI) and customer response rates.  However, today’s email marketing differs vastly from what has practiced even a year or two ago. 

Recent studies have shown that email marketing generates over 174% more conversions than marketing campaigns on social media, and far more than that when compared to radio or television marketing. When a potential customer submits their email address to gain access to content, such as a free report, online seminar, video, or other media, over 60%  are open to finding out more about what you are offering via email than any other way. 

Personalization is the Key

Starting the personalization of content early in the first phases of initial contact can help you lead customers through the sales funnel much faster than other methods. The reason for this is that when someone opts in by giving you their email address, today’s email marketing tools like Aweber, Drip, ConvetKit and ActiveCampaign allows you to:: 

  • Completely customize their experience by finding out their needs and preferences in a welcome email. 
  • Stay in close touch with your customers by keeping track of past purchases and finding out their future needs by asking for feedback. 
  • Target quality marketing messages to your subscribers that is both simple and direct.
  • Send them special offers that allow your customers to download related content or inform them of important upcoming events. 

Half of all email marketing sales happen after the potential customer by the fifth contact.  Rather than giving up after no response by the second, third, or fourth email, a follow-up extension added to your web browser will keep sending out emails until you get a response.

Once they respond, you can customize the tool to help you keep track of all of your customers at the appropriate times by sending out highly targeted emails that are precisely customized and tailored to their needs.   

This will allow your marketing and sales teams to make personalized notes and keep track of important days to the customer, such as birthdays, or the anniversary of their initial sign up.  This touch further builds trust and encourages the switch from general communication to client relationship. Follow-ups by email allow you to provide customers with something even more specific that targets both their interests and can offer additional or related products for items they have already purchased from you in the past.  

Some follow up tools will also allow you to create email rules that will show what software programs your customer uses to open up the files you send to them. 

Mobile is the Way to Go

According to the latest data, more than half of users access their email on a smartphone or handheld device than those using a desktop or laptop computer. Making your content accessible and formatted with mobile users in mind puts you well ahead in terms of Google rankings.  

Smart devices, particularly those that allow users to search for information by voice command, are making content more user-accessible.  By the end of 2022,  industry experts believe that most homes in the U.S. (over 55%) will have either a mobile or home device that allows them to find what they are looking for through using their voice. 

Make Your Email Marketing Campaign Interactive

More customers are likely to be engaged if you send emails that encourage feedback. By sending out a survey or a questionnaire that encourages open-ended communication from them can provide valuable information that can help both your marketing and sales team more clearly understand and identify what the customer’s wants and needs are.

Artificial intelligence makes it much easier to create interactive email campaigns. Contrary to what some may think at the mere mention of artificial intelligence or AI, making use of machine learning technology can end up being a very useful tool for email marketing.  AI can provide an excellent ROI, which can save your sales team time and effort in generating qualified leads and sales and increase your company’s profits. 

Integrating Email Marketing With Social Media

In 2020 most successful businesses know that it’s essential to conduct their marketing campaigns both in email and on social media to increase their customer response rates. By allowing customers to find you and the products and solutions that you offer both in email and on social media platforms, you can provide them with content that they will want to follow and interact with. 

Whether your business is B2C or B2B, it’s more than likely that your potential customers will have a Facebook, Twitter,  LinkedIn, or an Instagram account.  Approximately 44% of the world’s population is online, and they are making use of social media and email to connect with friends, family, and business colleagues.

Today, more and more users are technologically proficient and are looking for specific answers to their questions or how to solve a specific problem and they want it in real-time. By using a multi-platform approach, you will also provide valuable information to your sales team that can help them point to useful content and place products in front of customers that make it easy for them to respond and closer to a buying decision.  

Social media users will interact not only with you but also with other users to learn what their opinions and experiences are. Direct interaction with customers that answers their specific questions is not only one of the best ways to them, but to show to them and others who are reading the interaction the value that your company places on its customers and their overall experience.

Even with all the advances of AI, social media, and personalization tools, in 2020, email campaigns are constantly changing. To avoid being left behind by the competition, today’s businesses must keep a careful eye on the trends and use the technology to be better able to keep pace with their customer’s needs.

About the author

Micheal Habiger is an experienced content writer and marketer with 6 years of experience. Currently a senior marketing specialist at FollowUpFred.

Digital Branding

How to Use Digital Marketing in 2020

Digital marketing is an industry where everything happens with lightning speed.

Every year new trends appear while others pass into history. There is hardly a company that does not invest in marketing activities today. Software development agencies, eCommerce and even your favorite coffee-house at the corner, all use different means to promote their businesses.

Today, it is important to build a whole digital marketing strategy to maximize performance and minimize expenses. Let’s jump right into juicy details and learn what it takes to build successful marketing activities in 2020.

What is Digital Marketing and Why Use It?

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing activities performed on the Internet. Today, it consists of a wide range of marketing efforts and includes content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, paid to advertisements, etc.

