Category: Digital Branding

Digital Branding

Creating a Customer Journey Using a Marketing Automation Software

Everything in life unfolds at different stages. From physical maturity, career growth, to education. Each phase has its unique needs and should be confronted as such. It’s the same with customer journeys, there are different stages that should be dealt with accordingly. With the aid of an email marketing automation software, it’s easy to identify your customer journeys and manage them properly. A well-defined customer journey allows marketers to target and personalize their messages better. You can serve your clients better if you know what they are going through. The three common stages of customer journey are awareness, consideration and decision stages. Knowing at which stage at this journey a particular client is in will help you calibrate your marketing tactics. But how could you identify your client’s stage? The answer is marketing automation. This tool collects data, places triggers, and sends an appropriate response based on triggers. In one study, 45.9% of marketers said the marketing automation has enhanced customer experience, 37.7 % have developed quality leads and 34.9% have boosted their volume of leads. Now let’s get on to the nitty-gritty of the three stages:

The Awareness Stage

In the awareness stage, customers are not yet aware of their problems and they have not interacted with your brand yet. Your goal for this stage is to reach out to your potential customers and increase brand awareness. You must also find a way to establish communication with your potential clients. That is, by them liking your social media page, subscribing to your channel, or subscribing to your email list. To do this, you have to generate a massive amount of valuable content to reach as many people as possible. But, your effort would be useless if it doesn’t get in front of your audience. SEO is king when it comes to making sure that your message is heard. You don’t have to scavenge the World Wide Web to learn about SEO. You can use an SEO Management tool such as Linkio. Combine SEO with marketing automation to spread your message efficiently and effectively. To champion the awareness stage, create useful and attractive contents like blogs, videos, and infographics, and even create buyer personas. Ask visitors to subscribe so that you can continue nurturing them on the next stage.

Consideration Stage

At this point, the potential customers are already aware of their problems and are already aware of your brand. They are just checking out different options. Your goal is to win the trust of your customers and convince them that you are the best option. Winning trust is all about building relationships. Establish your expertise to help clients decide that your brand is a good fit for their needs. As with the first stage, marketing automation is also helpful by identifying which visitors are in this stage and sending out relevant content. Webinars, feedback from previous customers, and courses are the types of content ideal for consideration stage.

Decision Stage

During this stage, the potential clients should be ready to convert. They have recognized their problems and they have looked at all their options. They’re just one step closer to making a purchase. Your goal is to ensure that they buy your course, book, product or service. You want them to focus on that and just that. Examples of contents you can use for this stage is a free trial and a live demo. For instance, a client goes to the purchase page of your website after visiting other pages. The client will then be offered a free trial just in case he or she still has some reservations. Just in case the client leaves without making a purchase, you can still retarget the client using marketing automation. Visiting your product page is a strong indication of his or her interest in your brand. Through marketing automation, you can set triggers so that the client will still be reminded of your products even if he or she is on a different website. Automation also allows you to keep the cycle going even after the client has completed a purchase. You can keep a lifelong customer as long as you continue to provide valuable content and valuable products.


Awareness stage is all about reaching out to your customers. Consideration is letting them know that you’re the right fit. Decision stage is the time when they’re ready to purchase. The different stages of a customer’s journey are all important in the growth of your business. There is no one size fits all for the entire journey. Fortunately, you do not need to be manually checking on each client. Marketing automation can do that. All you have to do is lay out your plan, set it up, and let the software do the rest. You still have to generate high quality and useful contents. You need your entire mental prowess to create all these so don’t waste it on the mundane and let marketing automation do it for you.

Author Bio:

Kimberly Maceda is a Content Writer for ActiveTrail. She writes for some top online marketing sites and blogging advice on email marketing and marketing automation. The active trail is a leading provider of professional-grade email marketing and automation software for growing businesses.

