Category: Local Branding

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Purchasing an Insurance Policy, Here’s What to Consider

Life is brimming with vulnerabilities and health-related crises are one of them. With the expanding cost of medicinal services, purchasing an insurance policy, for example, health care coverage is practically inescapable.

Be that as it may, with such huge numbers of alternatives accessible, it can get confounding to discover a policy that would work perfectly for you. Try not to stress, this post has disentangled this for you. Here is a brisk once-over of the things that you can consider to purchase the best insurance plan for yourself and your family. Prepare to investigate!

Above all else, the claim procedure

The more straightforward the claims procedure and the quicker the settlement of the claims, the better it is for you. Along these lines, these two are a central point concerning the choice of insurance. Great client care is an extra preferred position one should search for.

Consider bundling several policies with one insurance carrier

There might be an incentive in packaging a few plans with one insurance bearer. In case you’re hoping to protect numerous vehicles or get different kinds of business inclusion, at that point you might need to locate a solitary insurance supplier who conveys various items they might have the option to offer you multi-strategy limits or faithfulness programs.

Consider investing in a policy where you can get maximum coverage

On the off chance that you read the terms and conditions segment of your approach report, you will find that there are a few fundamental focuses recorded in it. There are tops or cutoff points on the costs related to the treatment. For example, you can get a medical clinic room-lease in front of $80-100 per day. You can’t record a case in case you’re experiencing a prior ailment. In certain approaches, you can’t profit from emergency vehicle spread, etc. In this way, it is fundamental to guarantee the sort of inclusion you can get. Pick a plan where you can get inclusion for a wide scope of ailments, including prior conditions.

Network hospitals

Check the rundown of network hospitals and see whether it incorporates the hospitals that you regularly visit. It is likewise a significant factor to consider on the off chance that you travel or move urban areas because your medical coverage should go with you. Additionally, cashless hospitals must be benefited from in-arrange medical clinics.

The revival time frame

An insurance policy will slip by when premium installments are not made on schedule and the beautiful time frame has likewise been crossed. Be that as it may, insurance agencies give an alternative to reactivate the past plan, inside a particular period post the beauty time frame by paying the unpaid premium and a specific measure of enthusiasm on the unpaid sum. This is the recovery time frame. The period is as of now two years, and policyholders must know about any progressions made in guidelines identified with it.

Do consider the cumulative bonus

This alludes to the addition in the total guaranteed if no case has been made against the plan in the earlier years. This sum is added to the aggregate safeguarded at the hour of strategy reestablishment. Additionally, do explain on this point before concluding the approach.

The objective of insurance policy

It is imperative to characterize the target of an insurance policy before buying in a discussion with all relatives. Professionals at say if you are purchasing a million-dollar insurance policy only for venture reason, at that point, there are otherwise speculation plans. The insurance policy ought to be purchased with the sole goal of giving money related security to relatives.

No claim bonus

If you are thinking about what happens if you buy medical coverage and don’t become sick, don’t get hospitalized, and don’t guarantee medical coverage? Unwind, all your cash isn’t going down the channel. Your medical coverage organization will give you the previously mentioned no claim bonus for each free year.

Finally, discover an agent when purchasing insurance

Insurance agents are in terms of relationship to an insurance organization. Alluded to as hostage suppliers, they own their business and normally are attempting to make a salary while creating business for the supplier. Specialists are more advantageous than managing the supplier because they are close to home communications and somebody to respond to questions.

As there are a lot of insurers offering diverse insurance plans, it is smarter to do some examination from your end before buying any. Some significant factors other than the ones referenced above are-holding up period, guarantee settlement proportion, cost, and so forth. These will assist you in making a brilliant move the correct way.

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Personal v/s Bodily Injury: Experts Explain the Difference

Millions of dollars worth of claims are offered to the survivors of injuries, every year. Car accidents, workplace negligence, and slip and fall are some of the most common reasons for sustaining an injury. Usually, a claim is made to either an insurance company or with an at-fault party who is believed to be responsible for the injuries. Since these cases tend to be not-so-easy, personal injury lawyers are usually involved.

We consulted a number of experienced personal injury attorneys who have been practicing for several years. And the most remarkable thing that most of them came up with was that many of their clients didn’t really understand the difference between bodily injury and personal injury. During our research, we also came across this article explaining the benefits of hiring a personal injury lawyer, which happens to include the true claiming process for bodily as well as personal injuries. Let’s take a stroll through what the experts have to say in this concern.

The Definition

In layman’s terms, personal injury refers to the damages and losses incurred by an individual due to an unfortunate accident. It can include all sorts of losses such as property damages, assets damages, loss of income, or even moral and physical damages to the body. Whereas, on the contrary, bodily injuries refer to only the physical pain and trauma that an injured goes through.

Experts suggest that when filing a claim, be it against an individual, a group of individuals, or even an insurance company, it is necessary to specify these injuries separately. But, at the same time, it is important to include both of these in the claim, especially, when the injuries have been caused due to the other party’s negligence.

Legalities Involved in the Process

When filing an injury claim, experts suggest that the legal framework has some set guidelines about how the claim should be handled and what shall be included. More importantly, the legal framework is in place to ensure that justice is served for both, the injured and the at-fault party.

  • Statutory Limitations

Every province handles personal injury claims differently, and therefore have different statutes of limitation. For example, some provinces may consider damages to your vehicle or your house within the same category as that of other damages, while other provinces may consider them as a separate legal claim altogether. But, every province does have a limitation to the period for filing the claim. In other words, an injured can file for a claim within a certain period of time. For most of the provinces, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is about a year. However, this period may vary with respect to the losses and damages included in the claim. Notably, for bodily injuries the time to file the claim is a year, but not for other damages such as the damage to personal belongings. Experts suggest getting in touch with the local authorities or the insurer to understand the legalities better.

