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Digital Branding

Everything That You Must Know About Enterprise SEO

SEO is a common term that helps a website to reach a maximum number of customers in a short time. Nowadays, if you don’t have a good knowledge of SEO, then you can’t survive in the global market. Hiring SEO services can help a businessman to improve the ranking of the website on the search engines. It is beneficial to drive more traffic and properly promote the business. SEO also has a lot of other benefits that you should check before getting started with it. A new brand or business can come into the light with the use of effective SEO strategies and techniques.

When it comes to enterprise SEO, then there are many important things that you need to understand properly. Having a general knowledge about SEO can’t help you to get progress in the online market. You should know about the technical facts as well as the other significant aspects related to SEO to get the desired success. In the further post, you can check other details related to SEO for an enterprise organization.

1. Technical SEO and error management

Most of the enterprises and larger organizations are spending more time on identifying the issues after launching a project. With the help of this, they can easily make corrections to the project instead of facing the issues in the future. They can save up time and money by identifying the problems before launching the project. Well, SEO is responsible for the mitigation works with the project. With the knowledge of SEO, one can easily make the right decision that can help the company to save up time and efforts. It is also important to understand the aspect of technical SEO for the success of an enterprise.

2. Analysis and reporting

Well, it is really important for a company to understand the main role of SEO for traffic and revenue. It is crucial to pay attention while calculating the assumptions and for reporting on the successes. In the case of reporting, SEO is a little complex as compared to the other channels. While analyzing SEO, you need to determine how SEO is performing. In addition to this, you also need to check the efforts that are providing positive results. You also need to analyze the present opportunities. After analyzing all these things and making the calculations, you should submit a report.

3. Management of projects for SEO

After making analysis and preparing reports, the next thing you should do is to take the right steps for the improvements. You need to determine the gaps between the current and the past efforts of the company related to SEO. On the basis of it, they should make the improvements to get the desired success. The main parts of the website to which the company should pay attention are the design and the content of the various pages of the website. It is a responsibility of the project manager to focus the time and energy to prepare the teams to do the task in an organized manner. By doing this, they can get positive results in the form of an increasing rate of revenues for the company.

4. Build relationships

After considering all the steps mentioned above, the next thing that one should do is to build the relationships across the organizations. The SEO team of a company should pay proper attention to the first three tips and then they should try to build a relationship among the members. They should start it from the manager or director of the team and end it by encouraging every member of the team. SEO is the main aspect of the promotion of a business, but it requires support from the other teams to get the desired success. If they all have a good relationship with all the teams, then they can get support with ease from other teams. It will also help them for the overall growth of SEO and the company.

In addition to this, there are many other aspects of SEO to which an organization should pay attention. By doing this, they can achieve the desired success with ease and also in a simple manner. Well, these four factors are also known as the four pillars of enterprise SEO success. You need to understand the core concepts of SEO to get success in achieving growth for your business origination.

Other things to consider

Most of the business originations are paying more attention while building up an SEO team of experts. With the help of this, they can easily drive the success of the business in an easy manner. SEO is not only beneficial for marketing because it also has many other important roles in the success of a business organization. Due to this, most of the companies are putting a lot of time to build up a good SEO team for the organization. There are many important aspects related to SEO to which a company should pay attention to achieve better results.

Hiring SEO experts can help your organizations or business to achieve the desired success quickly. It is important for an organization to consider all the main factors related to SEO to get effective results. They should ever ignore the importance of any SEO factor because it can create lots of issues in the future.

The last words

The importance of SEO can’t be ignored when it comes to a business origination. Using SEO tips will not only help them to reach the top pages of search engines but also help them to increase the revenues. It is also beneficial for improving the visibility of a new brand or business among the customers and even reach out to new ones. If you have just started a company or organization, then a good SEO team can help your business to grow faster. The experts of SEO Company can also help a business enterprise or a company to get the desired success in an effective manner.

Digital Branding

How to Create Highly Effective Newsletter Campaigns

For businesses to remain competitive, it’s important to make use of various channels for building and promoting your brand. It’s for this reason that multi-channel marketing remains a highly successful strategy for cultivating a large and engaged customer base. According to a 2019 Hubspot article, at least 83% of B2B companies use newsletters in their content marketing strategy.

Indeed, when it comes to influencing buyer decisions, newsletters are able to help businesses realize better sales numbers. Using the right techniques, businesses will be able to maximize their newsletter campaigns and drive the goals that matter to them.

It all depends on how you structure your campaign from the ground up. Let’s take a look at a few approaches that will help you craft an effective newsletter campaign that matches your business goals.

