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6 Steps On How To Start Your Own Video Production

The Internet has rapidly gravitated to creative video. There are few websites now that don’t incorporate some type of video into the mix, and it’s much more cost-effective than how the big television networks used to do things. A simple “nobody” can reach celebrity status with just one good video. Bearing that in mind, here’s how you can start your own video production company in a way that’s economical and less stressful for you.

1. Create a Website

Your video production company will need a website. No matter what area of video production you’re working in or how elaborate it’s going to be, it needs a website so that it can reach out to prospective customers. It’s that simple. Any kind of business or even personal venture that you want to share with others can be shared via a website. The world is watching.

2. Name and LLC

The name of your website should be the name of your company if possible. If it’s not possible, pick something as close to the name of your company as you can get. Your company name is probably the single most important part of your reputation. It needs to be a name people can easily remember and associate with the heart of your mission. You’ll also want to legally file the company as an LLC or get a lawyer who can help you take care of the paperwork. Start a business bank account, and also look into business insurance.

3. Rent Equipment

Most new video production startups prefer to rent equipment rather than buy. The reason for this is pretty obvious. Quality video equipment is often so expensive to buy that you likely won’t have enough money right off the bat to buy the best of the best video equipment, but you can rent the equipment, make a profitable video with quality equipment, and then later on when you’ve got a lot of money, you can buy.

4. Portfolio Online

Keep a portfolio of your videos online. If you’ve only shot a couple of videos, that’s completely okay. Show them examples of your best stuff. All startups have a point where they’re spread thin on content. It’s at this stage that you could even create a couple of videos just to showcase your abilities. You never know. Sometimes those first videos will become your most memorable of all.

5. Video Production Gear

What kind of background do you want? Do you have to hire actors? How about lighting? You’re going to need to either rent or buy video production gear. If you’re starting a video production company, you likely have a background in this subject, but if you’re just a freelancer, for now, you might want to research what kind of production gear you need to make your videos the best they can be. Every project is going to differ, and efficiency will figure into just how much money you make in your bottom line. Create a list of video production gear you’ll need for your first 10 videos. Go from there.

6. Invest in a Go-to Camera

A base camera is at the heart of every good video production company. You’re going to need that base equipment whenever inspiration hits and you feel like you have a good idea for a video on hand. Sometimes there isn’t time to rush out and rent the equipment. You need it now. The more content you have on your website, the better. Mirrorless cameras are popular right now, as are 4K cameras. You can customize your base camera and always have it ready to go when you want to capture something for your audience.

If you follow all of these brief tips on how to start your own video production company, you’re going to be mightily happy about the results. Soon you’ll have your business accounts up and running, your website will start to get visitors, and your audience is going to grow daily. Hiring a good SEO company to optimize your website is sometimes a wise decision as well, as your Internet reach will in large part determine your success when starting a Brisbane Video Production Goliath.

Digital Branding

How HubSpot Inbound Marketing and its robust CRM helps to build Strong Customer Relations?

Building a strong relationship with your customers is an essential phase of business. If you can satisfy your customer’s demands, it can be said that you are near the closing phase to achieve success and generate revenue. 

Organizations prefer to use different marketing tools to maintain strong customer relations. These tools help to organize business strategies and enhance the marketing approach by focusing on customers’ interests.

Every company looks for the tool to optimize their tasks, manage the information, track customers’ interests and be on top of this competitive world. 

Mail Chimp, HubSpot, Google Analytics, Trello, KISS metrics, etc are the most used marketing tools. From all the above, HubSpot- all in one marketing tool commonly used for the purpose of sales, marketing, and customer services. More than 1500 companies are using HubSpot in approximately 90 countries. Because of its popularity, you can understand there are a lot of HubSpot alternatives as well.

Source: HubSpot

Are you a business person or a marketer? If yes! Then you might have heard about HubSpot inbound marketing tool and its robust features that attract the marketers most.

HubSpot Marketing is totally based upon the inbound strategy and it uses the inbound methodology for any marketing automation.

Let’s have a glimpse idea about an inbound marketing strategy. 

Today, Inbound marketing is leading the business world as it is the best way to attract, delight, and engage clients. By using HubSpot inbound holistic strategy, you can easily build trust to enhance your business revenue and convert your potential customers into leads.

Are you currently using any marketing tool to nurture your customers and manage your business activities? Are you the one who wants to develop trusted relationships by engaging more with the customers?

HubSpot’s inbound marketing platform will definitely fulfill your desires as it is considered the hidden gem in developing a better relationship with customers.