  • Liability of Claim

Determining the liability of a claim is not that easy since every province makes use of a separate legal framework. Generally, the jury or the judge tries to estimate the plaintiff’s share in sustaining the injuries. For example, in a road accident, the jury may determine either partial or complete fault of the defendant, which would mean that there’s a share in fault by the plaintiff as well. In such cases, the compensation might be reduced for the plaintiff, or if found completely defaulter, might even have to pay the compensation instead. Additionally, such a mistake could even lead the plaintiff into more legal trouble. A legal attorney could help plaintiffs get the facts and figures in place so that they don’t end up in legal tussles.

  • Legal Documentation

Another issue with both bodily injury claims and personal injury claims is the process of filing for compensation. The legal formalities are not so easy for a common man to fulfill, which ultimately either results in rejection of the case or ruling out the case unjustly. Through their years of experience, Nova Scotia personal injury lawyers suggest that plaintiffs must begin their filing procedure under the careful supervision of a legal attorney. The reason being these experts know the in and out of every possible outcome and therefore can help avoid unnecessary troubles and suffering.

  • Offering the Compensation

Lastly, the decision for determining the claim value and compensation to be made rests with the court or the jury. The decision-makers consider several factors including the cause of injury, the extent of loss, and of course, the effect on the quality of life of the injured when ruling the case. It is noteworthy that for personal injury claims, the compensatory relief stands a much higher value as compared to bodily injuries which usually only include medical expenses. Notably, in a personal injury claim, the compensation offered includes loss of income, medical expenses, support values, and even the future losses for the plaintiff. All of these claims usually inflate the net compensation value for the plaintiff.

If the legal experts are to be believed, it is the personal injury claim that is more justified considering the loss to the plaintiff is not only just physical. Many of the injury survivors often struggle with mental trauma long after they’ve recovered from the bodily injury. In fact, it is not only the injured who suffer, but also their family and friends, who lose quality companionship.

In light of these differences, it is, therefore, best to consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer who can help understand the steps to be followed. Moreover, a lawyer could also guide the plaintiffs through the legal loops and help them utilize these in their favor thus promising a favorable relief for their clients.

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All About the Home Improvement Loan With Bad Credit Score

Home is considered as one of the biggest investments for anyone, and your home reflects your true self. If your home needs renovation or any improvement, then you make this investment less burden for you by taking the loan. The cost of the home improvement project of your house will depend on a variety of factors like labors and supplies. The loan can cover your expenses and that too home improvement loans. You can get a home improvement loan easily if you have an excellent or good credit score. However, home improvement loans with bad credit are something that is difficult to get.  

How to Choose Home Improvement Loans If You Have Bad Credit?

Earlier it was not possible to get the home repair loans with bad credit but with time the online lending market has transformed drastically. Now the borrowers with poor or average credit scores too can get the home improvement loans. However, finding the best loan can be exhaustive as you as a borrower need to evaluate the terms and rates of the loan. You need to consider few things while you look bad credit home improvement loan options available in the market:

  • Interest Rates

One of the essential indicators, whether one can afford the loan, is the interest rate. Therefore, you first need to compare interest rates of all the options that are present. Few lenders will offer you personalized rates with a simple soft credit inquiry that will even give access to compare the rates. However, don’t forget that while comparing the rates, your score will not be damaged with hard credit pull. All the lender does not give you this option; that is why you need to be sure which type of credit inquiry will be made once you have submitted the information.

  • Terms

You must know longer the loan term; more will be the interest you will pay. So, it merely means a longer loan period means you have to pay the lesser monthly payment for the longer duration of your life. Likewise, the loan with a shorter term means that you have to pay a higher monthly payment. That is why you must choose the loan term which can be managed easily. Make sure that the payment that you have to pay each month for your loan should fit your budget as you will not want the late payment to affect your credit score further.

  • Fee

There are times when borrowers who want home repair loans for bad credit scores have to pay administration fees. This administration fee will be added to the total cost of the loan; that’s why you need to compare the loan while keeping this in mind. Moreover, you need to find how this fee will be applied. Some lenders will charge them in the principal balance, and other lenders will add these fees to your payment amount.

  • Customer Review

Some lenders can take advantage of the borrower with a bad credit score. That is why borrowers need to do proper research before applying for the home improvement loan. You can check the website and customer reviews for finding the potential lenders.

Application Process of Home Improvement Loan

You can apply for the home improvement loans with bad credit by filling the application form online too. The borrowers need to submit the following documents for getting the home improvement loan are:

  • Valid ID card
  • Valid address, phone number, email address
  • Proof on income (pay stubs or tax returns)
  • Bank account information.

The lenders can ask you to submit additional information if you have a poor or bad credit score. You can get your loan approved by making your loan secure with the collateral or by adding the qualified cosigner to the application of a home improvement loan.

How Can You Improve the Credit Score for Getting the Home Repair Loan?

Improving the credit score is one of the smartest ideas to make you eligible for the home improvement loan. This will not only help you get the loan at better rates and terms but can even make you get the loan easily. If you are thinking, how can you raise your credit score so that you can get home improvement loan at a lower interest rate, then follow the steps given below:

  • Pay all your bills on time and that too every time.
  • You can reduce your credit utilization by paying the debt.
  • You have to review your credit report carefully so that you can see all the information mentioned in the report is valid.
  • Credit cards should be used responsibly as it can improve your credit.