  1. Define your objectives

Obviously, you would want to determine what it is you want to accomplish in the first place. Do you want to drive more people to your e-commerce website? Are you trying to capture more leads? Is your ultimate goal building a larger base of engaged followers through newsletter sign ups? Or are you looking to spread the word about the innovative product or service you’re selling? It’s important that you create newsletters that have a well-defined purpose, as that will help guide how you create and optimize them to meet your objective.

  1. Work in your niche

Specificity is important when you’re creating newsletters for targeted segments of your market. It’s important to know, for instance, the right strategies for assisted living marketing or marketing for IT professionals. When crafting your newsletters, make sure that the content is relevant and valuable to your audience. Otherwise, you won’t be able to drive the conversions you are hoping for.

  1. Make it clear and concise

Content-wise, you will have to craft your newsletters in a way that lets your audience understand your message and, hopefully, decide on acting in a way that meets your goals. Clear and concise language is the key. Consider that online audiences do not often take the time to read the entirety of any newsletter, you might as well craft copy that’s straightforward and easily digestible. For this, you might want to hire a professional copywriter to help you craft newsletter content that’s highly effective in building your audience.

  1. Pay attention to the design

Hands down, design can make all the difference in the world of business. Consumers are drawn closer to symbols and design motifs that appeal to their sense of style. That being said, it’s important that you focus on creating visually pleasing and satisfactory newsletters that supports your content and helps guide people towards converting. It helps if you’re able to design your newsletter using enough whitespace and a color palette that matches your brand’s identity.

  1. Create a compelling call-to-action

Finally, you can’t have an effective newsletter without a call-to-action or CTA. This should inform your audience on what to do next (whether to purchase or subscribe) based on the goals you have set. Use these tips on your next newsletter campaign and see sales conversions go through the roof!

Digital Branding

How Can Set up a Google Ads Campaign Help Real Estate Investors?

According to professionals, nothing is better than Google Ads because it is offering enormous benefits to us.  In order to attract a lot of customers then it would be better to make the use of Google Ads. Make sure that you are creating a genuine campaign that will increase the awareness of the business without any problem. In order to generate more revenue then Google ads would be beneficial for you. It is one of the most important things that will attract a lot of traffic on the website.  It isn’t a straightforward process because you need to analyze lots of things like finding a fantastic keyword that will improve visibility and will improve the revenue of a business. It has become one of the great advertising platforms. Let’s discuss the potential benefits of Google ads to real estate investors.

  • Fast promotion

Two types of things are out there that will surely improve the visibility of business like SEO and Google AdWords. If you don’t want to face any complicated problems, then it would be better to make the use of Google Adwords that will surely generate a lot of traffic and will improve the leads. It is a little bit faster than others. Like, if you are considering SEO, then it is mandatory for you to create a particular campaign that will attract a lot of traffic and will improve the revenue of a business.  Make contact with a professional who will surely create a genuine AdWords account that will improve the revenue and profit of the business. Ultimately, it is a particular technique where you will able to pay attention to the two keywords at a single time. It has become an effective strategy that will increase the visibility of the website.

  • Awareness of brand

Try to consider PPC management for real estate investors that will increase the wariness of the brand. It is a reliable option because it will attract a lot of traffic and will surely improve the conversion rate of the business. It is an efficient way to express ideas regarding your brand.  According to professionals, if you are working genuinely, then it will surely improve brand awareness by 6.6% without any problem. Overall, it is one of the great and reliable strategies that is improving the visibility and revenue of the website without any problem. Therefore, you should create a fantastic campaign for PPC management.

  • Connect with viewers

It is beneficial for those who want to attract a lot of new viewers on the official website. After creating a new website, you should create a particular campaign that would be beneficial. You should always create such a thing twice or thrice in a month that will improve the revenue of the business.

Moving further, while creating a particular campaign you have to pay close attention to the important things like budget, PPC, budget and other important things. You should analyze the ROI of the website carefully.

Legal BrandingLocal Branding

Most Efficient B2B Lead Generation Strategies for 2019

The biggest problem with B2B outreach lies in the fact that a lot of people don’t really understand how it works. On the one hand, there are those who believe it to be completely opposite to B2C, seeing as how “B2C purchases are based on emotions and B2B purchases are based on rational decision-making”. This is, of course, oversimplified, due to the fact that businesses are run by people who are just as susceptible to emotions and impulses. Due to the fact that processes are a tad slower and purchases are a tad more valuable, B2B decisions have a more rational and analytical approach. With that in mind, here are several of the most effective B2B lead generation strategies that you should definitely consider.

