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How to Come up with Topics for Your New Blog

Starting a new blog can be scary. Terrifying, even. It’s important to note that coming up with topics for your blog doesn’t have to be intimidating. There are a few things you can do to ensure you never have difficulties coming up with something interesting to write about, and they aren’t as difficult as you may think. In fact, they are actually pretty simple.

We’ll be going over some of those tricks in detail, so if you’re ready to start learning, keep reading.

Take Some Time to Brainstorm Ahead!

First, you want to start with a good old-fashioned brainstorming session. This is because taking the time to brainstorm topics is a major must when starting a new blog. With all the fake news out there, you’ll need to have unique ideas and supporting evidence, if you want your blog to stand out from the get-go.

Before you can come up with an entire list, though, you need to get the ball rolling and write down one or two of the topics that are already swirling through your mind. Even if you can only come up with one idea at the beginning, it’s all you need to get started.

From there, you simply need to change scope.

Let’s say, for example, you want to write a blog post about the importance of marketing. This is a pretty broad topic on its own, but if you change the scope, it opens up a world of opportunity. And before you know it, your one idea has turned into 6 or 7.

You can also write about topics like the importance of organic marketing, the most recent changes that have happened with marketing strategies in your niche, the differences between marketing on different social media channels, and much more.

All it takes to successfully change scope is a different perspective, a good brainstorming session, and the willingness to take some time to plan ahead.

Use Content Tools Like Google Analytics to See What’s Working

With that being said, though, you also want to make sure the topics you come up with will work. That means using content tools like Google Analytics, HubSpot, and ClickFunnels to keep an eye on how your blog posts stack up against the competition.

When audience members read content, they’re looking for a number of things, including easy-to-read layouts, mobile functionality, engaging copy, and accurate search engine optimization. Having the data from each blog post at your fingertips can give you the ability to analyze whether your topics and overall blog can satisfy those needs.

No Need to Look Far: Write About Topics That Concern Your Site!

No matter how well thought out your blog topics are, there’s no chance they will perform well if they don’t fit in with the content on the rest of your website. So if you’re having trouble coming up with blog topics, look no further than that topic! Most notably, your site’s security.

Cybersecurity is a major issue for every website owner, including you, and it can provide a broad range of topics for you to write about. Some examples might be the best way to ensure the backend of your website is secure and the best way to establish strong security initiatives among staff members.

How-To Guides Are Always Great and Really Popular!

If all else fails, you can never go wrong with writing how-to guides! These have been shown to perform well on a regular basis, especially in the online blog space.

Think about it.

One of the most common things people do is Google the answers they’re looking for. Your goal with how-to guides is to walk your readers through a process they don’t yet know how to do and provide them those answers.

Write What You Know

No matter what your blog is about, it’s always going to be possible to come up with topics. All it takes is a little time, a new perspective, and excitement regarding the experience your readers will receive when they click onto your content. What is more, there are plenty of writing and editing tools and services like ClassyEssay which apart from providing academic writing help can also assist you in creating catchy headlines and high-quality content on various topics for your blog.

And if you ever struggle to come up with new topics, just take a moment to breathe and walk through the strategies we outlined above. You know about more than you think, and there are plenty of people out there who want to pick your brain about every aspect of whatever your overall branding focuses on.

So go out there and start writing. You’ve got this!

Digital Branding

4 Web hosting types – Things you should know before going with a plan

For an online business, having a good secure managed WordPress hosting service should be at the top of any priority list they have. With so many types of hosting to choose from and “players” to go with, it might get a bit confusing sometimes. 

Add in the fact that they all use the same terminology like bandwidth, SSD, storage, things can get even more unclear, especially for someone who is not that tech-savvy to begin with.

I want to discuss the main web hosting types in this text. As businesses grow, they may need extra resources which encourage better website speed, more storage space for media and servers that can handle larger amounts of public traffic.

Hopefully, after reading this, you’ll get a clearer idea for what each type is best for in what circumstances and what to go with for your own business.

Shared web hosting

Shared web hosting is best for those businesses who are still in their start up phase, meaning they do not need much extra resources to operate online.

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Why is it shared you may ask?

It’s quite simple. With these types of hosting plans you “share” webspace with others, sometimes, hundreds of websites hosted on the same server instead of having your own set of resources.

This leads to the biggest advantage that a shared web hosting plan can offer – it’s cheap price. The costs usually range from around 3 to 10 dollars per month and is quite obviously, the best choice for businesses who are still small and cannot afford to spend too much money on web hosting.

On the other hand, there are its limitations. 

As you can assume, sharing resources with tens, sometimes hundreds of websites on the same server is not a good idea if you are trying to handle a larger amount of visitors,some may just slow you down.

