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Top Tips for Boosting Retail Brand Awareness

In the world of retail, if you don’t have a brand, you don’t have much at all. Without one, you risk entering the market (and possibly exiting one rather quickly) as yet another nameless name on the shelf, one often purchased by accident when mom sends her kid to the store to get the product that actually sits next to your product on that same shelf. Your brand is the key reason for your buyers to come back, the key reason they wear or use your product, to begin with.

But just having a brand is also not enough in the ever-growing realm of retail. To make sure you get in front of the right audience, and preferably in front of enough people so that your chances of boosting sales are high, you should use all of your creativity and marketing know-how to grow your brand awareness every day. Here are a few ideas to keep in mind that will help you enhance your presence in the retail universe and grow your chances to become a household name.

Diversify your content creation

From the SEO point of view, as well as that of pure credibility, content is your best, if not your only bet in the oversaturated world of retail. Mere fluff-laden blogs with an occasional keyword here and there will no longer cut it to help your brand stand out in search engines, especially for common phrases such as “quality sneakers” or “best prom dress”. People want personalized, highly selective experiences, and they expect you to provide them through every bit of content you produce. That includes all of your product descriptions, every blog post, and every video you add.

From your website content, the kind you share on social media, all the way to the content you allow and inspire your users and customers to create (such as product reviews, blog posts, and videos), you need to make sure that your content pool is diverse, trendy, and up to date. Of course, brand consistency also needs to permeate all of your content efforts, to allow your brand to emerge no matter where, when, and who creates and posts is. 

Build a stellar web presence

Your website is your retail brand’s greatest asset, and it can make or break your efforts to increase sales, engage more customers, reduce the number of abandoned carts, and inspire reviews. In fact, stellar website design needs to reflect your brand’s values perfectly and to serve as its most trusted vessel to convey your brand’s messages. It’s the key to keeping your retail brand memorable and to make sure it stands out among so many others that have similar offers.

Not to mention that a great part of your website’s design includes its ease of navigation, its loading speed, and of course, its visual appeal that will determine how long your customers will stay interested, linger on your site, or how often they’ll decide to go through with the purchase. No modern retail brand can survive without a spotless website, hence the need to regularly update your digital presence to ensure consistency as well as a wonderful user experience. 

Work with influencers

Influencers play a great part in increasing brand awareness in the retail industry. They are the digital versions of our traditional word-of-mouth recommendations, they are relatable, and they have a vast pool of followers eager to look up to them, mimic them, and make the same choices based on their preferences. Therein lies the rub: handpicking influencers to work with is far better than investing in random collaborations that are short-lived. Consider it a commitment that will skyrocket your retail brand’s awareness in the eyes of your audience and soon-to-be audience. 

From locally-based micro-influencers all the way to major players on social media as well as celebrities, you have numerous opportunities to build and grow your brand’s digital presence through such collaborations. Make sure that the influencers you choose are, of course, in line with your brand’s values, and that they actually have access to people that fit your target market. Because the only thing worse than no brand awareness is having any awareness in the wrong crowd.

Partner up with the right people

Are you a small retail brand that specializes in a certain wearable? Or do you own a chain of stores that sell different brands in different locations? In both scenarios, working with the right local people means gaining more exposure in the right locations for your brand. For example, if you’re a larger retail business, you can benefit from supporting a smaller local brand by working on a project to add their accessories to your stores, while they support your effort to enter the local market by giving you a share of their shelves.

As a smaller retail brand, partnering up with a complementary business in the neighborhood can help you gain the right exposure, too. For example, we all know that coffee goes delightfully well with scones and muffins. If you have a brilliant recipe for cinnamon rolls or pumpkin pie, why not work with local coffee shops to offer your lovely goods in their stores? Multiply that by a range of different collaborations of local nature, and you’ll quickly gain more traction for your brand.

The retail world is fast to change, and those who cannot adapt tend to fade into oblivion. Use these tips to stay one (or several) steps ahead of the competition and stay relevant to your audience, no matter where they are. 

Digital BrandingPersonal Branding

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet to Using Big Data for Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is estimated to become a $10 billion industry by 2020. One of the major reasons for this is the high ROI that you can get from it. In fact, almost 90% of all marketers feel that its ROI is greater than that of other marketing modes.

As the interest in influencer marketing grows, more brands are starting to incorporate it into their marketing strategies. However, a successful influencer marketing campaign isn’t easy to execute. You need to plan a lot beforehand and find the right influencers to collaborate with as well.

