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Digital Branding

How Much Digital Marketing Services Typically Cost

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In today’s competitive economy, businesses are in search of affordable digital marketing services from digital marketing company that do not compromise on quality. Even big companies are finding it confusing to figure out how much to pay. But it’s common knowledge that you can only get services according to how much you are willing to spend.

Before we begin

If you do not implement the right tools, no marketing in the world will help you succeed. For example, you must have a validated lead and sales generation system in place alongside landing pages or email sequences that convert. And even then, great marketing cannot make up for a bad sales team.

What does digital marketing encompass?

Digital marketing refers to services that increase a brand or company’s visibility. Most are straightforward, including inbound marketing solutions, paid media advertising, analytics, brand monitoring, etc. However, they must contain SWEPS, the five basic principles of digital marketing for online success.


One of the most important services of digital marketing, it optimizes your website for search engines. 75% of internet users do not scroll past the first page. A higher SERP ranking equates to a greater number of visitors to your site, resulting in more conversions or sales. Basic SEO services can start at around $500 a month, especially if software or app is utilized to manage or review the site. Anything above this amount should include creating and distributing blog/vlog content as well as engaging with community pages and posts.

The cost of content depends on whether it contains blogs, videos, website copy, or long-form posts. The frequency of creation (whether it’s a one-time piece or weekly blog posts), level of skill required, and the target audience will affect the price. On any level, video content requires more experience, expertise, and technical equipment than written content. Expect a higher cost of video content creation. If your business demands these services, it’s a great marketing strategy.

Local SEO services cost between $1,000 to $5,000 per month, while those attempting to rank nationally may need to invest $8,000 to $20,000 per month.

2. Web Development

Web development involves a lot of technicalities so, this may be a little tricky to price. A basic design consisting of 4 to 8 pages can range anywhere between $1,000 to $5,000. This may not be suitable for businesses that deal with e-commerce, online banking, or have large product inventory, as typically required by financial institutions or insurance businesses. They could cost from $8,000 upwards, depending if a web development manager is hired.

Building landing pages and lead magnets are also essential aspects of website building. Depending on the level of complexity, prices vary between $500 and $50,000.

3. Email Marketing

People check email multiple times a day, so this type of marketing is a practical, easy and cheap way to reach a wider audience. 49 % of companies are implementing some sort of email automation, such as allowing them to send emails to customers automatically when a purchase or a new registration is made. A basic package consisting of email marketing management, automation, and segmentation starts from $500.

4. Pay Per Click

Nearly 65% of customers click on ads. So PPC, also known as search engine ads, is the quickest way to reach a target audience. However, it is an expensive option, costing a minimum of $1000 a month. Before going for a PPC campaign, make sure to research good keywords, using the wrong ones will result in a waste of money.

5. Social Media Management

Most consumers use some form of social media, whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Linkedin, etc. Therefore, it’s vital to have a social media presence. Every digital marketing service should include some social media management. After all, it’s a cheap and effective way to increase engagement and sales. No wonder 90 % of businesses are using social media for marketing purposes.

The cost depends on the number of social media platforms that need to be managed, the level of customization, and the frequency of posting. Expect $500 for a few weekly posts on 2 or 3 platforms. The cost will go higher as the number of platforms and services performed on each platform increases. Keep in mind that advertising through any platform will incur extra charges.

What to look for in a digital marketing agency

You’ve identified what services you need. But before you decide on which agency you will collaborate with, look for one that has a good marketing strategy. Remember to hire an agency with proficient knowledge of SWEPS. The agency itself should have an established web presence.

A company that is experienced has a reputation of success and employs a well-trained team will charge more than a freelancer on Fiverr or Upwork who is just getting started. Freelancers can charge rates between $20-$50 an hour, but at this rate, you will most likely be working with someone who is new to the field and wants to develop a reputation. And even though these individuals often label themselves as experts, only newbies can afford to work this cheap. So if you are looking for real talent or an agency with experienced staff, be prepared to pay a little extra. Always remember to look at certifications, customer reviews, and testimonials.

How much should I pay?

You need to study the rate and basic structure that a marketing agency is offering. Since there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution, the plan should be customized to meet your needs – and budget. The problem is that most businesses start off by fixing a budget.  For this reason, some are caught between a struggle of compromising either price or quality.

Instead of focusing on how much you want to pay, invest time in evaluating your current digital marketing activities. Begin by determining what results you are aiming for and decide how much you can spend on that area. The cost will depend on what services you need for your business. And depending on how intensive your approach is, you will be billed accordingly. Keep in mind that digital marketing services are typically charged in the following ways:

  • Hourly rates- between $90 to $210
  • Project-specific prices- around $4,500 to $7,000 per project
  • Monthly retainers- an affordable option for businesses with extensive digital marketing, ranging from $3000 to $10,000 per month.

But these are only estimates. Top digital marketing or social management agencies know what works for one customer may not be feasible for another. Marketing plans must be customized to fit requirements and budget guidelines. Compare the rates of several before choosing one.

Agencies begin by evaluating your current activities and suggest a realistic strategy that will help achieve your goals. Be open to ideas and recommendations on how to fuel better conversion rates as well as open your company’s web presence- even if it means extra projects or services. Many also offer discounts on a bundle of services or base packages, starting as low as $1000 a month.

Why is digital marketing important?

When it comes to taking steps to make your company successful, we all know how important marketing is. And there are no shortcuts in the digital world. Select a marketing agency that has top-notch employees such as strategists, marketing specialists, and technical experts. They must have the passion and creativity to launch innovative ideas and campaigns. Even at your best, there is always room for improvement. With the correct strategies and tools, you can encourage user engagement to drive business growth.