Securing a bad credit home improvement loan can be difficult, but numerous lenders are there to offer home loans to the borrower with poor credit history. The key which can help you to find the best loan is based on reviewing the terms and interest rates of the loan. Moreover, another factor can decide your loan, and that is how loan payment will affect your monthly budget.

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Why Pursuing a Finance Degree from Online Colleges is Best

When it comes to considering college, there are a number of extremely important factors to consider. What will you major in? What school will you choose? Will I be a full-time student, or is a non-traditional approach the best? While all these questions must be taken into account, the answers may be more related than they might appear at first.

First, choosing a major of study can be very important, as what classes you intend to take can strongly shape your degree program experience. A medical degree, for example, will require in-person courses, as there are heavy lab requirements, internships, and other hands-on learning experiences to consider. If your interests more closely align with the business, however, the options are much more open. Finance degrees, as well as other types of business degrees, are well suited towards non-traditional study, giving students the choice of format that fits their life best. Finance degrees, in particular, are especially online friendly, as much of the coursework revolves around math and accounting concepts that don’t see much benefit from face-to-face contact. While personal contact and social skills like leadership and teamwork are important in business, there are other ways that these kinds of abilities can be nurtured and encouraged from a distance. Group projects, for instance, may still take place online, working with classmates, and coordinating over video chats.

So if education in business and finance online can be just as good, what might help one to decide whether to go online or traditional? For starters, online degree programs are designed to be highly flexible, allowing you to work around an existing schedule if needed. This is one of the main reasons that people go for online degrees: it enables them to keep working, to keep watching the kids at home, or to avoid lengthy commutes back and forth to campus, all while still working towards a degree. Online classes are often “asynchronous,” meaning that you don’t necessarily need to tune in at a particular time on a particular day to get your lecture, as it’s recorded and available to be listened to at any time. Beyond that, however, it also means that you can review and re-listen to the lecture as many times as needed to fully grasp the content, without worrying about slowing down class for your professor or classmates. That’s something that in-person classes will never be able to match, as they typically operate on very tight schedules which leave little to no room for questions. At best, you might be able to stay after or visit the professor during office hours—at a convenient time for the professor, and not for you. A student with questions in an online class need only send an email to get help, and in particularly difficult situations, may be able to get that direct assistance with video chats. Most, if not all transactions, are virtual until that day when you receive your graduate certificate in finance. For a topic like finance, it’s almost an ideal situation, giving both the opportunity to have help when needed and allowing you to progress through the class at your own pace.

Another reason why finance makes an excellent choice is the usefulness of the field. Employment of individuals in finance careers is growing, with nearly every finance job cataloged by the Bureau of Labor Statistics experiencing average or better growth over the next ten years. Some, like financial managers, are even seeing huge growths of 16%, over three times the national average. Finance skills are extremely in demand, and any means of obtaining these skills will be valuable, particularly if it doesn’t impact your ability to continue your life as is. Combining the affordability of online degrees with a work-at-your-own-pace flexible learning style and the highly desirable skill sets of finance makes for one of the easiest ways out there to shift from a current career to the more profitable world of finance.

If you’re looking for a change and think finance is a good fit for you and your talents, it’s definitely worth considering an online program. They’re less expensive, just as good as a brick and mortar university education, and far, far less disruptive of your daily life. Get started today, and before you know it, that high-paying new career will be yours before you know it!

American ginseng
Local Branding

How To Find and Sell American Ginseng

Ginseng, also known as (Panax quinquefolium) is a small plant that comes with fleshy roots that look like the shape of a human body. This herb has several medicinal advantages that are being reaped by the traditional Chinese and the Native American Indian nations for more than 5000 years now. 

The word about is now out, which is why there’s an increase in the demand for American Ginseng products. With each passing day, more and more people are buying Ginseng due to the fact that it’s known as a “Cure to all”. Ginseng is also called “Panax” which has a literal meaning of “a cure to all”. This is a tried and tested fact because this herb alone does provide numerous health benefits that no other medications and no other herb does. 

Think about it? Don’t you want to invest your money in a herb that is a solution to all your health issues? Don’t you want to get rid of the medicine box that you have besides your table, with each medicine labeled for a different medical condition? It’s high time to refer to the traditional ways that were used earlier by people when there was no such thing as a “medicine”. 

American ginseng

Finding And Selling American Ginseng 

As much as it’s beneficial for your health, you need to know that selling Ginseng is also one of the most profitable businesses at the moment. A pound of the roots of this plant can bring you hundreds of dollars. In other words, if you are thinking about starting a Ginseng business, you are about to take a great step as it will bring you the profit you are expecting. 

But before you jump to the sweet dreams of earning thousands with Ginseng, you need to know that finding it is one tough task. The American Ginseng is allowed only in 19 states, and this can be an issue for you. 

What makes things more complicated is that in order to harvest Ginseng, you need to take a permit first because if you don’t have any official permission from the state, you can’t harvest it in any forest or any state. 

If you think it won’t be much of a problem to harvest Ginseng without permission from the state, then know that you need to change your mind right now. It’s officially illegal, and you can face some serious charges, which is why first take a permit and then think further. 

Once you’ve got the permission and once you have enough stock to start selling, you need to get a license to start this business too. Getting the license isn’t the hard part. It’s easy, especially if you are selling quality Ginseng. 

Meanwhile, you should prepare a website or social media accounts to promote the American Ginseng you have. It will take time for you to grow as a business, but once you are famous and once people are sure that you are selling high-quality Ginseng, you will see how money starts pouring in.