Consumers spend a lot of time on the Internet surfing social media, looking up information and entertaining. In most cases, if you need to reach the target audience, the online world is the best place for that. 

Digital marketing forms the basis of all marketing activities for a company. Embracing it, you will be able to stay competitive. Moreover, customers expect companies to invest in marketing so that they have the ability to interact with their favorite brands online.

Main Types of Digital Marketing

As was already mentioned, digital marketing consists of different activities that companies engage in to attract new clients and retain existing ones. Let’s take a look at the main types of digital marketing that can be applied in 2020.

Search Engine Optimization

You’ve probably heard a thing or two about SEO. During the process, you need to optimize the website and its content to make it rank higher in search engine results.

Search engine optimization includes both on-page (you perform directly on your website) and off-page activities (one that you perform outside your website but in relation to it). The first type of SEO usually includes working with keywords, meta tags, etc., while the second encompasses link building, guest posting, etc.

Content Marketing

Content marketing directly correlates with SEO. The main purpose of this marketing activity is to improve brand awareness with the help of content, including blog posts, ebooks, whitepapers, infographics, etc. For example, if your company provides software development services, you can write an article “How much does it cost to develop an app? explaining to the readers of your blog how your company approaches app development.

Social Media Marketing

The promotion of brand and content through social media channels is a common practice both among big and small companies. Based on the type of business you are running, you might need to engage Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, etc. Content that your share on social media should be fun, interesting, and created with less formality. Often, companies show the behind-the-scenes life of their companies and people that back-up all their operations.


Pay-per-click ads are thriving and bringing great results for companies that utilize them wisely. Aside from the most famous Google Ads, almost every social media offers such services. You can set up paid campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even on Quora.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the type of marketing activity when you pay other people or companies for promoting your services and bringing new customers. It is based on providing your affiliate partners with links that direct users to your website. You either pay some percentage from the sales generate from a brought customer or operate on the per-customer-based basis.

Email Marketing

Even though some say that email marketing will be dead soon, today it brings no less significant results than it brought a few years ago. Companies use email marketing as a way to communicate with their audience, promote content, offer discounts, tell about holiday sales, invite to events, and much more.

Influencer Marketing

In 2020, the number of social media users worldwide has surpassed 3.8 billion. For some companies, including eCommerce, fashion, and lifestyle, there is no better way to reach a target audience.

While the creation of your own dedicated group of followers on Facebook or YouTube can take a lot of time, you can speed up the process of building brand awareness with influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing entails cooperation with influencers, people or organizations that are widely known for having an expert level of knowledge and social influence in some specific field. When choosing such influencers, it is important to pay attention to their target audience and whether it relates to your target audience and niche.

Digital Marketing in 2020: Final Thoughts

With thousands of companies offering the same services and products, the need to invest in marketing activities has never been so pressing. There is a saying that if a business is not online, no one will know about it.

Digital marketing is a complex approach to business promotion that requires the participation of a whole group of specialists. Still, for small and medium businesses, it is possible to select up to three types of activities and concentrate all the efforts on them and later move to others.

Author’s Bio

Ana Lastovetska is a technology writer at MLSDev, a custom software development company in Ukraine. She has been researching the field of technologies to create educative content of distinct topics including app development, UX/UI design, tech & business consulting, etc. The opportunity to deliver information for people who want to understand more about IT and app development processes is something that inspires Ana. You can get in touch with her on LinkedIn or reach her at

Digital Branding

5 Best Twitter Marketing Tips for Your Startup

Twitter does not just claim one of the top spots as a Social Media Platform, it is also one of the best platforms used by the business for promotions.

While it is being already used by most businesses for promotions, there is no doubt that new and growing businesses can make use of it for more business and increased reach among the masses.

Twitter can play a crucial role in scoring new clients and business for many start-ups that keep popping up almost every day. Several innovative startups begin with great motives and ideas that could really make a difference; however, because of the lack of proper marketing, many of them fail to gain recognition.

Here in this piece, we take a look at the top Twitter Marketing Tips for Startups that can help you make your business flourish, starting right from scratch.

1. Use Right Hashtags: In order to make tweets, you need to find out the hashtags around which you will be creating content. The top priorities should be tweeting with trending hashtags that belong to your industry. This needs constant monitoring of trending hashtags and being creative in order to find a connection between the hashtags and your business. You can also go to the extent of using hashtags that do not belong to your field yet is a hot trending topic.

One more thing that you need to take care of is to make sure not to use more than 2 hashtags in a single tweet. Tweets with 2 or fewer hashtags get more than 20% engagement than the tweets with 3 or more hashtags. You can always make new tweets with fresh content with the other hashtags that you wished to use.

2. Create Engaging Content: We all know Content is the King, and the same applies to Twitter as well. A successful Twitter Marketing Strategy always prioritizes short, crisp, informative, and engaging content. Try to create content that revolves around your brand and the products/services you offer.

The maximum text limit of a tweet is 140 characters; however, it is always recommended to accommodate your content within 100-110 characters. Tweets falling in this category get higher engagement.