Digital Branding

How to Rank A Website Quickly in Google

Everyone who has ever tried it knows that getting on the first page of Google search results is not easy. But, on the other hand, it’s far from impossible. As experts have shown times and times again, reaching the top results can be achieved very quickly if you know which road to take. Just thinking about the need to find the right (meaning unique but still highly competitive) keywords is enough to realize that patience is indeed a virtue when it comes to the search engines, but there are a lot of other tasks you can perform to boost your website and thus increase the speed of this process. The internet is full of highly doubtful tactics that can easily backfire – the only way to rank a website quickly is to do it naturally, with so-called white label SEO. In other words, it’s important to realize what exactly Google wants from you and what is the quickest way to provide that.

The beginning of a beautiful friendship

With all those algorithms changes Google has been announcing it may seem impossible to figure out what exactly you’re supposed to do. As soon as you start adjusting your website to certain requests the new ones seem to appear from nowhere. it almost seems if someone has been intentionally keeping you in the dark – well, it might be something like that. Think of Facebook – if you want to gain access to the information about someone’s page you need to send the friend request, or you are forced to monitor all his/hers posts closely and try to catch every bit of information you can.  Same goes for Google – if you want to rank faster you need to make your website become Google-friendly. Google doesn’t accept friend requests, but you can achieve the similar result through Google Search Console. This is a free service designed by Google to make your website’s research functionality more manageable through the collection of reports and tools that will enable you to find and correct errors and create a better strategy to optimize your rankings. Basically, with the beginning of this friendship, Google will be able to find your website more easily, and you can even request for a friendly favour of force crawl every time you make changes to your website.

Every person leads to a machine (and vice versa)

This may sound like a post-apocalyptic setting of some sci-fi movie, but today it’s simply a reality we live in. If you don’t have an account on social media networks it is almost as if you don’t exist. True, you can be a rebel and promote face-to-face conversation values, but when it comes to the visibility of your business you’ll need to make an exception. Google wants to see you on social media – the interaction with your customers through these platforms is a very important factor for your ranking speed. The more links you build, the faster you’ll land on that first page. And while high-quality link building takes a lot of time,  linking your content to social media can easily make it spread like fire. All you need to do is to identify social networks your target audience is on and to keep your posts public. That will produce shares and instant traffic which will automatically rank you higher and faster. The level of your engagement on social media is a decisive factor when it comes to the amount of useful linking you’ll get.

Now for the vice-versa part, which comes with few modifications. Maybe every machine leads back to a person, but when it comes to platforms this doesn’t hold water. Today people use various platforms for their searchings, the smaller the better, and being mobile-friendly has become mandatory already in 2015. That’s why having the responsive web design has become a major ranking element. It provides the same quality of user experience on any device and there is no variation in loading time. And you don’t have to ask Google in order to know that your rankings highly depend on whether your users enjoy spending time on your site – finding content and links easily and quickly – or abandon the ship with frustration after it failed to load in 3 seconds.

Word, words, words

And now, back to those keywords. If you ever wondered why Shakespeare’s ‛Hamlet’ has been staged for over 400 years you’ve probably noticed that it’s very opened to various readings even in this modern age. And all that variety comes from a single Hamlet’s line in the second act of the second scene – ‛Words, words, words’. It is not so much about what Hamlet is reading, but how he’s reading it – people interpret words in various ways, having their own associations, and this becomes very apparent in their online searches. Some of them type in very obscure phrases that have low competition levels, and others type combinations with already high search volume. Your goal should be to find keywords that are somewhere in the middle and a tool from Google called Keyword Planner can be your greatest ally in this ordeal. It will also help you with your grammar – yes, if you haven’t noticed, Google is also monitoring your language use and sentence structure. If they have a spammy and wonky ring they’ll certainly not speed up the ranking process, so don’t let bad English stand in your way. Being precise always leads to greater speed, so it would be wise to also include modifiers – even if you’re not tied to a certain state or area branching your pages is certainly a plus.

As the popular saying of a younger generation goes – ‛Father Google knows everything’. So don’t waste your time searching for dubious shortcuts. All you need to do is to ask for a friendly advice, but choose your words carefully.