Digital Branding

How to Generate SaaS Gains With the Best ABM Practices

You probably can’t count the number of times you’ve seen forms of consumer marketing slathered practically everywhere.

From something as mainstream as television and print to our individual feeds in social media, and even as you do research on Google, consumer marketing is more memorable. It’s also the type of marketing that’s easily associated with pop culture and all things the general public deems fun.

B2B and SaaS marketing, on the other hand, is not so simple…

By no means am I insinuating that consumer marketing is easy? It’s not, but it’s very traditional. And therefore, it’s more recognizable and more celebrated.

Let’s be perfectly honest. Selling and marketing software to your target audience is not thrilling… Do it wrong, and the ridicule descends even further into being unremarkable.

Because of this, it’s a little more challenging to come up with creative and effective marketing strategies to leverage software awareness. But it’s not as daunting when you know how to generate SaaS gains with the best ABM practices.

How does ABM tie in with SaaS?

Marketing software and making it interesting enough to sell is a quest in itself. SaaS tools exist, but they have no physical form. So how do you go about marketing something that doesn’t exist on the physical plane? Selling intangible objects place a restriction on what marketers can and can’t do.

In addition, SaaS tools constantly change. New features and updates are constantly released. And for this reason, it can be difficult for marketers to pin down the fundamental messaging before the other versions are released.

So where does account-based marketing (ABM) factor into SaaS’ shortcomings?

ABM is steadily rising as a core platform among B2B marketers. Instead of aiming for an ideal customer persona, ABM is a targeted approach that personalizes communication with a high-profile target. For instance, instead of targeting grocery stores, the SaaS marketing campaign would just target Walmart.

And at its very core, ABM is very similar to other marketing campaigns. However, the difference lies in the content and the messaging that aims for the opportunities unlocked by the target business.

  • Even back in 2014, 85% of marketers who measured their ROI said ABM techniques outperformed other marketing investments. 50% say the difference was significant (ITSMA survey).
  • ABM generated 200% more revenue for their marketing efforts (FlipMyFunnel).
  • 83% of companies profess that the main benefit of ABM is the increase in engagement with target accounts (DemandBase).
  • ABM gives 36% higher customer retention rates and 38% higher sales win rates (MarketingProfs).
  • 43% of business who use ABM for 3 or more years report a significant impact it had on their entire funnel (EWeek).

Simply speaking, SaaS marketing is a complex quest, and ABM is the solution that’s looking you right in the face.

Learning how to generate SaaS gains with the best ABM practices will help you reach the goal you’re striving for.

Steps to Generating SaaS Gains

Selling and producing software may be your company’s passion, but for a lot of companies, it’s their source of livelihood too.

The entire process of combining the best ABM practices and SaaS marketing entails prospect research to a whole other level. This helps you understand your audience better, and eventually, persuade them to gradually appreciate and love your software.

Step 1: Do your target research

Similar to marketing to consumers, your plans begin with identifying your targets. And that means doing research — and ample amounts of it. It’s your time to compile a list of accounts to pinpoint and target.

Quick research into your own database might uncover that you already have a list of employees from your target companies. Maybe you’ve been even sending them automated emails about your latest blog posts, or emailing them occasionally.

So, where do you find your target accounts?

The easy thing to do is to leave no stone unturned. You have to try every possible action to find the right people you’re looking for.

  • Researching existing data: You can find the data in your marketing automation, CRM, or ERP systems.
  • Call programs: Having your sales representatives call into the account to build out contacts.
  • Purchased contact data: You can buy laser-focused lists from reputable data providers; like LeadGenius, ZoomInfo, etc.
  • Manual research: Scraping and compiling contacts from search engine provided sources like LinkedIn, event websites, media websites, forums, or other social media channels.

And while you’re at it, don’t neglect to identify key decision maker information, either.

Any person who’s done sales is more than well-acquainted with key decision makers. Simply speaking, these are the people who will either say yes or not. These are also people who will influence that yes or no decision.

And as you identify and collect your list of accounts to target, take the time to identify what kind of buyer they are. Because as much as we wish for only one type, so our lives would be significantly easier, that’s not the reality.

At the very least, there are generally 5 types of key decision makers you need to be aware of (if you aren’t already).

  • Initiator: Somebody who decides to start the buying process; and has most likely been placed in charge of solving a business challenge.
  • Sales influencer: The person who takes the initiative in convincing others that they need the product.
  • Decider: The one in charge of making the final decision whether to purchase or not.
  • Buyer: Typically, these people are C-level, and they are the ones in charge of writing you the check.
  • The User: The person who would be using your product. And it doesn’t entirely matter if they had a say in the product buying process or not.

Step 2: Segment the accounts and understand them

Upon completing your gigantic list of accounts to target, it is every B2B expert’s advice to break them down.

Perhaps your list of two hundred companies can be narrowed down even further by size, location, budget, industry etc. What you need to have in the end, are groups that you can easily communicate similar messages to. One message may not be the same for another particular group. And that’s why audience segmentation is important.

And once your audience segmentation is complete and nailed down, it’s time to understand them and get to know them. At this stage, here is where your buyer personas will still come in handy.

Learn about each company on your target list and the key decision makers you’ll be trying to persuade. Do what you must to get to know them sufficiently. You can try:

  • Finding out who is involved in the SaaS buying process
  • Doing online research (official websites, and social media accounts)
  • Asking the people in your company who are in charge of sales
  • Schedule interviews with current customers (if they’re available)
  • Read customer feedback from citation sites

Understanding each segment is crucial to the kinds of marketing campaigns and programs you’ll have to implement to succeed at reaching them.

Step 3: Customize your marketing plan

While you work on tailoring your marketing plans, experts in learning how to generate SaaS gains with the best ABM practices advise starting with the buyer’s journey.