HubSpot CRM termed (Customer relationship management) is a sales automation tool that helps in accelerating your company revenue by managing your organizational details.

In this target-based world, most organizations prefer to go for Free services to proliferate their ROI. Are you the one who gets attracted to FREE! FREE! FREE!

Close your eyes, migrate to HubSpot, and start learning its CRM functions.

Let’s evaluate more about HubSpot CRM.

There are robust features of HubSpot CRM that makes it identical to other management and customer relationship tool.

As per the survey conducted by TechNewsWorld, more than 500 organizations are using HubSpot CRM over other contact management tools to realize their goals and achieve business success.

Source: TechNewsWorld

HubSpot CRM Divergent Features

Let’s take a look at its identical features which grab the attention of marketers towards itself over other customer service tools. 

SalesForce Automation

Automating the activities is an easy and quick way to complete your task. It will save your company time, drive growth and reduce your efforts. 

WANNA! Automate your marketing services

HubSpot CRM has an inbuilt automation feature which makes it different from other management tools. 

This feature helps you to manage sales opportunities, sales pipeline of individuals, business tasks and activities. You can also assign the due dates directly from google calendars with just a click.

We all know that Emails are the most common way to communicate with customers. Instead of sending individual emails to customers, you can create contact-based workflows to generate automatic emails to notify your customers and interact on a daily basis. 

HubSpot CRM is a centralized tool that helps to easily store, manage and view customers details from anywhere. You can also do the amendments and manage your customer’s contacts effectively. 

Customer Support

The primary objective of the organization is to manage the customer’s information in such a way that they do not have to face any difficulty while maintaining content and get notified with updated information. 

Do you wish the same? 

HubSpot CRM will assist you to manage call script, track the customer’s issues and deliver a proper response to clients for clearing their doubts. 

It is essential to optimize customer support as it will help you to become a good marketer. By using the Support analysis feature of HubSpot you can analyze various customer support activities such as customer experience, ways to deal with difficult situations, etc. to gain in-depth knowledge about customers’ interest.

Once, you are able to evaluate the customer’s interest, you can build deeper relationships with the client by providing informative and good quality content. 

Reporting and Analytics

Tracking your sales revenue plays a significant role in generating business productivity. 

Till now, I can’t visualize any tool which provides both reporting and analytics feature with other management tasks other than HubSpot. 

However, HubSpot CRM will help you to evaluate your sales revenue projections via forecasting, reporting, and dashboard feature. By using this feature you can create ad-hoc reports to maintain your company’s informative data. 

Dashboard feature of HubSpot CRM helps you to keep a glance at your website performance, its Likes, dislikes, etc. 

Therefore, you can easily evaluate whether your customers are interested in availing of your services or not. 


It is another feature of HubSpot which makes it dissimilar from other tools.

Currently, organizations that are unaware of this feature are still finding a way to get more traffic from social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram being on the marketing platform because there are near about 2.32 billion potential customers who are currently active on Facebook. 

HubSpot is the best marketing tool that integrates itself with other social networking sites. Once you integrate social sites with HubSpot, you can directly import the client’s information from one platform to another in a structured form. It will further improve your system functionality.

Currently, using other sales marketing tools for building customers’ trust? Worried about how to migrate with HubSpot CRM?

Fear not. 

HubSpot CRM provides the feature of integrating with other customer service and sales management tools such as Salesforce. 

You just need to follow the steps to install the HubSpot- Salesforce integration or to connect your Facebook ads to HubSpot.

Templates, and scheduling

HubSpot also includes the characteristic feature of making email templates scheduling. This feature helps you to arrange your organizational activities such as meeting with your clients, lead and campaign management, etc. appropriately. 

HubSpot CRM helps you in creating deals, tasks, and contact insights to build a better relationship with your customers without paying a single penny. 

Till today I didn’t find a tool that can perform all such activities at one particular place. I believe that it is the best way to grow your business sales without making any compromise with time and cost. 

Due to all these alarming features of HubSpot CRM, It gets the Top-1 CRM software product award and also the best CRM software in the 2018 award from finances online

Source: finances online

All these divergent features of the HubSpot platform will help to provide relevant content to the customers at the right time appropriately. 

How HubSpot CRM helps small business?

Now, let’s run down to the benefits that small businesses can reap by using HubSpot CRM. 

  • Provides plenty of Free services
  • Social media integration to successful outreach to generate more traffic.
  • Website integration to notify your leads
  • Centralize and manage data at one place
  • Helps to track prospect activity
  • Keep track of communication, services, and products.
  • Helps to get real-time updates
  • Forecast your sales process
  • Organize the contact information of your clients, etc.