1. Start with your social media presence

When it comes to boosting one’s social media presence, a lot of people believe this to be an exclusively B2C strategy. The truth is that they couldn’t be more wrong. Just because your audience is more likely to go to your website straight away rather than do their research on your Instagram profile or Facebook page, doesn’t mean that you can neglect social media presence. As for platforms like LinkedIn, they’re suddenly becoming a priority of your social media activity. While this is not talked about that much, LinkedIn is a platform with a rapidly growing user base. In just six years (between 2011 and 2017) the number of users on this network grew from 140 million to 500 million.

2. A/B testing

You also need to keep in mind that the expectations of people in charge of outreach in other enterprises are somewhat higher than those of individual users. They’re less often unrealistic but are not likely to tolerate bugs, glitches, and malfunctions. This is why it’s best if you were to test any change before implementing it. Also, when it comes to appealing to the emotional side of your audience, you need to understand that it’s still incredibly important. While the very term B2B may make the outreach seem quite impersonal or inanimate, you’re not reaching out to the entity, that is this other business, but to the people who are in charge of it. This means that finding patterns and methods that are to their liking still seems to be quite important.

3. Get your finances in order

Previously, we’ve mentioned the fact that B2B leads are based on numbers and are not that affected by appearances. This is why the first thing they might look at is your credit history, your company’s financial status, and your ability to meet all the legal obligations. Even a hint of failing to pay your taxes may be interpreted as a serious misstep by your potential partners, which is something you want to avoid at all costs. Now, there are some taxes that are applicable to the entire country, yet, there are those that depend on the state that your company is in. A perfect example of this is payroll taxes, which vary from state to state. This means that your NSW enterprise needs to find tax consultants from Sydney in order to ensure that everything on this front is in perfect order.

4. Prepare for voice searches

The next thing you need to prepare yourself for is the concept of voice search. More and more people are using this feature on a daily basis due to the fact that the technology itself has become quite sophisticated. In the past, the engine behind the feature was crude and unable to understand anything but the simplest words uttered in perfect English (in some of the most standard dialects such as the UK, US, or Australia). Nowadays, the technology consults your previous search history, tracks your location, and does an excellent job of recognizing the language you’re using. This, on the other hand, means that you have to optimize for voice searches, and especially dedicate your efforts to voice search SEO.

5. Identify and fix broken pages

Having a broken page on your blog or, worse yet, multiple of them, may result in a scenario where your rank drops and your reputation in the digital world suffers. They may cause you to lose audience, and customers and drastically hurt your conversion rates. It’s even worse if a broken link is on your own domain. Imagine a scenario where a person clicks on a link that should lead to a product they want to purchase only to find it malfunctioning. Fortunately, tending to this doesn’t take that much effort. All you have to do is figure out an adequate tool and start using it on a regular basis.

6. Mobile should be paramount

The last thing you need to consider is the importance of making mobile-friendly pages. First of all, in this day and age, where the majority of people online are browsing the internet on their phones, Google is strict to penalize anyone who doesn’t focus on mobile web design. Nonetheless, just because so many people are using their phones to browse the internet, it doesn’t mean that they’re doing it via a browser. Therefore, it might be for the best if you were to develop an app. Any investment in this area is bound to give you an outstanding ROI.

The very last thing worth keeping in mind is the fact that all of these trends also benefit your B2C lead generation, which makes this a win-win scenario. However, those who want a rapid and reliable expansion need to focus on both.

Digital Branding

How Can Blogging Provide Good SEO Results?

No doubt, SEO is a wide term, and it is really difficult to understand it in the right manner. Google is changing its policies daily which is the reason why people are facing issues to understand SEO. If you are a digital marketer, then it is essential to understand the term SEO and some related aspects. After having a good knowledge of SEO, you can easily improve the ranking of your websites. Some people are taking help from blogs to enhance the ranking of their websites on the search engines.

You can also take help from blogging to boost SEO rankings. Well, many reasons can help to blog to boost SEO. To know everything related to SEO and blogging, you should check out the points that are listed in the further post. You should use the SEO tips properly to get effective results. You will be amazed after knowing the benefits of blogging for SEO purposes. It is important to understand how blogging can provide quality results. Check the below mentioned details and understand the importance of blogging for SEO.

Make your website updated

With the help of developing a blog, you can easily reach to the maximum audience in a short time. Google always provide the results from the search done by the users. When they search by using long tail keywords, then they can also get some blogs in the form of results. Blogging can provide effective results as compared to the other methods when it comes to SEO. With the help of blogs, you can also enhance a website and make it look updated and fresh. Most of the users like to visit updated websites. Blogging can also help you to add fresh and unique content to your website in an easy manner.