Identify what the key decision maker needs at each stage of their purchase journey. It’s all in the name of moving smoothly to the decision stage.

Remember that B2B sales cycles are longer, and require more nurturing tactics than most consumer-targeted efforts for them to be effective. And to succeed, make use of the marketing world’s best practices; B2B or otherwise.

Content Marketing

Content marketing, over the years, has developed to be an invaluable strategy for B2B SaaS marketers. To increase brand awareness while simultaneously reaching new audiences, content marketing is a staple of the marketing process.

But with 93% of B2B companies making use of content marketing, you are in for a bit of competition. Almost every SaaS company is in a bid to produce top-notch quality.

So when it comes to content marketing, the need to produce relevant content is necessary to become a thought-leader and to gain notoriety while building trust among target companies.

Social Media

Something worth mentioning is that when it comes to B2B SaaS marketing, the name of the game is building awareness. Even if a specific product doesn’t boast a broad audience yet, it would do companies well to build a strong social presence and a complementing content strategy that would appeal to the target accounts.

But in the case of cultivating a great presence on social media, SaaS businesses must make use of visual platforms like Twitter and Instagram. The practice isn’t to share blogs and point the way to a company landing page. The goal is to show off company culture and show the target audience the faces behind the SaaS business. And that, honestly speaking, is more exciting than constantly blabbering about software tools to no end.

Offering Free Trials and Samples

Let’s be honest. Who doesn’t delight in free stuff? (Even the rich won’t say no.)

Earlier in the introduction, we commented on how marketing something without an actual physical presence can pose several challenges. Again, unlike the typical consumer-targeted product or service, target accounts can’t physically pick up software tools. They can’t feel it with their hands, and they can’t touch it to know what it feels. They can’t even smell it or taste it.

Touching something, trying it out, feeling it, and seeing how well it works for you is an important part of the buying process. In fact, it’s the reason why physical stores never go out of a style — despite how digitized the world is.

Sadly, B2B SaaS marketers have no way of replicating the luxury of the sense of touch. But it is possible to emulate that feeling by offering free trials and samples. Letting someone use the product for free at a period of time or by limiting certain offers to free use is helpful.

Welcoming and Encouraging Honest Customer Reviews

Time and time again, experts emphasize that everybody trusts peer recommendations better than actual sales pitches. In addition, today’s generation of consumers — B2B or otherwise — demand honesty and authenticity from product and service providers.

Dreading the inevitable and occasional negative review can’t be helped. But customer reviews are incredibly valuable.

First and foremost, they’re absolutely free. And moreover, you might find that clients are more inclined to give their opinion on a software — especially if they have used it extensively, or even tried out the free trial. Second, your client’s insights and feedback give other potential clients realistic expectations. And the best benefit of all is that encouraging customer reviews is your way of demonstrating social proof.

The Takeaway

There are three steps to implement the best ABM practice for generating significant SaaS gains.

  • Doing your target research
  • Segmenting accounts and understanding each of them
  • Customizing the right marketing plan to launch

Making use of these best practices is crucial for acquiring considerable gains in all of your SaaS efforts.

About the author

Al Gomez is an SEO Consultant. Al has over 12 years’ client digital marketing experience and has proven track records of successful projects and expertise in various marketing channels. He is passionate about solving online marketing problems like generating leads and increasing sales. He is also the Consultant for a digital marketing agency, Dlinkers offering services like SEO, PPC, Email marketing, & Web Development.

Digital Branding

Get the Bigger Deal by Opting for Search Engine Optimization

You sit on your desktop looking for the best online deals on fashion merchandise. What do you usually do? You merely Google the results and look for the ones that suit you. More often than not, you click on the ones at the top. Do you ever wonder what makes those sites appear at the top? Is it their popularity?

However, the main reason why they appear at the top is their optimization in accordance with the search engine. Search engine optimization has been a defining moment for the change in online advertising and digital marketing industry. Most websites prefer to optimize their content for it to appear at the top of the search results in Google. It has specific strategies which help your site grow in terms of stature.


A Brief on the Working of SEO

How does SEO make it possible for your website to appear at the top? Well, it’s not such a complicated process. Every site stands for its content, as it should. The content is the main structure which makes your website strong. In the working of SEO too, it’s the content which plays a significant role. For it to work, you would have to be well-versed with keywords and searches of your content.

What happens is, we target a few specific words from our content and use it as keywords. The experts set keywords according to the searches on Google. For example, if we see a few words which have a vast range in the search history, we can set them as our keywords. It sets up the content is such a way that Google tracks your content up whenever people use those words to search the internet.

It is mainly this strategy which works in Search Engine Optimization. Not only the text content but it also works with various other forms of content available in the web world. Going deep down the context would help us know more about how SEO event works. However, companies usually hire SEO experts such as SEO Company Los Angeles to help them out with the optimization of your content.


Working over Videos

Videos are by far the best means of boosting your web content. When you have well-framed video clippings which go well along with your website and its content, it is bound to boost your content for search engine optimization. You don’t need proof to believe how vital videos can be in capturing people’s attention. Once you go away with grabbing the attention, half of your work is over.

Statistically too, videos have seen a rise in their use over the years. Recent developments in the industry have placed videos way above other kinds of content in the market. As you scroll through videos, you get to see various types of content which unknowingly grabs your attention towards a specific product. It is this skill which you require if you wish to excel in this field.


Benefits of Incorporating SEO

Websites all over the world look to incorporate SEO into their systems. There have to be substantial reasons behind this. Optimizing your content is more important than you might think. Let’s see the benefits of SEO below:

  1. Low Cost and Maintenance

SEO is unlike advertisement where you pay for your products’ advertising. It is something which comes with skill and information. You hire SEO experts to optimize your content, and you are good to go. You don’t need any extra payment over the online sources to boost your content. Some people go for illegal sources and spend money, but the effort ultimately goes in vain, as they fail to focus on their content.