Also, try to include photos, videos, and links in your tweets for more engagement. You can even build a tweet around an image or video. You can use multimedia to provide more information to the audience than a tweet allows.

3. Build a Great Profile: Your startup’s profile plays an important role in getting new followers and building trust around your brand.

A great profile has an attractive profile picture, a cover picture with additional information about your startup, a crisp and straight forward bio, your website, and other useful information. You can even add your startup’s location on your profile.

You can also use your profile to pin an important tweet to the top which you would wish the visitors see.

A great profile always helps to build rapport among visitors and pushes them to follow your profile.

4. Engage with Audience and Influencers: Twitter is an engagement-driven community. The more you engage with people, the more you will be noticed. You can mention users in your tweets, reply to their tweets, and even retweet their content for engagement. With more engagement, you will be visible to more Twitter users from different user communities.

Along with your followers and other users, it is also important for you to engage with influencers in your field. These influencers may have many followers interested in your startup and you can gain new followings by regularly being visible with great content.

5. Use Twitter Analytics: Twitter Analytics is a very important tool that can help a startup with more followers and building your business. Analytics will provide engagement information for every tweet made by you. By using Twitter Analytics you will get information regarding which sort of tweet gets more engagement. This way, you can plan and create a Twitter Marketing Strategy with the kind of tweets that will get you more engagement.

Startups can really make use of Twitter to grow their business multiple folds. You can even go for paid promotions on Twitter to get more engagement. I hope these Twitter Marketing tips for startups were helpful. Feel free to contact us in case of any doubt.

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How Can SEO Online Marketing Bring About a Transformation in Your Business?

With the number of marketing strategies that are available for your business, it is probably one of the most difficult jobs to decipher the ones that are going to be the best fit for the organization. Before you decide to spend a bulk amount on any particular strategy, it is a must that you know about all the strategies that are available for your business, especially important ones, which include search engine optimization. Nobody in the business world can deny that SEO is necessary. However, most of them have a similar question, what SEO online marketing is and what is the working pattern? According to, not having a proper strategy for onsite content is not a good idea when it comes to SEO online marketing.

SEO online marketing

SEO is a popular marketing strategy and it is extremely effective as well. The results of search engine optimization can indeed take a little time to show up but it is going to be worth your wait. Search engine optimization helps in improving the online presence of your business, which helps in making sure that you are having a good ranking in the search engines. 

When your website has a high rank in search engines, it is undoubtedly going to yield a lot more clicks from all the users. Based on the clicks that you are receiving, people are going to look at the website, and when they look at the website, they will come across services and products that are going to interest them. 

Apart from that, when your site has a high rank, you are going to come across important revenue and conversions. Online SEO marketing is known to combine both off the page as well as on-page strategies, which work together to make sure that the job is done.

On-page SEO is the change that can be made physically to the website to make sure that the website has a high rank. This includes:

  • Targeting keywords and implementing them
  • Creation of content
  • Optimizing page speed

Off-page SEO refers to the different strategies, which do not take place on the website for increasing ranking. The examples include:

  • Link building
  • Email marketing
  • Marketing on social media

When you decide to hire professionals of online impact marketing, they are going to use both so that you get the ideal results.

Given below is a list of the reasons why online marketing can help in changing the business for good.

Thousands of people are searching in Google constantly

When you are implementing online SEO within the marketing strategy, you are marketing the business to numerous people, and the figure is almost 67000 people per second. When you are using SEO for marketing services and products, you are making the offerings of your company available to a huge user base, which will provide the chance of making sure that customers are interested in your business. This is going to result in better and higher conversions. Without SEO, there is hardly any chance that the target audience is going to stumble upon your website and purchase products.

People ignore paid advertisements

Few paid advertisements indeed provide an amazing way of advertising the business but according to statistics, 80% of the users do not pay attention to paid advertisements that appear within the search results. This means that you have a much better chance of target consumers clicking on the website if it is getting displayed organically within the search results. Organic ranking means that the website has to be there as a result right below the paid advertisements. You will not have to invest money if you are interested in ranking organically, however, one important requirement that you cannot avoid is a great SEO campaign. 

Companies are constantly implementing SEO

If you are interested in staying many steps ahead of the competitors, search engine optimization is undoubtedly a must. 61% of organizations have stated that the biggest priority that they have is growing the campaigns. This is undoubtedly a high percentage and if you are not opting for SEO campaigns, your business is going to fall behind. It is going to be overshadowed by those companies, which focus on SEO strongly. This is why you need to make sure that you have a great campaign prepared. 

SEO helps in boosting conversions

When compared with traditional marketing, the rate of conversion of search engine optimization is extremely high. With the help of any traditional marketing strategy, you are going to see a 1.7% conversion rate. However, when it comes to search engine optimization, you are going to observe the conversion rate of 14.6%. This is a huge difference and illustrates the reason why SEO is a great marketing strategy. 