By availing all these benefits, you can upgrade your customer retention rate by offering better services to your potential customers. 

Additional Information

Including all these features, HubSpot- Marketing tool provides some additional services which will help your team members in performing business tasks more accurately, effectively and efficiently. 

Pay little and get more!

HubSpot is the only tool that provides a lot of services at such an affordable price.

Take a look at the HubSpot CRM Pricing plan.

HubSpot Plan Cost 
HubSpot CRM FreeFree 
Starter$50 per month 
Professional$400 per month
Enterprise$1200 per month

Being a HubSpot user, I recommended you to avail HubSpot Sales Hub features for managing more specific elements of your campaign and improve the connection with your desired customers. Furthermore, it can be said that-

The more your Pay, the better you Get!

Final Remarks

Without any traces of doubt, one can say that HubSpot CRM is the precious gem of HubSpot Inbound Marketing and Sales automation tool. 

To generate more clicks in the first go, Use HubSpot CRM because, in this dynamic world, it is the only tool by which business leaders and marketers can perform various tasks at one centralized place. 

Therefore, to run in the race of the marketing world and reach on the curve, you need to predict the top 5 social media marketing tactics as it will help you to define and outreach your customer’s interest in 2019.

By looking at the trends and interests of persona- it can be said that execution, formation, management, and organization of content are essential as it helps you to understand, measure, monitor, identify, map and nurture your leads to enhance your marketing, sales, and services process in a collaborative form.

I hope all the defined facts and figures are sufficient to support how HubSpot, especially HubSpot CRM, helps marketers to build an acquaintance with their customers who are going to be their sales promoters in 2019.

About the author

Usman Raza is the co-founder of a Christian Social Media Agency and marketing strategist working with various brands online. Usman is the content marketing manager at SeedX Inc in Los Angeles, Best PSD to WordPress, and Nano Hearing Aids. He is devoted to helping small businesses bridge success gaps by providing in-depth, actionable advice on digital marketing, SEO, and small business growth. Follow him on Twitter @usmanintrotech.

Digital Branding

Content Creation for SEO, the Step by Step Guide for Creating Content That Ranks

The biggest digital marketing buzzword of the recent ages has to be “content is king.” While most of the time I don’t agree with buzzwords, in this case, it’s not far from the truth, especially when it comes to SEO. There are many factors that go into ranking your website, chief among them being links and content. When all the foundational factors are taking care, like robot.txts and site maps, content and links will be the reason for most of your SEO progress. In this article, we’re going to break down how to write content for SEO.


The first step of content creation is not content creation at all. Most people get excited and think of a bunch of topics they think would be fun to write about. The sad truth is that this is a sure way to end up writing a ton of articles that get zero traffic. The first step of any campaign should be keyword research.

Targeting the right keywords

When doing keyword research you want to make sure you focus on revenue-generating keywords. Stay away from keywords that start with “what is” because this is someone who is at the very early stages of the research process. You want to target these eventually, but in the beginning, you want to focus on “buyers keywords” that will drive revenue sooner than later.

The tools you can use to find these keywords are either Google Keyword Planner or Keywords Everywhere Google Chrome extension. Both of these tools will give you ideas and search volume for keywords.

Competitive Research

Before you begin writing about your given topic, go search that keyword and see what’s currently out there. You want to know what you’re competing with. Make note of what they may have not discussed, and go into more detail on whatever they already did discuss.

This can help you create better content that both search engines and the visitors will respond well to. You want to gauge the authority of the website as well, per the Moz tool. This will give you an idea of how difficult it will be to rank for.

Writing the Content

When it comes to writing SEO content, there are a few things you will want to keep in mind.

Focus on One Topic

Many SEO’s make the mistake of trying to stuff many different keywords into one article in the hopes of ranking for them all. This usually causes the opposite to happen. What you want to do instead is focus on one keyword and create an in-depth article on that one topic. Google prefers articles that are specific over ones that are general. This is also the case for your readers. As you notice so far, what’s good for the searcher, is good for the search engine.

Think about it this way, if you write an article about Ferraris that mentioned red Ferraris, then you may rank for red Ferrari. But you won’t outrank the guy who focused solely on the red Ferrari if all other things are equal (onsite and offsite optimization).

Focus on Conversions

One thing you want to make sure you do in your articles is to include your service or product. Whether it’s off in the sidebar or at the end of the post, you want to make sure you provide yourself as a solution. Many business owners write great content and forget to convert the traffic, thus losing out on huge revenue.