Numerous steps, such as figuring out who your target audience is, planning your budget, optimizing the content, and tracking your progress make it complicated. However, big data can help you do all of that with ease. Through big data analytics, you can use your data to find and create new opportunities for your brand.

Here’s how you can do so: 

1. Calculate Your ROI

It’s crucial to calculate the ROI of your influencer marketing campaigns to understand how successful they were. For that, you need to keep track of your engagement, reach, sales, and more.

However, almost 84% of marketers say that calculating an accurate ROI from influencer marketing campaigns is challenging.

When your campaign doesn’t meet your expectations, you should consider analyzing how you can manage these losses. To do so, all you need is big data and a solid tool like Google Analytics. You need to figure out how much value the campaign brought your brand. This should be compared to the amount that you’ve invested in the campaign.

If you find that repeatedly your returns are less than your investment, you may need to rethink your strategy. In some cases, you may have to end your partnerships with specific influencers as well. 

2. Find Relevant Influencers

One of the biggest challenges that brands face is that of finding suitable influencers for their campaigns. In fact, about 50% of marketers say that finding fake followers and engagement is their chief marketing challenge.


Finding influencers manually can be quite a task. You need to go through every influencer’s profile to check if they are authentic. In this case, too, big data can come to your rescue. Through big data, influencer marketing platforms can create a database of influencers from a variety of niches and locations.

Using these databases, you can simplify your search for the perfect influencers for your brand. There are many platforms like, where you can find relevant influencers and reach out to them. takes it a step further by allowing you to post your campaigns on the website so that interested influencers can approach you instead.


Apart from helping you find relevant influencers, big data can also help you find genuine influencers. The engagement data and audience metrics can help you make an informed decision quickly. 

3. Decide on a Direction

There are multiple options available for brands to partner with influencers. You can launch a variety of different campaigns that are aimed at different goals.

However, deciding on the goals is quite a task in itself. You must decide what your specific goal is. For example, it could be to increase your website traffic, generate more engagement, or get more sales.

Big data can help you make a more informed decision about your goals from influencer marketing. Your sales data will be able to give you a better idea of what you need to do to improve your brand. It’ll also help you decide on an ideal influencer who can best help you achieve your goal.

For instance, say your own footwear business, and most of your sales are coming from Instagram. In this case, you should consider partnering with an influencer on Instagram who showcases footwear regularly. This type of collaboration with a relevant influencer could help you increase your sales. 

4. Reaction to Updates

It’s necessary to change your approach with time to grow successfully. Marketing trends keep changing dynamically, and you must adapt in order to stay relevant. Big data can help you do so by keeping you updated with the latest changes in digital marketing.

Such an analysis beforehand can help you take the right steps to increase the performance of your campaign.

5. Creating Engaging Content

The content that you use for your influencer marketing campaigns decides how well the campaign will perform. If your content isn’t authentic or seems forced, it may not be effective with your target audience. This can lead to the loss of your credibility.

It’s best to give your influencers complete creative freedom. Most influencers value this, and at the same time, it’s better for your campaign too. Influencers know their audiences better than you do so they know what works for them.

You can, however, provide general guidelines to your influencers. Big data can help you with content in this case as well. Based on data from tools like Mention, you can see what’s trending in your niche. You can monitor keywords, brand names, and topics to figure out what type of content is most effective with your target audience.

By staying on top of the latest discussions in your niche, you can create great content that your audience will connect with. 

Final Thoughts

Big data is very helpful when it comes to influencer marketing. It helps you make more informed decisions based on solid data.

You can calculate your ROI and find relevant influencers for your brand using data. At the same time, it can help you create better content and help you remain on top of the latest changes in marketing and in your industry. Lastly, it can make the process of setting a goal for your campaigns easier too.

Are there other ways big data can help marketers improve their influencer marketing campaigns? Let me know in the comments.

Digital Branding

5 Ways to Scale Your Content Marketing Campaign

Struggling to scale your content marketing campaigns past where they are right now? You’re in the right place. It’s easy to get started in content marketing, but it can be tough to get past campaign bottlenecks.

Results slow down and it’s common to become demotivated. Today we’ll be teaching you how to grow your content marketing efforts so they generate more traffic and leads for your business if you continue reading.

Take an omnichannel approach to distribution

What’s your main channel for reaching customers through content? Is it your blog? YouTube channel? Podcast? No matter what platform you focus on, there’s one simple thing you can do to instantly improve the performance of content campaigns: use other channels.

It seems simple, right? You’d be surprised how many companies forget to expand onto other platforms despite it being so easy. 