These things do happen, and if a website gets an increased amount of visitors, not only will it slow down by itself, it will also affect neighboring sites, since everyone’s in the same boat.

In summary: Shared hosting is the least capable type of hosting plan with limited resources, nevertheless, a very good option for those seeking a cheap way to host their website when just starting out.

Reseller web hosting

Reseller hosting is similar to a shared hosting plan in some ways, though, not as quite the same. You see, the idea here is that you buy a hosting plan (similar to the resource capabilities of a shared hosting plan) and resell it to others for a monetary gain.

Basically, you are paying for a hosting plan that has extra administration tools and can be resold for other parties. This way, the parent hosting company gains an extra client and you are making business as being the middleman.

Typically, the prices here range from 15 to around 50 dollars a month, depending what resources are given with the plan that’s resold. 

Apart from a regular hosting plan with a certain amount of bandwidth, disk space and capabilities of handling website visitors, you also gain a set of administrative tools which will let you take care of the people that you sold hosting plans to. 

In summary: this type of web hosting is best for those who want to have their own web hosting business, or are looking to gain more hosting perks for themselves, by reselling the services of the parent company. 

Cloud web hosting

Cloud web hosting is one of the latest innovations in the world of web hosting for businesses. Here, companies sell you a plan with the idea that you will need to expand in the future and gain more resources for your usage.

The biggest advantage of cloud web hosting is arguably its capabilities. You see, such servers are made up of smaller individual servers, joining up in one system capable of hundreds of websites with much bigger ease than that of a standard shared hosting plan.

In fact, after going with a shared plan at the start, it is best practice to move on to a cloud web hosting service as the next step. Most hosting companies in this case, offer prices based on the amount of resources you use up, so it’s more difficult to tell the exact price range for such.

In summary: if you want to go to the next level of your business growth after your initial plan, you can do that by choosing a very flexible cloud based hosting plan.

If you have not decided what to choose, give it a shot with web hosting trial offer from Hostens →

Virtual Private Server hosting

Yet another step forward after shared hosting could be by choosing a VPS or Virtual Private Server. It is what the name says – your own virtual private space. The main advantage here is that you also get additional resources when compared to a shared hosting plan.

It’s pretty-much another middle ground between sharing your resources with others, to having your own dedicated server. Even though the resources here are also shared among others, the difference from a shared hosting server is much more prominent in terms of what resources you have.

Here, you are also safe from neighbors, which may slow or even take you down with them as they receive more traffic, while also being a much cheaper option than a standard dedicated server. 

Prices here range from 50 to about 100 dollars a month for your hosting plan.

In summary: a VPS is a very capable option, designed for those who want to maintain their independence from others.

The article was prepared by prepared by team

Digital Branding

How to Use Digital Marketing in 2020

Digital marketing is an industry where everything happens with lightning speed.

Every year new trends appear while others pass into history. There is hardly a company that does not invest in marketing activities today. Software development agencies, eCommerce and even your favorite coffee-house at the corner, all use different means to promote their businesses.

Today, it is important to build a whole digital marketing strategy to maximize performance and minimize expenses. Let’s jump right into juicy details and learn what it takes to build successful marketing activities in 2020.

What is Digital Marketing and Why Use It?

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing activities performed on the Internet. Today, it consists of a wide range of marketing efforts and includes content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, paid to advertisements, etc.

Consumers spend a lot of time on the Internet surfing social media, looking up information and entertaining. In most cases, if you need to reach the target audience, the online world is the best place for that. 

Digital marketing forms the basis of all marketing activities for a company. Embracing it, you will be able to stay competitive. Moreover, customers expect companies to invest in marketing so that they have the ability to interact with their favorite brands online.

Main Types of Digital Marketing

As was already mentioned, digital marketing consists of different activities that companies engage in to attract new clients and retain existing ones. Let’s take a look at the main types of digital marketing that can be applied in 2020.

Search Engine Optimization

You’ve probably heard a thing or two about SEO. During the process, you need to optimize the website and its content to make it rank higher in search engine results.

Search engine optimization includes both on-page (you perform directly on your website) and off-page activities (one that you perform outside your website but in relation to it). The first type of SEO usually includes working with keywords, meta tags, etc., while the second encompasses link building, guest posting, etc.

Content Marketing

Content marketing directly correlates with SEO. The main purpose of this marketing activity is to improve brand awareness with the help of content, including blog posts, ebooks, whitepapers, infographics, etc. For example, if your company provides software development services, you can write an article “How much does it cost to develop an app? explaining to the readers of your blog how your company approaches app development.