Don’t Sweat the Keywords

One thing you don’t have to worry about is keyword density. Google knows how to spot an expert by focusing on semantics. As long as you use key phrases related to those topics in a natural fashion, you will rank for it. The only place you want to make sure to include the target keyword is in the headings. 

Write Consistently

One of the things that you want to do is get on a consistent schedule of writing. While this may not be a part of the algorithm, this is important for you to start seeing results. Keep up the writing and use these tips to rank them on page 1! 

About the Author

Sean Dudayev is the Founder of Frootful Marketing who is passionate about all things related to business growth. After selling his first company, he chose to take what he’s learned and help other entrepreneurs scale their start-ups to the next level.

Digital Branding

What is VPN? Significant Benefits of VPN

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a means of connecting different networks that are separate from the internet. This implies that users can send and receive data across both public and joint networks while protecting the confidentiality of their data. The technology was invented to increase privacy and security as well as allow private users to easily access corporate resources and applications.  While using a VPN, the user is assured of security since the private network connection is encrypted with a tunneling protocol. Furthermore, the authentication methods that include certificates or passwords enable the user to privately access the network.

Two of the most popular VPNs right now are ExpressVPN and Surfshark. Check out this Surfshark vs ExpressVPN comparison article to know more about them.

In the current digital age where most businesses and corporations rely on technology to send vital data over networks, security is of grave concern because public networks now pose a real threat.  Notably, your internet service provider can monitor your every move unless your internet activity is secured. The way to do this is to hire companies that have certified engineers like ProsNet Hervey Bay to offer VPN technology that protects online activities by ensuring confidentiality. In particular, VPN technology provides numerous benefits to users including advanced security, reliable costs, remote access, confidentiality, and anonymity. 

With such a variety, the option to use a VPN is increasingly getting center stage as the ‘private scope of computer communications’ as proven by the following advantages.

1. VPN enhances your online security

When surfing the internet, your data remains secure when you use a VPN to connect to a network. This implies that you are assured of safety and privacy since third parties such as government operators and hackers cannot access it. On the other hand, when you connect to the internet through a public Wi-Fi, VPN masks your real IP address in a way that keeps potential intruders at bay. On the other hand, failure to use a Virtual Private Network can expose your passwords and personal information since your internet service provider can be able to log on to your network.  

2. VPN provides remote access

Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) gives you the freedom to access all your information remotely. This means that the productivity of your business is not interfered with, whether you or your workers are present at your workstation or not. With this technology, you can comfortably work from any location because the technology does not confine you to your home or office.

3. VPN reduces your overall expenditure

When you decide to use a VPN network, you become less concerned about surveillance and network setup that your internet service provider launches. Without a VPN, this can cost you a fortune since the option to use a service provider alone cannot guarantee the privacy of your data and can result in extra pay for data encryption. However, using a VPN service provider gives you the option to choose from a range of packages designed to suit your immediate needs. This implies that you can now pay a reduced fee to send or receive encrypted data.  

At the same time, you can use VPN technology to purchase cheap plane tickets that are limited to a particular location. Considering that most reservation centers and airline operators offer a variety of prices depending on the country one is from, using a VPN can help you save on the cost. The move requires you to look for a location with a low cost of living compared to where you reside. Afterwards, by connecting to a VPN, you can change your IP address to imitate that locality hence earning yourself a cheap ticket to your intended destination. This ploy also works for other charter services thus reducing your overall expenditure.

4. VPN provides anonymity

Compared to other networks, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows you to surf the internet without the fear of being traced. This is because the network guarantees you, anonymity given when accessing any applications or websites.  By masking your IP address to make it look like you are operating from another country, you can have maximum internet access, even in geographic regions where such content is restricted. The technology facilitates your admittance to blocked websites regardless of internet censorship in your location.   

5. VPN boosts your browsing speeds 

Using a VPN allows you to increase the bandwidth and efficiency of the network to your preference. However, the speed of the VPN is often determined by the momentum of the connection you use to access the VPN server. This means that your business can operate at profound speeds and consequently increase the level of your service delivery. Once a Virtual Private Network solution is implemented, you will be able to undertake your daily activities without the fear of outsiders accessing your data. As a result, you will exert all your energies on the core objectives of your business such as making profits and better performance.

Designing your website
Digital Branding

4 Essential Tips in 2019 for Improving Your Web Design

Continuously improving your web design is important to keep your website relevant. Design can literally make or break your website, and it’s one of the most crucial phases in web development. In simpler words, you are supposed to plan it all out properly and make sure nothing goes wrong because even a single mistake in your website design can cost you a lot. You see, according to the statistics, your website’s design can make more than 30% difference in your conversions, so if you really want more and more people to click on your site and stick to it, then all you have to do is to focus on web designing.