Local SEO is effective

If you are running your business locally, SEO has to be added to the marketing strategy without any second thoughts. After the users search for a local business, 88% are going to visit the business and make a decision within the next 24 hours. Therefore, to make this happen, you need to ensure that you are implementing a great SEO strategy. 

Can SEO online marketing be done by the business?

You need to understand that there are several dynamic parts associated when we are discussing SEO. Most of the business owners have one question, which is whether SEO can be handled within the organization itself. It is important to know that a single person can handle the campaign but to make sure that the results are coming; enormous hard work has to be put in. SEO is not at all a strategy that you set and forget about, you have to take constant care and monitor the results. Since the business has different aspects to be taken care of, it is always suggested that a professional does the job. However, if you want to do it on your own, make sure that you are focusing on the changing tactics and strategies of SEO constantly. 


Without ideal SEO strategies, your business will hardly get the limelight that you are interested in getting for it. Make sure that you understand all that has been mentioned above so that you can plan your strategies and implement them accordingly.

Digital Branding

Email Marketing 2020: A Guide on How You Can Properly Use Email Marketing

Without a doubt, email marketing can do wonders for your business. So, if you are quite new to it, you will need a guide to email marketing to know how it all plays out. 

But first, let us explain why email marketing is important. 

Importance of Email Marketing

Email marketing harnesses the power email to create meaningful relationships with your audience. 

This also allows you to capture important information from your audience by letting them subscribe to your email list. That way, you can send exclusive content and easily build rapport with them.

When done right, email marketing will not just let you build a relationship with your audience. You can also use email to compel to make a transaction with you. Hence, email marketing can be a viable stream of income for your business.

Mind you, there are tons of tips and guides online that lets you learn how email marketing can generate a return on investment. 

Types of Emails

Now that you know why you need email marketing for your business, it is time to get familiar with various types of emails:

1. Marketing Emails

These are either promotional or informational emails sent out to users who asked you to keep them updated.

Marketing emails are usually sent in the form of newsletters, announcements, sales promotions, follow-ups, press releases, surveys, and so on. Check out these email copywriting tips in order to write high-converting email copy.

2. Transaction Emails

Transactional emails are usually automated and sent out based on site visitors’ activities. Examples of these are order tracking, welcome messages, received payments, registration confirmation, and so on. 

If you have sent a transactional email to a user and they have at least completed one action, then they will likely want to engage with you again.

Usually, these are considered as trusted emails and have higher open rates because they provide a lot of opportunities for engagement and cross-selling. 

3. Operational Emails

This kind of email provides important data about your business. Examples of these are maintenance plans, holiday closures, changes to the availability of your services, and so on. 

While you might think that operational emails don’t have much impact on your sales, you still have to be consistent on it for trust and engagement purposes. 

There’s likely a hidden value in these messages. Although most of them tend to be informative, they help improve your sales and the value of your image. 

Let’s say your site will be down for maintenance, informing your subscribers about it and describing the updates you will perform is a great way to remind them of the kind of value that you provide. 

Strategies for Email Marketing

As mentioned earlier, email marketing can bring in ROI for your business as long as it is done properly. That said, we have listed down eight tactics that can help you build a successful email marketing campaign:

1. Know Your Audience

According to Kevin Urrutia of VoyMedia Marketing Agency NYC, having a deep understanding of your target audience is one of the important things that you have to take into consideration before you start sending emails. 

Ask yourself these questions:

  • How and when do they prefer to be communicated to?
  • Is there a specific language or slang that would resonate with them more?
  • What kind of action or activities make them stand out from the rest of the population?

2. Personalize Your Emails

Nowadays, neither blast nor batch emails will not work and would lead to high conversion or engagement rates.

Personalization is not a new concept but it is still picking up traction, which makes it increasingly important.

3. Think Quality Over Frequency

Email marketing is an excellent tool for communicating digitally. But you should also prioritize quality over quantity. 

For instance, sending too many emails to your subscribers cannot help you achieve your desired results. Worse, they will unsubscribe the moment they feel overwhelmed with the emails that you send.

Worst, they might even mark you as spam. 

4. Make it Easy to Unsubscribe

Although on the surface, you look like you are providing clients with an easy way to opt-out, if users want you to remove your name from their list and they could not easily do so, they will flag you as spam.

This can pose problems for you later on. 

5. Find the Perfect Time

Knowing what’s the perfect time to send your emails is no easy feat. But although there is no silver bullet answer to that, having an audience insight could come in handy.

For instance, you can try sending out emails during “off times.” For example, in the afternoon when people are less likely to open their inbox because they are busy having lunch. You can also try sending emails in the evening when everyone’s having dinner or they are fast asleep. 

Sending emails on top of the hour increases the chances that your email will be delayed, and will not reach your recipient as you originally intended it. 

6. Make Emails Mobile-Friendly

What is the first thing that most people do in the morning? Well, most of them reach for their phones.

In relation to this, do you know that 66% of email opens happen in phones and tablets? If your email is not optimized for these devices, then you could be missing out on a higher open rate. 