Social Media Marketing

The promotion of brand and content through social media channels is a common practice both among big and small companies. Based on the type of business you are running, you might need to engage Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, etc. Content that your share on social media should be fun, interesting, and created with less formality. Often, companies show the behind-the-scenes life of their companies and people that back-up all their operations.


Pay-per-click ads are thriving and bringing great results for companies that utilize them wisely. Aside from the most famous Google Ads, almost every social media offers such services. You can set up paid campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even on Quora.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the type of marketing activity when you pay other people or companies for promoting your services and bringing new customers. It is based on providing your affiliate partners with links that direct users to your website. You either pay some percentage from the sales generate from a brought customer or operate on the per-customer-based basis.

Email Marketing

Even though some say that email marketing will be dead soon, today it brings no less significant results than it brought a few years ago. Companies use email marketing as a way to communicate with their audience, promote content, offer discounts, tell about holiday sales, invite to events, and much more.

Influencer Marketing

In 2020, the number of social media users worldwide has surpassed 3.8 billion. For some companies, including eCommerce, fashion, and lifestyle, there is no better way to reach a target audience.

While the creation of your own dedicated group of followers on Facebook or YouTube can take a lot of time, you can speed up the process of building brand awareness with influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing entails cooperation with influencers, people or organizations that are widely known for having an expert level of knowledge and social influence in some specific field. When choosing such influencers, it is important to pay attention to their target audience and whether it relates to your target audience and niche.

Digital Marketing in 2020: Final Thoughts

With thousands of companies offering the same services and products, the need to invest in marketing activities has never been so pressing. There is a saying that if a business is not online, no one will know about it.

Digital marketing is a complex approach to business promotion that requires the participation of a whole group of specialists. Still, for small and medium businesses, it is possible to select up to three types of activities and concentrate all the efforts on them and later move to others.

Author’s Bio

Ana Lastovetska is a technology writer at MLSDev, a custom software development company in Ukraine. She has been researching the field of technologies to create educative content of distinct topics including app development, UX/UI design, tech & business consulting, etc. The opportunity to deliver information for people who want to understand more about IT and app development processes is something that inspires Ana. You can get in touch with her on LinkedIn or reach her at

Digital Branding

5 Do’s and Don’ts of Conversion Rate Optimization You Need to Understand

Conversion Rate Optimization is crucial for successful e-commerce. It is important that you convert visitors into customers otherwise e-commerce will not be able to earn a profit no matter how many visitors it gets. Whenever a visitor decides to come to your store, there is an opportunity to improve the conversion rate.

To enhance CRO e-commerce needs to observe customer behavior and offer a shopping experience that will help in earning their trust and loyalty. Learn from the actions of the customers and position your website in a way that customers are encouraged to make purchases.

Successful conversion rate optimization requires proper planning and strategizing. Here are a few important dos and don’ts regarding CRO.


  1. Technology has made its way into every aspect of our life. It is hard to imagine getting through the day without using your smartphone or laptop. To compete with other e-commerce businesses you must be aware of the latest technologies that you can use to improve conversion rate and improve sales. Digital marketing is continuously evolving and keeping up-to-date with all the emerging technologies. It is important to integrate the latest technology and you will be able to bring up the conversion rate.
  2. To improve the conversion rate you need to be observant and vigilant. You also need to take a scientists’ approach and test strategies of the e-commerce site. By testing strategies, you will know if you are dedicating your resources and effort to the right strategy or not. You should also keep an eye on the competitors.
  3. Measuring results is vital for CRO success. If you are not measuring results then you will not know if you are achieving your goals or not. Measuring results let you know about the effectiveness of the strategies you are using. You need to collect data and analyze it to get better results.
  4. You must not let any sales opportunity pass by. There are going to be visitors that are ready to make a purchase and are on your e-commerce just to explore. You need to figure out a way to encourage customers to come back to your e-store and make a purchase. Make sure that you allow signing up for an email alert or newsletter so that you can keep them updated about what you have to offer. Easy signups are effective in bringing customers back to the online store and make some purchases.
  5. Using exit-intent technology is a smart move as it offers a second chance to convert visitors just as they are about to leave the website. You need to offer a well-timed incentive that makes visitors curious and they are compelled to try out whatever you are offering.