The issue with web designing is that its trends keep changing with time. One moment it’s one thing that should matter for you, and the very next moment, what’s important changes. Keeping up with the changing trends can be difficult, but don’t worry because today we are here with some essential tips that can really come in handy for you when you are committed to improving your website design.

Maximize your internet speed

1- The Speed Of Your Site

The very first thing to fix is the speed of your site. It shouldn’t be slow at all because if it is, you’ll end up losing more audience than you can ever imagine. You need to understand once and for all that people don’t have the kind of time to stick to a website that’s too slow. If your site takes a lot of time to load, your audience will automatically shut it down and look for some other site that loads fast and responds quickly. So, don’t ever overlook this factor and make sure to do all you can to improve your site’s speed because it really does matter a lot.

2- Responsiveness

The second most important thing is the responsive web design of your site, and if it’s not responsive, you can really lose a lot of customers. This is because people nowadays use their mobile phones more to access different websites. If you won’t cater to these phone users, you’ll lose all of your following, which is the last thing on Earth that you’d want to happen. In a nutshell, if you want your site to be successful, then all you have to do is to make sure that it can open up on any device and any mobile.

3- Keep It Simple

People don’t like fancy visuals that are nothing but a distraction, and fancy visuals are no good for your website, either so you keeping it all simple can be more effective. Try finding that fine line between unique and simple and then use it on your website. A lot of people think that using shiny and glittering visuals can help them make their website more attractive, which isn’t always true. You need to keep the design as simple and unique as possible.

Content is king

4- Good Content

Good content is the most important thing of all, and you should take this very seriously. Believe it or not, if the content on your site isn’t good enough, people won’t ever come back to you, and they will probably never even look at your site again. It’s not only the people, in fact, even Google will kick you out of the search engine rankings if you don’t upload quality content. Hire a good writer, write things that really matter to you and your business and then publish it all.

Conclusion: Improving Your Web Design

These are some of the basic essential tips to follow in 2019 for improved web design. Use these tips, and we assure you that you’ll end up with a higher conversion rate than ever, and you’ll be happy with the outcome.

magento 2
Digital Branding

How You can Migrate the Product Data Easily with the Help of Magento 2 Import/Export Extensions?

Chances are, you are going round and round in a circle to find a thing that can help you migrate from one platform to another. The major problem is, even if you find such a thing, it should be able to do things quickly and without much effort. This particular concern can be resolved by Magento 2 import export categories extension. With the help of this Magento 2 bulk categories import/export, it is possible to migrate product data, product attributes, product reviews, wishlist products, and categories at a swift pace. With its help, you can effortlessly customize your data, which would make your store up and running without wasting any time.

There is always a sort of discomfort associated with change because it makes us feel uncomfortable. However, you might have heard the proverb “Change is the only constant.” Once you have an eCommerce store to manage, change becomes an integral part of your life. In case you are looking to migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2, it is essential to manage your product data efficiently. If you go for the manual mechanism, it can take a lot of time. And if there is any mistake, it can have a disastrous effect on the SEO performance of the website, customer experience, and conversion.

Let’s now look at the simple mechanism to migrate products from one platform to another with the help of Magento extension.

In case you are looking for a stress-free way to import-export data to your Magento store or find an effortless alternative for exporting data to another platform, it is time to select one that offers convenience so that you can save your time, money, and effort.

Let’s now divert our attention to some of the Magento 2 import-export products that make your life effortless.

Import Export Product Extension

This ingenious extension has been developed to import and export products at a quick pace. With its help, you can import products and update images with a CSV file. It can assist you in importing and export all types of products like grouped, bundled, configurable, downloadable, simple, and virtual products. You can import and export products with specific fields, which gives you even options to customize your experience.

Import Export Product Attributes

As a default in Magento 2, you can import and export products with the help of the CSV file. However, the default function does not have attributes. Attributes are nothing but building blocks of any product catalog. It ultimately increases the customer experience, which cannot be ignored. You can even try Magento 2 import export categories extension to manage bulk product attributes like attribute group, attribute type, attribute sets, attribute options, attribute values, etc.

Import Export Product Reviews

For any business and particularly an eCommerce business, it is vital to get customer reviews to attract people to purchase your products. While migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2, you should never forget about product reviews. Instead of manually moving them, use Magento 2 import export product reviews extension that will assist in managing the product reviews. This includes status, review title, status, and ratings. With the help of a single CSV file, it is possible to migrate customer data connected to the reviews.