Let’s say that you have been growing your business through a blog, for example. You could begin producing videos for YouTube and podcast episodes for iTunes. It’s free to reach and brand awareness at no extra cost besides your time.

This brings us to our next point.

Repurpose your content into different formats

Being on many different platforms is efficient, but do you know what’s more efficient? Repurposing content.

This is the process of taking one piece of content and reformatting it into different types. Most of the work is already done for you as you simply have to turn it into a different format.

You should be taking your content and turning it into the major content types, such as:

  • Blog posts
  • Videos
  • Podcast episodes
  • Slideshows
  • Infographics
  • Social media posts

Hire more content writers

Blogging is one of the most common strategies within content marketing as you turn your website into a content hub that attracts visitors directly to your own platform.

Some of the best marketers like Neil Patel and HubSpot produce several long-form pieces of content every day. How often are you publishing?

Don’t worry if it’s not as often as them because they have one thing many businesses don’t which is a large team of content creators.

One of the secrets of scaling content marketing campaigns that they understand is to simply grow your team. If you have more people able to blog, do outreach, create social media graphics, and other content marketing tasks, campaigns explode much faster.

You should consider using freelance writing job boards like ProBlogger that are designed for finding talented writers.

Invest in content marketing tools

You can do everything by hand in marketing, but that will require a fair amount of elbow grease. You’ll be working harder, not smarter. Businesses can scale campaigns while being more time efficient by investing in content marketing tools.

These web apps and software help with outreach, discovering content ideas and keeping tabs on the competition.

One tool that is very popular in the digital marketing community is BuzzSumo. The free version allows you to find the most viral content in any industry which is great for producing fresh and relevant content.

Learn to do industry outreach

Creating relationships in your industry and leveraging their audiences is one of the most effective content marketing strategies to date. It’s also a great way to scale any campaign as you quickly broaden your reach.

Industry outreach begins with narrowing down websites that share a similar audience and topics. You can do this by using Google queries like:

  • Keyword + “blog”
  • Keyword + “service”
  • Keyword + “magazine”

Visit their website and look for contact information on the contact page or via the footer. Once you have their email, organize it into a spreadsheet.

Begin sending customized emails to each prospect via your email provider or a CRM. Introduce yourself and send them a high quality piece of content you produced which you believe their audience could benefit from. Ask if they’d be willing to give you feedback or share it.

The best part about his technique is that you don’t need a ton of conversions to see drastic improvements in performance. Getting your content shared by a few sites can produce big traffic jumps.

Wrapping up content marketing scaling

Content marketing is crucial for the success of any modern business. It helps attract leads to you naturally, build trust with customers, and turns your brand into an authority. However, scaling campaigns is a tough obstacle.

You can ramp up your campaigns by first expanding onto more channels and repurposing existing content into different formats.

Businesses can also hire more content creators to produce more content on a regular basis and use tools to automate processes.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of connecting with industry influencers to share your content.

Combining all of these strategies will help you scale your content campaigns to reach a wider audience and drive better results.

About the author

Carmine Mastropierro is a copywriter who has written for Neil Patel, GoDaddy, Smart Insights, and other popular publications. He helps businesses generate traffic and leads through copywriting.

Digital Branding

5 Design Hacks that Cannot be Ignored by UX Designers

If you are designing a website for a small business, then the main purpose of the site would be to improve conversions. While a well-optimized site with the help of enterprise SEO can attract more audience to the page, if the website is not designed for a good user experience then the conversions may fail.

Building a user-friendly website has some basic rules to be followed but many times designers get indulged in implementing complicated designs while they forget simple design parameters hence, we have highlighted those design hacks below that cannot be skipped while designing a UX website.

1. Include Microcopy

While providing any online forms which has blank fields that need to be filled, many users do not understand the format in which it needs to be filled, hence the submission may fail. For example, if the field says ‘card number’, you would assume that the user would be aware of it but you never know who is visiting the site and may be new to this hence providing an example of how the card number looks like will help them fill-in the fields easily. Similarly, if you are asking them to fill phone number, make it clear that the field only accepts numbers and no alphabets. Instructions will make sure that users find it easy to fill the form and can go through the process smoothly.

2. Provide Previews

Providing the writer’s and the website owners with a preview option is just not questionable as it makes it clear how the blog post or the page will look when published. Text editor does not really give a complete idea of how the page looks until previewed hence make sure to add the preview option in your design for ease of use by the site author. If such options are not included, broken or under-optimized pages will cause negative user experience hence adding preview will help author’s edit the page after checking the preview for a better user experience.