Digital Branding

How the Cloud is Changing the Marketing Field


Data is extremely important to drive decisions in the marketing field. Nothing can or should be done on a whim, so in order to find success, companies look to the cloud to help store and process marketing information. According to Mark Hurd, CEO of Oracle, “All enterprise data will be stored virtually in the cloud.” He adds that “more data is in the cloud now than in traditional storage systems.” Why are so many companies making this switch? Here are a few ways the cloud is helping to change the marketing field for the better.

Content Relevance

One of the most important factors in content marketing is that your content must be relevant to your product or client and to the community you’re targeting. If your content strategy isn’t relevant to your product or your target audience, you’re sure to see your efforts go to waste. According to Oracle, looking at data collected from both clients and audiences can help marketers make connections between them. Collecting information and honing in on specific issues can help clarify the central themes for your marketing campaigns. While this is already important in the marketing field, cloud technologies have revolutionized the way data is collected and analyzed. Now all your marketing information is in the cloud, and your applications can make inferences on their own.


Personalization is also a critical element in modern marketing campaigns. Cloud-based data has greatly improved the degree of specificity to which marketing professionals can target their audience with demographic and psychographic details. The immense amount of data out there allows one to get a better picture of their target and deliver more tailored content via personalized ads. It was difficult to personalize anything for larger pools of consumers before the advent of cloud software. Now, this data can even help detect and predict behaviour patterns and anticipate an audience’s readiness something new. This can help marketers to assemble personalized content to win their audience over.

Less Human Participation

Collecting data, tracking feedback, and making inferences for strategic purposes can take a lot of time and energy. Thanks to the cloud, there is now less human interaction needed for marketing campaign production. However, this doesn’t mean the cloud is taking jobs away from marketing professionals. In fact, it frees up time for these professionals to work on more pressing matters. Professionals can use this time they’ve saved to discover insights and focus their efforts on creating better campaigns. In essence, the cloud isn’t replacing jobs, it’s making jobs more efficient.

Data is changing the way marketing works and the jobs the field may require in the future. A growing dependence on software and information calls for more tech-savvy talent. Marketing agencies are now hiring data scientists and tech professionals who better understand the systems in use and can help pull out the whos, whats, wheres, whens and whys the software produces. Marketing is ever-changing, but its end goal has always been making sales, and the cloud can help make that process even smoother.

Digital Branding

Why Personal Branding Must Be Your Focus

Every day up-and-coming business ventures are established. Thanks to globalization, the marketplace has expanded, and products have become more varied. But to an entrepreneur, the dilemma of how to stand out arises. In a competitive environment, you can’t afford to be a wallflower. Successful businesses manage to stand out through personal branding. In this post, you will learn what personal branding is, and why you need it.

Personal Branding Explained

“Brand” is a familiar term. Recall your favourite shop when you were growing up. Ask yourself: Why did you like that particular store? What made it distinct? Is it because of its logo, name, commercial jingle, reputation, employees? Whatever it is, it’s part of that store’s branding.

Today, branding has moved to a personal level. Brands are no longer just attached to companies and products, but also to the individuals behind them. In an article, Forbes opined that it is necessary for business founders to invest in their personal brand.

A personal brand is an identity you make for yourself. When we say personal branding, it pertains to a practice of establishing an impression and presenting yourself to others. In a way, it is a marketing strategy that influences people’s behaviour and reaction toward you. It encompasses your professional experience, skills, reputation, network, and online presence.

The significance of Personal Branding

– Emphasizes human relationships

Gone are the days when customers were only concerned with the products and services they paid for. Customers now crave human connection. They look for credible brands and determine this by scrutinizing the names behind the brand.

But it is not all about your name. You become the ambassador of your business. Your principles, beliefs, networks, skills, hobbies, and even your fashion statements convey something about your brand.

Through personal branding, you can attract like-minded individuals. Later on, these individuals will comprise your loyal supporters. They will help you expand by talking about you and patronizing your business.

– Celebrates your individuality

The real beauty of personal branding is that it encourages you to embrace your uniqueness. Authenticity is so scarce nowadays that it piques the interest of people. By being true to yourself, you will provide a refreshing character that many will find attractive. The quirks and weirdness you thought you are better off without will be the qualities that will charm your market.