Import Export Categories Extension

Magento 2 extensions can also come handy when it comes to migrating categories. Select Magento 2 import export categories extension to manage root categories, subcategories, and also assigned products. This way, all the category data like meta descriptions, meta title, meta keywords, anchor, category description, category image, page layout, and custom layout will get migrated with a CSV file. It thus, makes editing the categories very straightforward.

Selecting the Right Magento 2 Extensions to Migrate Your Product-Related Data

We have summed up various Magento 2 extensions that can make your lives easier and convenient in the long run. The key is never to use the default option. Instead, employ extensions that allow you to edit fields as per your specific requirements and complete the process swiftly. Also, do not forget you can always count on the support from your selected Magento extension development company. By having Magento experts working on the process means that your migration process will be not only seamless but also stress-free.

If you are looking to migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2 platform, contact a professional Magento eCommerce development company like Elsner, your trusted Magento migration partner. With the help of its class-apart Magento migration services and ingenious Magento 2 extensions, your product data will get migrated without much hassle.

Digital Branding

Why Social Media Marketers Should Rely Less on Facebook

Social media marketing is a must these days. No longer is social media a simple website or application on the Internet for connecting with people in different parts of the world, no matter the timezone. But rather, social media has taken over digital marketing these days. In fact, it’s one of the most effective ways on how to promote and sell a brand’s product or service. JSMM is a social media marketing agency that specializes in a lot of digital marketing tactics, so they can pretty much attest to how social media helps accelerate a brand’s interaction and engagement with users, as well as its online visibility.

One of the most popular social media platforms today is Facebook. Facebook is arguably the most powerful and most used social networking site ever to exist. With Facebook, you can connect with your family and friends, collaborate with colleagues, and meet new people. You may even buy Facebook likes and comments to achieve rapid success. That’s why a lot of companies globally use this platform as one of their primary channels to market, promote, and sell. More than that, it also helps in establishing a stronger online presence.

However, some experts may not agree with Facebook being an effective and efficient tool in social media marketing. In fact, social media marketers are even advised to rely less on Facebook. Curious? Here’s why:

Ads Are Getting Too Costly

Startup businesses that rely on social media marketing in today’s digital era can attest to this. Lately, Facebook ads are starting to get costly, with little to no improvement in their overall performance. While this is not an easy feat for small businesses, larger and established companies can better provide a budget for this. That is, of course, if you’re willing to splurge on Facebook ads. Might I suggest you do your research first and plan ahead so you can allocate finances and budget, and, be able to pay for this commitment in the long run.

Consumes So Much Time

While there are automated Facebook services available to do the job for you, these programs and software can’t do everything still. At the end of the day, you have to rely on yourself, your team, and your skills to be able to respond to most of your customer concerns, queries, and feedback. On top of that, you also have to check-in on your analytics, analyze reports, and such for you to be able to improve in delivering and optimizing your content.

In turn, if you fail to manage your reputation on Facebook, then your supposed social media marketing strategy could potentially hurt you in the end.

Insufficient Privacy

These past years, Facebook has had issues regarding privacy, and it is, in fact, one of the major concerns of most Facebook users – whether personal account holders or companies. Although Facebook has now simplified its privacy settings, it’s still safe that you stay out of this platform if you’re trying to build your brand’s name. One incident of getting hacked, and you permanently damage your business’ reputation. Now, you wouldn’t want that. So, since the stakes are high, you might as well opt for other social networking platforms where you can secure your brand like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram.

Slowly Losing A Hold On Its Marketing

Long gone are the days of Facebook skyrocketing in the field of social media marketing. Today, more and more marketers shift from Facebook to other social networking platforms simply because Facebook has lost its charm in marketing. Originally designed to be an interactive platform where people could share information, Facebook has gone downhill by losing control of who posts such circulating information and what exactly is included in these posts.

Of course, as a marketer, you intend to uphold and protect the image and reputation of your brand. However, today, it has become so easy for random users to post malicious content on your wall – a few of which may possibly come from competitors, and that’s the sad reality of it.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, a lot of social media platforms like Facebook are provided for marketers all over the world. However, before fully immersing your social media marketing strategies on these platforms, make sure you’ve done enough research so as to avoid spending on platforms that wouldn’t and couldn’t bring your business any good. Social media marketing plays an important role in your business, and, in fact, takes up a huge chunk of your budget and overall performance. The least you can do is integrate your company with tools and platforms that do not deliver as what they have promised.