3. Allow Editing After Submission

Another important website design element which cannot be ignored is providing an editing option to the audience when they post a comment or submit a registration form. Users are skeptical to click on the save button as they do not wish to submit a form or comment with an error.  Also, let the users know by adding it below the form that they can make the required changes in the form which will encourage them to take immediate action.

4. Re-Confirmation Before Submission

Many times you take certain actions which you may regret later, for example closing a page without saving the changes made hence in such a scenario, add double confirmation by asking questions like, ‘Are you sure you want to close the window without saving it?’, this will avoid any errors in submission.

5. Giving Submission Confirmation

A confirmation pop-up as soon as someone saves a form or subscribes is also important as, if nothing happens then the user will not know if the form got submitted or not. A confirmation will make it clear that the form has been submitted and you can also show the users some gratitude for taking the time to fill in the form.

Another important design technique is to show a message that, ‘you have already subscribed’ to the users who have filled the form previously so that they do not double submit it.


These design rules may seem basic, but it is something which a UX designer cannot ignore as simple solutions like these will make accessing the site much smoother by the users and that is what you intend in the first place.

Digital Branding

7 Basic Digital Marketing Terms You Need To Know

Digital marketing has revolutionized the way the business industry operates. It has done so by ignoring the benefits of traditional methods and taking advantage of the endless benefits that the internet brings. More specifically, it has reversed the way the business industry works in a way that no one expected. In many ways, given how this field has been in such a short amount of time, it’s safe to assume that there will never be another industry tactic as effective as it. Even better, it was designed so that the average everyday business owner can understand the platforms and take advantage of them. With all of that being said, it may come as a surprise to see how many people can’t even get a grip of the simplest digital terms that are needed to get the fullest effect. Without knowing so much as a simple definition, it’s difficult to get the most out of digital strategies such as paid advertisement and search engine optimization which can get technical in some areas. In extreme cases, not knowing some of these terms can do more harm to a campaign than good. While knowing these terms can’t guarantee success for your campaign, at the very least, it will give you a heads up on the competition. With this in mind, let’s go over seven basic digital terms you need to know.

#1: Return On Investment(ROI)

One of the most important digital terms to understand is Return On Investment. Otherwise known as ROI, knowing this term will allow you to structure the rest of your campaign with efficiency. More importantly, it holds more weight than people realize. Apart from a campaign, this is a golden business term every business owner needs to know to be successful. It’s a simple term that allows you to simplify your business. Overall, the business lesson this term teaches you is to earn more money than you invest.

#2: Return On Ad Spend(ROAS)

Not to be confused with Return On Investment, Return On Ad Spend is a separate term that has to do more with online strategies than business as opposed to the other way around. Also known as ROAS, this term is similar to ROI in that it deals with figuring out a way to see a higher return on the amount you invest. The only difference is that ROAS has to do with the amount of money that is invested in ads. More than anything, this term provides a more detailed analysis that the broader ROI term does.

#3: A/B Split Testing

On the technical side of a campaign, it’s hard to find a term that is more important than A/B Split Testing. This term teaches you what is arguably the most important rule in the field, test everything. However, it is usually associated with testing different ad copy as a way to find the best performing one.

#4: Remarketing

Another important technical term you need to know is Remarketing. Quite self-explanatory, this term deals with the strategy of sending new ads to potential clients who might have been lost within your sales funnel.

#5: Quality Score

Quality score is a determining performance factor of your ads and other similar contributors. However, it is one of the most controversial terms in the entire field. It’s controversial in that no one knows exactly what it takes to receive a higher score. All there is to go buy are the guidance tips that Google gives.

#6: Bounce Rate

Given how important a website is to implement any digital strategy, a term you will need to know is Bounce Rate. This term shows how long a website visitor stays on a page before they leave. It’s an important metric term in that it shows you what web pages can be optimized to perform better.

#7: Call To Action

Perhaps the most important digital term to know is a Call To Action. This term is important in that it entails virtually every part of the field. From website content, website pages, and ad copy, this term will remind you to always keep the client in mind.

Digital Branding

How Proper SEO Can Help Boost Your Brand Better

Improving your company’s brand awareness among its potential clients is a necessary step in hitting your numbers goal. When more people are able to recognize and trust your brand, it’s generally a lot easier for you to establish your credibility within your chosen niche. This can be challenging at first, but with the help of experienced search engine optimization (SEO) companies like, you can certainly penetrate the target market that you’re after.