Generate traffic

Blogging can help your website in various manners. You need to understand the benefits of blogging for SEO. When you post a blog, then it can help you to generate maximum traffic for your website. When people read unique blogs, then they prefer to visit your website. With the help of this, you can grab the attention of more and more visitors to your website. Blogging is also an effective method that can help your website to generate traffic quickly. Well, there are many other methods that you can use, but blogging is an effective one. Most of the people are taking help from blogging to get the desired traffic for your website.

Stay connected with the audience

You may all know about the fact that blogs can help you to stay connected with the audience for a long time. When the audience read the blog and find the content according to their interest, then they love to read it till the end. You should always develop the blogs after considering the interest of your readers. The readers always visit your site again and again to read the content. It can also help you to get good traffic and repeat visitors to your website. Blogging can help visitors to stay connected to the website for a long time to get effective results in a short time.

Well, many other benefits can be derived from the proper use of blogging. It is important to know all about the importance of blogging before getting started to write the content.

Beneficial tips for optimizing the blog content

To make a blog popular, you should follow some beneficial tips. Many SEO experts are sharing a lot of tips to make a blog successful. With the help of using all the important tips, you can maximize the traffic to a website with ease. Some of the important tips have been mentioned below

  • You should try to use some essential tips for making a blog successful. It is important to use the long tail keywords for improving the rank of a website on the search engine. You should always use the keywords naturally in the blog to make it look attractive and impressive. With the help of this, you can generate good quality traffic.
  • You should always focus properly to use the keywords while writing a blog. The selection of the keywords is important as the incorporation of the keywords. You should always mention the keywords in the main parts of the blog. Always mention the keyword in the title tag and the body of the blog.
  • It is also important to pay attention to the Meta description or Meta title of the blog. With the help of this, you can achieve effective results in a short time. With the proper use of the Meta description, you can indicate the readers about the overview of the blog. It is also important to include the long tail keywords in the Meta title.
  • Try to ignore the use of the same topic tags to avoid numerous issues. With the help of the topic tags, you can organize the blog content and take some other advantages. The use of duplicate content in the blog can also create a lot of issues in the future. To avoid these issues, you should use unique topic tags.
  • It is important to write blogs in the right manner to make it mobile friendly. Most of people are using mobile phones instead of computers. With the help of a mobile-friendly blog, you can increase the traffic to your website. In this way, you can get a high ranking on the search engines.

With the use of all these tips, you can easily avail the amazing benefits for your website. In case you cannot do it, hire the best professionals to help you out. With the help of SEO Company Boston or other SEO experts, you can enhance the traffic to your website. It can also help to make your business profitable by grabbing the attention of potential customers.  You need to invest some time in this to see the actual results for your site. Every site has different requirements and the professionals will work accordingly.

Digital Branding

6 Essentials Traits of a Good SEO Agency in Singapore to Look for

There is no one who doesn’t want to work with the best, especially when it comes to business consulting. For small and big businesses alike, when you are thinking of investing in SEO, one should always look for providers who can deliver the best of their promises in action. But, how to identify who is the best?

Before checking out the characteristics of a good SEO agency, it is essential to understand how SEO works and which all aspects of it play a crucial role in business marketing. Online business is quite a competitive and complicated affair with hundreds of thousands of companies competing in the same space. This is the reason why businesses should hire expert SEO providers in order to get dedicated and loyal customers online.

Professional SEO firms knew all the nooks and corners of digital marketing and ensure that your brand thrives in this highly competitive space. You can be reassured about relevant traffic and in turn, convert it into sales with the help of SEO. If you into the search for such an agency to take your online business marketing to the next level, here are some essentials to look for.

1. Professionalism and experience

Thro succeed in the digital space; it is important for the SEO provider to have significant experience in your industry-relevant SEO practices. If you want to reap maximum results, then it is advisable to sing up with a company or professional provider who has considerable experience in your field of business.

Providers from the same industry will have a better understanding of the competition and the standard SEO practices which will work the best in it. Check if the SEO agency you approach is knowledgeable about the business dynamics of both the local market and international market as your focus. Professional SEO providers know the client as well as user expectations and can work at best to meet all these objectives.

2. Notable reputation

The clients of the SEO providers will have volumes to tell about their services and support. This is the ideal way to identify whether the provider in consideration is reputed or not. You can check online to see the feedback and testimonial about any top SEO agency to ensure whether it is a highly admired service.