Digital Branding

Marketing Ideas To Grow Your Dental Practice

One of the key factors to a successful business is proper marketing. The same holds true for a successful dental practice. Apart from providing quality service to its existing patients, offering the latest treatment options, competitive pricing helps add new patients every month. In order to attract new patients to your dental practice, a need for a good marketing plan is vital. Listed below are some effective marketing ideas to grow your business. 

Do an SEO on your Website

One of the most common ways of searching for any service is through a quick look at one of the search engines. The chances of your business being visited by a user and making an appointment are higher if the ranking on the search engine is higher. For the website to be ranked higher, it has to be optimized using on-page SEO which involves making the site more user-friendly, having good content and much more. After the on-page SEO is done, backlinks have to be created along with the regular posting of content. A well-optimized website is bound to get organic traffic and that can be a great marketing strategy. 

Optimize the My Business Page

This is the simplest and the best marketing strategy that consumes very little time. By optimizing the Google My Business page there will be an immediate growth in the organic traffic as the local listings come up when there is a location-based search. While filling out the following ensure that you cover the following:

  • The business category which helps the users search for their specific requirement
  • Business description
  • Main phone number, address and hours of operation
  • Review section 

Use email marketing

Email marketing is one of the important forms of marketing and it holds true even for a dental practice. It can not only engage existing patients but also invite new ones and try to pull former patients back and is one of the successful marketing ideas. For such great ideas, you will need professional help.  It is one of the best ways to increase conversion rates by just creating a series of newsletters or emailers.  Ensure that you send weekly content to the target audience and subscribers to get better revenue.

Referral bonus system

A patient bonus referral program is a great motivation for existing patients to bring new ones to your practice. If an existing patient recommends someone to your practice and that person visits you then the referrer is rewarded with a discount, a dental product or other such things. This is a win-win situation for both you and the patient, as they get a bonus and the practice gets new patients. Moreover, doing this is simple as all you have to do is, hand the old patients referral cards or send them as an mail. 

Appointment reminders

One of the major problems in a dental clinic is that patients may not show up for their appointments. So it is essential to have reminders, be it a phone call or an app to remind patients of the visit. One can use the calendar alerts to send reminders via email or phone and remind booking confirmations.

Marketing your dental practice needs a lot of patience and dedicated work and if you don’t have the time you can always consult an expert. 

Digital Branding

LinkedIn Branding and Sales Tips For Beginners

Today, most businesses are on LinkedIn, probably including your company. But with your current efforts, are you even generating leads and converting it into sales? 

Your personal brand’s website is essential in creating connections. To establish yourself as an expert in the field, you must have great content. LinkedIn is a great platform to establish your brand, share valuable content, and convert leads into sales.

Indeed, lead generation is an essential part of the business. If you wish to gather paying customers, then you must have a good stream of leads. However, doing it on LinkedIn is not always easy. It demands skills, effort, and time. 

Thus, in this article, you will learn tips on how to generate sales leads on LinkedIn. 

1. Optimize your LinkedIn Profile

To optimize your page, polish it to make it as engaging as possible. Make it visually pleasing to make the content optimized during searches. Here are some steps on how to do it: 

  • Make Your Profile SEO Friendly – When you are filling out the information on LinkedIn, it should be SEO friendly. This can increase traffic, return on investment (ROI), and brand awareness.  Furthermore, you can compete with other business rivals and grow your business. 

Do this by conducting proper research to come up with keywords to optimize your profile.  Check what are the keywords your clients are searching for and incorporate it into your page. Proper keywords can provide you with direction, new topics, and wise use of your time. 

  • Fill Up All The Information – Fill up all the information in your profile completely. Research says you will more likely to receive inquiries if your page has all the information needed by the customers.  
  • Create A Vanity URL – A vanity URL, or branded link, refers to a descriptive and easily recognizable URL. It is a long URL that is converted to a short link to redirect from one location to another. It is different from short URLs of because it does not include the brand name of the person who created the link. It works by giving the audience a clear indication of the owner of the link. 

A vanity URL can increase brand awareness and improve your LinkedIn SEO. You can establish trust with your clients since people can easily recognize and remember your page URL.

  • 30-Second Commercial – Create a 30-second video commercial that answers the question “What do you do in your business?” and “What are the services that you provide?” Make sure that you include the text in your profile. This is a video pitch.
  • Showcase Your Projects – You have the chance to post the URL of your portfolio on your LinkedIn profile. Seize this opportunity. With projects, you can highlight your past work. You can demonstrate your talents and let clients understand the services you offer. 