Employing effective marketing strategies becomes all the more important if competition exists. In order to stay relevant, you have to make sure that people will choose you among all the other companies that offer similar products or services. That’s where proper SEO comes in.

SEO as a Marketing Booster

Before, SEO was plagued with marketing shortcuts like keyword stuffing. People kept on sprinkling keywords on their pages and sacrificed content quality so that search engines could pick up what their website talked about the most. This may have helped brands get better search result rankings, but the Internet eventually evolved with the people who constantly use it.

Now, SEO techniques have dramatically improved: it now focuses on high-quality content and user engagement. When you do it right, it will attract all the right customers, which eventually converts their loyalty into desirable numbers for your brand. Listed below are some reasons why proper SEO can shoot your brand’s image right to the top:It Helps Create Niche Posts


Nowadays, it has become a lot easier for businesses to connect with their audiences through their social media platforms. To ensure that you get to keep the interest and loyalty of whomever comes across your brand, you can create niche posts with the help of SEO so you can target them specifically.

This is especially useful for small businesses, as the content’s specificity can help them get ahead of their competitors. Although being very focused with your content doesn’t exactly cast a wide net, it actually gives you a higher chance of attracting new customers––and engaging with the ones that you already have on your team.

1. It Makes Your Posts Very Specific Using Long-Tail Keywords

This one is connected to the first point. Long-tail keywords allow you to get in touch with more specific audiences. For example, if your business involves creating custom-made hiking packs, you should focus your SEO efforts on ranking for “custom-made hiking packs prices” (long-tail keyword) as opposed to “hiking packs” or “custom-made hiking packs” (short-tail).

In this manner, it’s easier to filter out those who are really interested in what you have to offer as opposed to those who are just looking for general information.

2. It Enhances Your Brand-Related Content

A reliable SEO company can improve your website’s content such that it is able to reach the right audience at the right time. It helps establish your place in the field as a reliable source of information, products, or services. If you focus on producing quality content even for just a few loyal customers, then more people like them will gravitate towards your brand.

Once you figure out how to satisfy the information and product needs of your audience––and ranking high on search engines at the same time––your brand will definitely be known for the better. Many people will begin to see you as a brand that knows what they are doing, and knows how to follow through.

4. It Helps You with Link Building

SEO also takes care of creating content that will appropriately link back to your website. With the existence of various social media platforms and online forums, employing proper SEO strategies can help you gain traction among various online communities. When done right, this can grow your audience organically.

5. It Promotes Your Brand Image

The ultimate goal of any brand awareness campaign is to promote a desirable brand image. Consequently, this will boost not only your website traffic and audience engagement, but also your sales.

But what role does SEO play in this? If you focus on all the keywords that you want to be connected to your company, SEO can be a powerful tool in influencing your audience’s perception of your brand. The more that they associate important keywords to you, the more that they will choose you over your competitors.


SEO is just one of the many marketing strategies that can boost your brand among your target market. However, when you get it properly done, the right people will always find you through a quick and simple Google search.

SaaS Branding

5 Reasons Your Startup Will Fail

Creating your own company/startup can be an exciting endeavor. However, there is a 90% chance that your startup will fail according to Forbes

That’s why proper planning and avoiding the traps that so many new businesses fall prey to is critical to your success.

Today, I want to address five reasons that your startup will fail (and what you can do to avoid failure).

1. You Know It All

Know-it-alls can be a pain in the …

Not only will business know-it-alls refuse to listen to advice, they also think they can do everything. If you fall into this category, we wish you the best. 

No one is great at everything, no matter how much you may believe you are. 

We all have weaknesses somewhere, and acknowledging your shortcomings and finding people who are strong where you are weak is critical to building a successful business.

Do not try to run a startup with a know-it-all attitude. Instead, try to figure out where you are weak at and bring can help to strengthen your company. Yes, it will cost you money, but it will be worth. If you do not want your startup to fail, get past the idea that you were the only one who can make this company succeed.

2. No Marketing Plan

Another reason most startups fail is the lack of a true marketing plan. 

While Facebook is a good advertising platform to work with, just saying “We’ll advertise on Facebook” is not a marketing plan. It’s a marketing idea.

The fact is that some startups believe in just “winging it” and their plan is to figure things out as they go. 

I’ll bet most of those are in the 90% failure pile. 

If you do not have a solid, well-planned marketing strategy, stop reading this article right now and work on a marketing plan for your business (Hubspot has some free templates you can use). Once you have a marketing plan in place, come back and finish this article.