You can also get information from the blog discussions and forums by gathering comments and feedback about various providers. You can also check the grievance posting sites also to see what complaints clients used to raise certain providers. It is also ideal to ask someone you know about their experience with SEO outsourcing to see if they have any suggestions to make.

3. Analytical ability

As we know, SEO is a very strategic approach to business marketing, which has to be done based on a thorough analysis. Tools like Google Analytics are used by expert SEO providers in order to understand where their clients stand and the specific areas to be worked on.

While approaching an SEO agency, you should check their analytical tools and methodology in order to understand whether they possess significant expertise in this specialty. Without analytics, getting into SEO will be something getting on to an ocean sail without any map or sail plan.

Any professional SEO provider will have a highly analytical mind and essential analytical tools handy. If your SEO provider is not keen about numbers and if their decisions are not data-driven, then your efforts may ultimately fail. SEO is a precise scientific approach than an art, so choose only someone who focuses on figures and results.

4. Utilizes the latest strategies

As we know, digital marketing is a constantly changing specialty. SEO techniques are evolving day by day, and many of those become obsolete over time. Say, for example, keyword stuffing was one of the top SEO strategies at one time, but now it is considered as a black-hat technique which may end up in a penalty.

A professional SEO provider will always watch for the latest changes and updated in terms of search engine optimization and change their strategies accordingly. In fact, the SEO approach in various industries may also differ. They utilize time-tested techniques and apply them to suit to the actual needs of the clients. In fact, no SEO strategy tends to ensure 100% results, but a fine combination of the best approaches can bring in real results.

5. Professional team

Successful SEO is a team effort. A professional SEO team is an ideal characteristic to look for while finding an SEO agency. A good company will encourage their SEO staffs to do constant research to tackle the latest search engine algorithms and bring their clients on to the top.

A professional SEO team will consist of not an only search engine expert, but good web designers, website planner, content engineers, social media experts, e-mail strategies and so on. Professional agencies will train their staff to continue to make sure that they are fully focused on results based on the changing SEO conditions.

6. Follows an ethical methodology

A reputable and professional SEO agency may use only white-hat SEO techniques while trying to promote client sites. Those agencies which offer over-night results may be trying out the black hat techniques to show some instant (short-lived) results, but this will ultimately put you into deeper troubles.

Good SEO agencies will never use the black hat tactics like spamming, doorway pages, or invisible text to boost search engine positions. Now with their latest algorithms, all major search engines run very strict monitoring on the SEO activities, and if the bots identify any websites employing such strategies, such pages will be instantly penalized or even get banned.

This is the reason why you should join hands with only those providers using legitimate SEO methods which are approved by search engines as ethical. The right approach professional SEO companies utilize now are:

  • Quality link building
  • Website optimization
  • Keyword focused quality content etc.

Proper white hat SEO techniques will guarantee slow, but steady results which are more sustainable.

Most importantly, a good SEO provider will only give realistic commitments to its clients. They may never guarantee the No.1 SERP position, but they may focus more on strategies which help their clients to slowly and steadily build in terms of search engine ranking.

Digital Branding

Top 7 Online Courses to Help You Get Started with Digital Branding

With today’s technological advancements, many online courses are designed to help businesses and individuals to achieve their goals. Whether you’re a business owner or someone who is looking for a digital marketing job, it’s essential to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest digital branding and marketing trends nowadays. If you want to hone your skills and improve your business with digital branding, here are the top seven online courses to help you get started.

1. Content Marketing Certification Course

If you want to become a certified content marketer, you can give this online course a try. It’s designed to help you create an effective marketing strategy for your business or job. If you have a scalable content marketing approach, you can be able to convert your prospects into customers. When taking up this certification course, you’re going to learn about content planning, creation, promotion, and analytics.

2. Inbound Marketing Online Course

Digital marketing also struggles to provide positive results, which is why inbound marketing can be one of the solutions to generate real marketing ROI (return on investment) in the business. By taking up an inbound marketing online course, you will be able to use an innovative framework that enables you to gain more leads, customers, sales through your virtual presence. This online course also allows you to develop the skills necessary to building effective inbound campaigns from setting up your business goals to analyzing your inbound ROI.

3. Graphic Design Online Course

When it comes to digital branding, you also need to have excellent skills in graphic designs for your websites, social media, and other online platforms. Remember, having remarkable graphics can add value to your website such that it encourages your visitors to stay longer in that site. From repurposing images, setting up a picture on your own, and adding logos to modifying texts and colors, everything you need to learn about graphic design and digital branding can be taken up through online courses like the HubSpot graphic design course.