Being distinct is a natural consequence of embracing your individuality. It will enable people to easily recall who you are. You will cease to be just another blogger, photographer, or entrepreneur. You are you.

– Builds trust

One thing that is more valuable than recall is trust. By being yourself, you are exposing some of your vulnerabilities. And people have a soft spot for these things. They become more receptive when you open up to them. Your story will be relatable, your dreams will resonate with them, and your goals will be relevant. You will become a person they trust.

– Entails continuous learning

When starting out, you are not expected to figure out the entirety of your personal brand. You are allowed to grow. In fact, it is in fine-tuning your brand where you will discover your authentic voice.

Personal branding is a continuous process of establishing your image, building confidence, and gaining others’ trust. Experiencing personal growth and sharing the experience with your market are also part of the journey.

– Facilitates success

Personal branding as a marketing strategy is effective. Numerous trainers and coaches believe that it is indispensable in the digital era. You can’t blame them for the number of success stories speaks for itself.

Personal Branding by Celebrities

Anyone can benefit from personal branding. But the easiest way to appreciate its impact is through the celebrities who have utilized it. Think about Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Ellen DeGeneres, and Taylor Swift. These individuals are all successful in their industries. And personal branding plays an important role in how they are perceived by people.

– Mark Zuckerberg

When he founded Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg showed the world his inventiveness. He cemented this by making a simple fashion statement. The hoodies and grey t-shirts he constantly wore eventually began to represent the start-up culture that Zuckerberg embraces.

His personal branding conveys simplicity and efficient resource management, which are also reflected in Facebook’s objectives.   

– Bill Gates

Bill Gates is renowned worldwide because of his wealth. However, on his LinkedIn profile, he introduces himself as co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and not as co-founder of Microsoft.

Gates also consistently donates money to charity. Another way he uses social media is by posting book recommendations. These actions establish in our mind that Gates cares more about philanthropy and knowledge than monetary wealth. This image makes him an ideal ambassador for his company.

– Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift’s success as a global superstar is a testament to how useful personal branding is. Early on, Swift connected with her fans and managed to build a loyal fan base. Her songs reflected themes that her supporters could relate to. She made sure to speak out about feminism, creativity, cancer, bullying, and other issues.

Her stand on such issues made her closer to her fans, which allowed her to easily transition from country to pop. Swift’s personal branding has also helped her survive celebrity feuds with her good reputation relatively unscathed.

– Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres is the epitome of effective personal branding. Her daytime show’s success and the subsequent launching of her own merchandise are indicative of what you can achieve as well.

DeGeneres’ personal brand capitalizes on her humanity. She is not afraid to show her awkwardness and weird humour, which her audiences gladly embrace. Her kindness, though, is what has endeared her to the world. Her personal branding has made her a credible brand that people trust.      

The Next Step

Now that you are aware of the significance of personal branding, it’s time to incorporate it into your own life. Let this guide help you. But always remember to stay true to your authentic self. After all, you will make your personal brand stand out.

Author Bio:

Daniel Ross is part of the marketing team at Roubler — a scheduling and payroll software platform founded in Australia. Their mission is to change the way the world manages its workforces.

Digital Branding

Ways Social Media listening can help your Business

With the use of a shared count, it is possible to see how much your target audience are in tune with your content, but you can always do more.

Social media listening is simply about searching the internet and specifically the social media space to see what is being said about your business or brand, your competitors and other topics of interest, and with a little time and creativity, you can go beyond just monitoring your brand. You can employ the use of social listening to enhance content marketing, business development, product management, human resources and customer support.

If you are thinking of trying out social media listening, here are 5 ways in which this technique can be beneficial to your business:

Improved customer service

Today, more people are starting to use social media as the place to make public complaints, find solutions to their problems, and commend brands on good service.

Instead of relying on onsite calls or physically waiting for customers to show up in your workspace, social media as the go-to tool for responding and reacting to customers who encounter problems. Social media monitoring can improve the quality of your customer service through digital channels so that people no longer have to wait to receive a response.