One should know that spending extra money is not going to get them anywhere. It’s their effort and quality which can do so.

  1. Increase in Traffic

Optimizing your content means a definite increase in web traffic. Statistically, most websites opting for SEO have witnessed a considerable increase in traffic. It’s obvious when your content appears on the top of the search results that you are bound to see an increase in web traffic. The growth would not be there overnight, but it would be steady enough to keep you guessing. You have to keep patience for the result.

  1. Enhancement in Credibility and Stature

For a brand, its credibility stands on top of its priority list as it should. As a webmaster, it is obvious for you to look for a way out which helps you enhance your credibility. You can use social media platforms, your nearby sources, and other means to propagate your brand credibility, which are good ways of promoting your brand. However, SEO lets you have a look at the bigger picture.

Using SEO, when your content appears on the top of search results, your potential customers are bound to think about your brand as a high-end one. This impression of your brand on your potential customers demands a strategy. SEO helps you have that.


  1. Return of Investment

Your expectations for your investments rise higher with the amount that you consider for investing in a project. With SEO, you land in an entirely appropriate place where you get more than your expectations. The effects on SEO on your web traffic are most of the times higher than what you usually expect for a certain amount of expenditure. So, the return of investment that you get in SEO is one of the best.

  1. You are ahead of your competitors

If a concept becomes popular, its demand is bound to increase. With an increase in demand, the competition also increases. Considering a lot of people are already starting to look for SEO experts to expand their business online, you should not waste any time in getting started. It would make you stand with your competitors who are already in this field and give you an edge over those who aren’t.

Business is a race where you need to strive to get better every day. Don’t simply do it because everyone is busy doing it but, do it because it’s the way to go.

Digital Branding

The New Wave of Franchise Marketing

Franchise marketing requires the producing of a marketing plan. A franchise is a corporation that provides individual units of business locations or websites that sell specific products in order to generate leads. Franchise opportunities are many and the buyer of that franchise has to be sure of what they want to get themselves into while knowing more about the field. Franchises need to market their business in order to get ahead and marketing existing franchise locations in their local area. If you do not already have one, developing a franchise marketing strategy should be something you plan now.

Franchise ownership offers immense flexibility with your hours as opposed to a 9-5 conventional job, even if it is a work from home job. Franchise ownership means you can work with somebody or hire somebody to work for you while that person buys an aspect of your franchise so they can start one. Franchises can stay functional because out of 20,500 business opportunities studied, 65% survived after four years.

In order to start a franchise properly, you have to research the competition. Every business has competition. Franchise marketing requires awareness of having such competition on hand. Franchising is one option on how to start a flow of significant income. Entrepreneurship thrives on knowing what your goals are and why you want to become an entrepreneur, to begin with. You have to know your goals before you find a franchise that is a good fit for you. The thing is, you cannot become an expert in everything, but you have to pick a niche that is in line with your interests. That niche doesn’t necessarily have to be something you know about but it can be something you need other people to do for you if you cannot do something on your own.

There are certain roles for a franchise owner. The first is being the owner that is not there but hires people. Second, as an example, hairdressing being a hands-on opportunity because the owner ought to be a hair stylist. However, with regard to setting up a franchise, you need to know who your direct competitors are, where other franchise locations are in relation to yours, and what marketing efforts the competition is making. You can Google what you think are your direct competitors. Marketing a franchise is about building a brand image from your idea that gets turned into a brand in the first place. Branding requires several guidelines.

You need to decide what your franchise will be about, based on your own interests. You have to make sure that you are ready to invest and to make sure it is a good investment or not. You need to model a good cash flow with your business plan since a business plan is a living document, recording the plan for success.

To start a franchise, you have to decide on an investment budget and sometimes for food service, it can be $15,000. Ultimately, you need a franchise that can generate revenue or gross sales. Choosing the right franchise is essential to your success because you need to know what the rent is, how much salary you will pay towards your employees, and, in particular, how much the utilities at your building will be. As an owner, you also have to decide how much your own salary is worth, give or take how much money you invest in the business that you can give back to yourself.

You have to decide how much you are going to invest in the business up front. Your personal goals involve either spending time with your business or staying at home a lot. Your investment budget can be less than $10,000 or upward of $1 million give or take how much you are planning on spending. You need to get equipment and inventory if you are going to start your own franchise anyway, which adds to the start-up costs. You also have to figure out how you will succeed against your competitors in a quantifiable manner.

Local Branding

What Is The Significance Of Promotional Products in Today’s Market?


All big cities have thousands of brands competing with each other for gaining the attention of potential customers. Traditional marketing and digital marketing are no longer enough to secure the market. People need to see more than glittery signboards and flashy TV commercials. They need a taste of the “real deal.”

In the world of digital marketing, every company faces one significant disadvantage – the lack of tangibility. Customers may enjoy the advantage of shopping from the comforts of their home or taking a quick shopping break during their office lunch hours, but they miss the good old practice of judging the quality of products through touch and feel. Many brands are now thinking about giving away promotional products to increase their market presence and boost their tangibility.

Answer this question honestly – are you using a branded promotional pen in office? If not, do you have branded coasters, journals and promotional t-shirts at home? Every 21st-century shopper has a myriad of branded promotional products in their wardrobes and cabinets. Promotional products boost the visibility of a brand. According to a Forbes study, the brand recollection rate for promotional products in New York City is almost 85%. It is incredibly higher than the recollection rate of banner ads and print ads. Print ads are everywhere in NYC, and that contributes to the significantly low brand recall.  Promotional products in NYC help in planting the seeds of curiosity and interest that prompt the recipient to search the brand later. When a person wears or uses a promotional product, the average passersby and the co-workers take notice. It prompts the other people to search the brand as well.