  1. Never make the mistake of thinking that you can never be wrong. To achieve success you need to focus on numbers as they are instead of as you want them to be.
  2. It is not easy to find visitors for an e-commerce site because there is a lot of competition. If you are having trouble finding visitors then you should not just sit around and wait for visitors to come. Consider using paid advertisements as it will give you the boost you need.
  3. Mistakes are a part of life and to run a successful e-commerce business you will need to take some risks. You need to realize that not all of your strategies are going to work. You should always plan for the best but prepare for the worst. Do not get discouraged if you make any mistakes because they offer a great learning experience. Mistakes let you know what strategies you need to avoid in the future.
  4. Making drastic changes is not good for the conversion rate. It is the aim of every online store to quickly increase conversions but it is not something that is going to happen overnight. Conversion optimization takes planning and time as it is the science of making incremental changes and keep track of everything. Drastic changes do not pay off so it is better to add up changes and achieve the result you want.
  5. Never forget the importance of business metrics. Metrics help in tracking the progress of a business and find ways to increase the conversion rate.

About the author

Usman Raza is the co-founder of a Church Marketing Company and marketing strategist working with various brands online. Usman is the content marketing manager at an Email Marketing Agency, WordPress Customization Service, and Nano Hearing Aids. He is devoted to helping small businesses bridge success gaps by providing in-depth, actionable advice on digital marketing, SEO, and small business growth. Follow him on Twitter @usmanintrotech.

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8 of the Best WordPress Automation Plugins for Advertising That You Need to Know

Gone are the days when you need to do everything manually in order for your business to run. Nowadays, you can simply install automation plugins on your WordPress website, and then let it do its magic.

Doing so allows you to free up some time that you can use for things that matter to make your business grow. Migrating from Shopify to WooCommerce has become a great automation process which can be easily done almost by everyone.

8 Best WordPress Automation Plugins

That said, we have listed down eight best WordPress automation Plugins that you need to know:

SEO on WordPress

1. Yoast SEO

Search engine optimization takes time before you can see the results. However, you can make it less cumbersome with the help of the Yoast SEO plugin.

What this WordPress plugin does is that it automatically runs your content to check for any SEO-related issues. This includes knowing whether you generously used your primary and secondary keywords.

It also runs a readability test on your content to ensure that you can provide top-quality content to your site visitors.

But more than anything else, Yoast SEO is known for making it easy for you to optimize every content on your website.

For one, it allows you to easily add keyword-rich title tags and meta descriptions. Second, this plugin comes with a snippet preview, which lets you show how your title tags and meta descriptions will look on search engine results.

2. Social Warfare

Although Google would not admit it, it appears that there is a positive correlation between social signals and search engine ranking. Hence, you will need a social sharing plugin such as Social Warfare to help you generate all the social signals that you can get.

Here’s the thing: If you want to drive tons of traffic to your website, you will need to employ social media marketing. And this is where Social Warfare could come in handy.

It features customizable and mobile-responsive social sharing buttons that are both beautiful and fast. It allows you to connect most of the popular social networks on your website, and then you can choose where you would like the social buttons to appear.

But what makes this WordPress plugin popular with the best Facebook advertising agency is the fact that it does not slow down your website.

3. AdSanity

This is a beginner-friendly ad management plugin that lets you insert ads anywhere on your website. You can do this using AdSanity’s widgets and ad inserter button.

In addition, this plugin allows you to keep tabs on your ads’ views and click-throughs. That way, you would know how to optimize your campaigns.

The basic plan costs $49 per year that comes with a license each for a public domain and local domain.

As long as your website runs on WordPress 3.9 or later, MySQL 5, and PHP 5.6, you can make AdSanity run on your site.

Wordpress plugins

4. Ad Inserter

If you are looking for a solid and well-developed advertising plugin for WordPress, you might want to know what Ad Inserter can do for you.

It allows you to add an ad or a line of programming code on your WordPress website. This means you can use this plugin for different kinds of ads, from AdSense to Affiliate ads.

But what’s great about Ad Inserter is that it lets you insert ads at any point on your post without writing a single line of code. You can also exclude a page in case you do not want it to have any ads.

5. Advanced Ads

Meanwhile, if you are looking for something lightweight, you might want to give Advanced Ads a spin.

This plugin does not only let you manage your ads, but it also allows you to optimize it. That way, you can get the most out of your campaign and get as much ROI as you can.

Advanced Ads come with ad rotation, ad injection, and ad widgets support, plus the following features:

  • Manage and display unlimited ads
  • Duplicate and schedule ads
  • Set expiry times on ads
  • Inject ads from any ad network
  • Get Google AMP support
  • Inject ads anywhere on your content

6. Ads Pro Plugin

Available in Codecanyon as a premium plugin, Ads Pro Plugin lets you manage, sell, and display advertising space on your WordPress website. It is like BuySellAds, but without the third-party.

This WordPress plugin also comes with a template and grid system. That way, you can see matched and user-friendly ads on your site. You can also run targeted display ads based on location, schedule your ads, and you can choose on which device your ads will appear.

The best part? It is 100% free from Adblocker!

Meaning, you have more than 20 ways to display your banners ‒ including Google AdSense.