Discover where your community is

Social listening enables you to find out where your potential and current community members carry on important conversations, for example, the hashtags on Twitter can lead you towards their areas of interests and what they often enjoy doing.

It is a good technique for identifying a target audience that would befit your brand, but more so for better niching your messages to befit their interests and reach out to their circles as well.

Track down the comments and shares on social media to lead you to the places they like to visit and the kind of content they would rather consume.

Build links with advocates and influencers

Influencer marketing is growing huge today and has continued to draw attention. The importance is that the influencer marketers ensure that people are talking about you and your brand, and when you are a conversation on social media, search engines and other users will definitely know who you are.

After a big product launch or update, track the link to or the title for press release you shared to see who else is sharing it. This information will help you identify influencers in your industry. Reach out to them to start building relationships.

Focus not only on the users with a big following, but also on the important fans of your brand that may not necessarily have a huge following, but are likely to convert to your advocates more than influencers can.

Interact with users

Largely, social media exists to foster relationship building, which is the one thing social media listening can help your brand with. For a business or brand, it can be overwhelming to track down comments and posts that might be relevant to you unless through social media listening.

Once you are keen on what your target audience is discussing and the trending issues in your industry, it is much easier to interact with your users then.

Be sure to keep your response times, intelligent, and humorous yet consistent with your brand image.

Actionable insights for brand improvement

Blindly running a business on social media can be detrimental to the productivity and success of your brand, which is the key reason you require to gather actionable insights for your brand management.

Since social media allows for open feedback, it is quite easy to receive negativity and criticism that might threaten the successful running of your brand, but with proper management, can scale your brand to greater heights.

Consider the feedback you receive as insights to help you in adjusting your business.

Social media is such a powerful tool, and with a little keenness in social listening, watch your business bloom this year!

Promote your workplace brand
Digital Branding

5 Tips to Branding Your Workspace

With the right presentation, you can make any business successful. The way you keep your office says a lot about you and your business. The moment someone enters your office, they’re going to notice everything: the color of the walls, the furniture, the way you arrange your furniture, the whole ambiance of the place makes the first impression. Branding is not an easy task. You might need some professional advice sometimes. If you have decided to do this all on your own, here are some tips that you will require to get everything just right.

Choose clean, functional design

Tips For Branding Your Workspace

1. Get Opinions  

Branding your workspace is a big step. It can either make your company more prominent, or it will take it down. Never make this decision single-handedly.  One-person shows are not advisable when planning office layout; ask other people that you trust about their opinions and suggestions. Seek help from the people from various departments who might have a better vision than you since they know the workflow better than you . Remember that your target involves the public too. You are not going to impress every person that walks in these doors by just using your ideas. Check the ambiance of other offices also. Look for new furniture options. Choose unique designs of office chairs, tables, sofas, etc.  An outsider should remember it for a long time.

2. Focus On Advertisement

Advertising is the key. Sometimes even if your product is not good enough, you can still make it look worthy with the right representation. Focus on the whole look of your website. When people are searching it, they should be able to easily find what they want.. Your site should have a separate opportunity for every service that you provide.

Have a distinctive logo

3. Logo

No matter what your business=, always try to maintain your individuality. Logos do this work for you. Make your logo so unique and impressive that if a person looks at it, he should know what about your company. Take the example of the Apple iPhone where their company logo in such a way, that no matter where you are from, you will recognize the company at a glance.

The same goes for the mottos and signs. Your office should be an accurate depiction of what your company does, your goals, your work, current projects you are working on. Let’s suppose; you are a commercial builder. Your office should contain the detail of what kind of work you have already done, your achievements, etc. If you have been a part of a major project or have been awarded some distinction, get the certificates framed and hang them up on the wall.