4. Social Media Certification Course

If you want to learn more about creating a social media strategy, making and sharing useful social content, and optimizing social media profiles for the business, taking a social media certification course can be a great option. The course will help test your knowledge about the fundamentals of social media marketing and how it contributes to the success of your digital branding. By completing this course, you can stay up-to-date on the current social media practices, as well as create a strategy that supports your marketing and sales efforts.

5. Search Engine Optimization Course

Taking this online course will help you build a competent SEO (search engine optimization) strategy that provides better business results. You’ll learn the fundamentals of SEO such as building links to your website, using blogging for SEO, and other digital marketing approaches. If you want to sharpen your SEO knowledge and skills that can help boost your digital branding, then you should consider taking this course as soon as you can.

6. Lead Management Course

If you’re looking to manage sales leads effectively, learning about a lead management course can help. Moreover, the course is also designed to help you come up with a comprehensive lead generation plan that allows you and your marketing team to obtain, assess, and provide leads to the sales team. Keep in mind that having a strategic lead management system in place is the key to a successful digital branding and marketing efforts of your company.

7. Video Marketing Course

Creating video content is one of the top digital branding trends this year. Since videos are more attractive to young generations, it’s a great way of gaining publicity and promoting your brand. For that reason, taking up a video marketing online course can be beneficial. The course is designed for you to learn how to develop a solid video marketing strategy and figure out the best types of video content you should incorporate in your website and social media platforms. Moreover, you’re also expected to learn about video production, and video tracking and analysis at the end of this online course.


Clearly, a robust digital branding campaign is vital toward achieving business success. It doesn’t only boost your company’s online popularity and visibility, but it also lets you establish a stronger relationship with your prospects and customers. If you want to get the most out of digital branding for your business, it’s important to equip yourself with the right knowledge and skills using these seven online courses.

Digital Branding

All You Need to Know about Link Wheel

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All website owners want their site to have high visibility in search results and a steady influx of traffic. They mostly employ services of a search engine optimisation agency to achieve these goals. Creating a link wheel is an effective SEO strategy that enables you to promote your website, get backlinks and add a substantial amount of traffic coming toward your site. Let us first discuss what exactly is a link wheel and then we will talk about creating a link wheel and does it really work.

What is a Link Wheel?

In order to get better visibility, your site has to have a good page rank. You may achieve a good page rank by having a considerable number of links that lead to your website. SEO techniques that we apply indirectly to our site are called offsite techniques. Link wheel is primarily an offsite SEO technique. You create a number of sites, or ‘web 2.0 properties’, which are simply pages hosted on well-known sites. Then you link them in such a way that one site is linked to the other. These links must eventually lead to the site that actually needs promotion. This link pattern forms a ‘wheel’, such that every site is linked to the one next to it and eventually to the main site to be promoted. In this scenario, the ‘web 2.0 properties’ make up the ‘rim’ and your site is the center of the wheel where each link coming to it is a ‘spoke’.

How Do You Create a Link Wheel?

In order to create a link wheel, first, you need to create a dozen or so mini-sites or blogs. You can create your page on sites like Hubpages, WordPress, Tumblr, and so on. On each of these mini-sites, you will have to create some original and creative content, using appropriate keywords placed strategically throughout the content. Now, each of these mini-sites contains a link to another mini-site and a link to your money site, hence completing the link wheel.

Do They Work?

Now that you know what is a link wheel and have a basic idea of how to create one, you might want to understand if all the efforts are worth it. The truth is, some might work and some won’t. However, if you know what you are doing, then your link wheel will surely enhance your page rank.

Is it Black Hat or White Hat?

This is becoming an increasingly controversial subject as link wheels are being discussed on many sites, blogs, and forums. The omnipresence of positive reviews by people makes them assume it to be ethical rather than Black Hat. In my opinion, link wheels are somewhere in-between and have the potential of being either Black or White Hat, depending on the purpose and method used.

Link wheels aren’t completely ethical. Though Google’s guidelines do not mention them specifically, yet they do state that anything done with the purpose of hoodwinking the crawler and manipulating the PageRank, i.e. performing an action with the purpose of getting a better rank than for the benefit of your visitors, is against their rules and may have an unfavorable effect on your rankings. Link wheels can be completely Black Hat, if you use automated programs to create articles and interlinked wheels, RSS directories etc. On the other hand, if you pick good web 2.0 sites, write engaging content and promote it on social media channels, it will not only bring you traffic and good ranking but will also improve your sales.