Wordpress user in action

7. Quick Adsense

Quick Adsense is a well-known free WordPress plugin you can use for ad management. And it is not just limited to Google Ad Network. You can use the plugin to display hosted ads and third-party ads as well.

The cool thing about this ad management plugin is that it is easy to set up, and its settings page allows you to manage ad codes and choose how and where you want to display your ads. Mind you, you can display your ads on the sidebar using the custom ad widgets.

Here’s a caveat, though: Quick Adsense does not come with advanced features. And you can only save 10 ad codes at most.

8. DoubleClick by Google

Powered by Google, as the name implies, DoubleClick is a web-based ad selling and serving platform. It gives publishers an edge when it comes to reliability and cost-effectiveness.

But what makes DoubleClick great is that you can run a competition for the same ad spots, be it on Adsense or on third-party ad networks. And then the ad management platform will automatically select which is the best-paying ad for the spot.

It also comes with a reporting tool, which allows you to measure how your ads are performing. That way, you have an insight into the effectiveness of your campaigns. The only issue with DoubleClick is that it can get a bit complicated to setup.

Do you know other WordPress plugins that can help a website owner to run display ads effectively? We’d like to know it in the comments!

Digital Branding

5 Best Twitter Marketing Tips for Your Startup

Twitter does not just claim one of the top spots as a Social Media Platform, it is also one of the best platforms used by the business for promotions.

While it is being already used by most businesses for promotions, there is no doubt that new and growing businesses can make use of it for more business and increased reach among the masses.

Twitter can play a crucial role in scoring new clients and business for many start-ups that keep popping up almost every day. Several innovative startups begin with great motives and ideas that could really make a difference; however, because of the lack of proper marketing, many of them fail to gain recognition.

Here in this piece, we take a look at the top Twitter Marketing Tips for Startups that can help you make your business flourish, starting right from scratch.

1. Use Right Hashtags: In order to make tweets, you need to find out the hashtags around which you will be creating content. The top priorities should be tweeting with trending hashtags that belong to your industry. This needs constant monitoring of trending hashtags and being creative in order to find a connection between the hashtags and your business. You can also go to the extent of using hashtags that do not belong to your field yet is a hot trending topic.

One more thing that you need to take care of is to make sure not to use more than 2 hashtags in a single tweet. Tweets with 2 or fewer hashtags get more than 20% engagement than the tweets with 3 or more hashtags. You can always make new tweets with fresh content with the other hashtags that you wished to use.

2. Create Engaging Content: We all know Content is the King, and the same applies to Twitter as well. A successful Twitter Marketing Strategy always prioritizes short, crisp, informative, and engaging content. Try to create content that revolves around your brand and the products/services you offer.

The maximum text limit of a tweet is 140 characters; however, it is always recommended to accommodate your content within 100-110 characters. Tweets falling in this category get higher engagement.

Also, try to include photos, videos, and links in your tweets for more engagement. You can even build a tweet around an image or video. You can use multimedia to provide more information to the audience than a tweet allows.

3. Build a Great Profile: Your startup’s profile plays an important role in getting new followers and building trust around your brand.

A great profile has an attractive profile picture, a cover picture with additional information about your startup, a crisp and straight forward bio, your website, and other useful information. You can even add your startup’s location on your profile.

You can also use your profile to pin an important tweet to the top which you would wish the visitors see.

A great profile always helps to build rapport among visitors and pushes them to follow your profile.

4. Engage with Audience and Influencers: Twitter is an engagement-driven community. The more you engage with people, the more you will be noticed. You can mention users in your tweets, reply to their tweets, and even retweet their content for engagement. With more engagement, you will be visible to more Twitter users from different user communities.

Along with your followers and other users, it is also important for you to engage with influencers in your field. These influencers may have many followers interested in your startup and you can gain new followings by regularly being visible with great content.

5. Use Twitter Analytics: Twitter Analytics is a very important tool that can help a startup with more followers and building your business. Analytics will provide engagement information for every tweet made by you. By using Twitter Analytics you will get information regarding which sort of tweet gets more engagement. This way, you can plan and create a Twitter Marketing Strategy with the kind of tweets that will get you more engagement.

Startups can really make use of Twitter to grow their business multiple folds. You can even go for paid promotions on Twitter to get more engagement. I hope these Twitter Marketing tips for startups were helpful. Feel free to contact us in case of any doubt.

Digital Branding

8 Tips to Protect Your Startup from Cyberattacks

Tech is evolving fast and you more or less have no choice but to digitize your business to compete. However, this is not without its demerits as organized hackers and criminals have come out full throttle to take the slightest benefit from any security loopholes in business systems. That is why, as a startup owner, you need to take serious considerations of the security measures to put in place to evade cybersecurity attacks. Now, let’s explore the crucial steps that you can consider implementing to protect your business from cybercrime.