American ginseng

Overall Verdict 

Selling Ginseng can bring you money, and we’ve told you this before, but the process isn’t as easy as it sounds. One of the biggest challenges is to find Ginseng and then wait for the plant to get mature. Hunting immature Ginseng and selling it won’t bring you any benefit, especially if people know that the roots aren’t mature. You need to wait for the plant to become mature and then hunt it down to sell it. Furthermore, if you know it, it’s your duty too to educate people about the benefits of this herb, this will be good for business! 

Author Bio: Qurban Shah is a freelance writer who offers guest blogging, copywriting, and blogger outreach services. Currently, he is writing a product review and buying guide on MetalDetectorsGuide.

Local Branding

Top 5 Cool Things To Do With Tortillas

There was a time when tortillas were considered the national superfood of Mexico, but times have changed now. As of now, tortillas are famous all around the world, and well, it’s justified because they are absolutely delicious if you just know how to use them properly. 

Speaking of which, if you ever want to treat your tastebuds with some of the best-tasting tortillas, you should try Lupe Tortilla. The flavors, the crisp, the sauce, each and everything is finger-licking good. 

chicken tortilla

However, that’s not it! If you want to try making different unique meals out of tortillas yourself, you can easily do that without any hassle. It’s just that you should think about something other than making quesadillas. The coolest thing about tortillas is that even if you are following the renowned “keto diet”, you can still use them. Yes, you read that, right! As per the approved science keto, you can buy low carb tortillas and use them to make some exceptional and fulfilling meals for yourself. 

Here are some of the coolest things you can do with tortillas:


breakfast tortillas

1- Make breakfast quesadillas 

Take some shredded cheddar cheese, scrambled eggs, and some crispy fried bacon. Put it all on one tortilla and then top it with another tortilla. Make both the sides brown and enjoy your breakfast quesadilla with some sour cream or salsa sauce (just as you like). 

2- Mexican cheese crisp 

Put some shredded cheddar cheese on a tortilla, cook some ground beef and make sure it’s crispy enough to be used with a tortilla. You can even opt for jalapeno slices or chorizo if you want. Once all the ingredients are in place, just broil it until bubbles appear. This is how you make a Mexican cheese crisp, which is an excellent snack. 

torilla pinwheels

3- Pinwheels 

If you still crave for pinwheels even as an adult, don’t worry because you can always use tortillas to make the all famous, Italian pinwheels. What you need to do is to spread some cream cheese on one side of the tortilla and spread pesto on the other side. Now take some minced basil with sliced prosciutto and sun-dried tomatoes for extra taste. Now roll it all up and put it inside the fridge for a while until you know it’s ready for you to consume. You can cut them in slices and present it to your guests as an evening snack. 

4- Salsa with sweet chips 

There’s no other thing as amazing as the salsa sauce. Especially if you have tortillas in your kitchen, there are high chances that you do have a jar of salsa sauce too. To make the sweet chips, brush some butter on the tortillas and sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon on top. Cut the tortilla in triangles and then bake them until they turn brown. You can then serve your sweet chips with some fruit salsa sauce. 

5- Cream and peaches 

Chopped pecans, mascarpone cheese, sliced peaches, and peach preserves are all that you need. If you have them all, just put them on a tortilla and put it inside a skillet until it turns brown. You can now serve it with a mixture of whipped cream and cinnamon powder. It’s a unique dish, and you’ll absolutely love it. 

tacos with salsa

Conclusion – Making the Best Torillas

These are some of the best and the coolest things you can make with a tortilla. The fact is that there are hundreds of other things that you can make with a tortilla, we’ve just mentioned the simplest and the coolest ones. Try any one of these recipes and use the meal as a snack or dinner. In both cases, it’s going to be fulfilling for you. 

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Essential Wedding Planning – Tips and Tricks

Most of us dream of our wedding day for years. We have this image in our mind of what the perfect wedding is. However, we have no idea what goes into making that perfect event. There are a million details that must be addressed to make sure everything goes off without a hitch.

In our minds we see bridesmaids rushing around getting dressed, and the groomsmen in their tuxedos laughing on the steps of the chapel. What we do not give much thought to is the florist, caterers, DJ, minister or official, or the videographer. We do not think of the crews setting up chairs and setting tables, the cake being delivered, the limo driver or the bartender. There are so many ways to make wedding planning mistakes, but professionals are here to help. 

There are a lot of talented people that must work together in order to give you that perfect day. We have interviewed wedding professionals from around the country to get some great tips and tricks that you can incorporate into your wedding. So let us share with you advice from the experts.


Wedding Planners, Vendors and other pros

We believe in the importance of a good wedding planner. The vast majority of problems and issues that dance on the nerves of the bride and groom are easily dealt with by an experienced wedding planner. If you can only afford one luxury for your wedding day, we suggest you hire a wedding planner.

Karlee Jaramillo from Karlee K Photography shared her opinion about wedding planning:

“You’re engaged! Congratulations! Getting started in the wedding planning process, the biggest tip I can give would be to decide which wedding professional is the most important to you. Maybe you’ve been following a photographer’s work on Instagram religiously, waiting until it was your turn to let them capture your story in the dreamiest way. Perhaps you know that you could never do all the work alone, and having a talented planner who knows the in’s and out’s of making your wedding absolute perfection is your top priority. We all have that go-to vendor who we’ve just been waiting to reach out to ever since we met the right person, the vendor who fills our Pinterest board with our ideal wedding day. Reach out to that vendor before anyone else, and choose your day based off of their availability! I can’t count the times where so many couples have been so disappointed because the vendor of their dreams was already booked, but you can avoid this! And to do so, you may have to compromise somewhere else! Say you envisioned a Fall wedding in October, but the photographer is booked solid through November. You may want to consider a Summer or Winter wedding, and that’s ok! You will not regret making a small sacrifice in one area to work with someone who you know will take the best care of you when it matters most!”

