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An Expert’s Guide to Generating Leads on Facebook

Marketing isn’t always straightforward, and for many marketers and entrepreneurs, generating leads is a challenge. Facebook is a great platform to help you generate more leads. It’s a place where you can turn a conversation into customer loyalty and purchases, as well as getting to know your customers even better. Let’s see what it takes to generate leads on Facebook.

Why Facebook Is An Ideal Platform To Generate Leads On

There are a couple of reasons why Facebook is one of the best platforms to generate leads. And while you might have read that Facebook’s network growth has slowed down, they still have over 2.50 billion monthly active users. So, if you create a well-strategized presence focused on both organic and paid advertising methods, your possibilities on this platform are endless.

Another reason to use Facebook is that you can set different objectives as your goal with a campaign, which is something that most other platforms are not able to provide, even in 2020.  But not just that, the platform has made its name in lead generation with thanks to one of marketing’s golden rules: ‘know your audience.’ And while many marketers, such as yourself, might think that they already know their audience, the data you’ll gather when advertising on Facebook, might say otherwise.

Building Engagement And Expertise

f you want to start generating organic Facebook likes, it is essential to remember that you’re going to need to build a community that trusts you and create a lot of engagement.

Engagement And Community Building

Increasing or building brand engagement is important because the trust you create will eventually trigger more purchases. People are engaged with your content if they like, click, and comment. To make sure this happens, you will have to create value for your audience by writing exciting content, showing entertaining videos, and answering questions about your product/service.

You can also utilize customer reviews to build more trust. But if you do, it is an essential thing to keep in mind that you have to remember to always reply to messages, customer reviews, and questions. This will help you build a relationship with your potential customers, which will eventually generate more leads. 

Another thing you can do to improve the engagement with your brand and products is to build a community on Facebook. When you start with creating your community, you need to take a good look at yourself. A community is not about making a profit (or at least not directly); it is about personal success and helping others to succeed too. It creates mutually beneficial relationships that add value to your business, your own life, and that of the other community members.

When building a community, you can introduce the expert approach. This means you share valuable, expert level, information about topics that relate to your audience and product. The aim is to trigger a more in-depth conversation or discussion. You do this by asking questions and making comments as well as inviting others to share content too. Once you have established brand engagement and trust, you’re ready to start with Facebook Advertising. 

Facebook Advertising

Advertising is used for many different things, and such is the case with Facebook Advertising as well. Objectives like doing market research, getting customer feedback, and increasing conversion can be applied to create advertisements on Facebook. In this paragraph, we will focus on Facebook Lead Ads. 

Facebook Lead Ads are promotion forms that allow marketers, or anyone else who is interested in the matter, to collect information from possible customers. You’re also able to connect with prospects, get them to sign-up for newsletters, demo requests, and blog notifications. 

And by using dynamic creative, you can make sure to deliver the right message, at the right time to the right person.

Facebook lead generation lets you sync with your company’s CRM, which allows you to follow-up quicker and more efficiently. When you create a lead ad and someone clicks on it, they get presented with a unique form that automatically selects the information on their profile. After that, the users only need to confirm with a few clicks, super easy. You get the data into your CRM and will be able to give this new possible customer a quick call. You should also check out if you’re looking for some of the best training on Facebook advertising. This will help you cut your learning curve in half and go straight to making profits for your clients or your ecommerce website.

A tip for creating leads ads that will convert is that people are more willing to help you if you help them. Meaning, if you offer something in return for the data that you need, users are often more inclined to fill out the form. 

Building campaigns

Building campaigns with Facebook is relatively easy. The first thing you will have to do is to set a goal for your campaign. Facebook offers three different categories of objectives to choose from awareness, consideration, and conversion. If you’re going to get more leads, you’ll need to select conversion. These are the next steps to building a campaign:

  • Specify the ad set, that will determine how your ad will run. Think about this carefully, because targetting will make or break your campaign. 
  • After you’ve selected all the qualities of your possible customers, it’s time to build and test your ad creative. You can choose from different formats that are set up, which makes it easy to run. 
  • Once this is done, you are ready to launch your campaign. 


After you’ve set up your campaign and it is running, it’s time to take a look at Facebook Statistics. We’ve selected the five most important measurements to keep track of to maximize your Return On Investment with Facebook Ads. 

1. The first is impressions, also known as the number of times your ad is shown and seen.

2. The number of clicks and the click-through-rate shows how interested people are in your ad. You can calculate the CTR by dividing the number of clicks through the number of impressions. 

3. Conversion rate, the conversion relates to the actions taken on your website after users come from your ad. 

4. Return on ads spend is defined as revenue divided by the costs of the ads. 

5. Lifetime value is the projected value that a customer will have during his or her entire life. In marketing, you often set a goal as to how much you want that value to be.

Increasing click-through rates

The click-through rate (CTR) of your ads is one of the best ways to understand how your audience is responding to your ads. There are a couple of things that will help you increase your CTR. 

The first is to distill your audience. You are increasing your CTR through audience redefining means that you will only select the users who are most likely to click on your ad. Let’s say that you noticed that men between 20 and 30 are clicking the most, and women of the same age group almost not at all. You should retarget your audience to men between 20 and 30. This means you are targetting the highest quality audience, which will increase your click-through rate. In other words, you are shifting from volume to value-based marketing. 

Another aspect of improving your CTR is content. The images and text you use play a huge role in your CTR. Unfortunately, there is no easy fix for this one; you will have to test to figure out what works for your audience. 

Facebook Messenger

Another way of reaching your audience is through Facebook Messenger. Through a messenger, you will be able to engage in actual, live conversations with your prospects. These conversations can help you gather more information and ask in-depth questions.

It is also possible to create ads that have a click-through to a messenger. If you set up an automated chat, you will be able to get an excellent and full idea of who your potential customers are and what they are looking for in a product.  

Facebook’s messages objective is a tool that will help start even more conversations. Through this tool, your ad gets delivered to people who are statistically most likely to want to have a conversation with your business. 


We hope that after reading this article, you feel comfortable enough about generating leads on Facebook to give it a try. The platform offers great flexibility when it comes to marketing goals and has an immense network of possible customers. Facebook Advertising and Facebook Messenger allow you to get to know and understand your potential customers. If you are patient enough to build your audience’s engagement and earn their trust, you will soon be swimming in leads.

Digital Branding

Apt Use of Directional Cues in Designing Great User Experience for your Target Audience

For web designers, making sure that they are one step ahead in creating the next great web design, they have to think out of the box. But sometimes that is not enough; they need to think about how to use the User Experience (UX) to their advantage. For designers, making users act upon their design can make a design work big time. For this, they need to make the users read the content of the website, follow the directional cues and click on the call to action buttons.

If you are not sure about the directional cues aspect that I mentioned in the last paragraph, don’t worry as this whole blog post is about how directional cues can be important in making a website work. And especially the design aspect can use the directional cues to make a website work. But why does a website have to offer directional cues in the first place? I will try to answer this question and other aspects in detail, so read on.

Directional Cues: The Basics

UX is one of the best ways for designers to make sure that they are on top of their game. By making a visitor get hooked on a website is no mean feat. There are virtually billions of websites out there on the internet, and on average, a user visits thousands of websites in his lifetime, if not more. But we like only a few dozen of them and visit them frequently. So, what can make a website tick? It is the directional cues through UX that can make the difference and is one of the most happening trends in design.

For all the businesses working in Dubai and other regional cities, they need a website so that they can attract the target audience. Thus, the role of the designers is one of the most important ones for the success of a website and, eventually the business it is representing.

A directional cue is not something that we usually don’t come across. Pointers call to action buttons Curves and lines all can be a directional cue as they can offer a cue to the user as to where we must go or use the website accordingly so that the website owners can benefit from it. First of all, let us talk about content and how it influences the choice of a website visitor.

Content to Die for

We all are aware of the famous phrase “content is the king”. The design can surely get the attention of the visitors of a website, but it is the content that can make all the difference. Right from the CTAs to special discount offers, there are many ways in which you can make content work for you big time. The use of directional cues in content is one of the best ways in which a positive result for the business can be achieved.

Let me explain what the directional cue in this context can be of great use.

Think of directional cues as something that will offer your visitors an option so that they can use your website in an easy uncomplicated way. You need to offer visitors the use that they can use to get along with the website without thinking about what will happen if we click on the icon power button. The visitors don’t have to predict what will happen next as you need to use queues so that they know where they are headed.

Everything mentioned above is very important for your future as a business. You are investing much time and money on your website, and so is the visitor on your website. He is also investing is time to find the product that you are selling.  If you want him to become your customer and also offer a positive word of mouth in social circles, you need to use directional cues smartly.

So how can you do this? Let me explain.

Getting Along with Directional Cues

The use of arrows and single points is one of the easiest ways to offer your visitors an option to choose what he is looking for. For example, if you are offering a flight booking on your website, you need to offer a functional and accessible search button. In this way, you will be able to offer your visitor I cleared optional so that he can book a flight in an easy and hassle-free way.

The art of offering directional cues can be mastered throughout a period. For designers, it isn’t easy because they have to work with different industries and businesses, and they have to find how they can create a design exactly according to the requirements. Observing direct marketing is one way to make things better in this concern.

Let me offer you an example so that you can understand my viewpoint easily.

Direct marketing professionals base their sale campaign so that they have every chance to get the attention of their target market. The use of print media in this concern is what makes them truly effective. The use of brochures and flyers is one effective way in this regard as word of mouth can play an important role. And print advertising for direct marketing is one easy way to get the job done effectively and within their budget.

The use of visual guidelines for tracking the target market is one easy way that works for them.

Use of Colors in Directional Cues

Most of my readers will not understand how directional cues can be mastered with colors, so here it goes. Your color palette is a powerful tool to make your reader aware of what you are offering them. It can improve the user experience far better than any other technique. The use of red color, for example, in a text, can make a visitor stop and notice what’s the message. This is just one of the ways to use colors to your advantage.

If you are nor comfortable with the use of color schemes or color the buttons in a specific way, you can always get the support of a website design dubai firm having the expertise in this concern. In this way, you will be better off in reaching your ultimate goal, that is, good traffic on your website and ultimately good sales.

Over to you

Please offer your valuable feedback for this blog or ask any question by using the comments section below.

Digital Branding

SEO & Branding: How To Increase Branded Traffic

Shoes. Cosmetics. Beverages. The chances are a few brands came to your mind instantaneously as you read the categories. Whether it be Nike, Chanel, or Pepsi, there are certain brands that have managed to become synonymous with their categories. That is the power of branding.