What are the advantages of promotional products?

In a world of online stores and service websites, personal touch has become crucial for almost every customer. Promotional products can help you reach out to your consumer groups better than any online campaign and paid advertisement campaigns your competitors have launched –

  • Improved market reach – Most importantly, these promotional products empower a brand by creating the perception of high value among the recipients. When a business buys promotional products in bulk, they invest a nominal amount. However, the recipients are not aware of this small investment.
  • Building dedicated groups of customers – When the consumers receive a complementary product with a touch of personalization, they are likely to believe that the products are expensive.
  • Improved brand reputation – Research shows that giving away promotional products of standard quality and a touch of personalization boosts the reputation of a brand.
  • Increases the credibility – Customers are likely to view the brand and its products with improved reliability. The small touch of tangibility can go a long way to establish a mark of quality for any new brand operating online or launching a new storefront in New York.

Why is working with experienced marketing professionals imperative for promotional marketing campaigns?

If you step into any doctor’s office in NYC or visit the average middle-class home, you will notice tens of different branded promotional products. The chances are that you have been using a promotional product like that for weeks without even realizing it. It can be a coffee mug, coaster, pen, notepad or mouse pad. Why is it that some promotional products blend right in with the rest, but only a few stand out amidst the clutter? The answer is customization. The key to drawing the right kind of attention to your promotional products is by customizing them adequately. Anyone can stand on the corner of the road and give out pens and coasters, but the brand that can leverage the products to establish their identity have chances of reaching their target demographic.

The right colors, logos and identifiers play significant roles in reaching the target market. If you are thinking about launching your promotional campaign, you need to visit the best promotional product design company in NYC for guidance. Consumer psychology plays an integral role in the selection of product types, colors and logo typefaces. Thus, always ensure that you have a strong marketing team by your side while beginning the initial phases of planning.

Promotional products boost the “aided” recall value of a brand. This principle of marketing leverages a simple trait of customer psychology. When a consumer receives a free product, he or she will use it for a few days. For example – you receive a complimentary pen or umbrella from your go-to stationary brand or outdoor accessories brand. You are likely to use these articles till they last and if you enjoy the product quality, you are highly likely to seek out the same brands when you are in the store the next time. By using promotional products, any brand can increase their impact on their target consumer groups. They can improve their aided and subsequent unaided recall, as well as improve their market presence over time.

Digital Branding

How to Increase a Customer Base with Effective Brand Representation

Everything we do is goal-oriented, and the goal is to bring as many customers as we can, whilst keeping them happy. If your brand doesn’t speak for itself, don’t expect many new customers and prepare to say goodbye to your current ones. Branding (and rebranding) requires balancing many elements which all together represent your company in a simple and appealing way. It’s all about customers, and yet the way to get customers is to establish a recognizable, eye-catching, unique brand. Here are some ideas on how you can get more customers by properly communicating your brand.

Engagement marketing

Experiential (engagement) marketing is a marketing strategy that allows consumers to actually see and feel what your product can do. This is a great way to help your clients realize the benefits of your product, and generally, what they will get by sticking to your company. Representing your brand through such strategy is a great idea because you’re both “selling” the product and representing your ideology.

Break the chains

Let your creativity kick in. Traditional ways are called “traditional” for a good reason, as they used to work and they represent something common and already seen. That’s why today we have something called “modern”. Mixing your creativity with some modern techniques/advice you’ve seen or heard will allow you to fight the invisible constraints and express yourself in a new and memorable way.

Online and offline stores should look the same

Developing and designing a website takes a lot of time and effort. Building a store and designing the interior and exterior also take a lot of time. Since you’re already going to invest so much in these two, why not take a step further and make them as if they were two parts of the same whole? A visitor that checks out your website, finds something he likes and decides to come to the store itself and check out the product in person, will surely be amazed when he sees that the store’s layout is almost the same as the website’s layout.

Real-world view

It’s very satisfying and educational at the same time, watching a person use some product, in real-time. Thanks to the modern era we’re living in and to all the technology and trends, we’re able to watch stuff like that, which is an amazing way of showcasing your business. Many websites provide live streaming, and of course we’re all witnesses of great ideas that Instagram and other social media have come up with. According to this master in advertising, today companies need marketing solutions that can flow like a liquid into whatever the new inventions have brought to us.

Stay fresh

Whether you’re willing to admit it or not, these days everything has to be stylish. Not only that it has become sort of a trend that more and more people tend to follow and worship, but even the statistics prove that fashionable design and advertisements tend to catch more eyes than regular “boring” ones. If you’re having a photo shoot to promote certain product that a user can interact with, make sure that the user looks like he’s getting ready for a gala evening. Also, if the product has anything to do with technology, make sure to point out the devices to create a “natural-looking” environment. Don’t forget about colors – everything should be harmonized!

Let your store speak for itself!

From the moment a client walks into your store or takes a look at your brand, they should immediately know what they are looking at and they should feel that vibe instantly. If you have to walk someone through your story than you’ve failed showing that story throughout your brand and store.

From what you’ve read so far, you should already have an idea of what are the things you can do in order to keep your current customers happy and to attract new buyers. As soon as they see your brand, visit your website or walk in one of your stores, they should form a positive opinion about your products and decide on purchasing them.



Author bio: Jennifer Hahn Masterson is a senior business strategist, holding an MA degree in business communication. She is always doing her best to help her clients find their place in the ever so competitive business arena. You can check her out on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Digital Branding

6 Best White Hat Link Building Techniques In 2019

Link building is considered as one of the key elements of search engine optimization (SEO). But, many webmasters haven’t yet understood the concept well and go on to make mistakes which hurt the SEO.