Maintain great office organization

4. Organization  

It is not essential to have extraordinary furniture; if you have a small budget, you can still make your place stand out from the rest. Place the ordinary things in an extraordinary way. The whole theme of the site usually depends on the type of work your company is doing. If you are doing creative works, you have a wide range of things that you can do with your place as you have more latitude than an accounting firm or bank..You have to maintain the decorum of the whole place.You should also keep the place well-lit and ventilated.

5. The Color Schemes

Again, if you are doing creative works, you can quickly get away with vibrant colors but if your office does more traditional professional look, you will have to go with light colors like grey or merely white will do. It is not recommended to go with vibrant colors as it might not correctly promote your brand.

Choose pleasing color and style

Digital Branding

Warehouse Rental: A Comprehensive Market Place

As you launch a business, announce plans for celebrations or plan an event for religious ceremonies, you’d naturally be concerned about space. Even if you’ve been in this business for some time but did not need much space during the initial period, you will find yourself in need of larger spaces once your operation expands. This is why having a convenient way to browse and choose the warehouse suited to your needs is a convenient and practical facility, especially if you also include the usage of a real estate virtual tour. Your warehouse rental doesn’t have to be permanent and you can search through a variety of warehouses with rentals varying in the length of time (usually based on hours or days) and prices.

A flourishing business involves clients, services, faculty, machines and equipment, goods, paperwork, and inventory at a much larger scale than that of individual or home based businesses. In fact, not just businesses alone but events like wedding ceremonies, graduation parties, religious ceremonies etc. all require space and what better way to accommodate yourselves than that of renting a warehouse? Warehouse rental is the ultimate deal for individuals and business owners. Warehouses entail a wide variety; manufacturing buildings, industrial premises, event venues, and multi-use spaces are all considered warehouses that serve as space properties. These spaces can be used for various purposes such as production, parties, corporate events, storage, distribution etc.

The nature of your purpose primarily determines the type of space, property or venue is best suited for you. This factor also determines your space leasing needs with regards to the rental period. For example if you are targeting an audience in a particular city like LA, you’d want to choose the most suitable venue and duration that enhance your access to them.

Space warehouse generally covers the following subsets:

– Party
– Meeting
– Workshop
– Film shoot
– Photo shoot
– Wedding
– Performance
– Storage
– Fitness Class
– Dinner


Warehouse rental Los Angeles is an exciting and a happening prospect. If you are one of those who aspire to showcase their exhibitions before the elegant yet rowdy and hedonist society of LA, you can use platforms that compile all available and vacant venues displaying rental charges, and date availability in just a few clicks. These platforms are designed to filter out the best options, while at the same time, allow you to enjoy features like price comparison, immediate connection with the hosts and booking facilities all in just one navigation. This is a relief in itself as you all know how frustrating traditional search engines can be. At times, it is troubling to find exactly what you’re looking without exhausting yourself completely.

With legit marketplace platforms that feature searches over a wide variety of warehouse you can look forward to planning a number of events in your life. One of the best things about such platforms is that they have prices quoted upfront for you to explore. You can imagine how exhausting it is to send emails for rental inquiries to various sites just to be ignored by some and receive negative or unsatisfying responses from the others.


Another particular feature about a warehouse marketplace is that it compiles all positive venues from a particular vicinity. This means you don’t have to worry about missing out on venues that may offer you the right deal. You get to enjoy a comprehensive search result from all the available warehouses in the LA vicinity.

Digital Branding

How to Instil Your Brand With Remote Teams

Guest post by Gemma Church 

Flexible working is a wonderful thing. Research reveals it gives staff a better work/life balance and attracts the best talent into your business – but how can you ensure your company culture is retained when your staff are scattered to the four winds?

It’s not an easy task – but it is a necessary one as 75% of the US labour force is predicted to be remote by 2020.

Company culture is also a vital component for any successful business. It will provide your staff with a great employee experience and this directly affects your bottom line – as the below graph from Great Place to Work demonstrates. It is also one of the top job benefits for employees and helps you to retain your staff.

So, how can you create and maintain a company culture when some or all of your workforce use flexible working practices?