Customer service, customer experience, and brand identity is where so many startups focus, but if you don’t get boots in the door that’s all for nothing.

3. Lack Of Customer Service

Contrary to what you’ve heard, your customer may be wrong

Still, it’s important to give them professional customer service. You cannot let a bad day cost you potential customers (including friends of a bad customer).

If you are unwilling to go the extra mile for ANY customer, then there is no chance your startup will succeed. Businesses do not make money shunning customers; they make money selling products and/or services. Never let a bad customer cost you future business (and they can).

If you have bad customer service, you will not succeed.

4. You Do Not Look Professional

I’m not talking about how you dress day-to-day here (though that does matter). 

Instead, I’m talking about putting your best foot forward from a business standpoint. If you don’t present in a professional manner on:

  • Your website, 
  • Your marketing materials, and 
  • Your communication channels,

then you’re basically dead in the water

Your website MUST be free of grammatical errors and unprofessional statements, your marketing presentation should be clean and concise without a lot of technical jargon used to inflate your company, and your communication channels have to be business-oriented. 

By business-oriented, we mean your email address should end with an instead of, or According to Suitebriar, you can get professional Gmail for as little as $6/month with no annual contract, so go do that before you start emailing clients.

While we are at it, you should also consider getting an 800-number rather than a local number … unless your business is exclusively local. 

5. No Money

Without money, it will be almost impossible to market your product/company effectively, provide proper customer service and/or products, and look like you know what you are doing.

We are not saying that you have to have a TON of money, but you need to know how to manage your funds and use the money you do have effectively. In fact, you should spend the majority of your funds on looking professional and competitive. After that, should focus on your marketing plan and customer acquisitions. As you grow you can get your lean office better equipped and reward those employees who were there to help build your business from nothing.

When the money runs out, so will your startup.

Wrap Up

If you want to get past the startup phase, then you should pay attention to the factors I’ve covered today. While these points of failure for startups are somewhat common, they tend to get repeated a lot … so it’s worth taking the time to read, and re-read these common mistakes that cause startups to fail. 

Success only comes when you do what others could not … so start winning!

Digital BrandingPersonal Branding

Looking for a Better Brand Awareness? Why Launch PPC Campaigns When SEO Fails!

PPC or Pay Per Click Advertising is one of the most effective and affordable ways for a business to generate targeted traffic to the website. In fact, some businesses have found immense success with PPC campaigns, especially in cases where search engine optimization failed to bring them the desired results!

If you examine PPC ads, you will find that it alleviates the stress of the business being listed on the first page. It permits your business to be on the first page of a search engine and get a large volume of targeted traffic as well as visitors. The PPC ads can be seen on the right- hand side of the page results of the search engine. The PPC advertising campaign, if done correctly, can really generate a lot of ROI and targeted audience for the business, especially when SEO fails to work!

Now, the question is when and how can a business launch an effective PPC ad campaign that works?

When you have tried SEO techniques and strategies that have proved ineffective, you can resort to PPC campaigns that ensure you get faster-targeted traffic and results. The following are some top reasons why you should choose PPC campaigns for your business:


  • No competition- One of the biggest reasons why you should launch PPC campaigns is because it has zero competition. The process works in a special way, here the visitor searches for a particular product or service on the search engine and the possibility of them finding the product or service they want on the second or the third page is rare. With PPC campaigns, you are able to place your ads on the first page of the search engine results. Moreover, PPC campaigns actually reduce the need for spending on SEO campaigns that take time and long to show positive results. 
  • Better visibility- With Pay per Click campaigns, you are able to get improved visibility on Google. This gives rise to more clicks and sales. So, if you are struggling with SEO campaigns, you can consult experienced and skilled PPC experts to help you get better visibility online and more revenue for your products and services. 
  • Affordable for most businesses- Another plus point for PPC advertising is it is economical for most businesses. You only pay for the PPC ad when a visitor clicks on it. In this way, the business owner is able to save money as unnecessary costs are avoided. If you compare the costs of PPC campaigns in the long run to SEO, you will find they are much cheaper and affordable, even for small business owners.
  • Check whether your product or service has potential or not in the market- With PPC campaigns, you can actually check whether your product or service has potential or not in the market. PPC ads will give you real insights on the potentiality of the product or the service and whether it will succeed in the market or not. For instance, if you have launched a new product or service in the market and still unsure on how your targeted audience will respond to it, clicks on your PPC for the product or the service will give you the correct information. With SEO campaigns, you need to wait for some time to decide on whether the product offers you potentiality or not.
  • Better brand awareness- With the help of esteemed experts in PPC, one can increase the brand awareness of products and services with success. Skilled professionals will manage your PPC campaign to give you the desired results. Experts from esteemed companies like state that even if web visitors do not click on the ad, they will come across the name of your brand. In this way, brand awareness of your product and services increase. Moreover, when people are aware of the brand, you do not have to spend a lot of money on product launches and advertising campaigns to spread awareness. Since the ads for the product are displayed on the right hand of the first page of the search engine, you already create an online presence for your product or service with success. It is a natural method to generate traffic and get results.