Ways to Protect your Business from Cyber Attacks

Use secure file sharing

While sharing files over the internet, you are at risk of attackers or even malware that may distort your documents. To ensure that your data is safe from any form of attack, go for secure file sharing with secure data room as you collaborate on files in your work environment. Go for a service that offers end-to-end encryption that will protect you from external hackers while letting you take control of your data

As a rule of thumb, you can always double-check permission settings so that you can determine who to allow to view your documents. Moreover, you can run audits on your files to see who is accessing them. If you no longer need the file, you can opt to remove it from the cloud altogether.

Update your software regularly

Outdated software is prone to cyber-attacks, malware, and viruses. To keep the files of your startup safe, you need to ensure that the software you are using to carry out your business transactions is up to date and patched for vulnerabilities frequently. That will deny any unauthorized third parties access to your system via the bugs in outdated software.

Enforce the use of strong passwords

Ensure that all your team members with corporate emails and profiles on your website create strong passwords for accessing the system. Remember, hackers take advantage of weak passwords to gain entry into a system, thereby corrupting your data and stealing your information. You should encourage your workers to create a strong password of about ten characters long, with a mix of letters and numbers. Additionally, forbid your team members from sharing their passwords with unauthorized parties. They should also keep changing their passwords frequently.

Educate your team members about email and email use

Make sure to teach your team members about malware and phishing attacks and urge them not to open attachments from unknown sources. Ask them to report any suspicious emails that they may receive. This will ensure that they don’t get to fall into the traps of hackers.

Backup your files

The need to have a backup for all your business files cannot be overstated. You should make sure to back up your files as often as you can. Remember that the backup drives should only connect to the machine during the backup, and after that, you should disconnect to minimize the risk that they may be affected. Ideally, go for automated backups to make things a little easier for you.

Use a reliable antivirus software suite

Choose a good antivirus software, whether free or paid, that provides maximum protection against viruses, malware, and internet threats. Ensure to take a lot of caution so that each time a USB stick is inserted into your business PC, you should make sure to scan it before using it. Always turn on the safe browsing feature of the antivirus to avoid accidentally visiting any malicious websites.

Take caution while visiting websites

You should also switch to HTTPS from HTTP as far as your site is concerned. The HTTPS protocol for browsing uses encryption techniques and is more secure than HTTP. Make sure that essential places like the ones for email and financial payments contain the secure HTTPS protocol.

Find the best security solutions for your business

Choosing the right security solution is essential as it gives you a chance to get the desired level of protection necessary for your business. Top cybersecurity solutions are designed in a way that gives protection to your business against things like Man in The Middle (MITM) attacks, and other vulnerabilities. So, find a security solution that’s ready and simple to use. You can hire experts to find vulnerabilities in your business and implement the best solutions.


While technology has come in handy to make running business easy, the challenge of cybersecurity threat cannot be underestimated. You should ensure that you take the necessary measures to protect your business from any threats. Don’t wait for a breach that can destroy your business!

Personal Branding

Branding An Engineering Firm

Branding engineering and related architectural and construction firms take more than having a good logo designed and deciding on a mission statement that summarizes the aims and values of the company.

Good branding goes hand-in-hand with marketing strategies and will ensure that people recognize who you are and what you stand for. It represents a promise to your clients that tells them what they can expect and differentiates your firm from others operating in the same engineering niche as you. 

Your brand will emanate from who you are, what you want your engineering business to be, and the way your clients and potential customers perceive you and your firm.

But one of the greatest challenges is that engineering firms, like architectural and construction companies, don’t offer products for sale. Rather, they are service-based and so their offerings are intangible and based on experience rather than physical performance or functionality. 

Additionally, any business that offers services may have diverse offerings with multiplex values. All of these need to be associated with the brand and highlighted in some way. 

Branding Tips for Engineers

1. Role of a Good Logo

Having said that branding is more than having a good, identifiable logo and mission statement, it’s important to recognize that both these elements still form a vital part of the branding process:

  • A good, well-designed logo will reflect both the name and mission statement of your business in a simple visual manner. If the color is used, this must be carried through all visual branding for consistency. 

  • The mission statement will define the fundamental purpose of the business and identify the services offered. When engineers formulate a mission statement they need to know who their potential clients or customers will be. 

Visual elements make any brand recognizable, which takes us back to the logo and colors are chosen if any. You will use these on letterheads, corporate communications, brochures, and possibly clothing or giveaway items like pens or caps. With reference to the two logos above, people will immediately recognize that you represent a business called Altitude Branding or New York Engineers. 