  1. Find the right tools for your staff

Every employee is an individual and it’s important to match different preferred ways of working with the right tools to foster communication and collaboration. For example, you could use Slack for text communications, Zoom for voice and video chat and, if you have a particularly valuable employee, you could even fork out for a robot virtual presence.

Whatever you decide, make sure you offer a range of solutions and attempt to combine both your digital and social tools to encourage camaraderie. You don’t have to be in the same room to socialize and make sure you encourage your staff to communicate on a range of topics.

But make it clear to your staff that they need to be available on these communication channels when they are working. Just because they’re working remotely does not mean they can go AWOL.

  1. Organise incentivized meetups

Face-to-face meetings are a rarity (or, sometimes, an impossibility) for remote teams. However, you should try to organize at least one group meeting each year.

You could also informally base your business out of a coworking space, which provides your staff with the flexibility to use such a space as and when you need it. Lucas Seyhun, founder of centrally located co-working space in NYC The Farm, said: “Our space attracts many different flexible workers. Some remote workers use our space nearly every day because they want to escape the home office. Others will simply book a meeting room for a couple of hours on an ad hoc basis. We also have corporates that regularly book dedicated offices. That’s the beauty of coworking – it matches the flexibility of remote work perfectly.”

As Lucas mentioned, many big businesses are now embracing coworking spaces for their remote workers. It allows such companies to connect, collaborate and innovate with the startup space.

Some businesses find coworking is a better option altogether. For example, the company behind WordPress, called Automattic, recently closed its San Francisco main office because its staff were finding different places and means to work.

You could also consider creating “work buddies” where a small number of nearby staff members could meet up regularly for a chat or a more formal meeting. Again, coworking spaces provide the perfect backdrop for such meetups.

  1. Reinforce your values

You must be clear on your company’s mission and communicate that message with every single member of your staff. Do this regularly to keep your staff focused on your goals.

There are many ways you can reach out with your company’s mission. You could use your internal communication tools to demonstrate how your work impacts your customers to keep your staff on point, for example. Videos and images are also impactful ways to achieve this and will keep remote staff focused on what’s important.

You can also demonstrate your values and show your presence with local community sponsorship. This tip comes from web app automation company Zapier, whose workforce is 100% remote. The company has sponsored developer meetups, startup weekends and donated its time to non-profit organizations. And if someone on in their workforce wants to do something similar in their city, they’ll sponsor it.

“By doing this, team members feel more like there is a local presence in their hometown,” according to Zapier.

In essence, it is important to offer your remote teams a variety of ways to communicate, collaborate and encourage your corporate values. This will help you create and build your company culture, no matter where your staff are.

About the author

Gemma Church is “the freelance writer who gets tech”. She’s a specialist freelance science writer, journalist, and blogger. Her USP is that she’s worked in the science and technology sectors she writes about, bringing a unique level of understanding and experience most writers cannot offer.

Digital Branding

Wikigains Shows 10 Ways To Use Vouchers To Encourage Repeat Business and Build a Brand

Today customers have more options online than they had ten years ago. According to WikiGains, customers’ buying pattern has changed from purchasing at their preferred physical store to visiting different online stores, comparing prices, searching for deals and discounts before adding a product to a virtual shopping cart. As a result, every online merchant, at some time or the other will be faced with the decision of offering deals, coupons, and discounts.

While offering good deals frequently can encourage repeat business and drive customer loyalty, using them haphazardly can harm your brand image. Here are 10 effective ways you can use to drive customer loyalty, conversions and acquisitions.

1. Weekly or monthly discounts

These are traditional ways to offer discounts and they are often used at the end of a week or month to meet specific business goals.

2. Cart abandonment email

A study showed that nearly 70% of online customers abandon their carts for some reason or the other. Sending a tactically-crafted abandoned cart email can encourage people to come back and complete their checkout. There are many sites like Shopify and Klaviyo that offer easy to customize abandoned cart emails.

3. Special holiday or season deals

While Cyber Monday, Black Friday, and other holiday seasons are big occasions to offer attractive discounts, you can use other opportunities throughout the year like the onset of winter, summer or autumn to share appropriate discounts and offers.