According to research conducted by Marketing Profs in 2015, over 77 percent of marketers believe that creating a strong brand is essential for the growth of a company. Furthermore, according to Forbes, consistent branding efforts help raise the revenue of a business by a whopping 23 percent!

One thing is for sure- branding is a must for the success of your business. While generally, marketers tend to focus on the benefits of brand awareness and recognition in revenue generation, there is another critical benefit branding provides. It helps in boosting your online presence!

What is SEO, and why it matters?

Before we delve into how branding can help SEO and vice versa, it is vital to understand why SEO matters to begin with.

finances online

Well, it is because in today’s online world, getting your target audience to visit your website is not easy. A few statistics will help you in gaining a perspective.

According to Internet Live Stats, over 75000 searches are done on Google per second
Advanced Web Ranking found out that over 67 percent of clicks go to the first five organic search results
Ahref’s study discovered that over 91 percent of content online does not get the organic reach it needs

SEO helps in gaining a high organic search engine ranking. It uses various techniques and methods to boost your ranking and thereby increase the chances of people visiting your website. Remember, only when people visit your site then only you can actually leave an impact on them and convert them into customers.

How does branding help?

Considering Google is quite vague about its ranking algorithm, it is hard to achieve success in SEO if you focus on short term goals like achieving a high rank.

SEO without a purpose won’t help you in gaining a high ranking. This is only so much you can gain by creating backlinks and including high ranking keywords in your content. You must also take steps to build an authentic and trustworthy online brand.

According to different studies and SEO service experts, Google, along with other search engines, tends to encourage websites that feature a strong brand presence. Such sites can get a better ranking despite having fewer backlinks!

This is why branding and SEO must go hand in hand. Creating an SEO branding strategy can help you genuinely leverage the online world.

How to increase branded traffic

Here is how you can combine SEO tactics with branding efforts to reap optimum conversion rates and brand awareness.

1. Identify and use branded keywords

Apart from high ranking generic keywords pertaining to your category, you must also find and include branded keywords in your online presence.

What is a branded keyword?

A branded search is a query that includes the name of your brand. By adding these keywords into your content, you target users who are already aware of your brand, thanks to your branding efforts. These users have a higher chance of purchasing from your business than other people.

single grain

The more branded searches are done regarding your business, the higher you will rank organically. Now, there are different variations of the branded keyword that you must cater to. Some users might be looking for reviews about your brand, while others would be comparing your business with other similar options.

Make sure your content is optimized for all such branded searches. This ensures that users get information about your brand from you.

2. Use local SEO

Did you know that over 46 percent of search queries on Google use local keywords? Any user with a high commercial intent will then go to Google to find whether your brand is near them or not. If you are a local brand, it is essential to leverage this consumer behavior by implementing local SEO.

result driven seo

Focus on geo-targeting. Optimize all local business listings present on Google to ensure that you can drive traffic to your site from Google directories and Maps. Conduct link building with a special focus on getting links from other websites that are present within your local area.

Each of these tactics will allow you to optimize your website for local SEO. If you are a known brand locally, you will automatically be able to reach users that are already convinced of your branding efforts.

3. Build your authority

A great way to increase branded traffic to your business is by focusing on building an online brand. A lot of times, marketers tend to focus on abstract branding methods. This includes creating a logo, a tagline, and positioning. While these methods are critical to the success of a brand, branding merely begins with such techniques.

The next step is to build a robust and credible image online. As you do so, your ranking will automatically improve. You can use optimized content to build your brand and its authority.

It is essential to publish content that would matter to your target audience and the industry. This helps in reinstating your position in the sector as being an expert and trustworthy brand. It also helps in boosting your brand awareness and reaching a wider audience than before.

So, when it comes to publishing content, look beyond your website. Contribute to the online world by demonstrating your expertise via Guest posts on authority websites. The better the sites are, the more credible you will seem.

Not to mention that this is an excellent way to leverage the credibility and following of other established websites to boost your brand’s ranking!


The objective of increasing branded traffic is simple- ensuring that your online and offline branding efforts don’t go in vain. By appearing in a top position for the right branded keywords and by establishing your image as a credible source of information, you can help increase the right traffic to your website.

Now that you are aware of the connection between SEO and branding, you are more than ready to outstrip your competition and emerge as the best brand within your category, both online and offline!

Do you think there are other ways you can boost branded traffic to your site? Let us know.


Author Bio:

About Ashley Rosa: Ashley Rosa is a freelance writer and blogger. As writing is her passion that why she loves to write articles related to the latest trends in technology and sometimes on health-tech as well.  She is crazy about chocolates. You can find her at twitter: @ashrosa2.

Digital Branding

SEO Trends You Should Watch Out For in 2020

With the end of the decade, Google had introduced a completely new algorithm, which started certain trends for the coming year. Keeping an eye on these trends will help any and every website owner to improve the ranking and stay ahead of their competition, without observing any drop in ranking. 2019 saw important changes like mobile-first optimization because most of the internet users started using mobile devices along with Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa. Few trends will remain important this year while some others might not be as significant. Let us consider the ones that are listed below. 

Voice search

With the rise of virtual assistants, voice search has also started rising. This is going to be one of the biggest trends of 2020 and this is also going to affect search engine optimization greatly. You might be asking how, and here are the answers. 

  • Voice search is different from the text and they are extremely conversational. Apart from that, search queries are longer, which means that the websites are targeting long-tail keywords. 
  • When voice searches are being targeted, keywords have to be replaced with phrases, which make the work easier for Google. Users will also be able to find whatever they want easily. 

Local search

According to, if you are not using due diligence for local SEO, you will start losing out in front of competitors. According to several studies, 9 out of every 10 searches are normally for products and services that are present nearby. 50% of the searches are going to result in actions to visit physical locations or place an order. This is not going to die in 2020. Rather, it is going to become even more popular. 

  • The success of a local search is possible because of using mobile devices, which will help you to easily locate a coffee shop that is present near you. 
  • Local search is also drawn by reviews, which are associated with products and places. You will be able to view recommendations from the reviewers before you are going to any business. 

To get more information on this, call the professionals of New York SEO organizations. 

Search intent and keyword content

Google released an important algorithm in the previous decade, which provided more priority to search intent. This is going to become one of the biggest trends this year because SEO experts are constantly discovering new ways of optimizing keyword context and search intent. 

  • For several websites, it is visible that searchers are searching for at least three kinds of results. 
  • When content is being created, the three categories are going to determine the structuring of the content and how they are going to be used. Search intent is going to carve out important trends in the manner in which the keywords will be used.

Structured data

This is going to be one of the most popular SEO trends of 2020. 

  • It is no more a secret that Google loves structured data and any website owner would like to gain that position. Structured data include snippets and frequently asked questions. 


It is important to understand all the SEO trends of 2020. This is going to help businesses to outrank their competitors and gain success without struggles.

Digital BrandingPersonal Branding

Something For Nothing: Why Free Resources Are Great For Branding

The importance of branding for a business in the 21st-century has been drilled into each of us. Ever since Apple became one of the biggest companies in the world developing an identity around a lifestyle brand rather than their products, the way new and existing businesses have to conduct and present themselves online has changed dramatically.

Creating a brand that your target audience can relate to is essential, but expensive. At least, you would assume. The advent of free online resources has made it easier than ever for a business to produce the essentials of a great brand. So how can your business make something out of nothing, and why are free resources the key to great branding? 


Whatever your business does, professionalism should be at the forefront of your mind. Even if you have a casual, anti-establishment and purposely care-free brand, it needs to be well-made and look as if you put care and attention into your public perception. 

Before, professional came at a premium. Now, you can create a sense of it around your business from your early days, without investing a significant portion of your budget. Your public-facing content can be given a professional edge by using free resources. 

First impressions to your audience are essential. Each contact point after that is about building an image of professionalism they can trust. How you correspond with your audience is an essential part of this.

Free resources can be used to help get across the professionalism of your business. How you communicate needs to be professional, from your email conversations to the invoices you send to both clients and customers. There are plenty of templates available to help you craft professional-looking invoices complete with your company branding and a layout that presents your business as an industry leader, or one with the potential to be. This is a great way to tell customers and business partners what your brand is all about. 

Free video chat tools such as Google Hangouts and Skype are also great assets for adding professionalism to your communication. They’ll allow you to communicate with business partners and investors in a more professional manner, without having to splash out on travel or dinner.

Good branding can be a lot of things, but one thing is should always be is professionally developed. Free resources are one of the best ways to do this quickly and make sure your company doesn’t seem, ironically enough, cheap. 


A lot of creativity goes into establishing a brand identity. The most recognizable visual elements of top businesses weren’t created on the first try, they developed over time. Having the space to be creative and experiment with ideas is an essential part of the brand-building process, and free tools give you the chance to do just that.

Logos, for example, are a key part of a successful brand identity. They need to catch the eye and encapsulate the brand, whether it’s showing what you do, creating a sense of the lifestyle around it or giving a community something to rally around. 

Paying a designer is expensive, so getting creative with free tools is almost a must. Tools such as Hatchful allow you to develop professional-looking logos and experiment with different styles. Even if this ends up being a temporary logo, it’s given you an identity to build around as you get off the ground. Some of the biggest companies in the world have had to change their logo and branding over time.

Your brand will have numerous visual elements that need to be developed early on, from a color scheme to a font. Even if these are only temporary solutions until you can afford a more permanent paid option such as using a designer or investing in photoshop, these feel tools give you the chance to get creative and develop a visual identity. 


Building your brand’s business is worthless if no one can find it. Not only do you need tools to create all the elements of your brand identity, but free tools help you spread awareness of your brand.

Social media is one of the best tools available for a new brand to spread awareness about themselves. While advertising on social media can be a quite costly endeavor, there are a number of free tools that can make your management of social media more streamlined ad profitable, teaching you more about the platform and your audiences on there. 

Some of the most popular social media management tools available like Hootsuite and Buffer, used by professionals across numerous industries, have robust free options. You can also make use of tools such as Google Analytics to get more insight into the inner works of your website and how traffic is traveling to it from the places you’re trying to spread awareness on. 


A key part of your branding process is the content you develop to advertise and spread awareness of it. Creating quality content is difficult to do on a budget, despite how much phone cameras have developed and editing software has been streamlined. However, the promotion and presentation of this content is easier than to do than ever with free tools. 