Acquisition of White Hat links to your website can significantly boost your search engine ranking, but Google has been changing the link building algorithm over the years. Irrelevant comments on random blog posts to build links, no longer work for SEO.

What is Link Building and White Hat SEO?                            

When you get hyperlinks to your website from other websites, it is called link building. What this means is that you are telling Google that your site is relevant and trustworthy, and other sites are directing their users to you. This not only brings visitors from other websites but also boosts your ranking.

There are plenty of techniques for websites to rank higher, but not all of them work. Some are helpful, while some can even negatively impact the SEO. The SEO techniques that work positively and are done using proper methods are called White Hat SEO techniques.

Link building is done using both proper and improper methods. Proper methods can include guest blogs, while improper ones can include commenting on random posts with the link of your site. The proper method of link building is called White Hat link building.

Source – Pexels

White Hat Link Building techniques:                        

1. Guest blogging

One of the most efficient methods of link building is writing guest blogs for other websites. There are several websites and blogs that allow submission of guest articles. Leverage this opportunity for SEO improvement of your site.

The guest blogging is not only good for SEO but also helps you build relationships with other website owners. If you end up building good networking, chances are that they will allow more submissions from you.

Make a list of the websites that allow guest posts. Explore those websites and ensure that your guest post should be relevant to the niche of their site, otherwise it wouldn’t be accepted. Now contact the site runners and tell them about your experience with their site and your interest in submitting a post.

While writing a guest post, don’t be too promotional about your site. A couple of links in Author Bio and introduction will do. When they publish your work, share it with your customers and social media community. When the guest post publishers will find that your post is also helping them widely, then they would like to publish more of your work.

2. Ask your network for backlinks

As a website owner, you might be having a lot of friends and relatives who have their own websites or blogs. You can connect with them and ask for adding a link to your site in their next blog post.

If you have partners in your business, then leverage the partnership for link building. You can request a link back or do a deal of including a link to websites of each other in the next article. Further, keep on building your network and use it for your advantage.

3. Directory submission

There are plenty of good web directories available on the internet where you can list your website or blog. While listing your site on a directory, you should take care of a number of things, like choosing the right category for creating backlinks, checking the domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA) of the directory site, and whether the directory is reliable.

If the DA and PA of the directory site is not of high quality, or if it contains spam links, then it would be better to stay away from such options. The low-quality directories wouldn’t help your site to boost SEO. Research properly before submission so that you can avoid any negative impact on your SEO.

4. Convert your brand mentions into backlinks

This is another easy method for white hat backlinking. There might be several blogs and websites which have mentioned your brand name in reviews, recommendations, or testimonials without hyperlinking your site. What you need to do is find those mentions using Social Listening tools.

Once you have found all the mentions, build a strategy to reach those mentions via social media channels or contact forms and request a backlink to the mentions. Since there is no harm to those sites in hyperlinking your site to your brand name, they will very likely to do the needful for you.

5. List your business in local directories

If you are a small business, then a business listing can significantly help you. For example, you can easily list your business on Google for free. Other than Google, there are several more local directories, like Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, TripAdvisor, etc.

The aim of these local directories is to help local users find the relevant places they are looking for. For example, if someone in your area is searching for places nearby, then you can appear in search results. Since the listing will have your website link, it can work for you.

Source – Pexels

6. Maintain your own blog

Don’t ever underestimate the power of a blog. The reason most of the websites have a blog is that it drives traffic to the site and helps in white hat link building. Maintain a blog and publish posts regularly, which should be relevant to the services or products you provide.

Try to cover everything related to your solutions to make your blog more appealing to visitors. Since the blog posts will be having backlinks to your products and services, it will bring visitors to your site and improve SEO.

Use images and visuals so that the content doesn’t become boring for visitors. Allow users to comment and share the posts on social media platforms right from the same page.


Wrapping up

If you apply the above-mentioned techniques to your website, it will surely work for you. But you have to remember that link building is not going to happen overnight. It will take time as you reach other websites, directories and your network.

Also, never go for black hat backlinking techniques, because Google can penalize your site for it.

Know of more white hat link building techniques? Feel free to share via the comments section below.

Author Bio:

Mark Coleman is a passionate writer, currently working as an Editor at MarkupTrend. Markup Trend offers free resources for developers, designers, and webmasters and is updated daily. Mark is available for hire for product and business promotions.

Digital BrandingLocal Branding

Email Marketing Errors That You Should Avoid

If you are going to send an email, make sure you are not making these mistakes.

You are likely convinced of the advantages of email marketing. You may even have launched several email campaigns, but the results have not been what you expected. It is true that email marketing is a very effective technique, but to obtain benefits, you must avoid the mistakes that will lead you to failure.

Email marketing is a communication technique that uses email to increase sales, maintain regular contact with potential or current customers and improve their loyalty level. Email marketing uses email as a communication channel to send commercial (or non-commercial) information in bulk to the target audience, using tools such as MailChimp or Doppler. Email marketing campaigns have excellent results in terms of increased traffic, positive response from potential and real customers and, most importantly, the number of conversions. But, of course, it’s not just about sending emails, but there’s a lot of work behind it. By avoiding the errors listed in this article, you will improve your email campaigns. So if you are convinced that the time has come to increase sales of your business thanks to email marketing, these are the errors that you should avoid when sending an email:

1. Not having a strategy

If you have already started sending emails and you do not have a strategy, you are making a serious mistake. The first thing to do first is to plan a strategy that is integrated into the overall Digital Marketing strategy. When making this strategy, you must be clear about who you are targeting and what your objectives are. Once you have defined your target and defined a clear objective, which can be to increase traffic to your website, sell a service or increase your leads, it is time to plan the rest of the strategy. This is the only path that leads to success if you are going to do email marketing.