7. Keep it Out of Spam Folder

If you send out poorly constructed emails and are flagged by users as spam, then your emails are less likely to see the light of day.

Poorly formatted emails will hurt you in the long run. Also, note that every spam filter works differently.

An email might pass through one filter and then flagged and caught up in another. To learn more about this, check out MailChimp‘s guide for a comprehensive explanation of how those filters work. 

8. Always be Testing

Do not send out anything if you are not sure that it is working properly.

Double-check your emails and see if you want them to look the way you want them to be before you send them out. 

View them first on Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook, and different mobile devices before you decide to finalize your drafts. 

Over to You

Email marketing can be a powerful tool to drive more sales and revenue to your business. It also has proven itself to have a greater reach and ROI than any marketing channel out there.

So, follow the tips we have outlined in this guide so that you can easily get your hands on email marketing.

Digital Branding

Visual Marketing: The Most Compelling Conversion Tool

Content marketing is an unusually compelling marketing tool for modern trades. However, a piece of written content that lacks visual appeal can be highly disengaging for your readers. So, what do you need to include in your content marketing strategy?

Evidently, you should include visuals to your content for increased audience engagement.

However, there are varying opinions on the type of visuals that one can pair with the written pieces of, often bland, content.

In this piece, you shall come across some of the most effective visual strategies, including which can enhance the overall returns on your investment.

But, before we get to the types of visuals that you can use, it is vital to learn a bit more about visual marketing.

Why Visual Marketing?

“Visual memories are the strongest memories!”

Various statistical data shed light on why visual content is more effective in improving the conversion rate. Some of them include:

  • The human brain can process ‘visuals’ 60,000 times faster than text-based content. This is because visuals can make the user feel like they are communicating with the author face to face.
  • Out of the total information that human brain processes throughout a day, 90% of them are visuals.
  • Although only humans can communicate verbally, still most of the communications are bland in the absence of tone. Visuals, on the other hand, are amazingly efficient in communicating a piece of information without using tone.

These facts might not make sense to you. But, if you consider the conventional marketing tactics, you can acknowledge the effectiveness of visuals in converting sales.

For instance, TV commercials are still the most effective tool when it comes to earning loyalty for brands. Simply because these short visuals can appeal to the viewers emotionally, as explained by, professional filmmakers. There’s no surprise to it that visual content is spreading across other platforms including Facebook, TikTok, and Youtube that have promising returns on investment, especially in the modern marketing mix.

By now, you might have decided to include visuals into your content marketing. But, knowing what type of visuals you can include can simplify the efforts for you. Thus, bringing in better returns for your investment.

The 6 Types Of Visuals That You Can Tap Into

Choosing the right type of visual can affect the overall effectiveness of your content on your audience. It all depends upon your target audience, their interests, and their expertise with the language. However, you should create your content that can easily tap into, at least, 80% of your audience.

Here are the types you are looking for.

1. Images are the easiest visuals

Some marketers opine that content with images receives 94% more views as compared to the one that lacks visual appeal. The key here is to break your content into short parts and fill the gaps with high-quality images.

More importantly, you’ll need to keep the images as relevant to the part as possible. Since a majority of online user taps into information using small screens (the mobile devices), the time a user pays heed to content is shorter than ever. Therefore, putting up long blocks of content can buzz off your actual reader that can potentially be converted into sales.

So, if your target audience is precisely mobile users, including images into your content can be highly fulfilling. Since these are the easiest form of visuals that you can tap into, you may not even require any expert mediation.

2. Videos can promote face-to-face interaction

If you intend to offer your audience with solutions to any problems that relate to your products, videos can come handy. For instance, you can search Youtube for common issues associated with your motorbike. And surprisingly, the solutions offered in these videos really work.

Usually, such videos are put up by individual bloggers and influencers. Imagine if you can tap into such schemes and offer your patrons with solutions to some common troubleshooting and that too under your brand name. Your brand is sure to earn the trust of your customers.

Moreover, such tactics can also help penetrate new markets. Since online users prefer content that can connect with them emotionally, and offer solutions to their problems, tapping into video content can improve returns for your marketing efforts, exponentially.

3. Infographics can help with minimalistic content

Although several marketers suggest creating highly informative content, and that too over 1000 words, often it can be difficult to curate such a lengthy piece of content. Mainly because of the shortage of information available in the relevant context.

In case, you are also struggling with the same problems, you can tap into infographics. These are incredibly effective in communicating maximum information without using many words. But, there’s a catch. It requires a lot of expertise and creativity to develop such images that can convey the information precisely, in the shortest forms.

However, once you are habitual to the basics of infographics, and the practices involved, you may steer through, effortlessly. As the name suggests, these visuals easily provide information through graphic illustrations. Thus, it is most suitable for the type of audience where time is of the essence. Short and precise information delivered in a minimalistic form.

4. Memes are great for entertaining your audience

Particularly, if you are leveraging your audience over social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram, the entertainment aspect of your content is of prime importance. Since most of the social media users tap into the channels for getting rid of routine monotony, if your content is traditionally promotional, you can expect your audience to ignore your content.