  • Get faster results for your PPC advertisement online- With the help of PPC ads, you are able to generate faster results for your advertisements with success. When your ad comes online, and you do not have many visitors, this means that your ad is not doing well. This is where you should make changes to your advertisement. For instance, the ad copy of your advertisement might not have proper keywords or the style of writing needs to be changed. Once you get this instant feedback for PPC ads, you can improve the ad. With SEO, the process will take time to evaluate, and you need to wait for some weeks or months to see results. Changes to your SEO strategies can only be made at that time.
  • Location- PPC experts state that you can get the best results from your PPC campaigns if you target your customers in geographical locations. If you think that your product or service will do really well in another region or part of the globe, target the PPC ad to those customers to enjoy positive results. In a short span of time, you will get results.








Therefore, when it comes to PPC campaigns, you will find that you get short term results and better revenue. In case you have launched SEO, campaigns and have been working on it for a long time with no positive results; it is high time that you switch to PPC ads for your business. Like SEO professionals, there are dedicated PPC experts to counsel and guide you in the process. Bank on PPC companies that have proven track records and good credentials in the market. With them, you are able to improve the lead conversions of your business and generate more revenue in cases where SEO fails!

Digital BrandingLegal Branding

7 PPC Strategies to Use In Your Campaign For 2019 

Are you searching for the effective Paid-Per-Click (PPC) tips and tricks for a successful paid campaign? I know how tough it is trying to achieve goals from your paid campaigns, but sometimes, it ends up in you paying more than actually accomplishing goals.

But as long as you learn the right techniques and tips to tweak your PPC and paid campaigns, you can begin getting the results you need in time. The question is: HOW?

I’ll be sharing you all of the secrets on how to improve your paid campaigns for ads on different platforms and social media networks. Not to worry, these tips are easy to do known to show effectively WITHOUT much of the competition using it.

So read on for the best PPC strategies you can use for your campaigns this 2019 to maximize its impact!

Seven Best PPC Strategies for Better Campaigns

To help get your website up and running for the world (or your target audience) to see, follow these tips for better PPC metrics:

1. Remarket Long-Tail Keywords

One of the secrets to online outreach is remarketing. We all know repeat customers are more valuable. That’s why you should consider remarketing using long-tail keyword queries. Use all remarketing platforms, doing this through creating lists of retargeting users for every ad group subject with a UTM parameter.

You can also try using lookalikes, which has you target the same target audiences, which doesn’t only advertise your ads to repeat customers. It extends remarketing to an entirely new group for even more potential clients!

2. Reverse Engineer the Conversion Funnel

Many online marketers say that they save clicks for users to convert quicker. The faster you can get visitors through your funnel, then the more of a chance you convert and get a sale!

However, increasing the time to engage people with your ads can also do the same. Do these by reverse engineering your conversion funnel to see if it works. You can try adding a little extra, such as an interactive preview of your products or a demo to entice people to purchase your product or service.

3. Use An Inverted Unicorn Tactic

Regular ad targeting casts a narrow net, maximizing your engagement rates. This is a type of targeting to bring in specific demographics or niches.

You can try the Inverted Unicorn, which includes two unrelated interests when targeting your target audiences. As a result, you get more actual targets interested in what you have to offer.

You can also use these “unrelated” interests to customize ads, adding even more dimensions to campaigns and having them stand out, looking more compelling to others. Plus, these ads cost less because of higher engagement rates.

4. Go For Messenger Marketing

While people might focus more on landing pages and the Facebook News Feed, Messenger marketing is actually as effective. It might even be more effective, seen to be up to 80 times better compared to the News Feed or email.

When blasting out announcements on Messenger, you can see up to 80% open rates within the first hour. It’s worth trying out a Messenger blast to see if it works well for your target audience.