Digital Branding

12 Things to Check Before Choosing an eCommerce Platform

If you are planning to build an ecommerce store, then one of the most important things that you should plan beforehand is which eCommerce platform you should choose. There are numerous platforms online with multiple features, so it becomes important that you choose one that provides you with a greater range of options, flexibility, and scalability as per your needs.

In this article, we have provided a list of features that you should look at before you choose an ecommerce platform for your ecommerce store.

1. Compatible with a mobile phone

Nowadays, people use mobile phones regularly to browse the internet. The number of people using the desktop for Internet browsing compared to mobile browsing is going down significantly. Therefore, if you want to improve more traffic to your store make sure that the platform you are choosing allows your website to be viewed on a smartphone with compatible resolution.

2. A wide range of features

When you are choosing an ecommerce platform make sure that it has a wide range of features that will allow your commerce store to function smoothly. Some of the features that are essential for any ecommerce site or mobile app are; shopping cart plug-in and add-ons, different payment options, shipping methods, templates and themes, website security, content creation and so on.

3. Optimized for search engine

If you look at how people look at things on the Internet, then you will realize that the most common way is going through the search engine. Search engines have become virtually the gateway to the Internet. Therefore, it has become important for you to choose the right ecommerce platform with SEO features so that your ecommerce website gets higher ranking on the

search engine result page.

4. Cost effective

When you are looking for an ecommerce platform you should choose one that will allow you to pay as per your usage. There are many ecommerce platforms that give you a bouquet of options that you can use. While it has many advantages, the big negative of such an ecommerce platform is that it is very costly. Besides, you may not use all the features that are available on the ecommerce platform. Therefore, choose a platform that allows you to pay for only those features that are essential for your online business and you use. In this way, you have to pay only for those services which you have chosen and not for those which you don’t use.

5. Amazing user experience

Research on consumer behavior shows that people who have a negative experience in a website or mobile app will less likely to visit it again. Thus, it is very important for any ecommerce store to provide a good experience to their clients as any negative impact on the user experience will seriously harm their reputation online. Therefore, before you choose any ecommerce platform, carefully compare it with other such platforms to figure out which one of them will give your buyers the best user experience.

6. A wide variety of themes

As an ecommerce store owner, your primary aim is to start your business very quickly so that you can reach out to your clients and sell them your products to recoup the cost you have incurred in starting the business. However, if you spend most of your time building your website from the scratch itself, then It will take a lot of time and cost (it has its own benefits too) which you could have otherwise invested in expanding your business or improving your brand image online. Therefore, we suggest that you look for an ecommerce platform that gives you a wide range of ready-made template from which you can select the one that will satisfy the needs of your online business.

7. Highly customizable

When you are looking for the right ecommerce platform that will host your online store, choose one that will allow you to customize your website or ecommerce app according to your needs. There are many ecommerce platforms that allow store owners to add additional features by downloading plug-ins from the online marketplace. There are also ecommerce platforms that allow custom development so that you can use a unique and highly attractive UI and security features to give your buyers the best experience and secure payment service.

8. Functionality

When you open your ecommerce store to sell products online, then you need to provide adequate functionalities so that the different needs of your customers are met. There are some customers who like to buy products from brick and mortar shop that are in close proximity to where they live, then there are some who like to buy goods using filters like the size of the product, the price of the product, the quality of the product and so on. Your ecommerce platform should offer various functionalities that will allow you to fulfil the buying needs of your customers so that they get a great experience visiting your store and buying products from it.

9. Regular security updates

While the Internet platform provides you with an unlimited reach throughout the globe, it also allows people sitting in different parts of the world to hack your site and ruin your business. Therefore, you need constant updates of security patches that will plug-in any loopholes through which hackers can attack your store. Therefore, choose an ecommerce platform that provides you with a regular update.

10. Provides help in analytics

You need to subscribe to an ecommerce platform that provides you with in-depth analytics that will help you to market your products in a more targeted manner. Web analytics are of prime importance for web marketing and it will give them an in-depth idea of what is working and what requires further effort.

11. Easy checkout option

If the checkout option is very slow on your ecommerce store, then you will find that the rate of cart abandonment is very high. To reduce cart abandonment rate, ecommerce platform must provide the checkout option in such a way that the customer does not feel any hassle and it is done quickly and efficiently.

12. Provide social media integration

Nowadays social media has become very important for marketing reasons. If you want to reach out to the right people in the right way, then you must leverage the power of social media. Therefore, when you are choosing for an ecommerce platform select the one that comes with social media integration (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and many more).