This is where creating memes can be highly beneficial. Several leading bloggers and web marketers suggest that memes receive more impressions on social media as compared to any other form of content.

Therefore, if your audience is preferably engaging with entertaining content, you should include memes into your marketing plan.

5. Presentations for communicating Intricate Info

It is needless to say, statistical charts are highly effective in giving elaborate information in a short and easy-to-understand manner. However, such intricate information is usually sought by users that belong to a highly skilled and expert niche.

For instance, if your business is a supplier to retailers, then you should cater to your audience with highly accurate data. Especially, the kind of data that provides them insight into the modern trends of your trade.

This is where presentations can come handy. Ideally, your presentations should include bar charts, pie charts, and graphs with statistics related to your trade.

6. Screenshots to simplify the process

In case, you are planning to provide your audience with a step-by-step guide, you may need to explain the process in as much detail as possible. But, no matter how much detailed content you put up, it may still fail to provide the users with a clear idea of the process.

Including screenshots can simplify your content. The key is to break your content in simple steps and provide with as many screenshots as you possibly can retrieve. This would not just help your user understand the content, but also simplify the follow-up for them.

For instance, if you are creating a blog post to help your audience troubleshoot a software, you should include the steps, explaining where to click and after what steps, in chronological order.

In the end, it all boils down to the audience that you are trying to target. No matter, how detailed verbal content you put up before your audience, unless it intrigues their interest, they are very likely to bounce back from your content. So inevitably, including visual content to your marketing strategies is only beneficial for the effectiveness of your plan.

Best Online Resources for Digital Marketing in 2020

Using digital technologies on the Internet, digital marketing provides the right content, to the right consumer at the right time to boost your revenue. Here you will get insights and understand the performances from the best digital marketing pages and blogs from all around the world.

LoudGrowth is one of the best and reputable digital marketing company which is helping businesses to grow their business online with their expert digital marketing services. They are an international digital marketing agency working all over the world with different types of businesses from startups to corporates. They have helped some of the most leading brands like Godaddy, Hostgator, 3dCart and many others to grow their businesses.

They create emails that reach the inbox. They put your imagination into working code. They are a team of creative designers & passionate coders, ready to take on challenges of converting intricate designs come alive through code. Get the emails that Emerge in Every Inbox. Let them serve you with pixel-perfect email templates to jump-off your email marketing campaign. 

Digital Examiner is an online publication aimed at providing actionable information that helps marketers and business owners generate measurable results to help grow their businesses. From in-depth tactical how-to information, reviews of specific marketing software, and explanations of specific digital topics, we offer insights that make your job easier.

Snugg’s mission is to help Youtubers ditch outdated monetization models and focus on generating revenue in ways that are 100% authentic to them and their brand. YouTube influencers use Snugg like a backstage pass for their YouTube channel with features like paid video chat, one-click donations and paid business inquiries. YouTubers use Snugg to take control of their brand and form deep relationships with their subscribers. 

Instasize is a photo and video editing tool (available on iOS and Android) for mobile ideal for marketing creatives on the go. Users can add filters, apply advanced image edits, add text and borders, and even do basic mobile editing (in the iOS version). Additionally, the main website contains guides on how to best utilize the tool, with a particular focus on improving social media marketing engagement through visuals. is SaaS marketplace where influencers and brands can collaborate. The Scalefluence blog main focus is on how influencers & bloggers can grow their audience through insightful content ideas. For marketers, their blog focuses on how to leverage influencers using advanced marketing techniques that influence an audience to action. The Scalefluence team publishes new articles bi-weekly. Be sure to check them out.

Sales POP! is an online magazine initiated by Pipeliner CRM. They bring all their unique content under one hood in order to empower sales leaders/managers/pros.

Bulkly is a social media automation tool that allows you to spend less time managing updates and more time engaging with your audience. It’s built with a minimal feature set that makes it easy for anyone to create truly ongoing social media updates within a few minutes. Once set up you never have to check it, reload it, or do any sort of management. Your social updates are continuously rolled out forever automatically until you tell Bulkly to stop.

TopLine provides digital PR, content and SEO services for B2B companies. They manage reputations, build awareness and generate leads. They also design and execute digital PR and SEO strategies, that draw on our long-established expertise in PR, content, social media and SEO. These strategies help their clients build awareness, generate leads and convert those leads into customers.

Tahir Farooq is the founder of Due to his deep interest in the Latest Technology News, Mobile News, SEO Tricks, Gobla Events Celebration Updates, Lifestyle, business & Relationship, he has started this platform to share the Latest Technology News articles with people like you. They are trying to boost this platform to bring the latest news under one roof in the form of an extensive community.

Digiperform is India’s Leading Digital Marketing Certification Company; the first organization to be awarded as ‘Asia’s Most Trusted Brand in Digital Education’ by WCRC (World Consulting and Research Corporation). It’s a young organization that aims to bridge the huge gap that exists between the industry’s digital training needs and the availability of trained talent by offering hands-on training programs and certifications.