YouTube is an obvious choice, giving you a free platform to upload your branding content and open it up to a huge audience. Video has become the dominant online content force, with audiences clamoring for more. 

Tools such as Headliner allow you to create great quality social and website content free of charge, although you are limited to a certain amount per month if not paying. You can also use tools to create great explainer content for free, giving you a great method of introducing your brand and website to new visitors.

Content is vital for growing a brand, and being able to create, upload and format this content for the most popular platforms for free is a huge budget saver. These tools will help you to do that. 

Some of the best things in life are free, and that includes brand-building tools. There’s no need for a business to spend heavily in the early days on trying out loads of different tools they may not want to use in a couple of months’ time. Even using free subscription samples is better. Don’t get locked into paying for months and squeeze every bit of brand building juice you can out of these tools. 

Digital Branding

What are the Core SEO Trends and Strategies to Focus in 2020

The old SEO strategies and techniques that we used in the past still work but don’t seem to be as effective as expected. As Google is continuously updating its algorithm to deliver users the most relevant results, SEO experts all across the globe are becoming aware of the new SEO trends and strategies that are considered to be the future of SEO.

What are the Core SEO Trends and Strategies to Focus in 2020?

In order to beat the competition in the online market, we need to re-think and update our content and SEO strategy as per the ever changing updates of Google search engine. Keeping this in mind, we need to update our website and adopt the recent SEO strategy so as to ensure that more prospects and customers find us on search engines. So now, the question is “What are the Core SEO Trends and Strategies to Focus in 2020?”. Below is a comprehensive list of new SEO trends and strategies to follow in the coming year 2020:

  1. Optimize your Website for Featured Snippet
  2. Invest your Time on Influencer Marketing
  3. Implement Voice Search SEO
  4. Focus on Mobile UX Factor
  5. Generate Video Content on Website
  6. Enhance Dwell Time on Website
  7. Content Length and Quality Importance
  8. Artificial Intelligence in SEO
  9. Work on Semantic Search and Intent Optimization
  10. Understand the Need of Structured Data
  11. Positive Impacts of Brand Mention
  12. Optimize Content as Per Google BERT Update
  13. Install Amazon Polly to Increase Dwell Time

Optimize your Website for Featured Snippet

A featured snippet is the search result that appears at the top in a box before the #1 position on SERP. The featured snippet has a very good click-through rate, so it is recommended to take advantage of this feature. To avail of this feature, we need to generate clear and simple answers to commonly asked questions on our website which may be featured on top of SERP based on their quality.

Invest your Time on Influencer Marketing

The current trend is showing that users are more likely to engage with a trustful, respected and well-known person than with ads. So, we should invest more in influencer marketing to enhance SEO efforts. Influencers can also help create valuable backlinks, an important factor in determining Google rankings. Before engaging with an influencer, make sure what type of content you want them to create, how it links back to your website and if they are relevant to your industry.

Implement Voice Search SEO

Voice searches have become a popular trend due to the advancement in mobile devices. So, we should optimize our website for voice searches and understand how to implement conversational searches into our SEO strategy. For voice search, you should focus on content with keywords having conversational queries, long queries, local targeting, and an FAQ page is a must for voice search SEO. For voice search optimization, make the title tags and first headers sound like a question similar to what a user is going to ask. For example: If your blog’s title is “Minimize Software Development Cost for Startups”, then try to make it “How to minimize Software Development Cost for Startup Businesses?”. Additionally, you can also optimize the old content with this strategy.

Focus on Mobile UX Factor

Mobile UX is an important factor in determining a website’s ranking, so a mobile version of a web-page is a must. Mobile first indexing is one of the core indexing and ranking factors. If your page doesn’t look good on mobile devices, you may lose ranking. It is essential to have a mobile version for a website to drive more users towards your website. Getting higher in the Google mobile page index will make your web-page highly authoritative.

Generate Video Content on Website

Videos are the new source of information for the users browsing online. As per studies from Google and other reputed organizations, 6 out of 10 users prefer to watch videos online than TV because online videos are a much better source of academic and entertainment information. As a result, this has greatly affected modern SEO, and marketers are now optimizing the videos for search users so as to reach out to the maximum audience. The video optimization starts with adding relevant keywords to the video headline and in the description. 

Dwell Time to be the Major Ranking Factor

Time spent on a web-page before bouncing back would be one of the major ranking factors in the coming days. The dwell time metrics are very important as they tell, how interested users are in your content and if they are getting the desired information about what they are looking for. Having a better dwell time means users are more interested in your content, so we should focus more on generating quality and valuable information for the users to get ahead of the competition.

Content Length and Quality Importance

As we know, content quality is one of the core ranking factors for any website, but now the search engines are also considering the length of content as a core ranking factor. Currently, users are now looking to get complete information from a single authentic source that is why they prefer to read lengthy content from reliable sources. Recent studies revealed that more no. of users are reading articles having a content length of 2000 words than fewer words. So, we should focus on generating lengthy content embedded with comprehensive and quality information that answers almost all the related queries for what a user is looking for.

Artificial Intelligence in SEO (Rank Brain)

Artificial intelligence is the new trend in SEO which many companies are following. As Google uses AI to deliver highly relevant results, to identify keyword stuffing, bad backlinks, irrelevant content for users, it’s necessary to use AI in your SEO strategy so as to meet the search engine requirements. AI also determines metrics such as bounce rate, time on site, etc. Using artificial intelligence in SEO and content strategy can be very useful to gather important data and customer insights which can lead to overall SEO success.

Semantic Search and Intent Optimization

Now, Google doesn’t use the exact match words that are being typed by users in the search box. Google actually looks at the user’s query context/intent and analyzes the highly relevant search intent to reflect the results. Google has a very good understanding of searchers’ intent that is why the traditional content creation with a single keyword doesn’t work now. So, it is necessary to use Text Optimizer and make a collection of the desired search queries into related concepts and entities. This semantic research will help create content having sentences based on some common co-occurrence analysis of the term you select.

Understand the Need of Structured Data

Structured data refers to displaying data in an organized way. It can be used in many different ways to display a website’s information as enhanced results in SERPs in the form of rich snippets, rich cards, carousels, knowledge boxes, etc. Google is interested in fetching more data from your web-page and giving more exposure to your website. So, it is recommended to implement structured data on your website to boost visibility and ranking. Marketing experts working in various emerging software development companies in India are now focusing hard with the developers to implement structured data for all websites on which they are working to enhance the SEO efforts.

Positive Impacts of Brand Mention

Google included brand mention as a part of its algorithm update and is tracking how many times your brand is mentioned online. So, it is the time to work around brand mentioning as Google is not only looking for links but also for people talking about your brand on social media and other online platforms.

Optimize Content as Per Google BERT Update

Bert is basically termed as Bidirectional Encoder Representations From Transformers. BERT is powered by AI and ML to provide a new way to efficiently understand the language for Google searches. It has an immediate effect on how websites are ranked on SERP. As per the BERT update, your focus should be on the context of the search term not on the keyword (with an inclination towards conversational queries). It will consider the overall context of the keyword by analyzing the other terms associated with the keyword in order to understand the actual intent behind a user’s search queries.

BERT will analyze the long-tail keywords to understand the overall context of the phrases in your search query. It is assumed that long-tailed phrases will help in improving results. BERT also implies that content is always the king which requires a primary focus above all SEO parameters, so it is required to focus on using long-tailed key phrases in your On-page SEO and content strategy. The use of keywords in the content doesn’t need to be exact, you can instead use different words of the keywords after keeping in mind the user intent behind the search query related to that keyword.

Just for an example: The exact keyword used within content like “software development India” will be given less value as compared to the phrases like “list of Indian companies delivering quality software development projects”.

Install Amazon Polly to Increase Dwell Time

Amazon Polly, a speech recognition tool will help you increase the dwell time of users on your website as it will read aloud any content piece for your site visitors. This tool is available as a WordPress plugin and can easily be integrated into blog posts. Having both the reading and listening options on your webpage will make users engaged for a longer period of time, and therefore enhance the dwell time which is a major ranking factor.

Bottom Line

All the aforementioned SEO strategies could be a game-changer for any website you own and will help you get a better search engine ranking and ensure a continuous inflow of highly relevant traffic as compared to your competition. We would be glad to hear your views or suggestions regarding the content. You can contact us directly through our comments section.

About the Author

Manoj Rawat, a Growth Hacker, Ideator, Innovator, techy and an experienced SEO, SMM and Marketing Consultant with over 8 years of IT experience. He loves to share technology trends, marketing tips & strategies among online communities. He is an avid sports person, traveller, & nature lover. 

Digital Branding

Modern Email Marketing Tactics: Impact of Emails in 2020

At a time when everybody else is talking about memorable memes and quirky tweets, you must be wondering why on earth are you reading about email marketing? Well, let me tell you why: 

Because it’s still working, that’s why!

People are so curious to buy Hotmail accounts on UseViral and other sources. Yes, you heard that right. Email marketing is still effective by all means!

With that said, it’s important to understand email marketing strategy has changed dramatically in recent years, and if you’re expecting the 2000s email marketing strategy to work in current times, you’re are highly mistaken. After all, a direct sales offer via email is nowadays led to the spam message folder and left unread until eternity – in fact, statistics tell us in March 2019, 56% of global email traffic was based on spam messages.

Just like the times we are living in, email marketing has come to utilize all modern ways available – if intelligently employed email marketing can successfully run appealing and informative campaigns and not just end up being categorized as Spam.

Had not to email marketing been modernized and kept upgraded through recent years, perhaps it would not have survived the current age, rather rendered too limited in its impact. If you want an email marketing strategy that brings fruitful results to the table, you need to be aware of certain tactics and trends as you make your way into 2020.

Don’t forget, times are calling upon you to

Blend with the Trend.

Days when notifications are badly ignored, emails still get a response. This is because emails are considered important. Almost everybody uses email and deems it significant enough to open immediately. Talk about boomers or Gen Z, politicians are to their modern lives.

With the following email marketing tactics, you can emphasize any preceding impact to boost up your business marketing in no time: 


1. Start Connecting with Your Audience


If you’re old enough to drink, I bet you must have experienced receiving tons of emails asking you to become part of a veteran community. And the baffled look on your face must have shouted out loud that you knew nothing about it – not to forget how you must have wondered about the poor results of bad segmentation in email marketing. 