4. Prelaunch coupons

Your business may be in the prelaunch stage or you have just launched a new product. The pre-launch offers enable you to create a sense of inquisitiveness among customers regarding the product. They help in driving more traffic and turning new customers into loyal ones.

5. Minimum value to get discount

In coupons sites like Wikigains, you can find deals that require customers to spend a minimum value to get a discount. This is a good tactic to encourage customers to spend more.

6. Special discount for sharing on social media

When you start a new online store, the biggest challenge is to reach out to more people and attract customers. So, offering an incentive on every Like on Facebook or sharing on other social media platforms can be a good way to raise the visibility of your brand.

7. Refer-a-friend

The referral programs work even today because people tend to rely on a brand if it is referred by a friend or relative. Wikigains says you can use this to your advantage and encourage more referrals by offering a good discount to both – the person referring and the one being referred.

8. Welcome discount for new customers.

This is a ‘feel good offer’ that gives first-time customers a positive experience with your brand. They are likely to remember you, refer friends, and even come back again to convert into a paying customer.   

9. Create an email or subscription offer

Building an email list is extremely important for the success of online retailers. When you offer a coupon or discount in exchange for a visitor’s email address, it increases your chances of conversion. This is a win-win situation where the visitor receives a good discount and you get their email address. This can be used to create customer loyalty, build a solid relationship, or send promotional materials to them in the future.

10. Special incentives to influential people

Offering discounts to famous bloggers or celebrities that have a huge fan following can be an effective way to promote your brand. So, if a blogger writes positively about your products or a celebrity talks about your excellent service, your brand value increases tremendously. is a voucher site that has been operating in the UK since 2012. Alex Papaconstantinou, the founder of Wikigains, and his team, have accumulated a wealth of experience in the industry as they have seen it through several ups and downs in the last few years.

Digital Branding

Different Types Of Printing And What They Are Used For

When you are getting things printed, whether it is pictures, brochures, business cards or anything else, you want it to be as high in quality as possible. When you order these things online, it may be hard for you to determine the quality of the product you are ordering if you do not know the proper printing material that you should choose. This could lead you to become disappointed with the end results if they are not what you were expecting.

This is why we have put together a list of the different types of printing and what they are used for. Make sure to keep reading if you would like to find out more.

Printing Companies

There are many different companies like  that can offer you services for printing. These companies can print anything you need for your business, which means you can get everything you need both print and design-wise for your company. For this reason, these companies should not be neglected and their services utilised as much as possible. If you’re having trouble finding one, then take a look at the website  where you can find great printing services that will benefit you and your company in a number of ways.

Then there are companies that provide equipment and accessories needed for a printing company to work, such as Bonfilt, who’ve been supporting businesses doing screen printing, printing on plastic products, and printing on glass.

Green Printing

Green Printing has been popular since it was first introduced; this is because it is a process that makes the printing a lot environmentally friendlier than what the usual printing process involves. This process involves printing fewer amounts, changing the types of paper used and changing the ink or using recycled products.

Spot Printing

Spot Printing uses specific ink such as PMS inks in different colors including fluorescent and metallic inks. Using this type of ink is the best for matching for each job. Spot Printing is useful for preventing forgeries of important documents such as passports and bonds as well as money.

Offset Printing

Offset Printing is the process which involves using a printing press, wet ink, and printing plates. Offset Printing usually takes longer as there is more involved work when it comes to set up and because the product has to be dry before finishing can take place. This type of printing is known for producing the highest quality available and is known as the most beneficial choice when producing large numbers of prints.

Digital Printing

Digital printing is taken from electronic files that can be printed as photos or canvases as well as fabrics and even synthetic materials. This type of printing doesn’t require printing plates as it is printed straight onto the media substrate. This printing is a lot more popular as it is cheaper to use, takes less time and can be printed at any time you need it.

In Conclusion

Now you know the different types of printing and what each of them is used, you can make sure that you are choosing the right type of printing for your next project. Make sure to think carefully about the ink used and the type of paper for the best possible results.