Border West Marketing began working on freelance website creation and graphic design in the early 2010s. Shortly after building their first websites, they realized that an even bigger problem than creating an amazing website was how to get people to find it. Border West is also a Certified Google Partner Company. Eric has years of expertise creating websites with several different types of content management systems. Becky is the mastermind behind the email marketing, Social Media, and PPC ad management portions of Border West. Aside from Becky and Eric’s expertise, they work with several extremely talented partners in other areas to ensure that Border West is a fully functioning digital marketing agency.

ReVerb is a full-service digital marketing agency that helps tech, software, IT firms, ICOs, and other businesses cut through the noise. On their blog, you can find a great batch of cutting-edge tips, unique insights, and experiences from the leading marketing experts, explaining how to reach the right audiences, increase the number of leads in the funnel and improve conversion rates

ContentMender’s business model relies on remote content specialists that provide expertise in their perspective industries. This equates to low overhead, allowing ContentMender to pass serious savings onto its clients. Your products and services need clear explanation. Concise content is the solution. This is where they can help. Your bottom line depends on it.

Welcome to ifultech, where the latest technologies and state of the art software are combined in order to provide world-class service to their clients the world over – particularly those in and around Reading, PA. They’ve been working hard to provide a top-tier level of features to clients in need of web design, software and app development, search engine optimization consulting, graphic design, and everything in between. They’ve striven to develop their expertise over the years, and their clientele has come to rely on them for all of their online needs.

They built AeroLeads to solve the problem of – How to start sales? They all have amazing products and services to sell but struggle to find the right people. AeroLeads help you to find these people. AeroLeads is a Lead generation Tool(Chrome Extention). They have blogs regarding lead generation tools –

ContactOut is an easy-to-use Chrome extension that makes finding the email addresses of your LinkedIn and Github leads a breeze. It also goes beyond email address search as it also fetches you your target’s phone numbers and social media profiles. Furthermore, the tool also features a dashboard where you can save and organize your leads, as well as a search portal that lets you find the email addresses of people who are not on LinkedIn and Github.

This company takes pride in providing the highest level of services to the students worldwide. That’s why they hire only proficient ENL experts with degrees and extensive expertise in academic writing. The outstanding academic writers will crack any complex task in any subject of study.

Want to be added to this list? Click here to bring up our submission form. We will be in touch shortly with feedback.
Digital Branding

Benefits Of SMS Marketing For Startups

There is no doubt that startups need all the help they can get when it comes to building their customer bases. Fortunately, there are marketing technicians that have proven successful. One such marketing technique is known as Short Message Service. Combining SMS with other techniques into a single marketing campaign will offer more benefits than utilizing them alone. Below, you will discover a list of SMS marketing benefits and much more.

Broaden Your Audience

SMS marketing is an effective technique for broadening your audience. Unfortunately, too many owners of startups do not try to expand into other audiences. They rely on a single audience to peddle their products and/or services. If you want to be competitive in the online business world, you will need to broaden your audience. Fortunately, SMS marketing is there to help you throughout the process.

Quick Results

SMS marketing offers quick results, which is exactly what startups need. According to studies, it takes less than seven seconds for a text message to go from a sender to a recipient. With that said, the fast results provided by SMS marketing will help you boost your customer base in no time. As long as you utilize effective text messages to achieve maximum results with this type of marketing. If you can successfully pull that off, you will be able to set back and watch your customer base grow at a moderately fast pace. SMS Marketing is on the rise and there is nothing going to slow it down any time soon.

Reach Large Target Audiences Easily

Another benefit of SMS marketing is its flexibility. Startups have the option of reaching only a handful of consumers or several large target audiences. The flexibility offer by this type of marketing technique is extremely rare unless you are comparing it to email marketing. 

Spend Less And Make More

At the end of the day, you have to understand that many companies want to spend less on advertising procedures. If you fit into this category, you’ll find that SMS marketing is one of the most effective and affordable methods of advertising your business. You can learn more here on how to utilize SMS marketing and you’ll be able to slim down your costs while making more money. This will make a big difference in the long run. You can use any SMS marketing tool to find new customers without spending so much making it one of the most effective marketing methods for start-up businesses.

Automated As Well

Another thing to note is that your time is vitally important. You should do everything you can to save time. If you’re able to do that, you’ll be able to pour more time and energy into areas that need it the most. With that being said, you should try to automate your company’s marketing procedures. One way to do that is by taking advantage of automation and SMS marketing. This technique will allow you to spend more time on other activities without compromising on your advertising campaign.

Therefore, it is easy to see why SMS marketing is becoming one of the most popular advertising methods for start-up businesses.

Direct Reach

One of the best things about this form of marketing is the fact that it allows businesses to reach customers directly. When you want to advertise to local customers, you want to reach out them to them directly. You’ll want to get on a personal level with that individual. This is why you should take advantage of SMS marketing techniques. They’ll allow you to build a relationship with the customer. Once you’ve managed to do that, you’ll find that sealing the deal is much easier.