Modern-day email marketing has urged marketers to understand their audience. And by understanding, we don’t mean collecting email addresses rather doing what you need to do in order to up your email marketing game i.e. knowledge about the interests and preferences of your target audience. Other than this, email segmentation can be conducted based on recipients’ gender, age, location, etc. 

Such segmentation based on interest has proven to be extremely beneficial for email marketing campaigns; also with greater media relevance, open rates are far more than inscribed rates.


2. Talk to Your Audience


Do you know what keeps the audience interested? Content that speaks to them!

In older times, emails, even when sent to the right audience, ended up making the recipients disinterested in a product because of the utterly boring language employed in the email content. This brings us to one of the latest trends in email marketing i.e., customization. 

After segmenting your targeted audience and gaining all the relevant information about what they like and dislike, it’s necessary to customize emails. Customization helps businesses relate to recipients at a personal level – and that in turn inculcates a sense of trust among the audience as people tend to feel more connected with the brand and by way of that with the business organization.

I understand making emails customized enough to appeal to each individual is A LOT of work. HARD WORK. However, what you can do is segregate recipients based on generation; for instance, the millennial generation tends to find precise and informative messages combined with a visual more appealing.

3. Be Direct and Give a Call-to-Action

In older times, one of the most annoying elements in emails was the lack of clarity of purpose.

Now that you’ve segmented your recipients, received the knowledge of their interests and preferences, and generated an email that has attracted attention, what next? Well, now it’s time for you to focus on the core purpose. The clarity of your purpose will reflect through an effective call-to-action included in your email.

Whether you want your readers to like your Facebook page, subscribe to newsletters or visit your website, you need to lead them towards that objective – and that can be done via a striking Call-to-Action.

It has been observed by replacing “find your solution” with “learn more” the click-through rate in emails rose by 77%. 


4. Exercise Prudence with Email Blasts


As per the latest email statistics published by expanded ramblings, an average office employee receives almost 121 emails per day, which is A LOT. If you don’t want your email to end up in one of the spam folder piles, you need to exercise control over the number of emails you send out to your subscribers. 

Take Away

The previous decade instructed us in many ways that we may benefit our businesses with – digital and social media marketing, high-speed internet with cox deals, etc. to say less. However, it did take some serious effort to upgrade email marketing enough for it to survive in contrast to many foregoing elements of online marketing. Modern-day email marketing tactics, some of which we have touched upon in today’s write up, tend to restore marketers’ faith in the impact of emails as a marketing medium.

Digital BrandingLegal Branding

Most Impactful Ways To Generate And Nurture Your B2B Leads

The number one question for every business:

“How to generate leads?”

And while 47 percent of marketers prioritize generating quality leads, a report revealed that 32 percent of marketers said that lead generation is also that one area that poses the biggest challenge.

So, how can you generate and nurture B2B leads?

Integrated Content Strategy

An effective B2B content strategy needs to be tailored to the needs of their prospects at different stages of the sales and marketing funnels. This also means that that sales and marketing teams need to seamlessly work together in order to create the most effective silos at every stage. 

Here’s how content marketing can help generate leads:

  • Offering valuable and relevant information which solves pain points
  • Building a respectable brand identity and online presence
  • Engaging audience member and initiating Calls To Action
  • Providing carious contents targeted to relevant audiences at every stage of the funnel: webinars, e-books, native ads, social media posts, and blog posts

Utilize Marketing Automation Tools

If your lead generation process is not yet automated, then you have been missing a lot. Automation can help:

  • Send emails at sale
  • Segment your email list, targeting them with relevant message and content
  • Moving qualified leads over to the sales team for better conversion
  • Notify you when leads perform an intended action
  • Offer better alignment between marketing and sales

In short, automation can make your lead generation and nurturing campaigns less tedious to manage while still giving you accurate results.

Optimize Your Websites and Landing Pages

Good website design not only offers a professional and trustworthy feel on your brand, but it also helps bring more traffic and better engages any potential leads regardless of how they got to your site, both paid and organic. In addition, relevant content that directly appeals to the interests of the audience and addresses their pain points is crucial to the success of the website. 

Landing pages, on the other hand, should also be optimized in terms of design and messaging. Call To Action buttons need to be in the proper placement as it plays a crucial role in lead generation. 

Host a Webinar

Webinars are forums not only designed to educate participants but to also connect with your prospects. Leads that are generated via webinar signups are typical of higher quality than those generated from other gated offers. Why?

People who attend webinars are typically in the advanced stages of information gathering. And they are looking for in-depth data that should enlighten them more and help decide on a deal.

Influencer Marketing

Not only for B2C companies, but influencer marketing is also crucial for the B2B organizations since it generates quality referrals and positive word-of-mouth interactions which are crucial to online engagement. 

Thus, you will need to research and engage with influencers in your industry across multiple channels. It is a powerful way to reach relevant audiences in huge numbers by positioning the influencer as your B2B brand’s advocate. 

Call Warm Leads

If you’ve been nurturing leads for a while but have not managed to convert them, then it is time to start making some calls. Call a warm lead:

  • When free trial ends
  • A few days after a pdf download
  • If you do not hear from them after a webinar

The lead’s last action should be your opening line for the conversation. For example:

  • If they completed a trial, ask if they need an extended trial period. 
  • If they downloaded a material, ask if it was helpful and if they need any more reading material or in what other way can you help. 
  • After a webinar, ask if you can visit their office or if they are open to having a one-on-one demo. 

Warm leads are a lot closer to a buying decision than anyone who has not had contact with your brand before. And a simple call can be the only thing to propel them to finally buying. 


These are just some of the best ways to generate and nurture B2B leads. Consider including these to your strategy and prepare to see better lead generation results!

Digital Branding

The Definitive List Of The Best Blogs To Follow In 2021

Blogging has become one of the very common occupations worldwide. From its appearance in 1990, its usage has been changing, so today blogging has grown into a platform used by millions of individuals. It is important to be in the loop with the latest trends so that you’re not missing out on any opportunities. In order to keep you in touch with the most important and useful blogs, we’ve made this list for the year 2020.

1) KVColor

KvColor is a Digital Marketing Firm having years of experience assisting companies to reach their branding goals as well as financials. Over the years, they have worked with various organizations and new startups. Some of their clients have presence international or some have strictly focus on a local clientele. KvColor has delivered the results our client need. They generate your business by making a presence in the local market, nationally and internationally.

2) Digi12

Digi12 is AI-First Digital Marketing Agency, that helps Startups, Small Businesses, and Entrepreneurs grow by taking an Artificial Intelligence & Data-Driven approach to Digital Marketing.

3) Planable

Planable is a collaboration tool for social media managers and their clients, making it easy to plan, visualize, discuss, and approve social media posts.

4) Wallet Squirrel

Wallet Squirrel is an amusing personal finance blog by Andrew Kraemer and Adam Olson filled to the brim with articles, jokes, comics, and anecdotes on finding creative ways to make extra money for the purpose of saving and investing. One of the biggest excuses WHY people haven’t started saving is “I don’t have any extra money to save“. Even those who have saved/budgeted/pinched every penny. So they find hundreds of new, exciting ways to make extra money from driving for Uber, winning money from fitness step apps, to stock photography. All to provide a template for their audience to save and invest extra money for your future. 

5) FirstSiteGuide

FirstSiteGuide is a learning hub that provides all the necessary resources to grow your online business. Learn how to start a blog, make money online, find the most suitable tools for your situation, and become a successful entrepreneur. Moreover, their staff offers online business advice, so you can contact them whenever it’s time to find ways to raise your business to a new level.

6) Peak Support

Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Peak Support is a rapidly growing services provider dedicated to providing exceptional support to high-growth companies. They offer a wide array of services including customer support, sales operations, and business process outsourcing. Their global delivery model enables them to provide service from the Philippines and the U.S. They hire the best agents in the business and they are relentlessly dedicated to helping their clients succeed.

7) Yespo

Yespo is an all-in-one platform for omnichannel marketing automation. It delivers professional solutions for both small businesses and enterprises, helping improve marketing performance and efficiency.

Yespo Blog is a multi-focus resource that features content on diverse marketing topics: automation of customer communication channels (Email, SMS, Mob Push, Web Push), contact base segmentation, AI-supported personalization, multilingual campaigns, mobile marketing, website recommendations, dynamic content, API methods, KPI and analytics, etc. The content is organized in various formats (feature articles, Q&A, infographics, expert advice, how-to) and divided by categories for a quick search.

Yespo Blog is a useful resource for any specialist willing to learn more about digital marketing, get first-hand insights into omnichannel strategies, and find out about recent design solutions. Articles are published twice a week which would keep you up to date with all the current news and updates.

8) Broadcast2World

They are dreamers and strongly believe that they can connect people and build trust by telling great animated video stories that are true, and consistent with positive values that bond humanity. As storytellers, they strive to be more responsible and support great ideas that can positively impact our world and spread joy. They dream that if slowly and gradually this world accumulates great ideas, and if we are lucky enough, we would be able to experience a world without borders, a world filled with trust and joy.

9) Techno’s Club

They provide you with tech-related 100% unique articles. Dancing and also Songs can additionally be thought about as an additional type of Enjoyment as songs aids in alleviating your stress and also provides you leisure additionally it provides you a possibility to have social interaction. Another type of Amusement can be Gamings; Gamings are played by someone or by the team of individuals for their very own Amusement as well as it is taken into consideration to be preferred in nearly all age.

10) SatGist

SatGist is a newly launched website that aimed to bring new ideas and sharing information on Satellite tv. Tutorials guide on Satellite tv, IPTV, Phone and Gadget review shall be emphasized. They also specialized in satellite tv software for fixing minor bugs and add more features to the existing devices. SatGist aimed to be the top and most influential website for people across the world and also to help an individual to solve their problem through acquiring skills and knowledge in the field of Technology.

11) Lobster Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Company in Cardiff specializing in website design, inbound marketing, social media management, email marketing, and more. Lobster Digital Marketing is your marketing department wrapped up in a single agency. You no longer need to procure separate agencies to build your website, optimize it, and market your products. Now you simply employ the services of Lobster Digital Marketing and they’ll handle it all for you.

12) Kate De Jong

Kate De Jong is a former Scientist & Consulting Engineer for fifteen years turned a passionate entrepreneur and business coach. She is dedicated to helping you become a successful business owner so that you can make the difference you’re here to make! She believes you have an important message and contribution to make through your business, and she believes that you can become a highly successful, thriving entrepreneur with the right knowledge, strategy, and support.