Professionals Scott and Dana Halvorson of Weddings By Scott and Dana explain it best: “Dream weddings come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and to plan a truly memorable wedding can seem overwhelming. Here are a few tips to ensure your wedding will be an event to remember.

  • Know what you want: This is not just any ole wedding, it’s your wedding. Talk to you partner and decide what type of wedding you both would really enjoy. Personalize your wedding to match your personalities. Starting with a solid idea of what your dream is will make all the other decisions easier.
  • Get Help: Armed with your dream in mind, search out the professionals that can turn that dream into a reality.Everyone you hire, from your planner to your invitation designer, should know what your expectations are. Hire people who have experience with your type of wedding, then trust them to do what they do best.
  • Consider your guest: Think about your guest and how they will experience your wedding. Taking time to make sure your guest will be comfortable, occupied, entertained, and appreciated will create an event they will remember for years.
  • Have fun: Plan to enjoy this special day. Everyone will notice and it’s contagious. If you have fun so will everyone else. When everything is over, and you are reminiscing about your wedding, the fun you had is what you and your guest will remember the most.”

Cassandra Key-Lyons of Bridal Magic advises brides on ways to lighten their load and make things run much more smoothly:  

“My advice to couples planning their wedding: once you’ve made a decision, like picking your decor and color palette, stick with it. Don’t cause yourselves stress and confusion by continuing to look at alternatives. There are plenty of options out there but go with your instincts and what you want as a couple. Pouring over wedding websites and magazines long after you’ve already settled on something will only muddle the process. Also, don’t do something because you think you’re supposed to. If you don’t want a guestbook or to hand out favors with your initials on it, then don’t. It’s your wedding, so make it everything you want it to be.”

Courtney Branson from Lovely Little Blog also shares the idea to keep it simple. The internet is flooded by the ‘best wedding ideas’ but what if the brides just stick to what makes THEM happy?

“Pinterest can be your best friend or worst enemy. It’s great for sparking ideas and showing vendors your vision. It’s tempting to let it go past that but I encourage you to plan the wedding that fits your budget and vibe. There’s nothing less magical than realizing you’re in debt day one of marriage or planning a wedding that feels disingenuous to your relationship. You want folks to say, “This feels so y’all”. Don’t let the Pinterest board cloud your instincts.”

Betsy Tomasello, of Betsy Blue Photography, is in agreement on brides letting the professionals do what they do. That is the only way to get the best results. She says:

“One of my favorite ways to serve my brides is to include timeline assistance with every wedding booking. I’ve witnessed hundreds of weddings and am always happy to share my experience on when the best light might be for portraits, or possibly a more flattering position to angle the arbor in order to allow for the best light on the couple for their photographs.Planning a wedding is a huge undertaking, so why not rely on the experience of professionals around you to help plan your day to be as fluid and beautiful as possible.”

When it comes to wedding vendors, photographers, planners, and other professionals, John Lennon of Lennon Photography had this to share:

“Look for vendors who have a passion for what they do. A typical sales pitch equals common quality. You deserve vendors who dream of the perfect wedding because those are the people who care enough to deliver it to you.”

Trust your event coordinator to have some pretty cool ideas. They are up to the minute on wedding trends and traditions. Be open to their suggestions.

Kristin Rockhill, Wedding Stylist & Floral and Event Designs, has an eye for design and color. She says:

“Grey is my favorite color! When it comes to setting a stunningly styled tablescape my go to linen choice is grey. It pairs perfectly with wood tones, neutrals, pastels and even bright and cheery hues like lemon and tangerine!”

Sometimes we have to ask ourselves if we are creating the wedding we really want. If you want a small, intimate, gathering, then go for it.

As wedding expert, Maria Fernanda Marion of Blog da’ Maria Fernanda points out: “keep it small. Small weddings are more intimate and cozy.”

Lisa Gilbert from Lisa Gilbert Photography added:

“There are so many little details involved in planning a wedding and it can be exhausting. You need to prioritize their importance to you and then LET GO. Think about the last two or three weddings that you attended as a guest. What do you remember? The food? The centerpieces? How great the DJ was? Chances are, the things that stood out to you are the same things that will stand out to your guests, so stop worrying about the details that will fade (is anyone really going to remember the exact shade of your napkins?) and focus on the ones that are are meaningful to you (like keeping the dance floor packed). Then, let the people you’ve hired to take care of these details do their jobs, while you relax and enjoy the best day of your life!”

Bride showing Engagement Ring on Left Hand on Wedding Celebratio


Alexis Wilkins, the wedding and event planner at Alexis Wilkins Events shared her opinion with us:

“My advice would be to fall in love with a venue and not so much a date. Many brides dream of a wedding on a particular date but when they find a venue they love their “date” may not be available. If you love the look and feel of a venue, the date won’t matter as much to you.”


On this single day, you want to be the most beautiful you have ever been.

Take these tips from Nina Moran, Cheekadee Makeup Artist:

“Summer can be hot and sticky but let’s keep the hot in our makeup and ditch the sticky! Whether you are doing your makeup yourself or having it professionally done, here are some tips to keep your makeup fresh on your big day!

Tone with witch hazel, we really like Thayer’s, Witch Hazel. This will remove any unwanted oil that may interfere with the longevity of your makeup

Prime your skin- We love Tarte Clean Slate Poreless 12 Hour Perfecting primer. This product refines the skin, is waterproof and diffuses fine lines and imperfections.

If you are super oily you can use a mattifying product like Face to Face Super Matte Anti-shine. Just a bit it the t-zone will do.