But that is just the beginning. You also need to have a vision of where you want the business to go and what you hope to achieve. 

2. Defining the Brand

Engineering is a broad field and many firms specialize. Perhaps you want to brand your company as a mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) engineering firm or perhaps a business that offers top-quality heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) engineering services. Maybe you want to focus on mechanical engineering services or fire protection services including sprinkler design.

Alternatively, you might want to brand the firm as a business that offers a wide range of services that all embrace energy-efficiency and sustainability. 

Whichever emphasis you choose, successful branding will ensure that your company’s name is commonly associated with the top services you offer. 

Once you have identified where the business is currently positioned in the marketplace in terms of both goals and competition, you can define the brand and the promise it offers. The definition should also identify the values the business incorporates. 

3. Manage the Brand

Most successful brands are properly managed, and an engineering firm’s branding should be no exception. A brand management team, either employed or out-sourced, will (or should) keep the identity of the brand alive and on track. 

While recognition of visual branding will be helpful, it’s what the brand stands for that is important. One way to share the brand voice is to make sure that when the business communicates on any level it sends out a consistent message. Another way is to encourage and empower those working within the firm to integrate the values of the business into their daily lives and the way they operate independently and with the rest of the team.

Make everyone – employees and members of the management team – feel as if they are ambassadors of the brand and know how to communicate the message of the brand in a positive way. 

Managing the brand will also require regular evaluation to ensure the business stays on course and achieves its goals. There will likely be a learning curve and goals might change. But when branding is successful, customer loyalty will increase and the business will start to demand a higher market share of its particular engineering niche within its physical area of operation, Chicago or New York for example. 

Updating Branding

Your engineering firm may already be branded, but is it still working for you? The truth is, it’s not unusual for businesses to need revamping and refreshing every three to five years. 

A fairly quick assessment will tell you if it’s time for renewal or a revamp. Consider if:

  • The existing branding is outdated. Just updating your logo might make a huge difference.
  • Your services have changed or you might have shifted to a different engineering niche. If so, the branding message must change too. 
  • Your branding isn’t achieving the response you anticipated. Start by redefining your target market and then adapt your business image to match. If this doesn’t work you might have to start afresh. 
  • Objectively assess whether branding is consistent through all elements of the business from business cards and your website, to the office environment. Inconsistency can be confusing and it tends to look unprofessional. 

Updating branding is much like the buildings that engineers help to renovate and restore! Everything needs a change from time-to-time. Don’t feel bad – just do it. 

About the author

Michael Tobias is the founder and principal of Nearby Engineers and New York Engineers, an Inc 5000 Fastest Growing Company in America. He leads a team of more than 30 mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection engineers from the company headquarters in New York City, and has led numerous projects in New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, and California, as well as Singapore and Malaysia. He specializes in sustainable building technology and is a member of the U.S. Green Building Council.

Digital Branding

Social Media – Use And Abuse with Anonymous Blog “The Doe”

When people hear the term “fake news“, their usual first thought is about those social-media posts that contain inconceivable and bizarre stories. While the posts that are shared on different social media channels happens to be an aspect that is most visible, there is a lot more to “fake news” than an exaggerated article title on a social media feed. The Doe is an anonymous newspaper that provides a safe space for honest, straightforward thought-provoking news and is central in the fight against fake news. They discuss the use and abuse of social media in the world of news at the moment.

Cyber Propaganda And Fake News

Fake news often appears to be new. However, it usually just the platform that has been used that is new. Propaganda has been in use and around for hundreds of years, and the Internet has become the most current form of communication that is abused to tell lies and spread misinformation.

A Fire Triangle is a representation of 3 elements that are needed for a fire to burn. This includes fuel, heat, and oxygen. In a similar way, “fake news” needs 3 items in order to succeed. These items combined represent the Fake News Triangle. When one of these factors is missing, the misinformation and lies are not able to reach targeted audiences and spread.

The Fake News Triangle

The initial requirement includes services and tools to spread and manipulate a message across specific social media platforms or networks and many of these are sold across several online communities all over the world. There is a wide range of services and tools available, with some that are somewhat simple (paid followers/likes, etc.), while others are a bit more unusual, with services that promise to overstuff online polls. There are even services that force the owners of websites to remove stories. Regardless of what tactic is used, the services and tools for social media promotions are available from outside and the inside of the underground scenes.

In order for these types of tools to become useful, social channels need to be present as the platforms to spread propaganda. With more and more people spending a lot more of their time on such sites to gather information and to keep up-to-date with the current news, their importance when it comes to spreading fake stories and news should not be underestimated. However, there are differences between just putting up a propaganda post and turning the post into something targeted audiences consume. We give information on the types of techniques that spammers use to attract users into watching or reading their stories.