13) Digiperform

Digiperform is the largest “Exclusive Digital Domain Specific” training provider in India. It’s a young organization that aims to bridge the huge gap that exists between the industry’s digital training needs and the availability of trained talent by offering hands-on training programs and certifications. With headquarter based in Noida and 40+ centers all over India. In addition, they have worked with a major Indian media company and one IT giant in enabling and certifying their entire sales force in Digital Marketing Concepts under their Digital Transformation Initiative. They provide a lot of texts, about career, marketing, media and so one. One of it is Digital Marketing For Fresher – A Complete Guide, Enjoy your reading!

14) Amaxra

Amaxra is an innovative business and technology solutions firm passionate about building strong lasting relationships. They are driven by their love for technology solutions and leverage their expertise and technology to support their clients’ success and growth. Their customers range in employee-size from less than 30 to large multi-national corporations. Amaxra is 100% women owned and has been a certified diversity business since its inception.

15) CASH 1

Since 1997, CASH 1 has provided hassle-free Installment Loans to people denied by traditional banks and other installment loan lenders. They have many convenient locations throughout Arizona and Nevada. CASH 1 focuses on the financial needs of customers in the community by offering Title Loans, Personal Loans, Installment Loans, Smart Loans, and of course, great customer service. The CASH 1 team consists of over 200 specialized and highly trained employees.

16) Simplitechinformer

Simplitechinformer provides basic and advanced level tech and trending knowledge about technology, internet, and computer for free, and how to get free PAYTM cash, without investment earning, etc. tips and tricks. You can ask a question about your problems request a video. It is specially designed for beginners (who don’t know anything about these topics) they read their articles and watch their tutorials. After practicing you can be specialized in this.

17) CoreHealth Technologies

CoreHealth Technologies Inc. is a total well-being technology company trusted by global providers to power their health and wellness programs. Our wellness portals help maximize health, engagement, and productivity for 3+ million employees worldwide. We believe people are the driving force of organizations and supporting them to make behavior changes to improve employee health is in everyone’s best interest. With the most flexibility, customizations, and integrations of any software in its class, CoreHealth’s all-in-one, multi-lingual, white-labeled wellness management platform helps grow great wellness companies. Simple to sophisticated, based on you. 

18) Techpapa

Techpapa solves its clients’ toughest challenges by providing unmatched services in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. They are driving innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. With expertise across more than 40 industries and all business functions, they deliver transformational outcomes for a demanding new digital world. Their values shape the culture of their organization and define the character of their company. They live the core values through individual behaviors.

19) Blue Cow Marketing

They’ll work closely with you in a 1:2:1 structure to understand your challenges first before they can make any recommendations on solutions for your marketing, sales, and service. Once they’ve identified what is challenging you, they want to know what’s important to you in your business goals. These two key areas will help them make the guiding recommendation of how you will together overcome those challenges and get you to where you want to be in your business. They are a small firm with a big heart and they only work with businesses that have an equal passion for the work they do, and the clients that they serve. If this sounds like you, let’s start by scheduling a connect call together.

20) Agnes a Gaddis

Agnes is from North Brunswick, a small New Jersey suburb. She is a graduate of communications. She has been doing writing and SEO for about eight years, working majorly in real estate. She found out she also loves digital marketing. So, why not mix real estate writing with digital marketing right? Anyway, She writes long-form content on real estate and digital marketing. Her writing style is a mix of conversational and authoritative with a focus on being actionable.

21) GrayCell Technologies

GrayCell is one man’s entrepreneurial vision and over 70 professional’s way of life today. GrayCell really is its people. It has been so when GrayCell was a 3-member team way back in its founding year of 2004, it is the same when its team is a formidable 70 today. GrayCell’s mates come from all walks of life, speak a dozen different tongues, just like the country we belong to. The common thread that connects all of us is our love for technology and the ability to constantly find ways to keep the excitement in app building at an all-time high.

22) SMA Marketing

They help companies across the globe connect with prospects and customers in a more human way. Are you ready to grow? Contact them today.

23) The One Question

The One Question, a SaaS feedback platform, helps businesses around the world grow through the power of Customer and Employee Happiness.

They regularly share insightful blogs that help business owners collect more insight, marketers achieve better results, HR teams build stronger bonds with their teams, and Operations teams improve their products and services.

24) The Mom Kind

The Mom Kind is a Parenting website dedicated to helping parents and families with everyday life. Advocating for Autism & Special Needs.

25) InkyDeals

InkyDeals is a lovable little blob who’s passionate about design and creativity. His daily routine involves searching for great deals with all the resources a creative professional may need. He’s made a lot of friends along the way, because of those big blue eyes and because he’s always there to help you meet deadlines and stack up on quality resources for your personal library.

26) Volodymyr Kuzma

Volodymyr Kuzma is an SEO expert and a certified Google Analytics specialist. He has programming skills (Front-end). He always keeps an eye on modern trends in his specialization, as the profession is very dynamic and the requirements for work change frequently. During his work, he always adheres to his principles, but he does not forget about flexibility, which is very important and fundamental in solving tasks.

27) Whizz Marketing Services

Whizz Marketing is an SEO Company in Hampshire who provides transparent and cost-effective online marketing solutions to small businesses. Whizz Marketing Services in Fleet Hampshire was formed in 2011 by Louise Cranstone who found that many local businesses were finding it increasingly difficult to find new customers without actively marketing the products and services they offer on the Web. The Web is their information highway, it is where they all go to find what they are looking for and with so much information available on-click, it is hardly surprising that those businesses who didn’t make the digital transition some time ago, are now likely to be finding it very challenging indeed to attract new business through traditional methods alone. If you are looking for an SEO company in Hampshire, you have landed on the right website!

28) Tech Crack

TechCrack is a technology blog founded & managed by Romit Sharma. TechCrack is a destination that updates you about the latest technology by providing info on tech news, gadgets, how to’s, apps & softwares, gaming, business, marketing and much more… Our aim is to look for Tech In Every Thing. That’s why we say – Crack the Technology. There are different Categories as ‘Gadgets’ gives you info about new devices, phones, etc., ‘How To?’ category helps you by providing Tips and Tricks on various topics. In the ‘Apps & Tools’ category, you can find reviews of various apps & information on software tools, ‘Business’ category updates on business tips for startups & entrepreneurs who want to get knowledge on business-related topics and ‘Marketing’ category is there for all the marketers to read about different marketing tactics. Therefore, our target is providing you information about everything which relates to tech and we hope you would be satisfied by visiting this blog.

29) Newszii

Newszii finds news that can stimulate your senses. Newszii covers Trending Technology, Product Reviews, FinTech, Blockchain, Lifestyle, Education, Health, Travel news and videos.

30) JoomDev – A Joomla Resources & Tutorial Blog

JoomDev is a Joomla themes and extensions development agency. If you are looking for some really good Joomla resources like extension and templates or Joomla tutorials, you can check JoomDev’s official website or YouTube Channel.

31) Mighty Themes – WordPress Resources & Tutorial Blog

Mighty Themes is the WordPress themes and plugin development company developing really good themes. They recently launched a powerful widget plugin for Elementor page builder which increases the power of your designing tool. You can find amazing resources and tutorials on their official website.

32) RedBlink Technologies

RedBlink Technologies is uniquely suited to revolutionize your business and meet the upcoming challenges in the IT world. Their focus on maintaining and developing the unbeatable client satisfaction platform has created a business culture where each of their associates redeems the best approach every day. Their energetic geeks provide you the best, that genuinely speaks for the work they do.

33) TechDotMatrix

TechDotMatrix is centered on tech-news around the globe. At TechDotMatrix, they believe in taking their readers on a techy ride in topics ranging from the latest buzz in the technology world to the tutorials on how to make our lives simpler using technology.

34) Wakeupsales

Wakeupsales is a user-friendly cloud CRM suited for teams of all sizes. It is popularly used by sales teams across IT, real estate, digital agencies, online travel agencies, consulting, and professional services firms to maintain full control of their sales pipeline, improve deal closure rates & build lasting customer relationships.

35) CAD Pro

CAD Pro is excellent for quick and efficient work. Use Cad Pro daily in your construction office. The software has many options and design tools which accelerate the design process. Designs that would normally take hours with other software can be accomplished in a few minutes while using CAD Pro.

36) BlogDash

BlogDash has been helping brands and bloggers connect since 2011. Focusing on open communication and building real relationships, they created an easy-to-use Blogger Outreach Software platform to streamline communication between PR agencies/brands and bloggers. They, like you, have performed blogger outreach for a long time. They know a lot of time is involved in finding appropriate bloggers, gathering information, engaging with them, and finally pitching them. Their mission has been to simplify this process and turn blogger outreach into a viable PR mechanism for any brand.

37) Legal Reader

Legal Reader is devoted to protecting consumers. We take pride in exposing the hypocrisy of corporations, other organizations, and individuals whose actions put innocent people in harm’s way. They are unapologetic in their dedication to informing the public and unafraid to call out those who are more focused on profits than people’s safety.

38) CloudTalk

CloudTalk is a smart call center solution for support and sales teams. CloudTalk is an intuitive cloud-based call-center system that helps you provide your customers with superior customer support. It doesn’t matter if you have several busy operators or only receive calls occasionally. CloudTalk adapts to your needs and size.

39) Rapid River Magazine

Rapid River Magazine is the oldest and most read arts and culture magazine in WNC. Rapid River Magazine was founded in 1997 with the simple goal of producing a monthly publication promoting the arts while entertaining the reader. WNC holds many cultures and offers so much for those who live there as well as for those who visit.

40) JetRuby Agency

JetRuby Agency is a full-cycle web and mobile development company that’s been in the business since 2010. Their portfolio counts more than 100+ successfully developed projects for both startups and large corporations like GoPro and the Financial Times. They are big fans of Ruby, Ruby on Rails, React.JS, Ember.JS, Node.JS, Swift, Objective-C, Java, Kotlin, Spree Commerce, Solidus, Shopify and many others. Their goal is to help both young startups and mature companies like Financial Times implement their bright and innovative ideas as ultimate digital solutions. With teams competent in most of the IT fields, they are able to quickly adapt to new trends in development. Further, they follow the Agile methodology allowing them to deliver products within the deadline and limited budget.

41) Botsify

They provide a highly customizable platform to their local and international agencies as per their needs – considering you as their core customers. Not only you get to create multiple chatbots for your clients but you can also share it with them, brand them as your own and resell them to your customers.