These are important things which you need to keep in mind when you are researching for the right ecommerce platform for your ecommerce store. A well-planned ecommerce business always succeed. You must know how to start an ecommerce business before you actually start it.

SaaS Branding

Boost Your SaaS Sales with These 4 Tips

This is a guest post by Anubhuti Shrivastava

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In contemporary digital landscape, SaaS companies are growing like never before as more and more entrepreneurs have started embracing modern technologies to streamline complex processes and automate workflows.

Let’s understand the beauty of subscription model with the help of an e-commerce giant Amazon which started its journey by selling books on the internet in 1994. But today it has become the king of digital subscriptions with different services under one roof such as Amazon Prime, Amazon Drive & Kindle Unlimited, Amazon Music Storage, etc.

This shift is the proof that big brands have understood the significance of nurturing long-term relationships with customers and consider subscription model as the key driving force for optimizing revenue. But if SaaS is this simple, why it’s difficult to convince customers to sign up and purchase? Let’s find the answer.

The majority of SaaS company websites sell software directly to their customers. Conventional software distribution channels have been replaced with current on-demand, subscription-based delivery models. Also, more than 70% of software sales are no more based on channels.

But still modern SaaS vendors find it difficult to crack the unique code for SaaS sales.  The reason behind this can be the dependency of software vendors on direct sales. Or, absence of essential technologies and tools to facilitate a reasonable distribution set up including indirect channels, or the lack of knowledge about how to use CRM tools.

Moreover, SaaS founders have failed in identifying appropriate solution to every sales and distribution hurdle they face. Also, because every SaaS business is one of a kind with diverse requirements at different phases, it becomes even tougher to quickly boost the software sales.  Tensed? Don’t be; let’s look at the four major tips which SaaS companies can use for driving maximum sales.

  1. Exclusive Reseller Programs For Improving SaaS Sales Rapidly

These programs can be the lifesaver for SaaS entrepreneurs as they can help them in churning out revenues at extremely low margins. Here, you have to leave the stress of doing tedious and time-consuming task of selling on resellers and pay attention to creating better solutions. For instance, look at the popular SaaS based accounting platform Xero that has managed to add thousands of customers with the help of its unique reseller program.

  1. Comprehensive Application & Online Marketplaces For Making Buyer Journey More Convenient

The marketplaces have become an integral SaaS software-distribution medium. The SaaS sphere has three major types of marketplaces which are listed below:

  1. Add-on stores: Offer API-powered services to let programmers build over a SaaS platform. The Atlassian Marketplace and Salesforce AppExchange are the two popular add-on marketplaces for particular SaaS platforms.
  2. Full-service marketplaces: Offer real SaaS product and not a connector to a third-party site. These platforms make it easier for customers to acquire third-party apps without any need to leave the marketplace and sign up at some other place. For instance, ADP which is the world’s largest payroll company introduced a full-service marketplace with multiple third-party plug-ins and services under its umbrella for expanding the platform.

III. App directories: Use listing as the key traffic driver for off-site vendors. For example, sites like Capterra and GetApp drive traffic to the sites of software vendors where customers can buy the software.

  1. Unique Affiliate & Referral Programs For Acquiring New Prospects

These programs have been flourishing since several years and SaaS vendors believe these to be one of the best tools for acquiring new customers. Let’s look at both of them one by one:

  1. Affiliate Programs: SaaS vendors get into building a formal relationship with affiliate partners who give qualified leads back to the vendor in return of an incentive or portion of revenue.
  2. Referral Programs: Customers refer products to their peers in order to win an incentive or reward. Also, new customers get some exciting prize for trying out a particular brand.
  3. Direct Sales: An Evergreen Alternative

This approach still has the potential to drive maximum sales for SaaS vendors because of its effectiveness. Also, there can’t be any slip-ups when SaaS organizations sell their products directly to the customers and prospects.

Selling products directly isn’t as simple as it seems to be. But CRM tools can make this tedious task easy as these systems can help SaaS vendors to store and use customer related information efficiently.

There are multiple CRM systems available in the market but it’s important to choose the right one that has the potential to facilitate your sales process from the first touch point to the final sale properly. Also, a sales CRM tool allows SaaS vendors to provide their customer with excellent customer experience.

Being a SaaS vendor you can’t rely on one technique to crack the code for sales. Also, you can’t have one-size-fits all strategy to work for your SaaS model. Rather it’s important to acquire relevant technologies and tools that are flexible as well as scalable to grow along with your business.

Author Bio

Anubhuti Shrivastava is a content crafter at Arkenea and Benchpoint. She is passionate about writing articles on topics related to design and the software development industry.