Analyzing social media provides us with more of an understanding of relationships that occur between bots and recipients of a social media promotion when it comes to platforms such as Twitter. This offers us a good idea of the organization and scope of these campaigns that are attempting to manipulate the opinions of the public.

Finally, propaganda campaigns are also always accompanied by the question: why? We talk about the motivations and goals behind these fake stories and news. In some cases, it is simply the desire to make profits through advertising. While in other situations, the goals may vary from political to criminal. Regardless of what the motive might be, how successful the propaganda campaign will be is based on the way that it has an impact on the “real world”.

Users, companies, and governments, have started to become more aware of the seriousness of manipulating public opinion, which has manifested in the form “fake news”.

Governments have started to realize that propaganda and “fake news” is something that needs to be dealt with. Many different government agencies have now started to set up services that are focused on exposing these stories, that they believe are false. Some government entities have even started to consider imposing regulations along with punishing and fining websites that have published this misinformation.

There is plenty of room for opinion-based reporting without it becoming fake news. Thedoe is a great source for this.

Some of the targets linked to the latest regulations include social-networking services. This will make misinformation and fake news extremely bad for businesses, and this is why they have taken the necessary steps to avoid it. These steps include suspending suspicious accounts/bots, adding in features that allow their users to file a report on fake news, and hiring additional personnel to assist with handling such reports.

However, at the end of the day, users need to become more informed and educated. In our paper, we go over the main signals to look out for when it comes to fake news, which will help readers to determine whether the posts they are reading are real or fake. We also go over the psychology linked to fake news in the way of explaining what makes these types of campaigns work, along with how they convince readers. When readers are aware of these techniques we hope that it will empower them to resist these misleading stories and information.

Boosting your company's digital image
Digital Branding

How to Boost Your Company’s Digital Image

In today’s world, so much of life operates on the internet. Although this has an impact on everyday society and social interactions, it also has significant repercussions on how businesses operate. Of course, the quality of a company’s products and customer service are still incredibly important in retaining customers and earning referrals. But, increasingly, a company is not viable in the long-term unless it has an excellent digital image.

That is, every business must have an effective and appealing internet presence if it is going to be successful. Therefore, factors such as social media activity and website layout should be important to you as you grow or build your business. Here are a few ways you can begin to create a reliable and viable internet presence for your company.

Make your website design clear

21185368 – website template

Clean Up Your Website and Other Professional Profiles

If your company has been around for a while, chances are your website has, too. Even if it’s only been a few years since you updated and upgraded your website, it’s probably time to do it again. Effective websites should be aesthetically appealing, simple, and easy to navigate. Especially if your website was created a while ago, it may be overly busy or bright, since that used to be the preferred style online. Today, however, that style doesn’t fly anymore. Your website should have clean, simple colors and easy-to-read fonts.

Every page on your site should be accessible via a “map” that runs either on the side or on the top of the website. This will make sure that your visitors can get anywhere on the website that they’d like to, with one simple click. While you’re redoing the style of your website, also update any old content, and double check for typos or grammatical errors. Small typos on the front page of your website will turn away customers before they even have a chance to figure out what your company is all about.

Maximize website SEO

Make Use of SEO for your Website

Even the most beautiful and functional website is useless unless people are actually visiting. After you’ve upgraded and modernized your website, it’s time to boost the number of visitors. To increase traffic to your website, make use of SEO — search engine optimization. SEO runs on a number of factors, one of the most important of which is keyword use. Do some research and find out the most relevant keywords used when people search for companies such as yours. Then, incorporate those keywords throughout your website content, so that your website will begin to appear higher in search engines’ results.

Be warned not to overuse keywords, however. This can get your website marked as “spam,” and can also turn visitors away if the content does not read naturally and fluidly. For instance, a digital marketing firm may make good use of the keyword “Above The Fold Media – SEO firm” by utilizing it in website headers or photo captions. However, attempting to weave a phrase such as that into the text of blog posts may prove tricky and ultimately be detrimental to the company’s SEO rankings.

Check out this video by SEO link builder Julian Goldie and learn more about keyword research:



Stay Up-to-Date with Social Media

While you’re paying attention to your website, don’t forget to make use of social media as well. Make sure that your company has an official and accurate Facebook page, and check it regularly so that you can respond quickly to any comments or messages. If relevant to your company, also consider starting a Twitter or Instagram account, so that you can interact with your customer base and earn followers through your posts.

Keep in mind that internet trends can change quickly, so it’s important to be in tune with your customer base. Pay attention to any feedback you get from customers, and you’ll be well on your way to creating an appealing internet presence for your company.