Set your makeup with a setting spray! Our favorites are Model in a Bottle, or Makeup Forever Mist & Fix. This will really improve your makeup wear!”

Kelly Brown from added:

“Search For The Dress!

Every Bride is different as is the journey of wedding planning. There may not be a “favorite” part of the wedding planning process but my from my experience last year; it was without a doubt the search for the perfect wedding dress. Most brides wouldn’t take it quite as extreme as I did. Being a fashion blogger and wardrobe stylist I really wanted to document the process, especially because I visited thirteen stores. Yes, THIRTEEN STORES you read that correct lol. If I could give advice to a bride it would be to really take your time finding the perfect dress and take a lot of photos. Only you will know when you have found your perfect dress. Enjoy and savor every moment! “


The Wedding Gown

Brides have to make sure to choose the perfect dress for the ceremony. Amanda Speed, the Managing Director Shades of White Bridal shared with us what she finds important about wedding dress shopping.

“Wedding dress shopping is one of the most exciting pieces of planning your wedding, so how do you get the most out of your experience?  Shop early!  Ordering in and altering a gown can take to 5-9 months.  Book only 1-2 appointments in a day and be choosy with who you bring, too many opinions can be very overwhelming.  Have fun, relax and be honest with your consultant about what’s really important to you – allowing the consultant to really engage with your needs and vision will give you the best of his/her professional abilities and that’s when the magic happens!”


Photography is a major priority for any wedding. This is a day that must be captured for eternity. Some day our great-grandchildren will look back on this day and we want them to see the love and hope we had for the future in our photographs.

Professional and devoted photographers do their best to make the wedding day special for the couple. Some of them even include a complimentary engagement session. Why is that? Angelina from Asterisk Photography replied to this question:

“We do this because it allows for 3 really basic yet crucial things to develop: Consistency, relationship, and trust.

These 3 items are so important to have with your wedding photographer –

First – having the same photographer shoot your wedding and engagement allows everything to be seamless and consistent. Brides usually pick their wedding photographer because they love their style – by having the photographer do both, your wedding style really shines through.

Secondly – Relationship. Hmmm. this is a big one for me! I love shooting weddings because of the relationships I get to form with my couples. The more I know my clients personally, the better I know how to serve them well.

This leads to our final reason: Trust. We all know that every relationship is built on trust. During that engagement session time, you’re able to build trust and relationship in a casual setting, the wedding day pressure isn’t around so you and your fiance are freed up to have fun!”

 Ayyyna Budaeva from Mango Studios added:

“Your day will come and go very quickly, remember to sit back, relax, don’t sweat the small stuff and enjoy the moment. Coordinating a wedding can be stressful but stay calm and focus on the big picture, and your photos! A wedding is a gathering of your closest family and friends in one room to celebrate your love and commitment to each other, celebrate that and live in the moment in order for your wedding photos to look organic, natural and effortless!”

Alicia Williams from Cordele Photography emphasizes the importance of referrals and some research before hiring your photographer. But most importantly…

“First, Relax!  Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a wedding!  Research, ask friends and use google!  Friend referrals will give you a good sense if you like the vendor because you like the referrer.  Also, take notes at events and weddings you attend. Look at season color palettes Check out Color Me Pretty!  Talk to vendors and see if you jive with them.  Especially the photographer! They may take pretty pictures, but you want to have fun with them, they follow you everywhere!”


Bethanne of Bethanne Arthur Photography offers this advice for the couples:

“When searching for a photographer to capture your big day, keep a few things in mind.

  • Can you afford this photographer?
  • Are you willing to expand your wedding photography budget if you find your perfect match, in regards to photography style?
  • Do you feel comfortable with them?
  • Does your fiance feel comfortable with them? Do they seem personable?
  • Does this photographer seem to treat clients and events as just transactions, or do they try to get to know you or find a point of connection?
  • Do you love their work? It is so important to choose someone that actually has a photography style that you love.


These are your wedding photographs; these are priceless heirlooms you will have for the rest of your life and beyond, as they are passed down through the generations. Do not just hire someone because they are the least expensive, someone you know is friends with them, or they have 10,000 followers on Instagram. Choose a photographer that shoots images you love and swoon over; choose a photographer that you feel like you can connect with!”

Jillian McQuerrey, the owner of B.O.B. Photography, agrees with Bethanne about that special connection between the bride and photographer. She shared: “One tip I can wholeheartedly recommend is to do your research. I always tell couples I speak with to chat with more than one photographer. After that, choose the photographer you “click with”, love their work and feel comfortable around. If you think about it, you will spend more time with your photographer on your wedding day than your significant other. So you want it to be an enjoyable experience. The more comfortable you are with your photographer, the more natural your photographs will look.”

Many brides try so hard to control everything, for forget that they have hired professionals to relieve them of that stress.

This point was driven home by Betty Simpson, of Betty Elaine Photography, “Trust your photographer and other vendors! Yes, it is your wedding day (hooray!), but you do not need to be burdened with having to control the day or schedule out your timeline by yourself. Once you know what your wedding day is going to look like (location, ceremony start time, etc), it is important to talk to your wedding photographer about how much time they need for pictures. Let them draw up a schedule for portraits and help you figure out when hair and makeup should be finished. Your photographer will know the best time of day for outdoor pictures, how long you need them for getting ready pictures, and if a first look would be more practical for your wedding day.”

There are always little budget busters that manage to show up with weddings. Take care of small things and the big things will take care of themselves. The main thing is to have your day, have your memories, and have fun!