42) Primaseller

Primaseller is a software product company that enables multi-channel commerce for a retailer. Their vision is to ensure that retailers are able to fulfill the needs of any consumer across the globe through all channels possible and maximize sales in the process. Retailers and online sellers across the world are experts in their trade and in understanding their customers, which is what they would want to focus on the most. Primaseller has been working on the inventory and order-management problems since 2013 in various experiments and models and has come to understand a unifying model for both offline and online retailers. They believe that no order should be missed and every customer, anywhere in the world who accesses you through any channel should be informed accurately of what you sell and how much of stock for that product do you have.

43) Just Entrepreneurs

At Just Entrepreneurs, they’re dedicated to finding interesting ways to champion and support entrepreneurs across all industries. They share interviews, articles, news, and more valuable content. Just Entrepreneurs is the perfect place to find innovative concepts, coupled with expertise from those who are pioneers in their sector.

44) DigiFloor

DigiFloor is the platform that shares information about All-D (all digital). One day when I was busy in solving one minor issue, I spent around 12 hours to find the solution. Lots of blogs, lots of material and so many phone calls!! But I failed to get the solution. It took more than 2 days to get the solution after a number of failed attempts. The problem was very minor and few small tweaks were the solution. This small incidence encouraged me to start a blog that shares such information. There are many people around the world facing a similar problem and seeking help. This is how DigiFloor came into existence.

45) Mike Brennan Art & Design

Mike Brennan is a New Jersey-based designer and illustrator. His artistic journey began as a boy in New York, where he would construct heartwarming greeting cards that lit up the faces of his family and friends. From an early age, he understood the importance of serving others through his art and bringing them value, an ethos still evident in his creative practice today.

46) Know And Ask

They have created a platform to learn something new every day, and if you know something worth sharing, let them also know and spread the knowledge. So Let’s Learn Together! The data available is easy to understand, quality, and it increases your knowledge.

47) MyLocal

They improve your online visibility and online credibility, so prospective customers can find you and like what they see.

48) Jootoor Designs

Jootoor Designs is a full-service Web Development company offering an extensive range of Internet services to businesses and organizations around the world. They specialize in web development, e-commerce, WordPress Design, Graphic Designs, Logo Designs, hosting, and more. Jootoor Designs industry leading team is at the forefront of pioneering results-driven Internet business solutions and technologies.

49) MindxMaster

Mindxmaster aims to give free knowledge to all the people. They have topics related to SEO, Digital Marketing, Website Designing, Startup and business activities, Social, Computer, Android, software applications, and much more.

50) 99 Robots

99 Robots is a results-driven, full-service digital agency specializing in online marketing, web design, and development. Whether its a product launch, management of advertising campaigns, or stunning website design, their team of marketing+tech experts can deliver beyond expectations. Praised for their hands-on approach, clients choose them to serve as an extension of their marketing or web technology team.

51) WP Pluginsify

WP Pluginsify was founded in September 2016 by Peter Nilsson. WP Pluginsify is a website dedicated to searching for the latest and greatest WordPress plugins. This website is a place to discover useful and great premium plugins. Their goal is to share their experience of WordPress through tips and articles about WordPress plugins. Their goal is to help all WordPress enthusiasts out there to make it easier to get started and working with WordPress like a pro.

52) City Book Pakistan

Citybook is a business listing and event submission company located in Lahore. They connect you to the businesses and events across Pakistan for free. They’ve been around in one form or another for more than 5 years, always with one goal in mind — helping local businesses compete and win.

53) The Kr Jaan

Learn about marketing, SEO, Social networking, blogging, reviews, backlinking, WordPress, & Getting More Traffic To Your Biz. Learn about many more, about everything with you want to create your world online.

54) FastFaceLikes

Whether you are looking to gain more customers, increase your online visibility, become more popular on social media, or boost your search engine ranking (SEO), when you buy online and social media marketing services, you are helping improve all of these opportunities. Increase your online credibility, customer confidence, achieve amazing business results, and many more! They provide services for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google, LinkedIn, Pinterest, SoundCloud, Spotify, TikTok, SEO (Website Traffic), and many more. They provide cheap website and social media marketing services. They are the best, fastest, and cheapest social media marketing agency, since 2012!

55) Shamsher Khan

Digital marketing trainer and consultant, having more than 5 years of experience as a digital marketer, blogger, affiliate, and lead generation expert. He is available to hire for online training and for workshop events.

56) Techtiplib

Created 2012, TechTipLib is a library of Technology blog, where you can find articles about Windows 7, Windows 8, Microsoft Office, Internet, Blogging tips, freeware for Windows, social networking tips and web apps, mobile phone tips, free apps (for iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows Phone), Firefox, Google Chrome and much more.

57) Taximail

Taximail is a platform that makes email marketing effective and suitable for all types of businesses.
Taximail is an email marketing platform that is a Thailand based service provider that delivers campaigns, newsletters, promotions, benefits, and more to more than 5,000 reputable organizations. You can manage the campaign easily and real-time results for your convenience. They believe that effective communication with customers can lead to increased sales for you.

58) Connect your World

Connect your World is an SEO company & Content Marketing agency from The Hague. They help you through the many steps required for a better findable website. Together they ensure a top position in Google on the keywords that are important to you. As a result, they will achieve predefined goals. For example, a goal could be:

  • Your website at the top in Google or on the 1st page
  • More relevant visitors to your website. Relevant visitors are visitors who take your product or service from you.

59) TechFeral

TechFeral offers you the best of information, lessons, and tutorials on technology, from emerging and innovative new companies, to smart and crazy domestic products, revolutionary technologies, and information on ICT (information and communications technology). It began to connect with technology and interesting business with reviews and occasional opinions about everything that happens on this side of the world. Their goal is to offer technology in the simplest way so that everyone can easily understand it.

60) HostNamaste

HostNamaste is the best Indian web hosting company around. They offer the best-in-class fast SSD Shared, Reseller, OpenVZ VPS, KVM VPS, Windows VPS, and Dedicated Servers for small and big websites across US, UK, India, and Russia. They endeavor to offer their clients the best services at competitive prices.

61) TakeFunnels

Brendan Hal, founder of TakeFunnels, over the past few years has been taken an interest in digital marketing. He has created this blog, to share his experiences and opinions about digital marketing. Oddly enough, up until two years ago, he has no experience in marketing at all. He went to university and got a degree in Electrical Engineering. He worked a full-time engineering job with the Government of Canada. Then suddenly he took an interest in digital marketing. Throughout his journey, he will be sharing everything he has learned and providing value to anyone else interested in digital marketing.

62) Soft Scribe LLC

Soft Scribe is an integrated solution provider, servicing clients nationwide, and in the US since 2005. They specialize in transcription, accounting and bookkeeping, data analytics, and digital marketing. Soft Scribe has a team of qualified, trained professionals with more than a decade of experience in providing cost-effective, reliable, and timely solutions for all business needs. They even provide expedited solutions for projects with quick turnaround time. The complete synergy between their Indian and US operations enables them to work seamlessly and communicate remotely.

63) Web Ignito

Every solution and needs are well researched to be optimized in a way that serves the right purpose to any project. They are so flexible, that all their pricing and packages can be customized based on the end solution. This is why they are the most cost-effective and affordable digital marketing service in India.

64) Active Web Group

Their considerable experience and expertise in the digital marketing landscape allows them to partner and guide your business to the next level of success. Active Web Group is a full-service Long Island digital marketing agency. What does that mean to you and your business? They are creative thinkers and doers who are in business with their clients; the business of creating a cross-channel campaign strategy to achieve measurable and sustainable online success.

65) Technology Aloha

Technology Aloha team is a group of talented and driven designers, developers, and marketing specialists. While they may be separated by land and sea (with team members from Hawaii to Utah), they are joined by their commitment to effective marketing strategies, excellent work, and productive partnerships. They work together as a team to support their clients by designing beautiful websites, executing strong social media strategies, and developing efficient business processes.

66) Thehotskills

Amazing blogs and articles about Web Design Inspiration, Tutorials, Tips & Tricks, UI/UX Design, Web Development, WordPress, Digital Marketing and keep yourself updated with the latest design trends and happenings around the world.

67) Marketix

Marketix is a Digital Marketing, SEO, and Google Ads agency based in Sydney, Australia. Marketix works with Small and Medium Enterprises in Australia to deliver industry-leading Digital Marketing, SEO, PPC, and Marketing Analytics services; bringing Enterprise Grade Results, Transparency, and Experience to SMEs.

68) Quality Tech Talk

Quality tech talk is a blog related to SEO, Blogging, Technology, and Business. Sudarsan Chakraborty, the founder of this blog, started this blog to share his experience with his readers. He always loves to write on various topics so he started this blog along with the other popular blogs.

69) Friends Impact Reviews

Friends Impact Reviews, all the latest ways to make money online and offline, through paying platforms and networks, business ideas, tips in choosing a particular business, how to manage such business, risks and awareness of such business, as well as choosing a good location, Finance needed to start any business and a whole lot more.

70) Black Dog Media

Black Dog Media provides in-depth and step-by-step guides, guidebooks, and articles about the technology around you. From Windows 10 and iOS to digital photography and Python coding, there is something new to learn for anyone interested in getting more from tech. All guides are written by expert tech writers, with many years of experience in helping consumers learn how to get the best from the software and gadgets in their lives.

71) Bloggersutra

Bloggersutra is providing the valued information about the WordPress content management system focusing WordPress themes, plugins, news, how-to as well as the site is covering the variety of topics including SEO, Marketing, and writing tips for the bloggers. We are analyzing the issues for the beginner WordPress developers as well as the tips and tricks about the issues which will be helpful for the visitors.

72) Laptopshowcase

Laptopshowcase is a site dedicated to bringing you the latest trends, updates, in depth reviews, technical articles like benchmark comparisons, and news on laptop. Their team is committed to keeping you up-to-date about models from HP, Dell, Apple, Lenovo, Acer, and more, and pick the best budget, ultraportable, and laptop PCs, featuring technological aspects. They help you navigate the Laptop ecosystem to find the products you want and the advice you need to get the job done.

73) WebContempo

WebContempo is a company that offers various web development services ranging from web design to web support. We are a team of highly qualified and skilled individuals capable of catering to different website-related needs of a client such as ensuring that a site is ready for any device, that follows the latest trends in web design into a project to keep it looking fresh and many more. In the past few years, we have worked on a lot of websites that require “grooming” and every one of our client’s expectations were met with precision and style.