5. Use Advertising Slush Funds

Typically, advertisers and marketers have a monthly budget allocated for PPC and advertisements. This is because they have scheduled ads and monitor the way these ads perform. It’s a common approach, however, it may be limiting and won’t allow reacting to trends.

But when using advertising slush funds, you can create ads if a viral trend comes by. So if you’re extremely sure that your ad is effective, then consider using funds to run such ads. This method can allow you to maximize your ad campaign results.

6. Switch Off the Audience Network With Facebook Ads

I recommend that you switch off your Audience Network on Facebook Ads, which eliminated around 90% of click fraud from sketchier websites. You can see these on the Display Network on Google AdWords or Facebook.

When using the Google Display Network, say NO when they ask for managed placements. It excludes websites from reports and also gets rid of unwanted clicks from Facebook Ads, saving you money in the long run.

7. Create and Advertise Your Off-Topic Content For Building Brand Bias

New visits have a low brand affinity, with repeat visitors having a better brand connection. That’s why it’s best to remarket, targeting the people familiar with your business. Dedicate about 20% of your resources into making off-topic content. This gives people more brand affinity and value for them.

Wrapping It Up

PPC is one of the effective ways to help get your webpages seen by the right people. As long as you do it right, you can achieve even more goals and continue forward with achieving your goals. If you don’t have the time to put in all your effort for such campaigns, you can get companies like Joel House Search Media to guide you.

I hope this article on the best PPC strategies helped you out! So start looking into any of these PPC strategies for your next campaign now.

If you have any questions or want to share your own PPC tips, then comment below. All your thoughts are much appreciated!

Digital Branding

4 Uses Of Virtual Reality Technology in Digital Marketing

The term Virtual Reality can easily be explained by defining the words, Virtual and Reality, together. A reality that is not real seems quite an oxymoron but is not! Using the computer software to create a simulated environment that the user believes in as if it’s the “actual” one is the main idea behind introducing the virtual reality technology. Two of the five senses, Sight and Sound, are used to get an experience of a virtually real environment. Works are underway to introduce and use the third sense, Touch. The feeling of Touch will help visually impaired people get an understanding of the world they are surrounded by.

Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are alike in a way and different in many others. The Augmented Reality does not provide you with a whole new experience but adds into what you are already experiencing. Augmented Reality presents the user with an artificial component to experience without having to isolate himself from the real world. A very famous game that got the real hype recently, Pokemon Go, is the best example of an Augmented Reality experience.

In contrast, Virtual Reality is all about creating and presenting a totally artificial environment to the user to experience a situation he wishes to be in. Virtual Reality helps people to get an experience they usually cannot under their typical surroundings. With the aid of this technology, you can explore beaches or mountains sitting on your couch at home or conduct urgent office meetings while being at a resort with your family.

VR in Digital Marketing

We have gathered for you four ways where Virtual Reality Technology development helps you market your business.

Captivating User Experience

The times are moving forward, a new technological product is being introduced with every passing minute. Old marketing techniques are becoming irrelevant or less working in this technologically modernized world. Digital Marketers are now taking the help of Virtual Reality Technology. It helps their potential client, and the user gets the 3-D learning experience of the services offered to them. Create websites that are aesthetic and use new techniques to engage your user.

Building Client Relationships

Giving out a VR application for your product or the services you are delivering helps your clients get connected to you. You need to update these regularly to build successful relationships with your clients. Remember you want the client to reach for you, you should not pursue your client but let him ring you for your services.

Mobile Applications that employ  Virtual Reality Technology proves to be helpful in expanding your business. A user uses these applications and gets an in-depth view of what services you are offering and how can he employ those.

Stand Out of The Crowd

Several brands are out there conducting a mass-campaign for their brand awareness utilizing various tactics and technique. Therefore, only new and unique ideas for promoting your business would prove fruitful. Using Virtual Reality technology to market your business would not only help you stand out from the crowd but also create your individuality within your competitors. Check out the Unique out of the box services of the Html Pro Top Digital Agency in NY.

You can help your potential client or the user get the visual analysis of the prototype of the product. It is easy to get feedback and increase the ratings of your brand.

Create Engaging Campaigns

To attract user attention, you need to create aesthetically, pleasing digital marketing campaigns. Virtual Reality can help you with your brand awareness by creating an experience that can help the user get an insight into what you are offering.

Virtual Reality Technology sure has provided humans with the ease and the entertainment together in one. With every tick of the clock, the VR experts are coming up with brand new innovative ideas to implement, and nothing is stopping them down. VR may be another further progress in the technological world, but it is also here to stay for long.