Here is a great tip by Jenna Henderson, of Jenna Henderson Photography “While wedding planning, don’t forget to budget a little money for after the wedding to use for prints of your wedding photos! After all, when the whole day is over, the photos are the only thing that will remain. You want to make sure you have enough cash stashed away that you can give your beautiful memories the treatment they deserve, whether that be in the form of a fine art album or perhaps a gallery of large framed prints. Printed photos also make a great gift for your parents as a way to say thanks for all of their support.”

Brandon O’Neal, of Brandon Oneal Photography, says it like this:

“As a photographer, I see weddings as a dance between preparation and chance. We like to allow the celebrations unfold naturally, but we often manipulate the timing and locations ahead of time so they work out in our favor for great images.Prepping for the day is essential- create timelines, do the meetings, set up the vendors. But, when the day comes, my biggest advice is to enjoy it no matter what. Brides put lots of time and energy into planning the day and it would be such a waste to not enjoy it. I want to photograph my brides and grooms having the time of their life, not micromanaging every detail and worrying about the flowers being just right – that doesn’t make for great images. So plan, then let go!”

Wedding photography is an art. So much depends on the location, timing, lighting, and ambiance.

Leslee Mitchell of Leslee Mitchell Art is an artist and photographer. As such, she has a wealth of knowledge she was gracious enough to share. She says:

“Light is 100% of every photo. It’s not 99%, it’s 100%.

Don’t let family photo time eat up more time than necessary. After all, the most important photos of the day are the ones of the bride and groom. No wedding is complete without the family photos, but family photos do not have to monopolize a majority of photo taking time.

However long your hair and makeup artist tell you it will take to complete hair and makeup, add at least 30-45 minutes. It’s common for hair and makeup to run over on schedule. When hair and makeup run over, you will receive fewer photos due to lost time that cannot be recovered.

Just relax. The most beautiful photos are the candid shots. Make a point to not know where the photographer is every second of the day. Chances are they’re somewhere looking right at you through their lens. Don’t mess up what could have been a beautiful, candid moment of you because you’re scanning the room looking for your photographer or trying to figure out if you’re being photographed.

If you hate being photographed to the point you almost break out in hives have a cocktail and relax. If you can’t relax, you will appear tensed in your photos. Don’t be hard on yourself. The majority of people are uncomfortable when they’re being photographed. Have a plan in place to be able to relax when it’s time to be in front of the camera. You’ll be very glad you did.”

Communication is key when it comes to your wedding. Details must never be left to chance. This tidbit from Leigh Fabozzi of Leigh Elizabeth Photography is right on the money! Leigh says,

“Maximize your photographer’s coverage by creating a timeline in advance. Make sure to sit down or have a phone call with your photographer about a month out from your wedding to finalize the timeline. Ask questions, iron out the details, and get on the same page. This will ensure your wedding day runs smoothly and stress-free!”

Carly Fuller from Carly Fuller Photography shared the idea of picking your home as a location for engagement photos. She stated: “Stay at home and capture your first professional photos in your first home together as a future married couple! One of my favorite places to capture a couple is in their own environment. All your favorite things surround you and even kitties are welcome!” By doing so, the engagement photos will be natural, and they’ll reflect your true personality.

Our Favorite Tip

Throughout the rest of your lives together, there will be issues and situations that monopolize your time. Take this advice from Candice Benjamin of Candice Benjamin Photography. Make this a habit throughout all of life’s challenges and you will always be content.
Candice simply states: ”Have a weekly date night where you aren’t allowed to talk about the wedding. Enjoy your time together!

Generator safety tips
Local Branding

5 Generator Safety Tips You Should Adhere To

A generator is one of the most useful things in the world. Whether it’s your office, your shop or your home, if the power runs out, you can always rely on your generator without worrying about anything. Power outages can be very irritating, especially when they are continuous. There are places in the world where there’s no electricity for hours, and it can cause a lot of trouble by stopping the daily routine of important chores.

In other words, one thing that’s well established among people is that yes, they do need a generator as a power backup when the electricity goes out. Now, first, you need to learn how to choose a home generator or a generator for your office, etc. Once done and once you’ve bought the generator, the next step is to be careful and adhere to some basic safety tips if you want the generator to work for you for a long time.

Here are some important generator safety tips you should follow for your safety and for the safety and maintenance of your generator.

Generator safety tips

1- Installing a transfer switch

If you are using a generator in your house as a power backup for when the electricity is out, you need to get a transfer switch installed by your electrician. The electrician will connect your generator with a transfer switch, and then this switch will power all the electric circuits in your home. The switch is to be installed next to the electric panel that you have. The whole point of it is to manage the power in your house.

2- Never plug a generator directly into a wall outlet

If you want to safely isolate the circuits of your home from the power lines, then the best thing to do is to install and use a transfer switch. One of the biggest things you need to avoid is to directly plug a generator into a wall outlet. This can be very dangerous, so you have to be extra careful with it. If you plug the generator directly, it will send back the power to all the connected utility lines. It’s called back feed, and it can be so dangerous that it might even start a fire in your house.

intelligent transfer switch

Photo by Kinsleyanalytics, Wikipedia commons

3- Read the manual for generator safety tips

Even if you’ve used generators before, you still should refer to the manual of the generator that you just bought. Read the instructions carefully because each manual and each generator has separate instructions given. There are modern generators out there that run on gasoline with just 10% of ethanol. No matter what it is, it’s important for you to be familiar with this type of fuel requirement. Not just this, but you also should know the amount of power that’s produced by your generator.