74) Newsnblogs

Newsnblogs is a news and blogs website where you will find the latest news and blogs from Pakistan and around the world. Newsnblogs publish daily latest politics news, travel news, tech news, Fashion news, Sports news, and much more about Pakistan and the World.

75) Top Explainers

Top Explainers are sales-focused explainer videos that convey your message and don’t cost an arm and a leg. Clearly convey that you’re better than your competitors and persuade your clients 10x more effectively.


They provide web design, business photography & promo videos, logo & graphic design, SEO Services, Paid ADs & PPC, as well as many digital marketing services. See all their listed services on the home page.

77) Fuze SEO

Fuze SEO is a full-service Internet marketing agency that helps local, national, and international companies of all sizes grow through search engine optimization, content marketing, paid search marketing, social media, and integrated analytics.

78) Bowery Capital

Bowery Capital is an early-stage venture capital firm focused on entrepreneurs looking to modernize business through technology. Their blog has weekly posts about startup sales and hiring, as well as a weekly podcast featuring prominent tech entrepreneurs and revenue leaders discussing an array of startup sales topics.

79) iBrandStudio

iBrandStudio is launched in June 2010, as a place where our ideas and inspiration are drafted out into tutorials, freebies, and roundup of favorite links about brand design.

80) Money Buffalo

Money Buffalo helps you live on a small income by showing creative ways to save money and make money. Most of the content comes from personal experience with paying off debt and seeking financial freedom.

81) Omniconvert eCommerce Growth Blog

Omniconvert eCommerce Growth Blog was born back in 2013 when Valentin Radu, the CEO, has created one of the first A/B testing and Web Personalization tools at that time. Since then, the content has obviously gravitated around Conversion Rate Optimization topics, but gradually it migrated to a mix between CRO, Customer Experience, Customer Value Optimization, and eCommerce tips in general. The internal experience with their clients made the content even better and juicier over time. The blog is also a source of inspiration for Shopify merchants as they are planning to launch a lot of Shopify related articles.  If you are into learning more about how to stay on top of eCommerce, you definitely have to follow this blog.

82) Fluid Ads

Fluid Ads are fast becoming the go to SaaS platform for the full end-to-end management of Digital Display Advertising.
The Fluid Ads platform combines their award-winning Ad Builder with capabilities such as Remarketing, Geofencing, Product Retargeting and many more techniques. The Fluid Ads platform is a customer-centric tool enabling businesses of all sizes to take their digital advertising to the next step.

83) Cyrusson

Cyrusson’s sole purpose is to help everyday local businesses in today’s world of digital marketing and fun techie stuff that they might not be familiar with. They are here to provide you a solution to your marketing and business strategy needs. With them, your brand and market visibility will improve vastly.

84) Tourist Destinations

Jugoslav, a founder of Tourist Destinations, is a passionate travel blogger and his main life goal is to travel around the world. Exploring tourist destinations has always been on his mind so he chooses to study this field at the UNWE university in Sofia, Bulgaria where his major was the economy of tourism.

85) Speakt

Speakt is a fast-growing online translation provider based in the United Kingdom. They are able to provide high-quality professional human translations of over 35 languages and over 2000 language pairs. Over the years, they have successfully built a technology platform with an extremely user-friendly interface that has placed them among the leading language solution portal providers around the globe.

86) Ybierling

Yoann is an international consultant. He helps businesses implementing their international projects, facilitating exchanges between various cultures, specialties, streams, and technologies. He thrives in designing, improving, adapting, innovating, and making solutions work, to satisfy clients. He created to share his expertise. He worked more than 10 years in international business development, global supply chain perfection, financial optimization, SAP ERP project deployment, and Web based business support. He made business transformation possible in various industries, such as logistics, cosmetics, consumer goods, beauty care, or fashion, in many countries around the globe.

87) ClydeBank Media

ClydeBank Media is a publishing company composed of a small team of dedicated researchers, writers, editors, and designers based in Albany, NY. They believe that information, and access to information is the key to success. That’s why they’re committed to providing reliable, high-quality, and easily accessible information to their loyal customers all over the globe. They are a multi-media publishing company developed out of the need for beginner-friendly simplified learning content that is available when and where their readers need it.

88) Glenmont Consulting

Glenmont Consulting is a marketing consulting firm with a focus on small and mid-sized businesses. We specialize in growth-driven website builds, search engine optimization, video production, and content repurposing. Client sectors include insurance agencies, manufacturing, data collection tools, and e-commerce brands. Our blog features content on a plethora of digital marketing topics including ADA compliance, social media marketing, marketing automation, web design, sales tactics, industry-specific resources, and more.

89) Evergreen Digital Marketing

Evergreen provides expert advice and services that help businesses and organizations connect with their customers and achieve their goals. They challenge the typical ‘agency’ model, instead of working as your personal team of marketing experts. As a full-service marketing agency, they can lead and complete projects ranging from branding and messaging, website design and development, demand and lead generation, and local digital marketing.

90) Cifwep

Cifwep is a digital agency located in Nigeria. They, however, service clients around the world. It started operating in 2017. They have a small team of 8.

91) SCOPE Recruiting

They left successful careers in Supply Chain and Operations to start SCOPE Recruiting. They’ve assembled some of the best supply chain and operations recruiters in the industry in order to deliver outstanding results to their partners. Their hands-on experience and comprehensive understanding of the roles they recruit for, allow them to find better qualified candidates that match your specific needs.

92) Mom With Five

I am a woman. I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a blogger. Without the first two things, I couldn’t be the mother of five children. Without the first three ones, you wouldn’t read these lines here. Their order is important. It defines my place, and it expresses everything that I am. Mom With Five blog was born to be a place where we can be our authentic selves as parents: not perfect, but the most outstanding in our goodness. A dash of cooking & creative work, a dash of travel & culture, and a big dash of family.

93) Life Design Analysis

Life Design Analysis is a cloud-based sales and productivity software for insurance carriers, distributors and advisors.
Designed to increase revenue, save time and help automate compliance. Their goal is to help your clients understand their insurance.

94) Code Authority

They are a dedicated group of technical specialists that love what they do — and crush it everyday! They truly enjoy creating great technical products and Code Authority makes it a point to hire individuals that embody that passion. It shows in their work.

95) MageComp

MageComp is a headmost Magento Development Company. They are the supreme providers of Magento Extensions and Services since 2014. You can find valuable tutorials of Magento regularly on their site. Their high-tech certified developers are capable to give a solution to any technical complications. They release effective and worthful must-have Magento 2 Extensions for the effortless execution of the Magento store. Possessing a dedicated and hard-working team, the company is serving 25000+ customers.

96) eEuroparts® is one of the leading authorities in the field of OEM and aftermarket European auto parts industry. Right from the start, it was their sole mission to be the best in this business, building our reputation piece by piece. One of the reasons why they’re among the best is the fact that they’re all car enthusiasts. Their mission goes past simply finding the right parts you need and giving you the best shipping quotes.

97) Crystal Clear Communications

Work with partners who help you win. Tap their deep expertise in journalism, communications, and marketing. They bring you 60 years of practical, hands-on experience. 

98) Tenocation

This page is all about Tenocation Website and it’s founder. Tenocation is a smartphones website with apps, how-to guides, and reviews. An Inspiration to Technology – Tenocation. Tenocation is a growing technology blog. It’s one of the best places for finding articles based on Smartphones, Apple, Android, iOS, Samsung, HTC, Nokia, Sony, App Store, Google Play Store, and smartphone comparisons. Tenocation was started back in 2010, using Blogspot Platform.

99) GraphicDesignJunction

GDJ is leading in design and inspiration showcase Junction for web designers and developers daily resources and premium web design and development platform. GraphicDesignJunction will be providing interesting design news and free downloads, created as world moving forward, Daily Resources for Designers and Developers.

100) Mindful Travel Experiences

Through their travels, they discovered many things about life, different cultures, awareness, and the environment. They have a particular preference for two things: nature and outdoor activities, along with discovering the culture of different countries. Being in 30 countries so far, they found through these travel experiences that numerous things connect people and cultures.

“Mindful Travel Experiences” absolutely represents what they understand for life and traveling for the future. That name is more than a name. It is an incentive, a goal, and a constant reminder of their desired way of living.

101) Carpathy

Carpathy is changing the way people take care of their cars. They provide a better and easy way for you to book various services for your car with just a few clicks. Focussed on providing the best services, they are now available throughout Delhi NCR. Quality and reliability are the key drivers of their products and service. They believe your car deserves to be as healthy and toned as you are. They deserve the same love and affection as you do. They strive to make their service more accessible so anyone can free up their time to do what they love.

102) WebPeak SEO Tools

WebPeak is a complete SEO and Marketing SaaS, with more than 1,300,000 users of the technology in the world. It works with a solid and complete database, with integrations and metrics of tools such as Majestic, Moz, Alexa, Google Analytics, Search Console, Facebook, Ads, Meu Negocio, and three website crawlers. Marketers are able to find more opportunities, exercise growth hacking, all of this thinking about sponsored campaigns, but mainly, in the strategies of SEO (organic search).

103) AsOne Business Development

With AsOne, decades of expertise is available to you for less than the cost of an employee, with proven successes in a plethora of sectors & industries. Whether your digital marketing needs boosting, your website needs work or you need guidance on your digital strategy, you’ll find what, how and why they can help below.

104) FounderJar

Welcome to FounderJar, where you help people turn their skills and passion into blogging businesses earning them at least $10,000 per month. They aim at empowering 10,000 readers and guiding them through the stages of building their online businesses. Like many, they grew up knowing that they needed to study hard, get a job, earn a salary and get kids, all while saving and looking forward to retirement. They believed it. And they worked hard to achieve it. Now they know better. Life can definitely be more meaningful than that.

105) Mountain Mojo Group

Mountain Mojo Group is a different kind of marketing agency. They begin all of their projects with research driven strategy, establishing where your business is currently positioned, where you’d like your business to go and how it is that they can help get you there! They love what they do and they love bringing success to their clients by offering unique access to a tremendous amount of resources throughout the Southwest.

106) TEMOK

In business since 2014, they’re a cohesive team of developers, technicians, marketing specialists, and design professionals. Headquartered in Dubai, UAE with offices in the UK, USA, and several other countries, they’re positioned to provide top-quality service and value to their fast-growing global clientele of 8000+ and counting.