2. Sending the emailing to everyone

You should not send a mail to contact that is not a value lead or corresponds to your target. This is possible if you buy a database, an illegal practice and also very ineffective. It is better to write to 100 people that are interested in your service than 1000 strangers who you do not know anything about them. You should not forget that you cannot send commercial emails to anyone who has not explicitly given your permission. Not only is it illegal, but you will only get to the spam mailbox and scare away customers. The reality is that you must earn every contact and although it is an arduous job, it has a great reward, because each new subscriber has real possibilities of becoming a client. To attract quality leads, you can launch several actions such as offering exclusive content, a webinar, giving away an ebook or whitepaper, etc.

3. Not segmenting the database before sending the emails

Once you have managed to create your own database, it is time to segment. Do not forget that your subscribers do not have the same interests and therefore you should not treat them all the same. If you do not do a good segmentation your emails will reach the wrong people, waste time and resources and get a bad reputation that will negatively influence your brand image. This is why segmentation is one of the keys to the success of an email campaign. Imagine that you have a clothing store and you are going to make an email announcing that women’s clothing is 50% during that week. It is best to segment your database to address women between 15 and 50 years old. If this same e-mail arrives, for example, to a 23-year-old man, he will most likely ignore it or even mark it as spam.

4. Not having an attractive subject

Most experts agree that when making an email, the subject is even more important than the email itself. It is the first thing that is seen and most likely decides whether or not to open the email. For this reason, it is important to work it thoroughly. The subject should reflect the main benefit that the recipients will get and should also arouse curiosity enough to want to open the email. It is advisable to use direct, attractive and creative phrases.

5. Lack of regard for your subscribers

At first, it is easy to think of subscribers as numbers and not as people, but this is a mistake that you can easily avoid. Always keep in mind that one of those subscribers could be you and treat them as you would like them to treat you. Do not forget to keep frequent communication with them, but do not overwhelm them with too many emails. If your subscribers are too long without knowing about you, they will forget your existence and by the time you write them again, they will have looked for others to cover their needs. The ideal is an email a week or every 15 days.

6. Sending only promotional content

Do not spam your contacts. It should be a digital marketing mantra. You are convinced that your product or service is the best and it is logical that you want to share your promotions with all your potential clients, but first, you must earn their trust. Your emails should not be all promotional, as this will only push customers away. Email marketing is a powerful sales tool, but only if you use it correctly. When implementing email marketing strategy, it is vital to be very clear that it is necessary to give before receiving and, for this reason, I recommend that most of your emails (about 80%) are not commercial, but they add value to the potential client. There are many things you can offer: discounts, gifts, courses, an ebook, valuable content. This way you will gain credibility and when you send a commercial email, your potential clients will be much more receptive.

These are some of the email marketing strategy errors that you should avoid achieving success in your campaign.

Author Bio

Harnil Oza is a CEO of Hyperlink InfoSystem, a mobile app development company based in USA & India having a team of best app developers who deliver best mobile solutions mainly on Android and iOS platform. He regularly contributes his knowledge on the leading blogging sites.

Digital Branding

5 Essential Tips for a Successful Content Marketing Strategy

For sure, content marketing is here to stay. And why not? It’s a great way to attract and engage new customers, so the businesses use this strategy to its fullest. 90% of the businesses already use content marketing as their main strategy to promote the brand. But what’s more important is that people want brands to create content. Reportedly, 84% of people expect brands to come up with new content on a regular basis. But here’s what stats also have to say: Image credit: Cision It’s obvious that marketers value content and see it as the primary way to improve marketing impact. Moreover, internet users are interested in content more than in traditional ads, but they value only helpful and informative content. Nevertheless, for 63% of marketers, it’s a challenge to generate traffic and leads, meaning that their content fails to perform well. How can you avoid that? Here are 5 essential tips for a successful content marketing strategy.

1. Know Your Audience Well

For a content marketing strategy, there’s nothing more important than having your audience personas figured out (besides creating high-quality content, of course). Some brands make a huge mistake by trying to target everyone in order to increase sales. But what they don’t understand is that it seriously harms the quality of the content itself. To identify audience personas, you can follow this pattern:

  • What is their occupation or what field they work in?
  • What’s the demographics? (age, gender, location, etc.)
  • What are their goals and challenges?
  • What are their expectations?

By answering these questions you’ll be able to identify exactly who you want to target with your content. A perfect example is Nike’s Instagram content, where they target people of disabilities empowering them to pursue their dreams: Image credit: Nike

2. Focus on Personalizing

Personalization is the key trend in content marketing. 31% of consumers want their experiences with brands to be more personalized, while the rest want the personalization to blend with high-quality content. You can implement personalization in many different ways, starting from the content for emails, like here: or make their shopping experiences more personalized. Consumers like personalized interactive content, where they have a chance to get active and participate in helping you develop your brand. So, personalized content like surveys and quizzes is also a good way to engage more customers.

3. Benefit from Storytelling

Storytelling has recently become the most followed trend in content marketing. Consumers support this trend, as they have become tired of traditional forms of advertising and prefer a more subtle, behind-the-scenes promotion. Nike has made content that is based on storytelling something regular on their Instagram page. Here’s the example of how they used the story of LeBron James to promote their brand: Image credit: Nike There are many other examples of Nike telling the story of famous athletes Simone Biles, Kyrie Irving, and Serena Williams to show their followers that you can achieve your dreams, even if you were born to a poor family. These posts have over 8 million likes each, which shows that storytelling format can be incredibly engaging.