Transforming that customer into a long-term customer will prove to be easy as well. Suffice to say, this form of marketing could be the best. If you’re not reaping the benefits of this form of marketing right now, you need to change that!


Ultimately, there are numerous types of marketing to use but some are more effective than others. If you’re looking for an incredibly effective form of marketing that will serve your company well, you should look no further than SMS marketing. It’ll make a big difference for your business. And, it can help start-up companies develop a customer base very rapidly. Whether you’re running a start-up business or your company has been operating for many years, you should not hesitate to take advantage of SMS marketing because it will pay off in the future.

Digital Branding

Modern Email Marketing Tactics: Impact of Emails in 2020

At a time when everybody else is talking about memorable memes and quirky tweets, you must be wondering why on earth are you reading about email marketing? Well, let me tell you why: 

Because it’s still working, that’s why!

People are so curious to buy Hotmail accounts on UseViral and other sources. Yes, you heard that right. Email marketing is still effective by all means!

With that said, it’s important to understand email marketing strategy has changed dramatically in recent years, and if you’re expecting the 2000s email marketing strategy to work in current times, you’re are highly mistaken. After all, a direct sales offer via email is nowadays led to the spam message folder and left unread until eternity – in fact, statistics tell us in March 2019, 56% of global email traffic was based on spam messages.

Just like the times we are living in, email marketing has come to utilize all modern ways available – if intelligently employed email marketing can successfully run appealing and informative campaigns and not just end up being categorized as Spam.

Had not to email marketing been modernized and kept upgraded through recent years, perhaps it would not have survived the current age, rather rendered too limited in its impact. If you want an email marketing strategy that brings fruitful results to the table, you need to be aware of certain tactics and trends as you make your way into 2020.

Don’t forget, times are calling upon you to

Blend with the Trend.

Days when notifications are badly ignored, emails still get a response. This is because emails are considered important. Almost everybody uses email and deems it significant enough to open immediately. Talk about boomers or Gen Z, politicians are to their modern lives.

With the following email marketing tactics, you can emphasize any preceding impact to boost up your business marketing in no time: 


1. Start Connecting with Your Audience


If you’re old enough to drink, I bet you must have experienced receiving tons of emails asking you to become part of a veteran community. And the baffled look on your face must have shouted out loud that you knew nothing about it – not to forget how you must have wondered about the poor results of bad segmentation in email marketing. 

Modern-day email marketing has urged marketers to understand their audience. And by understanding, we don’t mean collecting email addresses rather doing what you need to do in order to up your email marketing game i.e. knowledge about the interests and preferences of your target audience. Other than this, email segmentation can be conducted based on recipients’ gender, age, location, etc. 

Such segmentation based on interest has proven to be extremely beneficial for email marketing campaigns; also with greater media relevance, open rates are far more than inscribed rates.


2. Talk to Your Audience


Do you know what keeps the audience interested? Content that speaks to them!

In older times, emails, even when sent to the right audience, ended up making the recipients disinterested in a product because of the utterly boring language employed in the email content. This brings us to one of the latest trends in email marketing i.e., customization. 

After segmenting your targeted audience and gaining all the relevant information about what they like and dislike, it’s necessary to customize emails. Customization helps businesses relate to recipients at a personal level – and that in turn inculcates a sense of trust among the audience as people tend to feel more connected with the brand and by way of that with the business organization.

I understand making emails customized enough to appeal to each individual is A LOT of work. HARD WORK. However, what you can do is segregate recipients based on generation; for instance, the millennial generation tends to find precise and informative messages combined with a visual more appealing.

3. Be Direct and Give a Call-to-Action

In older times, one of the most annoying elements in emails was the lack of clarity of purpose.

Now that you’ve segmented your recipients, received the knowledge of their interests and preferences, and generated an email that has attracted attention, what next? Well, now it’s time for you to focus on the core purpose. The clarity of your purpose will reflect through an effective call-to-action included in your email.

Whether you want your readers to like your Facebook page, subscribe to newsletters or visit your website, you need to lead them towards that objective – and that can be done via a striking Call-to-Action.

It has been observed by replacing “find your solution” with “learn more” the click-through rate in emails rose by 77%. 


4. Exercise Prudence with Email Blasts


As per the latest email statistics published by expanded ramblings, an average office employee receives almost 121 emails per day, which is A LOT. If you don’t want your email to end up in one of the spam folder piles, you need to exercise control over the number of emails you send out to your subscribers. 

Take Away

The previous decade instructed us in many ways that we may benefit our businesses with – digital and social media marketing, high-speed internet with cox deals, etc. to say less. However, it did take some serious effort to upgrade email marketing enough for it to survive in contrast to many foregoing elements of online marketing. Modern-day email marketing tactics, some of which we have touched upon in today’s write up, tend to restore marketers’ faith in the impact of emails as a marketing medium.