107) FreeeUp

The FreeeUp Marketplace recruits, interviews, and vets hundreds of freelancers and agencies each week, only allowing in the top 1% of applicants onto the platform. FreeeUp was built as a time-optimized, low turnover marketplace in response to the headaches other systems cannot break free form. Today, FreeeUp boasts top freelancers and agencies offering over 65 different skill sets ranging from $5 – $75/hour. Over 5,000 businesses have registered and are hiring through FreeeUp. More than a hiring marketplace, FreeeUp also gives great advice on remote work to business owners and freelancers.

108) MyCoolBin

My Cool Bin is one-stop for the coolest stories from all over the world. The site is born out of our passion for innovative gadgets and autos.

109) Tales From Home

Tales From Home is an ever growing story about making life better. They are devoted to promoting lifestyles, products, and habits which help people achieve their dreams and live happy positive lives. If you feeling a little bit lost right now in life, you’re in the perfect place right this moment!

110) Ricky Wang

Ricky Wang is an up and coming digital marketer and entrepreneur based in Texas. On his blog, he writes to readers about growing a profitable online business without any prior professional experience. Ricky also promotes different business models such as dropshippingAmazon FBA, and a variety of side hustles as legitimate ways to create an online business. When he’s not growing his blog or connecting, you can find him pretty much anywhere just trying to get the perfect handstand.

111) Startupily

Safwan Khan is the founder of Startupily. Startupily is a platform for entrepreneurs seeking useful business articles, resources, and tools to start and grow their business. Being a business owner, he found it difficult to get access to important business documents, resources, and books that would help him start a business. There is so much information that it can get overwhelming and confusing at times. For these reasons, he compiled all the important tools and resources that one can get access to under one platform.

112) WECAN

The goal of WECAN Magazine is to help women overcome the unique obstacles we face as entrepreneurs and small business owners while providing the knowledge you need to run a successful business. It can be difficult to stay confident and rise above when the business world doesn’t always take what we set out to do seriously. With the right resources and know-how, however, #WEcan succeed.  

113) Windows Classroom

WindowsClassroom is a tutorial blog having maximum information about Windows OS. This is your final destination to solve any problems regarding Windows OS, Internet, browsers, etc. So come to us with your problems and go with their solutions.

114) DownloadStatus

Download status is the place where you can download all sorts of video statuses from Bollywood and other sources. Be it love status or sad status. Be it old songs or new dance tune videos. Whether you are heartbroken or just started a new relationship, we have video status for all possible occasions. Just browse our categories and find the video that suits you, just upload it to Whatsapp and impress your near and dear ones.

115) WHR Marketing LTD

WHR Marketing LTD is an Online Digital Marketing Agency providing Expert, Affordable SEO Services for Small Business. We also help entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes grow online.

WHR Marketing provides SEO and White-Label SEO Reseller Services to clients and customers worldwide.

116) OptimizeMyFirm

People from OptimizeMyFirm are a team of industry experts who closely monitor SEO trends and implement effective strategies for our clients. We focus our efforts on helping ethical, client-centered personal injury law firms outrank their competition. 

They work with both large firms and solos, but they only work with lawyers that they know they can help.

117) Coinfomania

Coinfomania is an independent cryptocurrency and blockchain-focused news publication launched in July 2018 to cover daily news and updates, analysis, guides, reviews, opinions, and other related topics on cryptocurrencies.

We provide timely news updates about Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, as well as their underlying blockchain technology. Coinfomania strives to provide accurate, reliable, and high-quality content to crypto investors and enthusiasts in the industry.

118) All Points Digital 

All Points Digital helps brands innovate and evolve. Comprised of passionate and dedicated marketing professionals, the digital marketing agency takes a collaborative mindset when working with clients of all sizes to achieve their goals. There is no one size fits approach to digital marketing, so the team takes an omnichannel approach to deliver a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. APD strongly believes that a connected world is best served by connected thinking and incorporates that approach in their marketing initiatives.

119) Financegab 

Financegab is an amazing source of highly valuable content in personal finance, insurance, investment, tax planning, stock market and mutal fund fields. This blog covers finance flows in USA, Europe and is one of the best personal finance blogs in India as well!

120) Webiscuits

We are about delivering results for our valued clients. We are committed to helping your business thrive and gain a competitive edge over your competitors.

121) ClicData

ClicData helps business managers and leadership understand what is business intelligence, data analytics, data visualization, and how to face the challenges of becoming a data and KPI-centric business across all industries (healthcare, retail, e-commerce, consulting, hospitality, technology, and more). They share actionable advice and expert tips on how to leverage your company data to make better decisions and ultimately grow your business. ClicData also speaks to a more technical audience such as Business and Data Analysts with advanced data security and data analytics topics such as how to use ETL tools to make complex or incomplete data actionable, how to use BI for big data analysis, or using machine learning or AI to improve business intelligence software. They have been in the BI niche since 2009 which gives them the authority to give you meaningful insights if you’re into data and business analytics. 

122) Newoldstamp

Newoldstamp – is an email signature management and marketing platform perfect for mid-sized businesses, enterprises, and teams. Quick and simple signature set up for all company employees that doesn’t require involving Tech or Design Teams.
Newoldstamp Blog is a useful resource to learn about email marketing. There are also a lot of tips and tricks about email signatures, especially how to use them in your company emails. Newoldstamp blog provides only unique and valuable articles based on real cases and examples.

123) Fly Plugins

Fly Plugins is the development company behind the first and most widely-trusted learning management system (LMS) plugin for WordPress, WP Courseware. Their company is committed to helping people leverage technology to share their knowledge online and they regularly blog about online course creation and related topics.

124) RexTheme

RexTheme provides you with complete guides and how-to articles. You can learn about WooCommerce, Virtual Reality, and social media marketing. It doesn’t matter if you’re a newcomer or an experienced veteran, RexTheme has useful content for you. There are guides on very basic topics and how-to blogs on solving advanced problems. They want to help all readers of their focused topics, so they ensure producing informative content for everyone.

125) Accutrac Capital

No matter your circumstance, they have the financial resources to finance even the most complex situation. Whether you are a start-up, a high growth company or a business in transition, they can help with easy qualification, cost-effective financial solutions, and convenient high-value services.

126) Dime Saved

A Dime Saved is the personal finance blog to turn to if you are a millennial mom on a budget! Robyn is an unabashedly poor mother who is raising a family on a dime. Follow her for ideas on how to raise your kids and create a happy home on a very tight budget


Digital Branding

How Is SEO an Important Factor to Determine Good Content from Bad Ones?

SEO or search engine optimization determines if your content appears on the most searched or your content is lacking way behind.  Google, for example, has come up with algorithm updates to determine good content from the bad ones and if you leave it to google and if your content is anything from brilliant it will not appear on the most search pages of the web. If you want your content to appear on the top, then you should come up with content that is nothing but brilliant and captivates the reader. Google algorithm updates are it pigeon or panda has the ability to separate the good content from the bad ones. Let us learn more of the seven types of Google algorithm updates 

For more information about this, you can get in touch with ChicagoSEO professionals. 

Goggle panda updates

Google panda might be the first to strike. This update separates good content from bad ones, and if you want to end up on the top, then the quality of your content should be anything but brilliant.

What prompts panda?

The content: the first thing is the content, and the number of words on the pages viewed by the user is important 

 Low quality: the quality of the content is very important. If the user has a bad experience visiting your site either because of the content like photos, grammatical mistakes, and designs that could lead to distraction, these are reasons enough why a user would never visit your site again 

Meaningless content: another reason what google would check is how helpful your content has been to the user. Copied content is not tolerated by Google, and they are frowned upon

Copied content: Google frowns upon the copied text, and they don’t promote copied content .much of the updates would check on the originality of the content.

Original content: original content is very important, and goggle panda too would appreciate original content. Google panda promotes original content. If the content is original, it lands up in good ranks in google panda. Hence it is essential to come up with original materials rather than copying from other websites.

Google penguin updates

The second one to strike after google panda is google penguin. This update is a little different than google panda, but it has many similarities too.

What prompts penguin?

Buying of links: it’s an absolute no to buy links.  For the exchange of money, it is absolutely a violation of google webmaster guidelines to acquiring links that pass the Page Rank.

Text available on the backline: another reason why it’ll look like to google that you’re trying to improve your rankings is when the text is similar everywhere. When the text is similar google will prompt it as copying and trying to improve rankings  

Not up to par links: low-quality links will harm your webpage and rank low in google.

Google pigeon

Google separates the local search from the traditional web search. Google uses two algorithms to search but in order to change this google updated this, by co-operating the two together and this resulted in the website ranking that is based on the distance from the user and the business location.

Google hummingbird

The era of the semantic search was started by the hummingbird. Unlike panda and penguin, the reason for hummingbirds is not to improve website ranking, the whole purpose of a hummingbird is to reform search in itself. Hummingbird would like to improve the search by asking the audience the intent of their search and the algorithm was made such that it returns back materials based on the intent of the users.

Google payday loan

Google payday loan started out in 2013 when google decided to keep a check on pornographic, high interest and online live casino Singapore and others similar to them. This Google update keeps a check on the high-risk SEO sites. This has been beneficial in helping to curb the pornographic sites and high-interest loan sites.

Google mobile-friendly update

Google started a mobile-friendly search algorithm, and it was a success, and more people were using their mobile phones to search for particular subjects that interest them. The mobilegeddon was started in2015, and it didn’t see the light of the day until 2018. The mobile-friendly update is the latest thing, and it’s here to stay. 

Google Fred

There are numerous freds. The small update which is created in the google search algorithm daily is called fred.

What prompts the Fred?

Aggressive advertisement: the reason why user visit website basically is because fred helps the websites that choose content over ad revenue 

Thin content: if users find their content elsewhere then fred would award the other website too


Therefore, we can see that google updates are really essential in SEO, and the better the content they search for it too arise in google too. Through the Google search algorithm updates, we see that there are seven updates with its own uses and ways to improve ranking in the search. It is to be noted that in the penguin and panda both these updates talk about rankings in the search category but what’s beneficial is that they give about the reason why the web pages are not doing well in the search, and also it tells us the reason as to why these updates are prompted on particular webpages. All the updates are important, and they are beneficial in their own ways. 


Finally, to conclude, we can say that the google search algorithm updates are essential for SEO as it helps the user in so many ways. With the help of these algorithms, users have a better result in their search. Like for example, a hummingbird update would help users find their content on the intent of their search, while the mobile-friendly updates would help in optimizing content to the size of the mobile phones. Each of the updates has its own features which would help the users in their own ways.