4. Invest in Video Content

The world of marketing is slowly starting to invest more and more into video content. Stats show that people spend 2.6 more times on pages that have video content on them and 89% of consumers claim that watching a video has influenced their purchasing decisions. Creating videos is a great way to diversify your content strategy. Especially when there are so many different options for posting videos, from stories on Instagram to creating content for YouTube. However, essay writers warn brands that the process of creating a video must include writing a script. Otherwise, you’ll have a video that doesn’t have any purpose.

5. Does Your Content Have a Mobile Version?

It’s absolutely vital that you create content, which will fit both the desktop version and the mobile version of your website. It is reported that 48% of customers started searching for the product they bought on mobile first, not to mention that 90% of consumers more than 4 hours a day using their phones. The stats also show that consumers will leave the website, where content does not upload fast, within 3 to 5 seconds. So, it’s worth investing in the mobile version of your content as well, not only to keep existing customers but to attract new ones as well.

Planning and implementing a content marketing strategy can be quite time-consuming. Hence, smart marketers curate content relevant to their niche and share it with their audience. This helps them save time, build trust and be authentic. Free content curation and discovery tools like ShareIt help you find the right content without much effort.

The Bottom Line Content marketing is worth investing money, but make sure that you invest all your time and creativity into developing a content marketing strategy. Hopefully, these tips will get you inspired to create a content marketing strategy that will bring your business to success!

Digital Branding

Importance of Rank Tracking – How to Choose the Right Rank Tracking Tool?

While focusing full-fledged on SEO and marketing for the website, you would be concerned about how the site is ranking on the various keywords you are optimizing on. Earlier it was really easy to know keywords ranking through various rank tracker tools. But these days things are not that simple and easy. Many factors intervene rank tracking such that not all tools work great.

You have to be selective with your rank tracking tools for these reasons. Even before that, you must know why many rank tracking tools do not work after some time and why your website also may get penalized for using them. Then only, you would understand how to pick a good rank tracking tool to track the site rank on various keywords.

It was simple to track ranks in earlier days of SEO

Rank tracking was simple in the early days of online marketing and SEO. That’s because Google was still in the developing phase, and no other search engine in use also were that advanced in programming, to bar the tracking software and systems. Also in the earlier days of SEO, ranks were visible through plugins and tools and are the number one in search results mattered a lot, and highly. But things are different now. Now SEO experts and even the layman knows that it’s not the number one position of the SERP that matter the highest, although it matters considerably.

Rather it’s the amount of organic traffic you are getting, and then the conversion rate of that traffic, which mainly matters. And that is why, along with the search results page and rank, the other metrics like conversion rate, organic search traffic, etc. are considered to realize the status of the site against the target keyword.

Rank tracking is still important but gone tricky

Rank tracking still is important. A good rank ensures great visibility. And great visibility ensures organic traffic. When you get organic traffic, you get good conversion rates and leads both. Hence you get leads, and you can use them in whatever way you like to increase business and revenue. Hence, a good ranking is a great stepping stone to success in online marketing and e-commerce. But there again, knowing where you rank exactly based on the particular keyword has become much trickier. A normal rank tracker who used to work well in earlier days do not work now, and there are plenty of reasons for them, the main reason being the advancement in Google’s platform and search algorithms. Google do not like rank tracking software and tools. Hence it has made its system such that rank tracking gets limited.

Why Google hates rank trackers?

Google hates rank tracking software for some solid reasons. Google is a search engine that gives results free of cost for common users. But Google has to generate income. And it draws all its revenues from sponsored ads and featured listings etc. That is why it does not like entertaining software, which would not click on its ads on a results page. The result is displayed for queries made by rank tracking software is wastage in the eyes of the search engine operators. That is why Google does not like rank tracking tools which utilize the page data and does not give anything in return to Google.

Google APIs

Google has designed APIs for rank tracker management. APIs are Application Programming Interfaces. Using these Google has effectively brought a bar or limitation in rank tracking. Only the developers can use the APIs to scrape rank data against keywords without getting through the general google interface, and that too for free. And there is a limitation to how many ranks data can be obtained. After this limit is over, or after a number of queries, Google does not offer any more data in the day. This limit makes rank tracking a headache using Google APIs. The way developers and rank tracking use to bypass this limitation are scraping of the rank data directly from the Google’s search results pages.

The downsides of scraping rank data from Google SERP

There is a big downside of scraping rank data from Google. When you are scraping you get either tracked or barred. When multiple requests come from a rank tracker in Google search, then Google starts displaying a CAPTCHA to find out if the request is being made by a human or a computer program. Normally tracker tools would not pass the CAPTCHA test, and hence gets barred. Some tools can pass the CAPTCHA. In that case, their IP address gets tracked by Google. And when the multiple queries come from that IP address, then Google blocks that IP and the tool can no longer use that IP to scrape rank data through plain SERPs.

You can bypass APIs and get your advanced rank tracker system

There are rank tracker systems and tools, which can bypass the APIs, and also the IP blocks and CAPTCHAs of google. There are advanced rank tracking systems, which can still tell you keyword based ranks. The types of rank trackers available are:

  • Browser-based tracking plugins
  • Desktop App based rank trackers
  • SaaS Apps which are website based services

These three types of rank trackers can help you out without getting your IP blocked or website banned.

Important features that should be present in a good rank tracking tool

There are some features that a good advanced rank tracker tool must have. Check for them before starting to use one, or get advised by expert rank trackers like Fyrebird Philly:

  • As because Google shows personalized search results based on how you are using the results the tracking tool must have features to bypass this personalization.
  • Ranks differ as per geographic location. And the tool must be able to show you rank results based on location.


You can get a vivid idea of how your marketing and SEO team is performing, based on the rank report you get. Only your tool for tracking must give you legit results that you may rely on. Hence this must be chosen carefully.