As soon as your profile is done, don’t abandon it. Continue nurturing your page. To be a constant figure in the feeds of your clients, update your page regularly. 

Spend a minute each day to post an update for your LinkedIn network. Every time you post an update, your profile will be displayed on the feed of your connections. Make sure to add value to every post you make. See to it that everything is inviting and practical. Write articles, or share your business presentations. Finally, always take note of your goals. 

2. Write Effective Connection Requests  

Building your network is important to get the word out about your brand. When you reach out to people, you have reasons in your mind to justify why you want to connect with them. To connect with people, check their profile first. Look for something interesting and make sure to mention it in your personal message. 

For connection requests, the limit is 300 characters only. Make sure that you use this space wisely. Be straight to the point while also being genuine. 

3. Engage With Clients And Partners 

Encourage your contacts from other social media networks to connect to your LinkedIn profile, too. Thereafter, find opportunities on how to generate sales leads on LinkedIn from their connections.

Try manual searches to invite potential clients to visit your page. Join social media groups and be active in answering their questions. Post links to direct your contacts to your page. 

Remember, give the prospects what they want and need. At the end of the day, they are interested in building professional relationships. Thus, make sure that you avoid shallow marketing. Focus on professional engagement instead. 

You can achieve this by planning and conducting research. Be as detailed as possible to come up with a viable niche. Then, tailor your message to create a lasting impact. 

4. Write Recommendations For Your Contacts  

Write and post recommendations for your prospects and key contacts. After this contact approves your testimonial, it will appear on their LinkedIn profile. With this, they are more likely to return the favor. This can be a recommendation or referral, which would reflect positively on your brand.


It is possible to start generating leads on LinkedIn. But achieving hundreds of leads will not happen in one day. Learn to optimize your profile, connect with key people, and post content regularly. You will need to be creative on your posts to be noticed by prospects. If you are willing to exert time and effort, you will get leads in no time and win the hearts of your audience. 

Digital Branding

Google Autocomplete for Reputation Management and Other Activities

Autocomplete is a Google feature that expedites your search process by throwing in some automated suggestions based on popular trends. Surveys tell you that this single component helps reduce more than 200 years of daily writing efforts. Ever since late 2004, this algorithm has been available for desktop, and then it became an integral part of mobile devices too. The main reason behind its widespread adoption is ease and convenience. Typing on mobile phones is comparatively tougher. Hence, it came as a welcome tool. 

However, you may wonder how to autocomplete can predict user behavior. An answer to this is that it collects information from different sources of Google searches, results, content, comments, reviews, and so on. Anything that gets more attention from people populates this space. Now, from this, one thing is clear you cannot limit its utility in terms of reducing writing efforts. If used smartly, you can benefit from it in many areas of digital marketing campaigns.

Online reputation management (ORM)

You can benefit from autocomplete in the field of online reputation management big time. When someone searches for your business or your name, he comes across autofill suggestions before your website. If it contains any negative terms about it, users can easily get influenced. So you cannot afford to ignore it. You have to be on the qui vive regarding anything that is partly or wholly negative about your business and make attempts to balance the predictions. For that, you have to detect areas where your image is highlighted in the negative light, interact with customers, and create positive feedback for yourself. 

Since social signals enjoy considerable search engine attention, you can emphasize your content, engagement, and messages there. Use and optimize positive keywords on your website and other accounts. Plus, try to establish higher positive connections so that you can gain positive reviews, ratings, and focus.

Keyword suggestions

Doing keyword analysis, which is an inherent part of all SEO techniques, is not an easy job. You have to spot the relevant keywords and the ideas that go well with them while doing search engine promotions. Although you cannot depend on Autocomplete thoroughly for this, you can start from here for content development. For best results, you can use it along with Google keyword planner and other third-party tools. It can prove hugely useful in predicting CPC, competition, and other things. 

Besides, if you intend to fill the content gap with long-tail keywords, then again, it can come in handy for you.

Customer behavior

Search patterns can reveal what your users are searching for online. They speak of their intention. If you can go deep down their intent, you can optimize your pages, messages, layout, and photos accordingly. For that, you may have to search many websites and their content also to have a fair idea of people’s expectations. When you do this, autocomplete gives a peek into strong long-tail keywords as well as user intent. You can target them through your content for different stages of the buyer’s journey and benefit. 

If you want to exploit this feature for long-term benefit for ORM and SEO purposes, contact a reliable NYC based digital agency, such as RMG Digital Solutions, for assistance. The experts can guide you properly.