4- Never overload your generator

Every generator out there produces electricity by burning fuel. There are several different kinds of generators with different fuels, but most of the time, it’s unleaded gasoline that’s used. The output of electricity is always measured in watts, and you will find generators with different wattages. This is important for you to consider, and you need to choose the generator that fulfills your electricity usage. If not, you will overburden the generator, and it will then lead to dangerous consequences. There are many ways to manage your usage and reduce your energy bill when not using the generator. One of them is by comparing the energy plans and to come up with the most suitable and affordable one according to your needs. In this case electricity companies like Spark Energy come into place, they have plans that offer competitive electricity rates in the area of Texas in case you are looking to change your energy provider.

5- Always use heavy-duty power cords

Last but not the least, you should never use lighter cords because that increases the voltages, which is the last thing that you want. You are supposed to use heavy-duty power cords for lesser voltage, and things will fall into place for you.


These are the tips that you need to keep in mind once you bring a generator home. With these safety tips, you won’t have to worry about any damages and harm with your generator.

Use an accounting firm
Local Branding

How To Choose The Right Accounting Firm For Your Business

When legislators make changes and tweaks to the tax laws, this creates a whole another level of hassle for average citizens who don’t know how the changes will impact them personally or impact their business. You may be left scratching your heads when you face situations where you have to make some important financial decisions. In a nutshell, if you are running a business, whether small or big, you don’t want fall victim to any tax or accounting issues, so you need to stay in touch with an accounting firm as do most professional people running businesses of any size. If you aren’t using a firm like this, it’s high time for you to do the same, and that’s what we are going to talk about today.

Why You Should Hire an Accounting Firm

Here are some of the basic things that you need to consider when choosing an accounting firm for your business. These things are important because there are man companies offer such services, and you clearly don’t want to end up with the wrong one.

Use an accounting firm

1- Fees

There are two types of accounting firms, starting with the ones who will charge you a fee as per the project. The fees, in this case, are fixed vary from task to task. For example, if you want the company to prepare a profit and loss statement for your company or fill a 1040 personal income tax form, the charges will be different. On the other hand, some accounting firms that charge by the minute. You need to know what you want and then choose the firm accordingly because money does matter here.

Hire the right accounting firm

2- Experience

You can’t just hire any ordinary accounting firm even if you are running a business on a small scale. The firm you opt for must have at least 3 to 4 years of experience in this field. The people working in it need to have an adequate amount of experience to know the tax laws and the details that can get you in trouble. Speaking of which, you can opt for Accountants Doreen. The company has years of experience when it comes to helping people with their financial decisions. At least with them, you won’t have to worry about any trouble because they will be there to take care of your company in the best possible way.

3- Level of Service

It’s better to always look for a full-service accounting firm so that you don’t have to pay the additional money for services that they don’t offer. There are companies that pay more than what they should just because they hire a CPA to handle routine bookkeeping tasks. If you don’t need the bookkeeping assistance, firms without the overhead of bookkeeping employees will charge you less, and this way you can save yourself some money. If you think you need to use the services of an accounting firm for a longer time duration and if you want them to cover different tasks, then hire a full- service firm.

Hire an accounting firm with the right expertise


These are some of the most important things that you should be considering when choosing the right accounting firm for your business. Just don’t rush the decision to hire an accounting firm. Take your time to do proper research and then make a final decision accordingly.


Commercial window installation
Local Branding

What To Look For When Hiring The Best Commercial Window Installers

No matter what the services are, hiring a commercial repair company will always be a daunting task, especially when you don’t know where to begin. It’s a major problem that most people face, but if you are here today, things might not be as difficult for you as others.

Today we are here to talk about hiring commercial window installers. If you search the internet right now, it’s true that you’ll come across several commercial installers, which is great, but it’s confusing at the same time. Especially if this is the first time that you are looking for a commercial company to install windows for you, you are going to have a tough time deciding who’s worth hiring and who is not.

However, as said earlier, we’ve got you covered today. Today we are going to jot down some important things that you are supposed to consider when hiring a commercial installer. Take notes because these things can actually help you land on a great contractor that will do things just the way you want him to.

Commercial window installation

1- Look for someone who is experienced

You can’t just hire a newbie company that just stepped into this field. Especially on a commercial installation you should not take such risks. No matter what people tell you, you need to understand that window installation isn’t as easy as it sounds, and you need people who are experienced. So the first thing to ask a company or a contractor is his experience and his working years. He should at least have an experience of 3 to 4 years to begin with.

2- Online Reviews

One of the major things to consider when hiring not just a window installation, but any company is online reviews. These reviews say a lot about the company, its services, and its performance. So you need to keep track of that too. In other words, here, the internet can be your best friend, and you can use all the research you can do here. Just make sure that the reviews people have given on the internet, they are all positive. If not, and if you see any red flags around, you can easily skip that company out and find another one.

3- Check if they specialize in the commercial installation or not

Not all window installers will specialize in commercial installation, and it’s important for you to understand this. You need to talk with the company and discuss what they specialize in. You see, commercial windows are different from residential windows, and they are made up of different types of glass and frames. Now, if the company you are interested in doesn’t have the kind of experience that’s required for commercial installation, they’ll probably make huge blunders that you won’t be able to afford. So asking for specialization is imperative here.

Commmercial glass installers

4- Portfolio

Each company and each contractor has a portfolio. People often bypass looking at their portfolio and contacting references, and then they end up regretting the person they hired for the job. You don’t want poor work when you could have hired someone else, right? TO give you confidence you are making a good choice, check the portfolio of the company that you are hiring. If it makes sense to you and if they have a track record that shows they do their work right in accordance with what you are looking for, then hire them.


These are the things you need to look for when hiring the best commercial window installers. This isn’t a lot to ask for, and it’s just that your research plays a huge role here. Don’t rush the decision when it comes to hiring someone and just take your time. This is the only way you’ll get the services that will be worth your time and money.